2018-08-30 来源: 作者: 浏览:1798




(Application no. 33234/12)



31 May 2018


This judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in Article 44 § 2 of the

Convention. It may be subject to editorial revision.



PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................... 1

THE FACTS.............................................................................................................4





ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FACTS ............................................................4

II. EVIDENCE BEFORE THE COURT..............................................................5

III. BACKGROUND TO THE CASE ..................................................................6

A. Terrorist attacks of which the applicant has been suspected.........................6

1. USS Cole bombing in 2000 ................................................................................. 6

2. MV Limburg bombing in 2002............................................................................ 6

B. The so-called “High-Value Detainee Programme” .......................................7

1. The establishment of the HVD Programme......................................................... 8

(a) The US President’s memoranda .................................................................. 8

(i) Memorandum of 17 September 2001.................................................... 8

(ii) Memorandum of 7 February 2002........................................................ 9

(b) Abu Zubaydah’s capture and transfer to a CIA covert detention

facility in March 2002............................................................................... 10

(c) Setting up the CIA programme “to detain and interrogate terrorists

at sites abroad” .......................................................................................... 10

2. Enhanced Interrogation Techniques .................................................................. 11

(a) Description  of  legally  sanctioned  standard  and  enhanced

interrogation techniques ............................................................................ 11

(b) Expanding the use of the EITs beyond Abu Zubaydah’s

interrogations............................................................................................. 13

3. Standard procedures and treatment of “high-value detainees” in CIA

custody (combined use of interrogation techniques) ....................................... 14

4. Conditions of detention at CIA “black sites”..................................................... 19

5. The scale of the HVD Programme..................................................................... 20

6. Closure of the HVD Programme ....................................................................... 20

C. The United States Supreme Court’s judgment in Rasul v. Bush .................21

D. Role of Jeppesen Dataplan, Richmor Aviation and other air

companies in the CIA rendition operations.................................................21

1. Jeppesen Dataplan Inc. ...................................................................................... 21

2. Richmor Aviation .............................................................................................. 22

3. Other companies ................................................................................................ 22

E. Military Commissions..................................................................................24

1. Military Order of 13 November 2001................................................................ 24

2. Military Commission Order no. 1...................................................................... 25

3. The  2006 Military Commissions Act and the 2009 Military

Commissions Act............................................................................................. 28

4. Publicly expressed concerns regarding the procedure before the military

commission ...................................................................................................... 29


F. Review of the CIA’s activities involved in the HVD Programme in

2001-2009 by the US Senate....................................................................... 31

1. Course of the review.......................................................................................... 31

2. Findings and conclusions................................................................................... 32


A. The applicant’s capture, transfer to the CIA’s custody, his secret

detention and transfers from mid-October 2002 to 6 June 2003, as

established by the Court in Al Nashiri v. Poland and supplemented

by the 2014 US Senate Committee Report .................................................36

B. The applicant’s transfers and detention between his rendition from

Poland on 6 June 2003 and his alleged rendition to Romania on 12

April 2004 as reconstructed on the basis of the 2014 US Senate

Committee Report and other documents and as corroborated by

experts heard by the Court ..........................................................................37

1. Transfer from Poland to Morocco and detention in Morocco (from

6 June to 23 September 2003).......................................................................... 38

2. Transfer from Morocco to Guantánamo and detention in Guantánamo

(from 23 September 2003 to 12 April 2004).................................................... 40

C. The applicant’s alleged secret detention at a CIA “black site” in

Romania from 12 April 2004 to 6 October or 5 November 2005 as

described by the applicant, reconstructed on the basis of the 2014 US

Senate Committee Report and other documents and as corroborated

by experts heard by the Court .....................................................................42

1. The applicant’s initial submissions.................................................................... 42

2. The applicant’s alleged rendition to Romania on the plane N85VM on 12

April 2004 ........................................................................................................ 43

3. Detention and treatment to which the applicant was subjected......................... 46

4. The applicant’s alleged rendition from Romania on 6 October or

5 November 2005............................................................................................. 49

D. The applicant’s further transfers during CIA custody (until

5 September 2006) as reconstructed on the basis of the 2014 US

Senate Committee Report and other documents and as corroborated

by experts heard by the Court .....................................................................53

E. The applicant’s detention in Guantánamo Bay and his trial before the

military commission from 6 September 2006 to present ............................54

1. Hearing before the Combatant Status Review Tribunal .................................... 54

2. Trial before the military commission................................................................. 54

F. Psychological effects of the HVD Programme on the applicant..................56

G. Identification of locations of the colour code-named CIA detention

sites in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report by experts......................... 57

H. “Detention Site Black” in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report.............57

I. Parliamentary inquiry in Romania ................................................................59

J. Criminal investigation in Romania...............................................................62

1. Submission by the Government of confidential documents from the

investigation file............................................................................................... 63


2. The course of the investigation according to documentary evidence

produced by the Government........................................................................... 63

V. RELEVANT DOMESTIC LAW.................................................................... 68

A. Criminal Code .............................................................................................68

1. Territorial jurisdiction........................................................................................ 68

2. Prohibition of torture and offence of unlawful deprivation of liberty ............... 69

B. Code of Criminal Procedure ........................................................................69

VI. RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL LAW...................................................... 70

A. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.................................................70

Article 26 “Pacta sunt servanda” ..................................................................... 70

Article 27 Internal law and observance of treaties........................................... 70

B. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights..................................70

C. The UN Torture Convention........................................................................70

D. UN Geneva Conventions.............................................................................71

1. Geneva (III) Convention.................................................................................... 71

2. Geneva (IV) Convention.................................................................................... 72

E. International Law Commission, 2001 Articles on Responsibility of

States for Internationally Wrongful Acts ....................................................73

F. UN General Assembly Resolution 60/147...................................................74






11 SEPTEMBER 2001 ....................................................................................75

A. United Nations............................................................................................. 75

1. Statement of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on detention

of Taliban and al-Qaeda prisoners at the US Base in Guantánamo Bay,

Cuba, 16 January 2002..................................................................................... 75

2. Statement of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture.................... 75

3. UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Opinion No. 29/2006,

Mr Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi and 25 other persons v. United States of

America, UN Doc. A/HRC/4/40/Add.1 at 103 (2006) .................................... 76

B. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Resolution

no. 1340 (2003) on rights of persons held in the custody of the

United States in Afghanistan or Guantánamo Bay, 26 June 2003 ..............76

C. International non-governmental organisations ............................................77


1. Amnesty International, Memorandum to the US Government on the

rights of people in US custody in Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay,

April 2002 ........................................................................................................ 77

2. Human Rights Watch, “United States, Presumption of Guilt: Human

Rights Abuses of Post-September 11 Detainees”, Vol. 14, No. 4 (G),

August 2002 ..................................................................................................... 78

3. Human Rights Watch, “United States: Reports of Torture of Al-Qaeda

Suspects”, 26 December 2002 ......................................................................... 78

4. International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, “Anti-terrorism

Measures, Security and Human Rights: Developments in Europe, Central

Asia and North America in the Aftermath of September 11”, Report,

April 2003......................................................................................................... 78

5. Amnesty International Report 2003 – United States of America, 28 May

2003.................................................................................................................. 78

6. Amnesty International, “Unlawful detention of six men from Bosnia-

Herzegovina in Guantánamo Bay”, 29 May 2003 ........................................... 79

7. Amnesty International, “United States of America, The threat of a bad

example: Undermining international standards as ‘war on terror’

detentions continue”, 18 August 2003............................................................. 79

8. Amnesty International, “Incommunicado detention/Fear of ill-treatment”,

20 August 2003................................................................................................. 79

9. International Committee of the Red Cross, United States: ICRC

President urges progress on detention-related issues, news release

04/03, 16 January 2004 .................................................................................... 80

10. Human Rights Watch - Statement on US Secret Detention Facilities of

6 November 2005............................................................................................. 80

11. Human Rights Watch – List of “Ghost Prisoners” Possibly in CIA

Custody of 30 November 2005........................................................................ 81

VIII. SELECTED MEDIA REPORTS AND ARTICLES................................82

A. International media......................................................................................82

B. Romanian media ..........................................................................................90

C. Der Spiegel’s publications in 2014 and 2015..............................................92



TERRORISTS IN EUROPE, INCLUDING ROMANIA............................ 95

A. Council of Europe........................................................................................95

1. Procedure under Article 52 of the Convention .................................................. 95

2. Parliamentary Assembly’s inquiry - the Marty Inquiry..................................... 96

(a) The 2006 Marty Report ............................................................................. 96

(b) The 2007 Marty Report ............................................................................. 99

(c) The 2011 Marty Report ........................................................................... 105


B. European Parliament..................................................................................106

1. The Fava Inquiry.............................................................................................. 106

2. The 2007 European Parliament Resolution ..................................................... 111

3. The 2011 European Parliament Resolution ..................................................... 113

4. The Flautre Report and the 2012 European Parliament Resolution ................ 113

5. The 2013 European Parliament Resolution ..................................................... 114

6. The 2015 European Parliament Resolution ..................................................... 115

7. LIBE delegation’s visit to Romania (24-25 September 2015) ........................ 115

8. Follow-up to the visit....................................................................................... 116

9. The 2016 European Parliament Resolution ..................................................... 116

C. The 2007 ICRC Report..............................................................................117

D. United Nations........................................................................................... 120

1. The 2010 UN Joint Study ................................................................................ 120

2. The 2015 UN Committee against Torture’s Observations .............................. 122


GOVERNMENT ...........................................................................................122

A. Transcript of witness X’s statement made on 18 September 2013 ...........123

B. Transcript of testimony given by witness Y on 4 May 2015.....................123

C. Transcript of witness Z’s statement made on 17 September 2013 ............124

D. Transcript of testimony given by witness Z on 18 June 2015...................126

E. Transcripts of statements from other witnesses.........................................127

1. Witness A......................................................................................................... 128

2. Witness B......................................................................................................... 128

3. Witness C......................................................................................................... 129

4. Witness D......................................................................................................... 130

5. Witness E ......................................................................................................... 130

6. Witness F ......................................................................................................... 131

7. Witness G......................................................................................................... 131

8. Witness H......................................................................................................... 131

9. Witness I .......................................................................................................... 132

10. Witness J........................................................................................................ 132

11. Witness K....................................................................................................... 132

12. Witness L....................................................................................................... 133

13. Witness M...................................................................................................... 133

14. Witness N....................................................................................................... 133

15. Witness O....................................................................................................... 134

16. Witness P ....................................................................................................... 134

17. Witness Q....................................................................................................... 134

18. Witness R....................................................................................................... 135




A. RCAA letter of 29 July 2009..................................................................... 136

B. List of twenty-one “suspicious flights” produced by the Government......138

C. Documents concerning the N313P rendition mission on 16-28

January 2004 produced by Senator Marty and Mr J.G.S. in the course

of the PowerPoint presentation .................................................................139

D. The 2010 Findings of the Lithuanian Seimas Committee on National

Security and Defence (extracts) ................................................................140

E. Mr Hammarberg’s affidavit of 17 April 2013 ...........................................141

Affidavit of Thomas Hammarberg................................................................. 141

F. Dossier








Mr Hammarberg to the Romanian Prosecutor General (extracts) ............142

G. Mr Hammarberg’s replies to questions put to him in writing by the

Court and the parties .................................................................................147

1. The Court’s questions...................................................................................... 147

2. The Romanian Government’s questions.......................................................... 149

3. The applicant’s questions................................................................................. 150

H. Senator Marty’s affidavit of 24 April 2013...............................................151

I. The 2015 LIBE Briefing .............................................................................155


THE COURT.................................................................................................157

A. Mr Fava .....................................................................................................158

B. Presentation by Senator Marty and Mr J.G.S. “Distillation of

available documentary evidence, including flight data, in respect of

Romania and the case of Al Nashiri”........................................................163

C. Senator Marty ............................................................................................168

D. Mr J.G.S.....................................................................................................170

E. Mr Black ....................................................................................................174

THE LAW ............................................................................................................177


ADMISSIBILITY OF THE APPLICATION.............................................177

A. Romania’s lack of jurisdiction and responsibility under the

Convention in respect of the applicant’s alleged rendition to

Romania, detention and ill-treatment in a CIA detention facility in

Romania and transfer out of Romania ......................................................177



1. The Government .............................................................................................. 177

2. The applicant.................................................................................................... 180

3. The Court’s assessment ................................................................................... 181

B. Non-compliance with the rule of exhaustion of domestic remedies

and the six-month rule...............................................................................182

1. The Government .............................................................................................. 182

(a) Non-exhaustion of domestic remedies .................................................... 182

(b) Non-compliance with the six-month term............................................... 183

2. The applicant.................................................................................................... 183

(a) Non-exhaustion of domestic remedies .................................................... 184

(b) Non-compliance with the six-month rule................................................ 184

3. The Court’s assessment ................................................................................... 184


ASSESSMENT OF EVIDENCE..................................................................185

A. The parties’ positions on the facts and evidence.......................................185

1. The Government .............................................................................................. 185

(a) Lack of evidence demonstrating that a CIA ”black site” operated in

Romania .................................................................................................. 185

(i) Contradictory statements as to the “life cycle” of the alleged

CIA ”black site” in Romania............................................................ 185

(ii) Contradictory statements as to the location of the alleged CIA

”black site” in Romania.................................................................... 186

(b) Inconsistencies in the applicant’s account regarding the dates of his

alleged rendition to and from Romania, and his secret detention in

Romania .................................................................................................. 187

(c) Lack of credibility of evidence adduced by the applicant, in

particular the Marty 2006 and 2007 Reports, findings made by the

Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights in 2009-

2012, Reprieve research and CIA declassified documents ..................... 187

(d) Lack of evidence demonstrating that certain planes landing in

Romania between 22 September 2003 and 5 November 2005

carried out the CIA extraordinary rendition missions............................. 189

(e) Lack of evidence demonstrating that the Romanian authorities

entered into “secret cooperation agreements” with the CIA and

cooperated in the execution of the HVD Programme ............................. 191

(f) Lack of evidence demonstrating that the Romanian high-office

holders agreed to the running of a secret detention facility by the

CIA on Romanian territory, provided premises and knew of the

purposes of the impugned flights ............................................................ 191

(g) Lack of evidence of Romania’s knowledge of the CIA HVD

Programme at the material time .............................................................. 192

2. The applicant.................................................................................................... 192

(a) As regards the existence of a CIA secret detention facility in

Romania and the applicant’s secret detention in Romania ..................... 192



(b) As regards the alleged inconsistencies in the applicant’s account

regarding the dates of his rendition to and from Romania and his

secret detention in Romania.................................................................... 194

(c) As regards the planes landing in Romania between 22 September

2003 and 5 November 2005 .................................................................... 194

(d) As regards the Government’s allegation of a lack of credibility of

sources of information and evidence....................................................... 195

(e) As regards Romania’s’ cooperation with the CIA and its complicity

in the HVD Programme .......................................................................... 195

(f) As regards Romania’s knowledge of the HVD Programme at the

material time............................................................................................ 197

B. Joint





(AI) and the

International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) on public knowledge of

the US practices in respect of captured terrorist suspects .........................199

C. The parties’ positions on the standard and burden of proof ......................201

1. The Government .............................................................................................. 201

2. The applicant.................................................................................................... 202

D. The Court’s assessment of the facts and evidence ....................................204

1. Applicable principles deriving from the Court’s case-law .............................. 204

2. Preliminary considerations concerning the establishment of the facts and

assessment of evidence in the present case.................................................... 205

3. As regards the establishment of the facts and assessment of evidence

relevant to the applicant’s allegations concerning his transfers and

secret detention by the CIA before his rendition to Romania (mid-

October 2002-April 2004).............................................................................. 207

(a) Period from mid-October 2002 to 6 June 2003 ....................................... 207

(b) Whether the applicant’s allegations concerning his secret detention

and transfers in CIA custody from 6 June 2003 (transfer out of

Poland) to an unspecified two-digit date in April 2004 (transfer out

of Guantánamo) were proved before the Court....................................... 207

4. As regards the establishments of the facts and assessment of evidence

relevant to the applicant’s allegations concerning his rendition by the

CIA to Romania, secret detention in Romania and transfer by the CIA

out of Romania (12 April 2004 to 6 October or 5 November 2005) ............. 209

(a) Whether a CIA detention facility existed in Romania at the time

alleged by the applicant (22 September 2003 – beginning of

November 2005)...................................................................................... 209

(b) Whether the applicant’s allegations concerning his rendition to

Romania, secret detention at the CIA Detention Site Black in

Romania and transfer from Romania to another CIA secret

detention facility elsewhere (from 12 April 2004 to 6 October 2005

or 5 November 2005) were proved before the Court .............................. 220

(i) Preliminary considerations ................................................................ 220

(ii) Transfers and secret detention.......................................................... 221

(iii) The applicant’s treatment in CIA custody in Romania................... 225



5. As regards the establishment of the facts and assessment of evidence

relevant to the applicant’s allegations concerning Romania’s knowledge

of and complicity in the CIA HVD Programme ............................................ 226

(a) Relations of cooperation between the Romanian authorities and the

CIA, including an agreement to host a detention facility, request for

and acceptance of a “subsidy” from the CIA, provision of premises

for the CIA and acquaintance with some elements of the HVD

Programme .............................................................................................. 226

(i) Agreement to host a CIA detention facility, request for and

acceptance of a “subsidy” from the CIA and provision of

premises for the CIA ........................................................................ 226

(ii) Acquiescence with some elements of the HVD Programme ........... 230

(b) Assistance in disguising the CIA rendition aircraft’s routes through

Romania by means of the so-called “dummy” flight planning ............... 231

(c) Special procedure for CIA flights............................................................ 232

(d) Informal transatlantic meeting................................................................. 234

(e) Circumstances routinely surrounding HVDs transfers and reception

at the CIA “black site” ............................................................................ 235

(f) Public knowledge of treatment to which captured terrorist suspects

were subjected in US custody in 2002-2005........................................... 235

6. The Court’s conclusions as to Romania’s alleged knowledge of and

complicity in the CIA HVD Programme ....................................................... 237


THE CONVENTION....................................................................................240

A. The parties’ submissions ...........................................................................240

B. The Court’s assessment .............................................................................240

1. As regards jurisdiction..................................................................................... 240

2. As regards the State’s responsibility for an applicant’s treatment and

detention by foreign officials on its territory ................................................. 241

3. As regards the State’s responsibility for an applicant’s removal from its

territory........................................................................................................... 241

4. Conclusion as to the Romanian Government’s preliminary objection that

Romania lacks jurisdiction and responsibility under the Convention............ 243








CONVENTION .............................................................................................244

A. Procedural aspect of Article 3 ...................................................................245

1. The parties’ submissions.................................................................................. 245

(a) The Government...................................................................................... 245

(b) The applicant........................................................................................... 248

2. The third-party interveners .............................................................................. 251

(a) The UN Special Rapporteur .................................................................... 251

(b) APADOR-CH.......................................................................................... 253



(c) Joint





(AI) and the








investigation” .......................................................................................... 253

(d) Media Groups.......................................................................................... 254

3. The Court’s assessment ................................................................................... 254

(a) Admissibility ........................................................................................... 254

(b) Merits....................................................................................................... 255

(i) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court’s case-

law .................................................................................................... 255

(ii) Application of the above principles to the present case ................... 256

B. Substantive aspect of Article 3 ..................................................................262

1. The parties’ submissions.................................................................................. 262

(a) The Government...................................................................................... 262

(b) The applicant........................................................................................... 262

2. The Court’s assessment ................................................................................... 263

(a) Admissibility ........................................................................................... 263

(b) Merits....................................................................................................... 263

(i) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court’s case-

law .................................................................................................... 263

(ii) Application of the above principles to the present case ................... 265

(a) Treatment to which the applicant was subjected at the

relevant time .............................................................................. 265

(β) Court’s conclusion as to Romania’s responsibility ................... 268


A. The parties’ submissions ...........................................................................270

1. The Government .............................................................................................. 270

2. The applicant.................................................................................................... 270

B. The Court’s assessment .............................................................................271

1. Admissibility.................................................................................................... 271

2. Merits............................................................................................................... 271

(a) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court’s case-law ......... 271

(b) Application of the above principles to the present case .......................... 273








CONVENTION .............................................................................................274

A. The parties’ submissions ...........................................................................274

1. The Government .............................................................................................. 274

2. The applicant.................................................................................................... 274

B. The Court’s assessment .............................................................................275



1. Admissibility.................................................................................................... 275

2. Merits............................................................................................................... 275


WITH ARTICLES 3, 5 AND 8 OF THE CONVENTION........................276

A. The parties’ submissions ...........................................................................276

B. The Court’s assessment .............................................................................276

1. Admissibility.................................................................................................... 276

2. Merits............................................................................................................... 277

(a) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court’s case-law ......... 277

(b) Application of the above principles to the present case .......................... 278


CONVENTION ..............................................................................................278

A. The parties’ submissions ...........................................................................279

1. The Government .............................................................................................. 279

2. The applicant.................................................................................................... 279

B. The Court’s assessment .............................................................................279

1. Admissibility.................................................................................................... 279

2. Merits............................................................................................................... 280

(a) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court’s case-law ......... 280

(b) Application of the above principles to the present case .......................... 281



PROTOCOL NO. 6 TO THE CONVENTION ..........................................283

A. The parties’ submissions ...........................................................................283

1. The Government .............................................................................................. 283

2. The applicant.................................................................................................... 283

B. The Court’s assessment .............................................................................283

1. Admissibility.................................................................................................... 283

2. Merits............................................................................................................... 284

(a) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court’s case-law ......... 284

(b) Application of the above principles to the present case .......................... 284



A. The parties’ submissions ...........................................................................285

B. The Court’s assessment .............................................................................287


A. Damage...................................................................................................... 289

B. Costs and expenses ....................................................................................290

C. Default interest...........................................................................................290



ANNEX I: List of abbreviations used in the Court

ANNEX II: List of references to the Court



In the case of Al Nashiri v. Romania,

The European Court of Human Rights (Former First Section), sitting as a

Chamber composed of:

Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, President,

Kristina Pardalos,

Robert Spano,

Aleš Pejchal,

Mirjana Lazarova Trajkovska,

Paul Mahoney, judges,

Florin Streteanu, ad hoc judge,

and Abel Campos, Section Registrar,

Having deliberated in private on 29 June 2016 and 11 April 2018,

Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on the latter date:


1. The case originated in an application (no. 33234/12) against Romania

lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection

of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a

Saudi Arabian national of Yemeni descent, Mr Abd Al Rahim Husseyn

Muhammad Al Nashiri (“the applicant”), on 1 June 2012.

2. The applicant was represented by Mr J.A. Goldston, attorney, member

of the New York Bar and Executive Director of the Open Society Justice

Initiative (“the OSJI”), Mr R. Skilbeck, barrister, member of the England

and Wales Bar and Litigation Director of the OSJI, Ms A. Singh, attorney,

member of the New York Bar and Senior Legal Officer at the OSJI,

Ms N. Hollander, attorney, member of the New Mexico Bar, and also by

Ms D.O. Hatneanu, a lawyer practising in Bucharest.

The Romanian Government (“the Government”) were represented by

their Agent, Ms C. Brumar, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3. The applicant alleged violations of various provisions of the

Convention, in particular:

(i) Articles 3, 5 and 8 in that Romania had enabled the Central

Intelligence Agency of the United States (“the CIA”) to detain him on its

territory at a secret detention facility, thereby allowing the CIA to subject

him to treatment that had amounted to torture, incommunicado detention

and deprivation of any access to, or contact with, his family;

(ii) Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention, Article 1 of Protocol No. 6 to the

Convention and also Articles 5 and 6 of the Convention in that Romania had

enabled the CIA to transfer him from its territory to other CIA-run detention

facilities elsewhere, despite a real risk of his being subjected to further



torture, ill-treatment, incommunicado detention, a flagrantly unfair trial and

the imposition of the death penalty;

(iii) Article 3 alone and in conjunction with Article 13 and also

Articles 5 and 8 of the Convention in that Romania had failed to conduct an

effective and thorough investigation into his allegations of serious violations

of his rights protected by the Convention during his secret detention on

Romanian territory.

4. The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court

(Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court)

5. On 4 September 2012 the President of the Third Section gave priority

to the application, in accordance with Rule 41.

6. On 18 September 2012 the Chamber that had been constituted to

consider the case (Rule 26 § 1) gave notice of the application to the

Government, in accordance with Rule 54 § 2 (b).

7. The Government and the applicant each filed written observations on

the admissibility and merits of the case. In addition, third-party comments

were received from Amnesty International, (hereinafter also referred to as

“AI”) and the International Commission of Jurists (hereinafter also referred

to as “ICJ”), the Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania

– the Helsinki Committee (“APADOR-CH”), the twelve media

organisations (“Media Groups”), represented by Howard Kennedy Fsi LLP,

and the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the promotion and

protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering

terrorism (“the UN Special Rapporteur”).

8. On 26 May 2015 the President of the Section decided to invite the

parties to submit further observations on certain factual developments. They

were also invited to make comments on the case in the light of the Court’s

judgment in the case of Al Nashiri v. Poland (no. 28761/11, 24 July 2014).

9. Following the re-composition of the Court’s Sections, the application

was assigned to the First Section of the Court, pursuant to Rule 52 § 2.

10. Iulia Motoc, the judge elected in respect of Romania, withdrew from

sitting in the case (Rule 28). The President accordingly appointed Mr Ioan

Florin Streteanu to sit as an ad hoc judge in her place (Article 26 § 4 of the

Convention and Rule 29 § 1).

11. Subsequently, the Chamber of the First Section that had been

constituted to consider the case, having consulted the parties, decided that a

public hearing on the admissibility and merits of the case be held on 29 June


The Chamber also decided, of its own motion, to hear evidence from

experts (Rule A1 of the Annex to the Rules of Court). The date for a

fact-finding hearing was set for 28 June 2016.

In this connection, the President of the Chamber directed that verbatim

records of both hearings be made, pursuant to Rule 70 of the Rules of Court



and Rule 8 of the Annex to the Rules of Court, and instructed the Registrar


12. On 28 June 2016 the Chamber held a fact-finding hearing and heard

evidence from experts, in accordance with Rule A1 §§ 1 and 5 of the


In the course of the fact-finding hearing the parties were also invited to

state their position on the confidentiality (Rule 33 § 2) of certain documents

produced by the Romanian Government, in particular annexes to the

Romanian Senate Report of 2007 (“the 2007 Romanian Senate Report” –

see also paragraphs 165-169 below) and material collected in the context of

a criminal investigation carried out by the Romanian authorities (see

paragraphs 171-190 below). The applicant was in favour of full disclosure,

whereas the Government considered that the confidentiality of annexes

nos. 1-11 to the 2007 Romanian Senate Report in the redacted versions

supplied by them could be lifted and that transcripts of evidence given by

witnesses during the investigation could be referred to in public, without

using any element that would allow the witnesses to be identified. That

included their names and surnames and their exact workplaces or

institutions that they represented.

As regards the material from the investigation file, the Government in

addition produced an English summary of annexes with documents

submitted by them. They did not object to the content of the summary being

referred to in public, in particular in the parties’ oral submissions at the

public hearing.

The Court acceded to the Government’s requests.

13. A public hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building,

Strasbourg, on 29 June 2016 (Rule 59 § 3).

There appeared before the Court:

(a) for the Government

Mrs C. BRUMAR, Agent of the Government, Ministry of Foreign


Mrs A.-L. RUSU, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Deputy to the Permanent

Representative of Romania to the Council of Europe, Counsel,

Mrs M. LUDUȘAN, judge seconded to the Agent of the Government

before the European Court of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign

Affairs, Counsel,

Mr V.H.D. CONSTANTINESCU, judge seconded to the Agent of the

Government before the European Court of Human Rights, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs, Counsel,

Mr R. BODNAR, Bucharest Airports National Company, Counsel,

Mr M. SIMIONIS, Romanian Civil Aviation Authority, Counsel,

Mr A. ȘTEFAN, Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration,




(b) for the applicant

Mr R. SKILBECK, Counsel,

Ms A. SINGH, Counsel,

Ms D.-O. HATNEANU, Counsel,

Ms N. HOLLANDER, Adviser.

The Court heard addresses by Ms Brumar, Ms Luduşan, Ms Singh and

Ms Hatneanu.

14. The fact-finding hearing and the public hearing were presided over

by Mirjana Lazarova Trajkovska, former President of the First Section of

the Court. Following the end of her term of office and the elections of

Section Presidents, Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, the President of the First

Section, became the President of the Chamber (Rules 8 § 1, 12 and 26 § 3).

Judges Lazarova Trajkovska and Mahoney continued to deal with the case

after the end of their terms of office (Rule 26 § 3).


15. The applicant was born in 1965 and is currently detained in the

Internment Facility at the US Guantánamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba






16. It is to be noted that in the present case involving, as the applicant’s

previous application before the Court, complaints of secret detention and

torture to which he was allegedly subjected during the extraordinary

rendition operations by the United States’ authorities (see paragraphs 22-70

and 78-97 below) the Court is deprived of the possibility of obtaining any

form of direct account of the events complained of from the applicant (see

Al Nashiri v. Poland, no. 28761/11, § 397, 24 July 2014; see also Husayn

(Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, no. 7511/13, § 397, 24 July 2014).

As in Al Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, the

facts as adduced by the applicant were to a considerable extent a

reconstruction of dates and other elements relevant to his rendition,

detention and treatment in the US authorities’ custody, based on various

publicly available sources of information. The applicant’s version of the

facts as stated in his initial application of 1 June 2012 evolved and partly

changed during the proceedings before the Court (see paragraphs 115-116


The respondent Government contested the applicant’s version of the facts

on all accounts, maintaining that there was no evidence demonstrating that



they had occurred in Romania (see paragraphs 395-402 and 419-443


17. Consequently, the facts of the case as set out below (see

paragraphs 98-164 below) are based on the applicant’s account

supplemented by various items of evidence in the Court’s possession.


18. In order to establish the facts of the case the Court has relied on its

findings in Al Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland

(both cited above), documentary evidence supplied by the applicant and the

Government, including witness testimony obtained in the criminal

investigation (see paragraphs 298-325 below), observations of the parties,

material available in the public domain (see paragraphs 212-245 below), an

affidavit made by Mr Thomas Hammarberg, the former Commissioner for

Human Rights of the Council of Europe, a dossier that he produced for the

Romanian Prosecutor General and his written reply to questions put to him

by the Court and the parties (see paragraphs 333-353 below), an affidavit

made by Senator Dick Marty (see paragraph 354 below) and testimony of

experts who gave oral evidence before the Court at the fact-finding hearing

held on 28 June 2016 (see paragraphs 359-393 below).

In the course of that hearing the Court, with the participation of the

parties, took evidence from the following persons:

(1) Mr Giovanni Claudio Fava, in his capacity as the Rapporteur of the

European Parliament’s Temporary Committee on the alleged use of

European countries by the CIA for the transport and illegal detention of

Prisoners (“the TDIP”), the relevant inquiry also being called “the Fava

Inquiry” and so referred to hereinafter (see paragraphs 268-277 below).

(2) Senator Dick Marty, in his capacity as Rapporteur of the Council of

Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (“PACE”) in the inquiry into the

allegations of CIA secret detention facilities in the Council of Europe’s

member States (hereinafter the “Marty Inquiry” – see paragraphs 249-267


(3) Mr J.G.S., in his capacity as advisor to Senator Marty in the Marty

Inquiry and advisor to Mr Hammarberg who had dealt with, among other

things, compiling data on flights associated with the CIA extraordinary

rendition (see paragraphs 249-267 and 334-342 below), as well as an expert

who had submitted a report on the applicant’s case in El-Masri v. the former

Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (see El-Masri v. the former Yugoslav

Republic of Macedonia [GC], no. 39630/09, § 75, ECHR 2012) and who

had given oral evidence before the Court in the cases of Al Nashiri

v. Poland (cited above, §§ 42, 311-318 and 324-331) and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland (cited above, §§ 42, 305-312 and 318-325) and also in



connection with his investigative activities concerning the CIA

extraordinary rendition operations in general.

In the course of giving evidence to the Court, Senator Marty and

Mr J.G.S also gave a PowerPoint presentation entitled “Distillation of

available documentary evidence, including flight data, in respect of

Romania and the case of Al Nashiri”.

(4) Mr Crofton Black, in his capacity as an investigator at the Bureau of

Investigative Journalism, an expert in the investigation by the European

Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs’

(“LIBE Committee”) into the alleged transportation and illegal detention of

prisoners in European countries by the CIA (see paragraphs 286-287

and 353-356 below) and also in connection with his involvement in research

and various investigative tasks concerning the CIA extraordinary rendition

operations in general, including tasks performed for the UK-based

non-governmental organisation Reprieve.

19. The relevant passages from the experts’ testimony are reproduced

below (see paragraphs 104, 107-108, 110, 119, 121, 124-125,129-132

and 357-391 below).


A. Terrorist attacks of which the applicant has been suspected

1. USS Cole bombing in 2000

20. On 12 October 2000 a suicide terrorist attack on the United States

Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole took place in Aden, Yemen when

the ship stopped in Aden harbour for refuelling. It was attacked by a small

bomb-laden boat. The explosion opened a 40 foot hole in the warship,

killing 17 American sailors and injuring 40 other personnel.

The US authorities considered the applicant to have been one of the most

senior figures in al-Qaeda and a suspect in this bombing. He has been

suspected of masterminding and orchestrating the attack (see also

paragraphs 142-156 below).

2. MV Limburg bombing in 2002

21. On 6 October 2002 a French oil tanker MV Limburg, while it was in

the Gulf of Aden some miles offshore, was rammed by a small

explosives-laden boat which detonated. The tanker caught fire and

approximately 90,000 barrels (14,000 sq.m) of oil leaked into the Gulf of

Aden. One crew member was killed and twelve others injured. The style of

the attack resembled the suicide USS Cole bombing described above. The

US authorities have suspected the applicant of playing a role in the attack

(see also paragraphs 142-156 below).



B. The so-called

22. On an unspecified date following 11 September 2001 the CIA

established a programme in the Counterterrorist Center (“CTC”) to detain

and interrogate terrorists at sites abroad. In further documents the US

authorities referred to it as “the CTC program” but, subsequently, it was

also called “the High-Value Detainee Program” (“the HVD Program”) or

the “Rendition Detention Interrogation Program” (“the RDI Program”). In

the Council of Europe’s documents it is also described as “the CIA secret

detention programme” or “the extraordinary rendition programme” (see also

paragraphs 250-265 below). For the purposes of the present case, it is

referred to as “the HVD Programme”.

23. A detailed description of the HVD Programme made on the basis of

materials that were available to the Court in the case of Al Nashiri v. Poland

on the date of adoption of the judgment (8 July 2014) can be found in

paragraphs 47-71 of that judgment. Those materials included the classified

CIA documents released in redacted versions in 2009-2010 (see also

paragraphs 36-58 below).

24. On 9 December 2014 the United States authorities released the

Findings and Conclusions and, in a heavily redacted version, the Executive

Summary of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s “Study of

the Central Intelligence Agency’s Detention and Interrogation Program”.

The full Committee Study – as stated therein “the most comprehensive

review ever conducted of the CIA Detention and Interrogation Program”,

which is more than 6,700 pages long, remains classified (see also

paragraphs 23-25 above). The declassified Executive Summary (hereinafter

“the 2014 US Senate Committee Report”) comprises 499 pages (for further

details concerning the US Senate’s review of the CIA’s activities involved

in the HVD Programme see paragraphs 79-98 below).

25. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report disclosed new facts and

provided a significant amount of new information, mostly based on the CIA

classified documents, about the CIA extraordinary rendition and secret

detention operations, their foreign partners or co-operators, as well as the

plight of certain detainees, including the applicant in the present case.

However, all names of the countries on whose territories the CIA carried out

its extraordinary rendition and secret detention operations were redacted and

all foreign detention facilities were colour code-named. The 2014 US

Senate Committee Report explains that the CIA requested that the names of

countries that hosted CIA detention sites, or with which the CIA negotiated

hosting sites, as well as information directly or indirectly identifying those

countries be redacted. The countries were accordingly listed by a single

letter of the alphabet, a letter which was nevertheless blackened throughout

the document. Furthermore, at the CIA’s request the original code names for



CIA detention sites were replaced with new identifiers – the above-

mentioned colour code-names.

26. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report refers to eight specifically

colour code-named CIA detention sites located abroad: “Detention Site

Green”, “Detention Site Cobalt”, “Detention Site Black”, “Detention Site

Blue”, “Detention Site Gray”, “Detention Site Violet”, “Detention Site

Orange” and “Detention Site Brown” (see also paragraph 159 below).

27. The description of the “HVD Programme” given below is based on

the CIA declassified documents that were available to the Court in

Al-Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, supplemented

by the 2014 US Senate Committee Report.

1. The establishment of the HVD Programme

(a) The US President

(i) Memorandum of 17 September 2001

28. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report states that on 17 September

2001 President George W. Bush signed a covert action Memorandum of

Notification (“the MON”) to authorise the Director of the CIA to “undertake

operations designed to capture and detain persons who pose a continuing,

serious threat of violence or death to U.S. persons and interests or who are

planning terrorist activities”. Although the CIA had previously been

provided with certain limited authority to detain specific, named individuals

pending the issuance of formal criminal charges, the MON provided

unprecedented authority, granting the CIA significant discretion in

determining whom to detain, the factual basis for the detention, and the

length of their detention. The MON made no reference to interrogations or

interrogation techniques.

29. Before the issuance of the MON, on 14 September 2001, the Chief

of operations of the CIA, based on an urgent request from the Chief of the

Counterterrorism Center (“CTC”), had sent an email to CIA Stations

seeking input on appropriate locations for potential CIA detention facilities.

30. A CIA internal memorandum, entitled “Approval to Establish a

Detention Facility for Terrorists”, drawn up on an unspecified date in

November 2001, explained that detention at a US military base outside of

the USA was “the best option”. In the context of risks associated with the

CIA maintaining a detention facility, it warned that “as captured terrorists

may be held days, months, or years, the likelihood of exposure will grow

over time”. It anticipated that “in a foreign country, close cooperation with

the host government will entail intensive negotiations” and warned that “any

foreign country poses uncontrollable risks that could create incidents,

vulnerability to the security of the facility, bilateral problems, and

uncertainty over maintaining the facility”. The memorandum recommended



the establishment of a “short-term facility in which the CIA’s role would be

limited to oversight, funding and responsibility”.

It further stated that the CIA would “contract out all other requirements

to other US Government organizations, commercial companies and, as

appropriate, foreign governments”.

(ii) Memorandum of 7 February 2002

31. On 7 February 2002 President Bush issued a memorandum stating

that neither al-Qaeda nor Taliban detainees qualified as prisoners of war

under the Geneva Conventions and that Common Article 3 of the Geneva

Conventions (see paragraphs 204-209 below), requiring humane treatment

of individuals in a conflict, did not apply to them. The text of the order read,

in so far as relevant, as follows:


2. Pursuant to my authority as commander in chief and chief executive of the United

States, and relying on the opinion of the Department of Justice dated January 22,

2002, and on the legal opinion rendered by the attorney general in his letter of

February 1, 2002, I hereby determine as follows:

a. I accept the legal conclusion of the Department of Justice and determine that none

of the provisions of Geneva apply to our conflict with al-Qaida in Afghanistan or

elsewhere throughout the world because, among other reasons, al-Qaida is not a High

Contracting Party to Geneva.


c. I also accept the legal conclusion of the Department of Justice and determine that

common Article 3 of Geneva does not apply to either al-Qaida or Taliban detainees,

because, among other reasons, the relevant conflicts are international in scope and

common Article 3 applies only to armed conflict not of an international character.

d. Based on the facts supplied by the Department of Defense and the

recommendation of the Department of Justice, I determine that the Taliban detainees

are unlawful combatants and, therefore, do not qualify as prisoners of war under

Article 4 of Geneva. I note that, because Geneva does not apply to our conflict with

al-Qaida, al-Qaida detainees also do not qualify as prisoners of war.

3. Of course, our values as a nation, values that we share with many nations in the

world, call for us to treat detainees humanely, including those who are not legally

entitled to such treatment. Our nation has been and will continue to be a strong

supporter of Geneva and its principles. As a matter of policy, the United States Armed

Forces shall continue to treat detainees humanely and, to the extent appropriate and

consistent with military necessity, in a manner consistent with the principles of



6. I hereby direct the secretary of state to communicate my determinations in an

appropriate manner to our allies, and other countries and international organizations

cooperating in the war against terrorism of global reach.”



32. On the same day, at the press conference, the White House Press

Secretary announced the President’s decision. The President’s memorandum

was subsequently widely commented in the US and international media.

(b) Abu Zubaydah

March 2002

33. On 27 March 2002 the Pakistani authorities working with the CIA

captured Abu Zubaydah, the first so-called “high-value detainee” (“HVD”)

in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abu Zubaydah’s capture accelerated the

development of the HVD Programme (see Husayn (Abu Zubaydah)

v. Poland, cited above, §§ 82-84).

34. According to the 2014 US Senate Committee Report, in late March

2002, anticipating its eventual custody of Abu Zubaydah, the CIA began

considering options for his transfer to CIA custody and detention under the

MON. The CIA rejected the option of US military custody, mostly relying

on the lack of security and the fact that in such a case Abu Zubaydah would

have to be declared to the International Committee of the Red Cross (“the


35. On 29 March 2002 President Bush approved moving forward with

the plan to transfer Abu Zubaydah to a covert detention facility – Detention

Site Green – in a country whose name was blackened in the 2014 US Senate

Committee Report. The report further stated:

“Shortly thereafter, Abu Zubaydah was rendered from Pakistan to Country [name

REDACTED] where he was held at the first CIA detention site, referred to in this


(c) Setting up the CIA programme

sites abroad

36. On 24 August 2009 the US authorities released a report prepared by

John Helgerson, the CIA Inspector General, in 2004 (“the 2004 CIA

Report”). The document, dated 7 May 2004 and entitled “Special Review

Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Activities September

2001-October 2003”, with appendices A-F, had previously been classified

as “top secret”. It was considerably redacted; overall, more than one-third of

the 109-page document was blackened out.

37. The report, which covers the period from September 2001 to mid-

October 2003, begins with a statement that in November 2002 the

CIA Deputy Director for Operations (“the DDO”) informed the Office of

Inspector General (“OIG”) that the Agency had established a programme in

the CTC “to detain and interrogate terrorists at sites abroad”.

38. The background of the HVD Programme was explained in

paragraphs 4-5 as follows:

“4. [REDACTED] the Agency began to detain and interrogate directly a number of

suspected terrorists. The capture and initial Agency interrogation of the first



high-value detainee, Abu Zubaydah, in March 2002, presented the Agency with a

significant dilemma. The Agency was under pressure to do everything possible to

prevent additional terrorist attacks. Senior Agency officials believed Abu Zubaydah

was withholding information that could not be obtained through then-authorized

interrogation techniques. Agency officials believed that a more robust approach was

necessary to elicit threat information from Abu Zubaydah and possibly from other

senior Al’Qaeda high value detainees.

5. [REDACTED] The conduct of detention and interrogation activities presented

new challenges for CIA. These included determining where detention and

interrogation facilities could be securely located and operated, and identifying and

preparing qualified personnel to manage and carry out detention and interrogation

activities. With the knowledge that Al’Qaeda personnel had been trained in the use of

resistance techniques, another challenge was to identify interrogation techniques that

Agency personnel could lawfully use to overcome the resistance. In this context,

CTC, with the assistance of the Office of Technical Service (OTS), proposed certain

more coercive physical techniques to use on Abu Zubaydah. All of these

considerations took place against the backdrop of pre-September 11, 2001

CIA avoidance of interrogations and repeated US policy statements condemning

torture and advocating the humane treatment of political prisoners and detainees in the

international community.”

39. As further explained in the 2004 CIA Report, “terrorist targets” and

detainees referred to therein were generally categorised as “high value” or

“medium value”. This distinction was based on the quality of intelligence

that they were believed likely to be able to provide about current terrorist

threats against the United States. “Medium-value detainees” were

individuals believed to have lesser direct knowledge of terrorist threats but

to have information of intelligence value. “High-value detainees” (also

called “HVDs”) were given the highest priority for capture, detention and

interrogation. In some CIA documents they are also referred to as

“high-value targets” (“HVTs”). The applicant fell into this category of


2. Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

(a) Description of legally sanctioned standard and enhanced interrogation


40. According to the 2004 CIA Report, in August 2002 the

US Department of Justice had provided the CIA with a legal opinion

determining that 10 specific “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques” (“EITs”),

to be applied to suspected terrorists, would not violate the prohibition of


41. The EITs are described in paragraph 36 of the 2004 CIA Report as


“ [1.] The attention grasp consists of grasping the detainee with both hands, with

one hand on each side of the collar opening, in a controlled and quick motion. In the

same motion as the grasp, the detainee is drawn toward the interrogator.



[2.] During the walling technique, the detainee is pulled forward and then quickly

and firmly pushed into a flexible false wall so that his shoulder blades hit the wall. His

head and neck are supported with a rolled towel to prevent whiplash.

[3.] The facial hold is used to hold the detainee’s head immobile. The interrogator

places an open palm on either side of the detainee’s face and the interrogator’s

fingertips are kept well away from the detainee’s eyes.

[4.] With the facial or insult slap, the fingers are slightly spread apart. The

interrogator’s hand makes contact with the area between the tip of the detainee’s chin

and the bottom of the corresponding earlobe.

[5.] In cramped confinement, the detainee is placed in a confined space, typically a

small or large box, which is usually dark. Confinement in the smaller space lasts no

more than two hours and in the larger space it can last up to 18 hours.

[6.] Insects placed in a confinement box involve placing a harmless insect in the

box with the detainee.

[7.] During wall standing, the detainee may stand about 4 to 5 feet from a wall with

his feet spread approximately to his shoulder width. His arms are stretched out in front

of him and his fingers rest on the wall to support all of his body weight. The detainee

is not allowed to reposition his hands or feet.

[8.] The application of stress positions may include having the detainee sit on the

floor with his legs extended straight out in front of him with his arms raised above his

head or kneeling on the floor while leaning back at a 45 degree angle.

[9.] Sleep deprivation will not exceed 11 days at a time.

[10.] The application of the waterboard technique involves binding the detainee to a

bench with his feet elevated above his head. The detainee’s head is immobilized and

an interrogator places a cloth over the detainee’s mouth and nose while pouring water

onto the cloth in a controlled manner. Airflow is restricted for 20 to 40 seconds and

the technique produces the sensation of drowning and suffocation.”

42. Appendix F to the 2004 CIA Report (Draft OMS Guidelines on

Medical and Psychological Support to Detainee Interrogations of

4 September 2003) refers to “legally sanctioned interrogation techniques”.

It states, among other things, that “captured terrorists turned over to the

CIA for interrogation may be subjected to a wide range of legally

sanctioned techniques. ... These are designed to psychologically ‘dislocate’

the detainee, maximize his feeling of vulnerability and helplessness, and

reduce or eliminate his will to resist ... efforts to obtain critical intelligence”.

The techniques included, in ascending degree of intensity:

(1) Standard measures (that is, without physical or substantial

psychological pressure): shaving; stripping; diapering (generally for periods

not greater than 72 hours); hooding; isolation; white noise or loud music (at

a decibel level that will not damage hearing); continuous light or darkness;

uncomfortably cool environment; restricted diet, including reduced caloric

intake (sufficient to maintain general health); shackling in upright, sitting,

or horizontal position; water dousing; sleep deprivation (up to 72 hours).

(2) Enhanced measures (with physical or psychological pressure beyond

the above): attention grasp; facial hold; insult (facial) slap; abdominal slap;



prolonged diapering; sleep deprivation (over 72 hours); stress positions: on

knees body slanted forward or backward or leaning with forehead on wall;

walling; cramped confinement (confinement boxes) and waterboarding.

43. Appendix C to the 2004 CIA Report (Memorandum for John Rizzo

Acting General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency of 1 August

2002) was prepared by Jay S. Baybee, Assistant Attorney General in

connection with the application of the EITs to Abu Zubaydah, the first high-

ranking al-Qaeda prisoner who was to be subjected to those interrogation

methods. This document, a classified analysis of specific interrogation

techniques proposed for use in the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, was

declassified in 2009.

It concludes that, given that “there is no specific intent to inflict severe

mental pain or suffering ...” the application “of these methods separately or

a course of conduct” would not violate the prohibition of torture as defined

in section 2340 of title 18 of the United States Code.

44. The US Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility

Report: “Investigation into the Office of Legal Counsel’s Memoranda

Concerning Issues Relating to the Central Agency’s Use of ‘Enhanced

Interrogation Techniques’ on Suspected Terrorists” (“the 2009 DOJ

Report”) was released by the US authorities in a considerably redacted form

in 2010. The report is 260 pages long but all the parts that seem to refer to

locations of CIA “black sites” or names of interrogators are redacted. It

states, among other things, as follows:

“The issue how to approach interrogations reportedly came to a head after the

capture of a senior al’Qaeda leader, Abu Zubaydah, during a raid in Faisalabad,

Pakistan, in late March 2002. Abu Zubaydah was transported to a ‘black site’, a secret

CIA prison facility [REDACTED] where he was treated for gunshot wounds he

suffered during his capture. ...”

45. According to the 2009 DOJ Report, the CIA psychologists

eventually proposed twelve EITs to be used in the interrogation of

Mr Abu Zubaydah: attention grasp, walling, facial hold, facial or insult slap,

cramped confinement, insects, wall-standing, stress positions, sleep

deprivation, use of diapers, waterboarding – the name of the twelfth EIT

was redacted.

(b) Expanding the use of the EITs beyond Abu Zubaydah

46. The 2004 CIA Report states that, subsequently, the CIA Office of

General Counsel (“OGC”) continued to consult with the US Department of

Justice in order to expand the use of EITs beyond the interrogation of

Abu Zubaydah.

According to the report, “this resulted in the production of an undated

and unsigned document entitled ‘Legal principles Applicable to CIA

Detention and Interrogation of Captured Al’Qaeda Personnel’”. Certain



parts of that document are rendered in the 2004 CIA Report. In particular,

the report cites the following passages:

“... the [Torture] Convention permits the use of [cruel, inhuman, or degrading

treatment] in exigent circumstances, such as a national emergency or war. ...the

interrogation of Al’Qaeda members does not violate the Fifth and Fourteenth

Amendments because those provisions do not apply extraterritorially, nor does it

violate the Eighth Amendment because it only applies to persons upon whom criminal

sanctions have been imposed. ...

The use of the following techniques and of comparable, approved techniques does

not violate any Federal statute or other law, where the CIA interrogators do not

specifically intend to cause the detainee to undergo severe physical or mental pain or

suffering (i.e., they act with the good faith belief that their conduct will not cause such

pain or suffering): isolation, reduced caloric intake (so long as the amount is

calculated to maintain the general health of the detainees), deprivation of reading

material, loud music or white noise (at a decibel level calculated to avoid damage to

the detainees’ hearing), the attention grasp, walling, the facial hold, the facial slap

(insult slap), the abdominal slap, cramped confinement, wall standing, stress

positions, sleep deprivation, the use of diapers, the use of harmless insects, and the

water board.”

The report, in paragraph 44, states that according to OGC this analysis

embodied the US Department of Justice’s agreement that the reasoning of

the classified OLC opinion of 1 August 2002 extended beyond the

interrogation of Abu Zubaydah and the conditions specified in that opinion.

47. The application of the EITs to other terrorist suspects in

CIA custody, including Mr Al Nashiri, began in November 2002.

3. Standard procedures and treatment of “high-value detainees” in

CIA custody (combined use of interrogation techniques)

48. On 30 December 2004 the CIA prepared a background paper on the

CIA’s combined interrogation techniques (“the 2004 CIA Background

Paper”), addressed to D. Levin, the US Acting Assistant Attorney General.

The document, originally classified as “top secret” was released on

24 August 2009 in a heavily redacted version. It explains standard

authorised procedures and treatment to which high-value detainees – the

HVDs – in CIA custody were routinely subjected from their capture through

their rendition and reception at a CIA “black site” to their interrogation. It

“focuses on the topic of combined use of interrogation techniques, [the

purpose of which] is to persuade High-Value Detainees to provide threat

information and terrorist intelligence in a timely manner ... Effective

interrogation is based on the concept of using both physical and

psychological pressures in a comprehensive, systematic and cumulative

manner to influence HVD behaviour, to overcome a detainee’s resistance

posture. The goal of interrogation is to create a state of learned helplessness

and dependence ... The interrogation process could be broken into three



separate phases: Initial conditions, transition to interrogation and

interrogation” (see also El-Masri, cited above, § 124).

49. The first section of the 2004 CIA Background Paper, entitled “Initial

Capture”, was devoted to the process of capture, rendition and reception at

the “black site”. It states that “regardless of their previous environment and

experiences, once a HVD is turned over to CIA a predictable set of events

occur”. The capture is designated to “contribute to the physical and

psychological condition of the HVD prior to the start of interrogation”.

50. The said “predictable set of events” following the capture started

with the rendition, which was described as follows:

“a. The HVD is flown to a Black Site. A medical examination is conducted prior to

the flight. During the flight, the detainee is securely shackled and is deprived of sight

and sound through the use of blindfolds, earmuffs, and hoods. [REDACTED] There is

no interaction with the HVD during this rendition movement except for periodic,

discreet assessments by the on-board medical officer

b. Upon arrival at the destination airfield, the HVD is moved to the Black Site under

the same conditions and using appropriate security procedures.”

51. The description of the next “event” – the reception at the “black site”

– reads as follows:

“The HVD is subjected to administrative procedures and medical assessment upon

arrival at the Black Site. [REDACTED] the HVD finds himself in the complete

control of Americans; [REDACTED] the procedures he is subjected to are precise,

quiet, and almost clinical; and no one is mistreating him. While each HVD is


the rendition and reception process generally creates significant

apprehension in the HVD because of the enormity and suddenness of the change in

environment, the uncertainty about what will happen next, and the potential dread an

HVD might have of US custody. Reception procedures include:

a. The HVD’s head and face are shaved.

b. A series of photographs are taken of the HVD while nude to document the

physical condition of the HVD upon arrival.

c. A Medical Officer interviews the HVD and a medical evaluation is conducted to

assess the physical condition of the HVD. The medical officer also determines if there

are any contra indications to the use of interrogation techniques.

d. A psychologist interviews the HVD to assess his mental state. The psychologist

also determines if there are any contra indications to the use of interrogation


52. The second section, entitled “Transitioning to Interrogation - The

Initial Interview”, deals with the stage before the application of EITs. It


“Interrogators use the Initial Interview to assess the initial resistance posture of the

HVD and to determine – in a relatively benign environment – if the HVD intends to

willingly participate with CIA interrogators. The standard on participation is set very

high during the Initial Interview. The HVD would have to willingly provide

information on actionable threats and location information on High-Value Targets at

large not lower level information for interrogators to continue with the neutral



approach. [REDACTED] to HQS. Once approved, the interrogation process begins

provided the required medical and psychological assessments contain no contra

indications to interrogation.”

53. The third section, “Interrogation”, which is largely redacted,

describes the standard combined application of interrogation techniques

(1) “existing conditions”, (2) “conditioning




techniques”, (3) “corrective techniques” and (4) “coercive techniques”.

(1) The part dealing with the “existing detention conditions” reads:

“Detention conditions are not interrogation techniques, but they have an impact on

the detainee undergoing interrogation. Specifically, the HVD will be exposed to white

noise/loud sounds (not to exceed 79 decibels) and constant light during portions of the

interrogation process. These conditions provide additional operational security: white

noise/loud sounds mask conversations of staff members and deny the HVD any

auditory clues about his surroundings and deter and disrupt the HVD’s potential

efforts to communicate with other detainees. Constant light provides an improved

environment for Black Site security, medical, psychological, and interrogator staff to

monitor the HVD.”

(2) The “conditioning techniques” are related as follows:

“The HVD is typically reduced to a baseline, dependent state using the three

interrogation techniques discussed below in combination. Establishing this baseline

state is important to demonstrate to the HVD that he has no control over basic human

needs. The baseline state also creates in the detainee a mindset in which he learns to

perceive and value his personal welfare, comfort, and immediate needs more than the

information he is protecting. The use of these conditioning techniques do not

generally bring immediate results; rather, it is the cumulative effect of these

techniques, used over time and in combination with other interrogation techniques and

intelligence exploitation methods, which achieve interrogation objectives. These

conditioning techniques require little to no physical interaction between the detainee

and the interrogator. The specific conditioning interrogation techniques are

a. Nudity. The HVD’s clothes are taken and he remains nude until the interrogators

provide clothes to him.

b. Sleep Deprivation. The HVD is placed in the vertical shackling position to begin

sleep deprivation. Other shackling procedures may be used during interrogations. The

detainee is diapered for sanitary purposes; although the diaper is not used at all times.

c. Dietary manipulation. The HVD is fed Ensure Plus or other food at regular

intervals. The HVD receives a target of 1500 calories per day per OMS guidelines.”

(3) The “corrective techniques”, which were applied in combination

with the “conditioning techniques”, are defined as those requiring “physical

interaction between the interrogator and detainee” and “used principally to

correct, startle, or to achieve another enabling objective with the detainee”.

They are described as follows:

“These techniques – the insult slap, abdominal slap, facial hold, and attention grasp

– are not used simultaneously but are often used interchangeably during an individual

interrogation session. These techniques generally are used while the detainee is

subjected to the conditioning techniques outlined above (nudity, sleep deprivation,

and dietary manipulation). Examples of application include:



a. The insult slap often is the first physical technique used with an HVD once an

interrogation begins. As noted, the HVD may already be nude, in sleep deprivation,

and subject to dietary manipulation, even though the detainee will likely feel little

effect from these techniques early in the interrogation. The insult slap is used

sparingly but periodically throughout the interrogation process when the interrogator

needs to immediately correct the detainee or provide a consequence to a detainee’s

response or non-response. The interrogator will continually assess the effectiveness of

the insult slap and continue to employ it so long as it has the desired effect on the

detainee. Because of the physical dynamics of the various techniques, the insult slap

can be used in combination with water dousing or kneeling stress positions. Other

combinations are possible but may not be practical.

b. Abdominal Slap. The abdominal slap is similar to the insult slap in application

and desired result. It provides the variation necessary to keep a high level of

unpredictability in the interrogation process. The abdominal slap will be used

sparingly and periodically throughout the interrogation process when the interrogator

wants to immediately correct the detainee [REDACTED], and the interrogator will

continually assess its effectiveness. Because of the physical dynamics of the various

techniques, the abdominal slap can be used in combination with water dousing, stress

positions, and wall standing. Other combinations are possible but may not be


c. Facial Hold. The facial hold is a corrective technique and is used sparingly

throughout interrogation. The facial hold is not painful and is used to correct the

detainee in a way that demonstrates the interrogator’s control over the HVD

[REDACTED]. Because of the physical, dynamics of the various techniques, the

facial hold can be used in combination with water dousing, stress positions, and wall

standing. Other combinations are possible but may not be practical.

d. Attention Grasp .It may be used several times in the same interrogation. This

technique is usually applied [REDACTED] grasp the HVD and pull him into close

proximity of the interrogator (face to face). Because of the physical dynamics of the

various techniques, the attention grasp can be used in combination with water dousing

or kneeling stress positions. Other combinations are possible but may not be


(4) The “coercive techniques”, defined as those placing a detainee “in

more physical and psychological stress and therefore considered more

effective tools in persuading a resistant HVD to participate with CIA

interrogators”, are described as follows:

“These techniques – walling, water dousing, stress positions, wall standing, and

cramped confinement – are typically not used in combination, although some

combined use is possible. For example, an HVD in stress positions or wall standing

can be water doused at the same time. Other combinations of these techniques may be

used while the detainee is being subjected to the conditioning techniques discussed

above (nudity, sleep deprivation, and dietary manipulation). Examples of coercive

techniques include:

a. Walling. Walling is one of the most effective interrogation techniques because it

wears down the HVD physically, heightens uncertainty in the detainee about what the

interrogator may do to him, and creates a sense of dread when the HVD knows he is

about to be walled again. [REDACTED] interrogator [REDACTED]. An HVD may

be walled one time (one impact with the wall) to make a point or twenty to thirty

times consecutively when the interrogator requires a more significant response to a



question. During an interrogation session that is designed to be intense, an HVD will

be walled multiple times in the session. Because of the physical dynamics of walling,

it is impractical to use it simultaneously with other corrective or coercive techniques.

b. Water Dousing. The frequency and duration of water dousing applications are

based on water temperature and other safety considerations as established by OMS

guidelines. It is an effective interrogation technique and may be used frequently

within those guidelines. The physical dynamics of water dousing are such that it can

be used in combination with other corrective and coercive techniques. As noted

above, an HVD in stress positions or wall standing can be water doused. Likewise, it

is possible to use the insult slap or abdominal slap with an HVD during water dousing.

c. Stress Positions. The frequency and duration of use of the stress positions are

based on the interrogator’s assessment of their continued effectiveness during

interrogation. These techniques are usually self-limiting in that temporary muscle

fatigue usually leads to the HVD being unable to maintain the stress position after a

period of time. Stress positions requiring the HVD to be in contact with the wall can

be used in combination with water dousing and abdominal slap. Stress positions

requiring the HVD to kneel can be used in combination with water dousing, insult

slap, abdominal slap, facial hold, and attention grasp.

d. Wall Standing. The frequency and duration of wall standing are based on the

interrogator’s assessment of its continued effectiveness during interrogation. Wall

standing is usually self-limiting in that temporary muscle fatigue usually leads to the

HVD being unable to maintain the position after a period of time. Because of the

physical dynamics of the various techniques, wall standing can be used in

combination with water dousing and abdominal slap. While other combinations are

possible, they may not be practical.

e. Cramped Confinement. Current OMS guidance on the duration of cramped

confinement limits confinement in the large box to no more than 8 hours at a time for

no more than 18 hours a day, and confinement in the small box to 2 hours.

[REDACTED] Because of the unique aspects of cramped confinement, it cannot be

used in combination with other corrective or coercive techniques.”

54. The subsequent section of the 2004 CIA Background Paper, entitled

“Interrogation – A Day-to-Day Look” sets out a – considerably redacted –

“prototypical interrogation” practised routinely at the CIA “black site”,

“with an emphasis on the application of interrogation techniques, in

combination and separately”. A detailed description of such “prototypical

interrogation” can be found in Al Nashiri v. Poland (see Al Nashiri

v. Poland, cited above, § 68).

55. From the end of January 2003 to September 2006 the rules for CIA

interrogations were set out in the Guidelines on Interrogations Conducted

Pursuant to the Presidential Memorandum of Notification of 17 September

2001 (“the DCI Interrogation Guidelines”), signed by the CIA Director,

George Tenet, on 28 January 2003.

The 2014 US Senate Committee Report states that, although the above

guidelines were prepared as a reaction to the death of one of the HVDs, Gul

Rahman, at Detention Site Cobalt and the use of unauthorised interrogation

techniques on Mr Al Nashiri at Detention Site Blue (see Al Nashiri

v. Poland, cited above, §§ 99-100), they did not reference all interrogation



practices that had been employed at CIA detention sites. For instance, they

did not address whether techniques such as the “rough take down”, the use

of cold water showers and prolonged light deprivation were prohibited.

According to the 2014 US Senate Committee Report, the CIA officers

had a “significant amount of discretion” in the application of the

interrogation measures. The relevant part of the 2014 US Senate Committee

Report reads:

“... [B]y requiring advance approval of ‘standard techniques’ whenever feasible, the

guidelines allowed CIA officers a significant amount of discretion to determine who

could be subjected to the CIA’s ‘standard’ interrogation techniques, when those

techniques could be applied, and when it was not ‘feasible’ to request advance

approval from CIA Headquarters. Thus, consistent with the interrogation guidelines,

throughout much of 2003, CIA officers (including personnel not trained in

interrogation) could, at their discretion, strip a detainee naked, shackle him in the

standing position for up to 72 hours, and douse the detainee repeatedly with cold

water without approval from CIA Headquarters if those officers judged CIA

Headquarters approval was not ‘feasible’. In practice, CIA personnel routinely applied

these types of interrogation techniques without obtaining prior approval.”

4. Conditions of detention at CIA “black sites”

56. From the end of January 2003 to September 2006 the conditions of

detention at CIA detention facilities abroad were governed by the

Guidelines on Confinement Conditions for CIA Detainees (“the DCI

Confinement Guidelines” ), signed by George Tenet on 28 January 2003.

This document, together with the DCI Interrogation Guidelines (see

paragraph 55 above), set out the first formal interrogation and confinement

guidelines for the HVD Programme. The 2014 US Senate Committee

Report relates that, in contrast to earlier proposals of late 2001, when the

CIA expected that any detention facility would have to meet US prison

standards, the guidelines set forth minimal standards and required only that

the facility be sufficient to meet “basic health needs”.

According to the report, that meant that even a facility comparable to the

“Detention Site Cobalt” in which detainees were kept shackled in complete

darkness and isolation, with a bucket for human waste, and without heat

during the winter months, met the standard.

57. According to the guidelines, at least the following “six standard

conditions of confinement” were in use during that period:

(i) blindfolds or hooding designed to disorient the detainee and keep him

from learning his location or the layout of the detention facility;

(ii) removal of hair upon arrival at the detention facility such that the

head and facial hair of each detainee is shaved with an electric shaver, while

the detainee is shackled to a chair;

(iii) incommunicado, solitary confinement;

(iv) continuous noise up to 79dB, played at all times, and maintained in

the range of 56-58 dB in detainees’ cells and 68-72 dB in the walkways;



(v) continuous light such that each cell was lit by two 17-watt T-8

fluorescent tube light bulbs, which illuminated the cell to about the same

brightness as an office;

(vi) use of leg shackles in all aspects of detainee management and


58. The Memorandum for John A. Rizzo, Acting General Counsel at the

CIA, entitled “Application of the Detainee Treatment Act to Conditions of

Confinement at Central Intelligence Agency Facilities”, dated 31 August

2006, which was released on 24 August 2009 in a heavily redacted form,

referred to conditions in which high-value detainees were held as follows:

“... the CIA detainees are in constantly illuminated cells, substantially cut off from

human contact, and under 24-hour-a-day surveillance. We also recognize that many of

the detainees have been in the program for several years and thus that we cannot

evaluate these conditions as if they have occurred only for a passing moment ... .

Nevertheless, we recognize that the isolation experienced by the CIA detainees may

impose a psychological toll. In some cases, solitary confinement may continue for

years and may alter the detainee’s ability to interact with others. ...”

5. The scale of the HVD Programme

59. According to the 2014 US Senate Committee Report, the CIA held

detainees from 2002 to 2008.

Early 2003 was the most active period of the programme. Of the

119 detainees identified by the Senate Intelligence Committee as held by the

CIA, fifty-three were brought into custody in 2003. Of thirty-nine detainees

who, as found by the Committee, were subjected to the EITs, seventeen

were subjected to such methods of interrogation between January 2003 and

August 2003. During that time the EITs were primarily used at the

Detention Site Cobalt and the Detention Site Blue.

The report states that by the end of 2004 the overwhelming majority of

CIA detainees – 113 of the 119 identified in the report – had already entered

CIA custody. Most of the detainees remaining in custody were no longer

undergoing active interrogations; rather, they were infrequently questioned

and awaiting a “final disposition”. The CIA took custody of only six new

detainees between 2005 and January 2009: four detainees in 2005, one

in 2006, and one in 2007.

6. Closure of the HVD Programme

60. On 6 September 2006 President Bush delivered a speech announcing

the closure of the HVD Programme. According to information disseminated

publicly by the US authorities, no persons were held by the CIA as of

October 2006 and the detainees concerned were transferred to the custody

of the US military authorities in the US Naval Base in Guantánamo Bay.

61. In January 2009 President Obama signed Executive Order 13491

that prohibited the CIA from holding detainees other than on a “short-term,



transitory basis” and limited interrogation techniques to those included in

the Army Field Manual.

C. The United States Supreme Court

62. On 28 June 2004 the US Supreme Court gave judgment in

Rasul v. Bush, 542 U.S. 466 (2004). It held that foreign nationals detained

in the Guantánamo Bay detention camp could petition federal courts for

writs of habeas corpus to review the legality of their detention. The relevant

part of the syllabus reads as follows:

“United States courts have jurisdiction to consider challenges to the legality of the

detention of foreign nationals captured abroad in connection with hostilities and

incarcerated at Guantánamo Bay.

(a) The District Court has jurisdiction to hear petitioners’ habeas challenges under

28 U.S.C. § 2241, which authorizes district courts, within their respective

jurisdictions, to entertain habeas applications by persons claiming to be held in

custody in violation of the ... laws ... of the United States, §§ 2241(a), (c)(3).

Such jurisdiction extends to aliens held in a territory over which the United States

exercises plenary and exclusive jurisdiction, but not ultimate sovereignty. ...”

D. Role of Jeppesen Dataplan, Richmor Aviation and other air

companies in the CIA rendition operations

63. According to various reports available in the public domain and

materials collected during international inquiries concerning the CIA’s

HDV Programme (see paragraphs 250-265, 268-277 and 355-358 below),

the CIA used a network of at least twenty-six private planes for their

rendition operations. The planes were leased through front companies. The

CIA contracts remain classified but parts of the contracts between front

companies (such as, for example, Richmor Aviation) and their contractors

are publicly available

1. Jeppesen Dataplan Inc.

64. Jeppesen Dataplan. Inc. is a subsidiary of Boeing based in San Jose,

California. According to the company’s website, it is an international flight

operations service provider that coordinates everything from landing fees to

hotel reservations for commercial and military clients.

65. In the light of reports on rendition flights (see paragraphs 260,

289-293 and 318 below), a unit of the company Jeppesen International Trip

Planning Service (JITPS) provided logistical support to the CIA for the

renditions of persons suspected of terrorism.

66. In 2007 the American Civil Liberties Union (“the ACLU”) filed a

federal lawsuit against Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc., on behalf of three

extraordinary rendition victims with the District Court for the Northern



District of California. Later, two other persons joined the lawsuit as

plaintiffs. The suit charged that Jeppesen knowingly participated in these

renditions by providing critical flight planning and logistical support

services to aircraft and crews used by the CIA to forcibly disappear these

five men to torture, detention and interrogation.

In February 2008 the District Court dismissed the case on the basis of

“state secret privilege”. In April 2009 the 9 Circuit Court of Appeals


reversed the first-instance decision and remitted the case. In September

2010, on the US Government’s appeal, an 11-judge panel of the 9



Court of Appeals reversed the decision of April 2009. In May 2011 the

US Supreme Court refused the ACLU’s request to hear the lawsuit.

2. Richmor Aviation

67. Richmor Aviation is an aircraft company based in Hudson, New


68. According to Reprieve, documents detailing Richmor Aviation’s

involvement in CIA renditions missions were made public by it in 2011.

These documents included litigation material concerning a dispute for a

breach of contract between Richmor Aviation and Sportsflight, a contractor

organising flights. They show that Richmor Aviation was involved in the

rendition operations in particular through a Gulfstream jet under their

management, N85VM, which was later redesignated as N227SV (see also

paragraphs 116-121 below). Other planes operated by Richmor Aviation

were also involved in the programme.

Richmor Aviation became a part of this programme as early as June

2002, when the US government’s initial prime contractor DynCorp entered

into single entity charter contract with broker Capital Aviation to supply

Richmor Aviation’s Gulfstream jet N85VM.

Under that contract, Richmor Aviation was subcontracted to perform

numerous missions. For instance, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr aka Abu

Omar’s rendition flight from Germany to Egypt on 17 February 2003 was

operated by Richmor Aviation on behalf of DynCorp (see also Nasr and

Ghali v. Italy, no. 44883/09, §§ 39, 112 and 231, 23 February 2016).

It is also reported that the CIA, acting through Computer Sciences

Corporation, arranged for Richmor Aviation jet N982RK to transfer

Mr El-Masri from a CIA “black site” in Afghanistan to Albania (see

El-Masri, cited above, § 46).

3. Other companies

69. The Fava Inquiry (see paragraph 18 above and paragraphs 268-277

below) examined, among other things, the use by the CIA of private

companies and charter services to carry out the rendition operations. The



relevant parts of working document no. 4 produced in the course of the

inquiry read as follows:

“Within the context of the extraordinary renditions, the CIA had often used private

companies and charter services for aircraft rentals. Through the civil aviation it is

possible to reach places where the military aircraft would be seen suspiciously.

Thanks to the civil aviation, the CIA avoids the duty to provide the information

required by States concerning government or military flights.

Most of these companies are the so-called shell companies: they only exist on

papers (post offices boxes, for instance) or they have a sole employee (normally a

lawyer). These shell companies appear the owners of some aircrafts which are

systematically object of buy-and-sell operations. After each transaction, planes are re-

registered in order to [lose] their tracks. ...

Sometimes shell companies used by CIA rely on other real companies endowed with

premises and employees (so called: operating companies). These companies are

entrusted to stand behind the shell companies; they provide the CIA aircrafts with all

necessary logistics (pilots, catering, technical assistance). In some cases the operating

companies are directly linked to the CIA. One example is Aero Contractor, a company

described by the New York Times as the ‘major domestic hub of the Central

Intelligence Agency’s secret air service’.

The system is well described by the New York Times:

‘An analysis of thousands of flight records, aircraft registrations and corporate

documents, as well as interviews with former C.I.A. officers and pilots, show that the

agency owns at least 26 planes, 10 of them purchased since 2001. The agency has

concealed its ownership behind a web of seven shell corporations that appear to have

no employees and no function apart from owning the aircraft. The planes, regularly

supplemented by private charters, are operated by real companies controlled by or

tied to the agency, including Aero Contractors and two Florida companies, Pegasus

Technologies and Tepper Aviation.’

Finally, in other cases, the CIA leases airplanes from normal charter agents, as it is

the case for Richmor Aviation. Richmor Aviation is one of the oldest charter and

flight management companies. The Gulfstream IV, N85VM belongs to Richmor

Aviation (plane involved in the abduction of Abu Omar).

Ultimately, in this inextricable net, there is also the possibility that single aircrafts

change their registration numbers (as for the Gulfstream V, from Richmor Aviation,

registered as N379P, then, N8068V and then N44982).

There are indeed 51 airplanes alleged to be used in the extraordinary renditions, but,

according the Federal Aviation Administration records, there would be 57 registration

numbers. It comes out that some of them are registered more than once.

Among the 51 airplanes alleged to be used by CIA:

26 planes are registered to shell companies and sometimes supported by operating


10 are designed as ‘CIA frequent flyers’, they belong to Blackwater USA, an

important CIA and US Army ‘classified contractor’. It provides staff, training and

aviation logistic. In this case there is no intermediation of shell companies.

The other 15 planes are from occasional rental from private companies working with

CIA as well as with other customers.”



70. The document listed the following operating companies involved in

the rendition operations: Aero Contractors, Ltd; Tepper Aviation; Richmor

Aviation; and subsidiaries of Blackwater USA.

Aero Contractors was the operating company for the following shell

companies: Steven Express Leasing Inc., Premier Executive Transport

Service, Aviation Specialties Inc.; and Devon Holding and Leasing Inc..

E. Military Commissions

1. Military Order of 13 November 2001

71. On 13 November 2001 President Bush issued the Military Order of

November 13, 2001 on Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain

Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism (“the 2001 Military

Commission Order”). It was published in the Federal Register on

16 November 2001.

The relevant parts of the order read as follows:

“Sec. 2. Definition and Policy.

(a) The term ‘individual subject to this order’ shall mean any individual who is not

a United States citizen with respect to whom I determine from time to time in writing


(1) there is reason to believe that such individual, at the relevant times,

(i) is or was a member of the organization known as al Qaeda;

(ii) has engaged in, aided or abetted, or conspired to commit, acts of international

terrorism, or acts in preparation therefor, that have caused, threaten to cause, or have

as their aim to cause, injury to or adverse effects on the United States, its citizens,

national security, foreign policy, or economy; or

(iii) has knowingly harbored one or more individuals described in subparagraphs (i)

or (ii) of subsection 2(a)(1) of this order; and

(2) it is in the interest of the United States that such individual be subject to this


(b) It is the policy of the United States that the Secretary of Defense shall take all

necessary measures to ensure that any individual subject to this order is detained in

accordance with section 3, and, if the individual is to be tried, that such individual is

tried only in accordance with section 4.

(c) It is further the policy of the United States that any individual subject to this

order who is not already under the control of the Secretary of Defense but who is

under the control of any other officer or agent of the United States or any State shall,

upon delivery of a copy of such written determination to such officer or agent,

forthwith be placed under the control of the Secretary of Defense. ...

Sec. 3 Detention Authority of the Secretary of Defense. Any individual subject to

this order shall be –

(a) detained at an appropriate location designated by the Secretary of Defense

outside or within the United States; ...



Sec.4 Authority of the Secretary of Defense Regarding Trials of Individuals Subject

to this Order

(a) Any individual subject to this order shall, when tried, be tried by military

commission for any and all offenses triable by military commission that such

individual is alleged to have committed, and may be punished in accordance with the

penalties provided under applicable law, including life imprisonment or death.”

2. Military Commission Order no. 1

72. On 21 March 2002 D. Rumsfeld, the US Secretary of Defense at the

relevant time, issued the Military Commission Order No. 1 (effective

immediately) on Procedures for Trials by Military Commission of Certain

Non-United States Citizens in the War Against Terrorism (“the 2002

Military Commission Order”). The order was promulgated on the same day.

The relevant parts of the order read as follows:


In accordance with the President’s Military Order, the Secretary of Defense or a

designee (Appointing Authority’) may issue orders from time to time appointing one

or more military commissions to try individuals subject to the President’s Military

Order and appointing any other personnel necessary to facilitate such trials.


A. Members

(1) Appointment

The Appointing Authority shall appoint the members and the alternate member or

members of each Commission. ...

(2) Number of Members

Each Commission shall consist of at least three but no more than seven members,

the number being determined by the Appointing Authority. ...

(3) Qualifications

Each member and alternate member shall be a commissioned officer of the United

States armed forces (‘Military Officer’), including without limitation reserve

personnel on active duty, National Guard personnel on active duty in Federal service,

and retired personnel recalled to active duty. ...



B. Duties of the Commission during Trial

The Commission shall:

(1) Provide a full and fair trial.

(2) Proceed impartially and expeditiously, strictly confining the proceedings to a

full and fair trial of the charges, excluding irrelevant evidence, and preventing any

unnecessary interference or delay.

(3) Hold open proceedings except where otherwise decided by the Appointing

Authority or the Presiding Officer in accordance with the President’s Military Order



and this Order. Grounds for closure include the protection of information classified or

classifiable under reference (d); information protected by law or rule from

unauthorized disclosure; the physical safety of participants in Commission

proceedings, including prospective witnesses; intelligence and law enforcement

sources, methods, or activities; and other national security interests. The Presiding

Officer may decide to close all or part of a proceeding on the Presiding Officer’s own

initiative or based upon a presentation, including an ex parte, in camera presentation

by either the Prosecution or the Defense. A decision to close a proceeding or portion

thereof may include a decision to exclude the Accused, Civilian Defense Counsel, or

any other person, but Detailed Defense Counsel may not be excluded from any trial

proceeding or portion thereof. Except with the prior authorization of the Presiding

Officer and subject to Section 9, Defense Counsel may not disclose any information

presented during a closed session to individuals excluded from such proceeding or

part thereof. Open proceedings may include, at the discretion of the Appointing

Authority, attendance by the public and accredited press, and public release of

transcripts at the appropriate time. Proceedings should be open to the maximum extent

practicable. Photography, video, or audio broadcasting, or recording of or at

Commission proceedings shall be prohibited, except photography, video, and audio

recording by the Commission pursuant to the direction of the Presiding Officer as

necessary for preservation of the record of trial.


D. Evidence

(1) Admissibility

Evidence shall be admitted if, in the opinion of the Presiding Officer (or instead, if

any other member of the Commission so requests at the time the Presiding Officer

renders that opinion, the opinion of the Commission rendered at that time by a

majority of the Commission), the evidence would have probative value to a

reasonable person.

(5) Protection of Information

(a) Protective Order

The Presiding Officer may issue protective orders as necessary to carry out the

Military Order and this Order, including to safeguard ‘Protected Information’, which


(i) information classified or classifiable pursuant to reference (d);

(ii) information protected by law or rule from unauthorized disclosure;

(iii) information the disclosure of which may endanger the physical safety of

participants in Commission proceedings, including prospective witnesses;

(iv) information concerning intelligence and law enforcement sources, methods, or

activities; or (v) information concerning other national security interests. As soon as

practicable, counsel for either side will notify the Presiding Officer of any intent to

offer evidence involving Protected Information.

(b) Limited Disclosure

The Presiding Officer, upon motion of the Prosecution or sua sponte, shall, as

necessary to protect the interests of the United States and consistent with Section 9,




(i) the deletion of specified items of Protected Information from documents to be

made available to the Accused, Detailed Defense Counsel, or Civilian Defense


(ii) the substitution of a portion or summary of the information for such Protected

Information; or

(iii) the substitution of a statement of the relevant facts that the Protected

Information would tend to prove.

The Prosecution’s motion and any materials submitted in support thereof or in

response thereto shall, upon request of the Prosecution, be considered by the Presiding

Officer ex parte, in camera, but no Protected Information shall be admitted into

evidence for consideration by the Commission if not presented to Detailed Defense



G. Sentence

Upon conviction of an Accused, the Commission shall impose a sentence that is

appropriate to the offense or offenses for which there was a finding of Guilty, which

sentence may include death, imprisonment for life or for any lesser term, payment of a

fine or restitution, or such other lawful punishment or condition of punishment as the

Commission shall determine to be proper.

Only a Commission of seven members may sentence an Accused to death. A

Commission may (subject to rights of third parties) order confiscation of any property

of a convicted Accused, deprive that Accused of any stolen property, or order the

delivery of such property to the United States for disposition.

H. Post-Trial Procedures


(2) Finality of Findings and Sentence

A Commission finding as to a charge and any sentence of a Commission becomes

final when the President or, if designated by the President, the Secretary of Defense

makes a final decision thereon pursuant to Section 4(c)(8) of the President’s Military

Order and in accordance with Section 6(H)(6) of this Order. An authenticated finding

of Not Guilty as to a charge shall not be changed to a finding of Guilty. Any sentence

made final by action of the President or the Secretary of Defense shall be carried out

promptly. Adjudged confinement shall begin immediately following the trial.


(4) Review Panel

The Secretary of Defense shall designate a Review Panel consisting of three

Military Officers, which may include civilians commissioned pursuant to reference

(e). At least one member of each Review Panel shall have experience as a judge. The

Review Panel shall review the record of trial and, in its discretion, any written

submissions from the Prosecution and the Defense and shall deliberate in closed

conference. The Review Panel shall disregard any variance from procedures specified

in this Order or elsewhere that would not materially have affected the outcome of the

trial before the Commission. Within thirty days after receipt of the record of trial, the

Review Panel shall either



(a) forward the case to the Secretary of Defense with a recommendation as to

disposition, or

(b) return the case to the Appointing Authority for further proceedings, provided

that a majority of the Review Panel has formed a definite and frim conviction that a

material error of law occurred.

(5) Review by the Secretary of Defense

The Secretary of Defense shall review the record of trial and the recommendation of

the Review Panel and either return the case for further proceedings or, unless making

the final decision pursuant to a Presidential designation under Section 4(c)(8) of the

President’s Military Order, forward it to the President with a recommendation as to


(6) Final Decision

After review by the Secretary of Defense, the record of trial and all

recommendations will be forwarded to the President for review and final decision

(unless the President has designated the Secretary of Defense to perform this

function). If the President has so designated the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary

may approve or disapprove findings or change a finding of Guilty to a finding of

Guilty to a lesser-included offense, or mitigate, commute, defer, or suspend the

sentence imposed or any portion thereof. If the Secretary of Defense is authorized to

render the final decision, the review of the Secretary of Defense under Section 6(H)(5)

shall constitute the final decision.”

3. The 2006 Military Commissions Act and the 2009 Military

Commissions Act

73. On 29 June 2006 the Supreme Court ruled in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld,

548 U.S. 557, 635 (2006), that the military commission “lack[ed] the power

to proceed because its structure and procedures violate[d] both the UCMJ

[Uniform Code of Military Justice] and the four Geneva Conventions signed

in 1949”. It further held:

“(a) The commission’s procedures, set forth in Commission Order No. 1, provide,

among other things, that an accused and his civilian counsel may be excluded from,

and precluded from ever learning what evidence was presented during, any part of the

proceeding the official who appointed the commission or the presiding officer decides

to ‘close’. Grounds for closure include the protection of classified information, the

physical safety of participants and witnesses, the protection of intelligence and law

enforcement sources, methods, or activities, and “other national security interests.”

Appointed military defense counsel must be privy to these closed sessions, but may, at

the presiding officer’s discretion, be forbidden to reveal to the client what took place

therein. Another striking feature is that the rules governing Hamdan’s commission

permit the admission of any evidence that, in the presiding officer’s opinion, would

have probative value to a reasonable person. Moreover, the accused and his civilian

counsel may be denied access to classified and other ‘protected information’, so long

as the presiding officer concludes that the evidence is ‘probative’ and that its

admission without the accused’s knowledge would not result in the denial of a full and

fair trial.”

74. In consequence, the Military Commission Order was replaced by the

Military Commissions Act of 2006 (“the 2006 MCA”), an Act of Congress,



passed by the US Senate and US House of Representatives, respectively, on

28 and 29 September 2006 and signed into law by President Bush on

17 October 2006.

On 28 October 2009 President Obama signed into law the Military

Commissions Act of 2009 (“the 2009 MCA”).

On 27 April 2010 the Department of Defense released new rules

governing the military commission proceedings.

The rules include some improvements of the procedure but they still

continue, as did the rules applicable in 2001-2009, to permit the

introduction of coerced statements under certain circumstances if “use of

such evidence would otherwise be consistent with the interests of justice”.

4. Publicly expressed concerns regarding the procedure before the

military commission

75. On 28 November 2001 the Human Rights Watch published “Fact

Sheet: Past U.S. Criticism of Military Tribunals”, which, in so far as

relevant, read as follows:

“Under President Bush’s November 13th Military Order on military commissions,

any foreign national designated by the President as a suspected terrorist or as aiding

terrorists could potentially be detained, tried, convicted and even executed without a

public trial, without adequate access to counsel, without the presumption of innocence

or even proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt, and without the right to appeal.

The U.S. State Department has repeatedly criticized the use of military tribunals to

try civilians and other similar limitations on due process around the world. Indeed, its

annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices evaluate each country on the

extent to which it guarantees the right to a ‘fair public trial’ – which it defines to

include many of the due process rights omitted by the President’s Military Order. The

Order may make future U.S. efforts to promote such standards appear hypocritical.

Indeed, even if its most egregious failings are corrected in subsequent regulations, the

text of the Order may become a model for governments seeking a legal cloak for

political repression.”

76. On 8 December 2001 New York Times published two reports relating

to the procedure before the military commissions – “United Nations: Rights

Official Criticizes U.S. Tribunal Plan” in its World Briefing and an article

“Nation challenged”.

The material in the World Briefing read:

“The United Nations human rights commissioner, Mary Robinson, criticized the

Bush administration plan to set up military tribunals for terrorist suspects, saying they

skirt democratic guarantees. These safeguards, including right to a fair trial, must be

upheld even in crises, she said, adding that it was not enough to say trust me as a

government. She said that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were crimes against humanity

meriting special measures but said that the plan for secret trials was so overly broad

and vaguely worded that it threatened fundamental rights.”

The article read, in so far as relevant, as follows:



“More than 300 law professors from around the country are protesting President

Bush’s order to establish military tribunals for foreign terrorist suspects.

In a letter that originated at Yale Law School, the lawyers assert that such tribunals

are ‘legally deficient, unnecessary and unwise’.

The lawyers, who represent varying institutions and political philosophies, say the

tribunals as outlined so far would violate the separation of powers, would not comport

with constitutional standards of due process and would allow the president to violate

binding treaties.

The tribunals, they say, assume that procedures used in civil courts or military

courts-martial would be inadequate to handle such cases. And they say that using

them would undercut the ability of the United States to protest when such tribunals are

used against American citizens in other countries.

The letter was sent to Senator Patrick J. Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who is

chairman of the Judiciary Committee and who questioned Attorney General John

Ashcroft at length on Thursday about the tribunals.

Mr. Ashcroft defended them, saying they would be used only for war crimes.

Referring to the Sept 11 terrorist attacks, Mr. Ashcroft said, ‘When we come to those

responsible for this, say who are in Afghanistan, are we supposed to read them the

Miranda rights, hire a flamboyant defense lawyer, bring them back to the United

States to create a new cable network of Osama TV?’ ...”

77. On 22 March 2003 Amnesty International issued a public statement

“USA – Military commissions: Second-class justice” which, in so far as

relevant, read as follows:

“The operating guidelines for trials by executive military commission, issued by the

US Secretary of Defence yesterday, have thrown into stark relief the fundamental

defects of the Military Order signed by President Bush on 13 November 2001,

Amnesty International said today.

‘We have said from the start that the Military Order was too flawed to fix and

should be revoked’, Amnesty International said. ‘That the Pentagon has paid lip

service to due process in its commission guidelines cannot disguise the fact that any

trial before these executive bodies would violate the USA’s international obligations’.

Amnesty International is repeating its call for the Military Order to be rescinded,

and for no person to be tried before the military commissions. The fundamental flaws


! The Military Order is discriminatory. US nationals will not be tried by military

commission, even if accused of the same offence as a foreign national, but rather tried

by ordinary civilian courts with a broad range of fair trial protections. Under the

Order, selected foreign nationals will receive second-class justice, in violation of

international law which prohibits discriminatory treatment, including on the basis of


! The commissions would allow a lower standard of evidence than is admissible in

the ordinary courts, including hearsay evidence. The Pentagon guidelines do not

expressly exclude statements extracted under torture or other coercive methods. These

deficiencies are particularly troubling given the lack of due safeguards during

interrogation and the fact that the commissions will have the power to hand down

death sentences.



! In violation of international law, there will be no right of appeal to an independent

and impartial court established by law. Instead, there would be a review by a three-

member panel appointed by the Secretary of Defence.

! The military commissions would entirely lack independence from the executive.

The President has given himself or the Secretary of Defence the power to name who

will be tried by the commissions, to appoint or to remove the members of those

commissions, to pick the panel that will review convictions and sentences, and to

make the final decision in any case.


The procedures infringe the right to a fair trial in a number of other ways, including

failing to guarantee that civilian defence counsel will be able to see all the evidence

against their clients, permitting the use of secret evidence and anonymous witnesses,

failing to guarantee that all relevant documents will be translated for the accused, and

forcing the accused to accept US military lawyers as co-counsel against their wishes.

Moreover, Pentagon officials yesterday stated that even if acquitted by the military

commissions, the defendants may remain in detention indefinitely. Amnesty

International is concerned that the Military Order of 13 November allows for

indefinite detention without trial. The USA is currently holding without charge or trial

more than 500 people in Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay.

They have been denied access to the courts or to legal counsel. This is despite the

fact that interrogations at Camp X-Ray have been continuing for two months. ...”

F. Review of the CIA

2001-2009 by the US Senate

1. Course of the review

78. In March 2009 the US Senate Intelligence Committee initiated a

review of the CIA’s activities involved in the HVD Programme, in

particular the secret detention at foreign “black sites” and the use of the


That review originated in an investigation that had begun in 2007 and

concerned the CIA’s destruction of videotapes documenting interrogations

of Abu Zubaydah and Al Nashiri. The destruction was carried out in

November 2005.

79. The Committee’s “Study of the Central Intelligence Agency’s

Detention and Interrogation” was finished towards the end of 2012. The

document describes the CIA’s HVD Programme between September 2001

and January 2009. It examined operations at overseas CIA clandestine

detention facilities, the use of the EITs and conditions of 119 known

individuals detained by CIA during that period (see also paragraphs 22-24


The US Senate Committee on Intelligence, together with their staff

reviewed thousands of CIA cables describing the interrogations of Abu

Zubaydah and Al Nashiri and more that than six million pages of CIA

material, including operational cables, intelligence reports, internal



memoranda and emails, briefing materials, interview transcripts, contracts

and other records.

80. On 3 April 2014 the Intelligence Committee decided to declassify

the report’s executive summary and twenty findings and conclusions. In this

connection, Senator Dianne Feinstein issued a statement which read, in so

far as relevant, as follows:

“The Senate Intelligence Committee this afternoon voted to declassify the 480-page

executive summary as well as 20 findings and conclusions of the majority’s five-year

study of the CIA Detention and Interrogation Program, which involved more than

100 detainees.

The purpose of this review was to uncover the facts behind this secret program, and

the results were shocking. The report exposes brutality that stands in stark contrast to

our values as a nation. It chronicles a stain on our history that must never again be

allowed to happen. ...

The report also points to major problems with CIA’s management of this program

and its interactions with the White House, other parts of the executive branch and

Congress. This is also deeply troubling and shows why oversight of intelligence

agencies in a democratic nation is so important. ...

The full 6,200 page full report has been updated and will be held for declassification

at a later time.”

The executive summary with findings and conclusions was released on

14 December 2014 (see also paragraph 22 above).

81. The passages of the 2014 US Senate Committee Report relating to

Mr Al Nashiri’s secret detention relevant for the present case are rendered

below (see paragraphs 99, 109, 114, 126-127, 133, 139-140 and 160-164


2. Findings and conclusions

82. The Committee made twenty findings and conclusions. They can be

summarised, in so far as relevant, as follows.

83. Conclusion 2 states that “the CIA’s justification for the use of its

enhanced interrogation techniques rested on inaccurate claims of their


84. Conclusion 3 states that “[t]he interrogations of the CIA were brutal

and far worse than the CIA represented to policymakers and others”. In that

regard, it is added:

“Beginning with the CIA’s first detainee, Abu Zubaydah, and continuing with

numerous others, the CIA applied its enhanced interrogation techniques with

significant repetition for days or weeks at a time. Interrogation techniques such as

slaps and ‘wallings’ (slamming detainees against a wall) were used in combination,

frequently concurrent with sleep deprivation and nudity. Records do not support CIA

representations that the CIA initially used an ‘an open, nonthreatening approach’, or

that interrogations began with the ‘least coercive technique possible’ and escalated to

more coercive techniques only as necessary.”



85. Conclusion 4 states that “the conditions of confinement for CIA

detainees were harsher than the CIA had represented to the policymakers

and others” and that “conditions at CIA detention sites were poor, and were

especially bleak early in the programme”. As regards conditions at later

stages, the following findings were made:

“Even after the conditions of confinement improved with the construction of new

detention facilities, detainees were held in total isolation except when being

interrogated or debriefed by CIA personnel.

Throughout the program, multiple CIA detainees who were subjected to the CIA’s

enhanced interrogation techniques and extended isolation exhibited psychological and

behavioral issues, including hallucinations, paranoia, insomnia, and attempts at self-

harm and self-mutilation.

Multiple psychologists identified the lack of human contact experienced by

detainees as a cause of psychiatric problems.”

86. Conclusion 8 states that “the CIA operation and management of the

program complicated, and in some cases impeded, the national security

missions of other Executive Branch Agencies”, including the Federal

Bureau of Investigation (“the FBI”), the State Department and the Office of

the Director of National Intelligence (“the ODNI”). In particular, the CIA

withheld or restricted information relevant to these agencies’ missions and

responsibilities, denied access to detainees, and provided inaccurate

information on the HVD Programme to them.

87. The findings under Conclusion 8 also state that, while the US

authorities’ access to information about “black sites” was restricted or

blocked, the local authorities in countries hosting CIA secret detention

facilities were generally informed of their existence. In that respect, it is


“The CIA blocked State Department leadership from access to information crucial

to foreign policy decision-making and diplomatic activities. The CIA did not inform

two secretaries of state of locations of CIA detention facilities, despite the significant

foreign policy implications related to the hosting of clandestine CIA detention sites

and the fact that the political leaders of host countries were generally informed of their

existence. Moreover, CIA officers told U.S. ambassadors not to discuss the CIA

program with State Department officials, preventing the ambassadors from seeking

guidance on the policy implications of establishing CIA detention facilities in the

countries in which they served.

In two countries, U.S. ambassadors were informed of plans to establish a CIA

detention site in the countries where they were serving after the CIA had already

entered into agreements with the countries to host the detention sites. In two other

countries where negotiations on hosting new CIA detention facilities were taking

place, the CIA told local government officials not to inform the U.S. ambassadors.”

88. Conclusion 11 states that “the CIA was unprepared as it began

operating its Detention and Interrogation Program more than six months

after being granted detention authorities”. The CIA was not prepared to take

custody of its first detainee, Abu Zubaydah and lacked a plan for the



eventual disposition of its detainees. After taking custody of Abu Zubaydah,

CIA officers concluded that he “should remain incommunicado for the

remainder of his life”, which “may preclude from [his] being turned over to

another country”. Also, as interrogations started, the CIA deployed persons

who lacked relevant training and experience.

89. According to Conclusion 13, “two contract psychologists devised the

CIA enhanced interrogation techniques and played a central role in the

operation, assessment and management of the [programme]”. It was

confirmed that “neither psychologist had any experience as an interrogator.

Nor did either have specialised knowledge of Al-Qa’ida, a background in

counter-terrorism, or any relevant or cultural or linguistic expertise”.

The contract psychologists developed theories of interrogation based on

“learned helplessness” and developed the list of EITs approved for use

against Abu Zubaydah and other detainees.

90. Conclusion 14 states that “CIA detainees were subjected to coercive

interrogation techniques that had not been approved by the Department of

Justice or had not been authorised by the CIA Headquarters”.

It was confirmed that prior to mid-2004 the CIA routinely subjected

detainees to nudity and dietary manipulation. The CIA also used abdominal

slaps and cold water dousing on several detainees during that period. None

of these techniques had been approved by the Department of Justice. At

least seventeen detainees were subjected to the EITs without authorisation

from CIA Headquarters.

91. Conclusion 15 states that “the CIA did not conduct a comprehensive

or accurate accounting of the number of individuals it detained, and held

individuals who did not meet the legal standard for detention”. It was

established that the CIA had never conducted a comprehensive audit or

developed a complete and accurate list of the persons it had detained or

subjected to the EITs. The CIA statements to the Committee and later to the

public that the CIA detained fewer than 100 individuals, and that less than a

third of those 100 detainees were subjected to the CIA’s EITs, were

inaccurate. The Committee’s review of CIA records determined that the

CIA detained at least 119 individuals, of whom at least thirty-nine were

subjected to the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques. Of the

119 known detainees, at least 26 were wrongfully held and did not meet the

detention standard in the MON (see paragraph 25 above).

92. Conclusion 19 states that “the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation

Program was inherently unsustainable and had effectively ended by 2006

due to unauthorized press disclosures, reduced cooperation from other

nations, and legal and oversight concerns”.

93. It was established that the CIA required secrecy and cooperation

from other nations in order to operate clandestine detention facilities.

According the 2014 US Senate Committee Report, both had eroded

significantly before President Bush publicly disclosed the programme on



6 September 2006 (see also paragraph 60 above). From the beginning of the

program, the CIA faced significant challenges in finding nations willing to

host CIA clandestine detention sites. These challenges became increasingly

difficult over time. With the exception of one country (name blackened) the

CIA was forced to relocate detainees out of every country in which it

established a detention facility because of pressure from the host

government or public revelations about the programme.

Moreover, lack of access to adequate medical care for detainees in

countries hosting the CIA’s detention facilities caused recurring problems.

The refusal of one host country to admit a severely ill detainee into a local

hospital due to security concerns contributed to the closing of the CIA’s

detention facility in that country.

94. In early 2004, the anticipation of the US Supreme Court’s decision

to grant certiorari in the case of Rasul v. Bush (see also paragraph 62 above)

prompted the CIA to move detainees out of a CIA detention facility at

Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

In mid-2004, the CIA temporarily suspended the use of the EITs after the

CIA Inspector General recommended that the CIA seek an updated legal

opinion from the Office of Legal Counsel.

In late 2005 and in 2006, the Detainee Treatment Act and then the U.S.

Supreme Court decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (see also paragraph 73

above) caused the CIA to again temporarily suspend the use of the EITs.

95. According to the report, by 2006, press disclosures, the

unwillingness of other countries to host existing or new detention sites, and

legal and oversight concerns had largely ended the CIA’s ability to operate

clandestine detention facilities.

After detaining at least 113 individuals through 2004, subsequently the

CIA brought only six additional detainees into its custody: four in 2005, one

in 2006, and one in 2007.

By March 2006, the programme was operating in only one country. The

CIA last used its EITs on 8 November 2007. The CIA did not hold any

detainees after April 2008.

96. Conclusion 20 states that “the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation

Program damaged the United States’ standing in the world, and resulted in

other significant monetary and non-monetary costs”.

It was confirmed that, as the CIA records indicated, the HVD Programme

costed well over USD 300 million in non-personnel costs. This included

funding for the CIA to construct and maintain detention facilities, including

two facilities costing nearly [number redacted] million that were never used,

in part due to the host country’s political concerns.

97. Conclusion 20 further states that “to encourage governments to

clandestinely host CIA detention sites, or to increase support for existing

sites, the CIA provided millions of dollars in cash payments to foreign

government officials. The CIA Headquarters encouraged CIA Stations to



construct ‘wish lists’ of proposed financial assistance to [phrase redacted]

[entities of foreign governments] and to ‘think big’ in terms of that



A. The applicant

detention and transfers from mid-October 2002 to 6 June 2003, as

established by the Court in

supplemented by the 2014 US Senate Committee Report

98. As regards the events preceding the applicant’s secret detention in

Poland, i.e. his capture in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and initial detention

from the end of October 2002 to 4 December 2002, in Al Nashiri v. Poland

(§§ 401 and 404) the Court held as follows:

“401. The Court notes that the CIA official documents clearly confirm that by

November 2002 the Agency had the applicant and Mr Abu Zubaydah, both referred to

as ‘High-Value Detainees’, in its custody and that they were interrogated at a CIA

black site with the use of the EITs – the applicant immediately after his arrival at that

place on 15 November 2002 ... .


404. In the light of the above first-hand CIA documentary evidence and clear and

convincing expert evidence, the Court finds established beyond reasonable doubt that

the applicant, following his capture, was detained in the CIA detention facility in

Bangkok from 15 November 2002 to 4 December 2002, that Mr Abu Zubaydah was

also held in the same facility at that time and that they were both moved together to

‘another CIA black site’ on 4 December 2002 (see Husayn (Abu Zubaydah), cited

above, § 404).”

The experts, Mr J.G.S and Senator Marty, heard by the Court at the fact-

finding hearing in Al Nashiri v. Poland, identified the detention facility as

the one known under the codename “Cat’s Eye” or “Catseye” and located in

Bangkok, Thailand (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 403).

At “Cat’s Eye” the CIA subjected the applicant to the EITs, including

waterboarding from 15 November to 4 December 2002 (ibid. §§ 86-88).

99. As regards the early period of the applicant’s detention, the 2014 US

Senate Committee Report includes the following information. It indicates

the date of the applicant’s capture as “mid-October 2002”. According to the

report, at that time “he provided information while in custody of a foreign

government”. On an unspecified date – i.e. redacted in the 2014 US Senate

Committee Report – in November 2002 he was rendered by the CIA to a

secret detention site code-named “Detention Site Cobalt”. In Al Nashiri

v. Poland that site is referred to as being code-named “Salt Pit” and located

in Afghanistan (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 83-84). The report

states that he was held at that site briefly, for a number of days (redacted in



the report), before being transferred to another detention site, identified in

Al Nashiri v. Poland as “Cat’s Eye” in Thailand (see paragraph 97 above).

In the 2014 US Senate Committee Report that facility is referred to as

“Detention Site Green”. The report further states that:

“In December 2002, when DETENTION SITE GREEN was closed, Al Nashiri and

Abu Zubaydah were rendered to DETENTION SITE BLUE.”

100. As regards the events after 4 December 2002, in Al Nashiri

v. Poland (§ 417) the Court held:

“417. Assessing all the above facts and evidence as a whole, the Court finds it

established beyond reasonable doubt that:

(1) on 5 December 2002 the applicant, together with Mr Abu Zubaydah, arrived in

Szymany on board the CIA rendition aircraft N63MU;

(2) from 5 December 2002 to 6 June 2003 the applicant was detained in the CIA

detention facility in Poland identified as having the codename ‘Quartz’ and located in

Stare Kiejkuty;

(3) during his detention in Poland under the HVD Programme he was interrogated

by the CIA and subjected to EITs and also to unauthorised interrogation techniques as

described in the 2004 CIA Report, 2009 DOJ Report and the 2007 ICRC Report;

4) on 6 June 2003 the applicant was transferred by the CIA from Poland on the CIA

rendition aircraft N379P.”

101. The events that took place between 5 December 2002 and 6 June

2003 at the CIA detention facility identified in Al Nashiri v. Poland as being

code-named “Quartz” and located in Poland, including the use of

unauthorised interrogation techniques against the applicant, correspond to

the events that the 2014 US Senate Committee Report relates as occurring at

“Detention Site Blue”.

B. The applicant

from Poland on 6 June 2003 and his alleged rendition to Romania

on 12 April 2004 as reconstructed on the basis of the 2014 US

Senate Committee Report and other documents and as

corroborated by experts heard by the Court

102. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report has established that

“beginning in June 2003, the CIA transferred Al Nashiri to five different

CIA detention facilities before he was transferred to US military custody on

5 September 2006”.

103. On the basis of their investigations, research and various material in

the public domain the experts heard by the Court at the fact-finding hearing

reconstructed the chronology of the applicant’s transfers and identified

countries of his secret detention.

104. Mr J.G.S. stated that the applicant was transported from Poland

first to Morocco, second to Guantánamo Bay, third to Romania, then to the



fourth site – which, according to him, was with a high degree of probability

Lithuania – before being transferred to Afghanistan, the fifth “black site”

and, finally back to Guantánamo Bay.

In particular, Mr J.G.S. testified as follows:

“... [I]n respect of Mr Al Nashiri, it is stated explicitly and unredacted in the Senate

Report that from June 2003 Al Nashiri was moved to five different detention facilities

before his ultimate transfer to Guantánamo Bay in September 2006. This provides us

with a precise timeframe, June 2003 to September 2006, and it provides us with a

precise number of transfers which we then have to correlate with his interrogation

schedule and the available flight data to determine where he was held. It is on that

basis that we have been able to arrive at the conclusion that he was transported from

Poland first to Morocco, then onwards to Guantánamo Bay, then onwards to Romania,

to one further site, and with a high degree of probability, Lithuania, before being

transferred back to Afghanistan as no. 5, and finally to Guantánamo Bay. There are

very limited possibilities as to where the CIA could take its detainees because it

always maintained a very small range of sites, and because the planes are the same,

they operate upon systematic methodologies, notably dummy flight planning,

switching of aircraft and all the other tactical elements described. One can narrow

down that probability to a certitude, with the right rigour of investigation, and it is that

which we have applied to arrive at these conclusions, which have subsequently been

validated in the official record.”

105. In the light of the material in the Court’s possession the chronology

of the applicant’s detention can be described as follows.

1. Transfer from Poland to Morocco and detention in Morocco (from

6 June to 23 September 2003)

106. In Al Nashiri v. Poland the Court established, inter alia, that in the

light of the accumulated evidence, “there [could] be no doubt that the

N379P, also known as “Guantánamo Express”, a Gulfstream V with

capacity for eighteen passengers but usually configured for eight, arrived in

Szymany on 5 June 2003 at 01:00 from Kabul, Afghanistan. It stayed on the

runway for over two hours and then departed for Rabat, Morocco” (see

Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 408).

It was also established that it had been one of the most notorious

rendition aircraft used by the CIA for transportation of its prisoners. The

plane N379P set off from Dulles Airport, Washington D.C. on Tuesday

3 June at 23:33 GMT and undertook a four-day flight circuit, during which

it landed in and departed from six different foreign countries including

Germany, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Poland, Morocco and Portugal. The

aircraft returned from Portugal back to Dulles Airport on 7 June 2003 (ibid.

§§ 103-106 and 291-292).

107. Mr J.G.S. at the fact-finding hearing testified as follows:

“As was established in the earlier proceedings, Al Nashiri was taken from Poland to

Morocco, to the facility near Rabat in June of 2003, arriving there on 6 June 2003.

And after detention there for a period of only 3 months, he was then transferred to the

CIA secret facility at Guantánamo Bay. The declassified Senate Committee Report



provides extensive detail on the evolution of CIA operations in respect of Morocco

and Guantánamo Bay, notably in this passage it refers specifically to Al Nashiri as

having been transferred out of a country which is identifiable as Morocco, to the CIA

detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, after a period of five months beyond the

original agreed timeframe. This passage resides within a section of the report which

describes difficult and sometimes acrimonious relations between the CIA and its

Moroccan counterparts, and it is evident that, in fact, the date, redacted in this

passage, is September 2003, which is precisely the time at which our flight

information demonstrates an aircraft arriving in Morocco and transporting detainees

onwards to Guantánamo Bay.”

108. According to Mr J.G.S., the plane N379P took the applicant,

together with another CIA detainee, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, from Szymany,

Poland to Rabat, Morocco, to a facility lent to the CIA by their Moroccan

counterparts. He testified as follows:

“The starting point in assessing Al Nashiri’s own chronology of secret detention in

these proceedings should be Poland, because we have it confirmed, as a matter of

judicial fact, that Al Nashiri was detained in Poland, having been transported there on

the flight of N63MU from Bangkok to Szymany on 4 and 5 December 2002. So he

found himself in Poland at the end of 2002, during which he was subjected to all the

documented abuse, the enhanced interrogation techniques and the unauthorised

techniques described in the earlier proceedings, into the calendar year 2003. In the

earlier proceedings we presented a range of flights which brought detainees into


However, the first flight which took detainees out of Poland occurred on 5 and

6 June 2003. Based upon, now, the confirmations in the Senate Committee Report, we

can see this outward flight from Poland as the starting point of Mr Nashiri’s next

chronology of detention. It is stated explicitly June 2003, from that point onwards,

Mr Nashiri was detained in five further sites before ultimately being transferred to

Guantánamo in September 2006. The flight on 5 June 2003 took Mr Nashiri, together

with another CIA detainee, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, to Rabat, Morocco. Rabat, Morocco,

at that time was a facility lent to the Agency, to CIA, by their Moroccan counterparts.

It was a facility which resided within the Moroccan system, and it is described in

explicit detail in the Senate Report. That facility was the same place to which some

persons from Guantánamo would be later taken back, but I will explain why Mr

Nashiri was not one of those, with reference to the same material. In 2003, according

to the report, it was allowed to operate until September, at which point relations

became acrimonious and certain conditions were placed upon it. The CIA collected its

detainees who were housed there, which included Mr Al Nashiri, on 23 September

2003 in the rendition circuit I demonstrated. That is the date confirmed from the

CIA’s own reporting, and the flight confirmed through our investigations, the

rendition circuit I demonstrated. So we are now taking Mr Nashiri from Poland to

Morocco as number 1, Guantánamo as number 2.”

109. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report’s section entitled “Country

[name redacted] Detains Individuals on the CIA’s Behalf”, in so far as

relevant, reads as follows:

“Consideration of a detention facility in Country [name blackened] began in [month

blackened] 2003, when the CIA sought to transfer Ramzi bin al-Shibh from the

custody of a foreign government to CIA custody [blackened] which had not yet

informed the country’ political leadership of the CIA’s request to establish a



clandestine detention facility in Country [blackened], surveyed potential sites for the

facility, while the CIA set aside [USD] [number blackened] million for its


In 2003, the CIA arranged for a ‘temporary patch’ involving placing two CIA

detainees (Ramzi bin al-Shibh and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri) within an already

existing Country [blackened] detention facility, until the CIA’s own facility could be



By [day/month blackened] 2003, after an extension of five months beyond the

originally agreed upon timeframe for concluding CIA detention activities in Country

[blackened], both bin al-Shibh and al-Nashiri had been transferred out of Country

[blackened]| to the CIA detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.”

2. Transfer from Morocco to Guantánamo and detention in

Guantánamo (from 23 September 2003 to 12 April 2004)

110. According to Mr J.G.S, on 23 September 2003 the applicant was

transported from Rabat to Guantánamo Bay on the plane N313P.

Mr J.G.S., in the course of the above mentioned PowerPoint presentation

at the fact-finding hearing (see paragraphs 18 above and 367-376 below),

gave the following details concerning N313P’s circuit of 20-24 September


“Having departed from Washington, this aircraft, ... N313P, flew to Prague in the

Czech Republic for a stopover before heading eastward to Tashkent, Uzbekistan,

where dissident detainees, handed over to the CIA by local intelligence services, were

rendered to secret detention in Kabul.

From Kabul, on 21 September 2003, the aircraft transported several detainees out of

detention in Afghanistan towards detention in Europe. The first stop in Europe was

the detention site at Szymany, in northern Poland, which was explicitly described in

the [Al Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah ) v. Poland] proceedings, and

this circuit is unprecedented and indeed unique because it is the only occasion on

which a rendition flight carrying CIA detainees left one European site and flew

directly to another European detention site, in this case in Bucharest, Romania. ...

From Bucharest, the rendition plane carried further detainees out to Rabat. These

were persons who had boarded on earlier legs, not persons leaving Romania, and from

Rabat to Guantánamo Bay, where for four months, in late 2003 and early 2004, the

CIA operated a secret detention facility apart from the larger military facility at

Guantánamo Bay.”

111. As established in Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, the plane

N313P landed in Szymany, Poland on 22 September 2003 en route from

Kabul, Afghanistan. On that day Mr Abu Zubaydah was transferred by the

CIA from Poland on board that plane.

The plane set off from Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C. on Saturday

20 September 2003 at 22h02m GMT and undertook a four-day flight circuit,

during which it landed in and departed from six different foreign countries,

as well as the U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay.



These six countries, in the order in which the aircraft landed there, were:

the Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Poland, Romania, and

Morocco. The aircraft flew from Rabat, Morocco to Guantánamo Bay on

the night of 23 September 2003, landing there in the morning of

24 September 2003.

112. In Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland (see § 312) Mr J.G.S. gave

the following account of the “final rendition circuit” through Poland

executed by the N313P plane, a Boeing 737, on 22 September 2003:

“One flight circuit however is of particular significance and this is the final part of

our presentation in which we would like to discuss how the detention operations in

Poland were brought to an end.

In September 2003 the CIA rendition and detention programme underwent another

overhaul analogous to the one which had taken place in December 2002 when

Mr Nashiri and Mr Zubaydah were transferred from Thailand to Poland. On this

occasion, the CIA executed a rendition circuit which entailed visiting no fewer than

five secret detention sites at which CIA detainees were held. These included, in

sequence, Szymany in Poland, Bucharest in Romania, Rabat in Morocco and

Guantánamo Bay, a secret CIA compartment of Guantánamo Bay, having initially

commenced in Kabul, Afghanistan. On this particular flight route, it has been found

that all of the detainees who remained in Poland at that date were transferred out of

Poland and deposited into the successive detention facilities at the onward

destinations: Bucharest, Rabat and Guantánamo. Among those persons was one of the

applicants today, Mr Zubaydah, who was taken on that date from Poland to

Guantánamo Bay. This particular flight circuit was again disguised by dummy flight

planning although significantly not in respect of Poland. It was the sole official

declaration of Szymany as a destination in the course of all the CIA’s flights into

Poland. The reason therefor being that no detainee was being dropped off in Szymany

on the night of 22 September and the methodology of disguising flight planning

pertained primarily to those renditions which dropped a detainee off at the destination.

Since this visit to Szymany was comprised solely of a pick-up of the remaining

detainees, the CIA declared Szymany as a destination openly and instead disguised its

onward destinations of Bucharest and Rabat, hence demonstrating that the

methodology of disguised flight planning continued for the second European site in

Bucharest, Romania and indeed for other detention sites situated elsewhere in the


113. The






Aeronautică Civilă Română – “RCAA”), in its letter of 29 July 2009

(“RCAA letter”) stated that N313P’s itinerary was: Szczytno Airport (which

is located in Szymany, Poland) – Constanţa Airport but the airport in

Romania at which it landed was Băneasa Airport in Bucharest (see also

paragraph 324 below).

114. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report, in the section entitled “US

Supreme Court Action in the case of Rasul v. Bush Forces transfer of CIA

detainees from Guantánamo to Bay to Country [name blackened]” (see also

paragraph 61 above), states:

“Beginning in September 2003, the CIA held a number of detainees at CIA facilities

on the grounds of, but separate from, the U.S. military detention facilities at



Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. In early January 2004, the CIA and the Department of Justice

began discussing the possibility that a pending U.S. Supreme Court case

Rasul v. Bush, might grant habeas corpus rights to the five CIA detainees then being

held at a CIA detention facility at Guantánamo Bay. Shortly after these discussions,

CIA officers approached the [REDACTED] in Country [REDACTED] to determine if

it would again be willing to host these CIA detainees, who would remain in CIA

custody within an already existing Country [REDACTED] facility. By January [day

REDACTED] 2004, the [REDACTED] in Country [REDACTED] had agreed to this

arrangement for a limited period of time.

Meanwhile, CIA General Counsel Scott Muller asked the Department of Justice, the

National Security Council, and the White House Counsel for advice on whether the

five CIA detainees being held at Guantánamo Bay should remain in Guantánamo Bay

or be moved pending the Supreme Court’s decision. After consultation with the U.S.

solicitor general in February 2004, the Department of Justice recommended that the

CIA move four detainees out of a CIA detention facility at Guantánamo Bay pending

the Supreme Court’s resolution of the case. The Department of Justice concluded that

a fifth detainee, Ibn Shaykh al-Libi, did not need to be transferred because he had

originally been detained under military authority and had been declared to the ICRC.

Nonetheless, by April [redacted two-digit number] 2004, all five CIA detainees were

transferred from Guantánamo Bay to other CIA detention facilities.”

C. The applicant

Romania from 12 April 2004 to 6 October or 5 November 2005 as

described by the applicant, reconstructed on the basis of the 2014

US Senate Committee Report and other documents and as

corroborated by experts heard by the Court

1. The applicant’s initial submissions

115. In his application lodged on 1 June 2012 the applicant submitted

that sometime between 6 June 2003 and 6 September 2006 Romania had

hosted a secret CIA prison, codenamed “Bright Light” and located in

Bucharest. The applicant’s rendition and secret detention were related as


“Mr Al Nashiri was captured in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates in October 2002.

By November 2002, he had been secretly transferred to the custody of the CIA. He

was held in various secret locations before being detained in Romania. US agents first

took him to a secret CIA prison in Afghanistan known as the ‘Salt Pit’. In

Afghanistan, interrogators subjected him to ‘prolonged stress standing positions’,

during which his wrists were ‘shackled to a bar or hook in the ceiling above the head’

for ‘at least two days’. US agents then took him to another secret CIA prison in

Thailand, where he remained until 5 December 2002. According to a United Nations

Report, on 5 December 2002, the CIA transported Mr Al Nashiri on a chartered flight

with tail number N63MU from Bangkok to a secret CIA detention site in Poland. On

or about 6 June 2003, Polish authorities assisted the CIA in secretly transferring Mr. al

Nashiri from Poland. ...

After his transfer out of Poland, between 6 June 2003 and 6 September 2006

Mr Al Nashiri was held in various secret detention facilities abroad, including a CIA



prison in Bucharest, Romania. He was transferred to Guantánamo Bay by

6 September 2006.”

As for the possible date of his rendition to Romania during the period

between 6 June 2003 and 6 September 2006 the applicant mentioned

22 September 2003, i.e. the date on which the aircraft N313P executed its

“final rendition circuit” through Poland, via Romania and Morocco (see

paragraph 115 above). In that regard, he referred to the 2007 Marty Report

(see also paragraphs 257-265 below), which had identified N313P as a

“rendition plane” and which, according to the flight plans of 22 September

2003 and the Romanian officials, had had as its destination Constanţa and


116. In further observations filed by the applicant’s representatives on

26 April 2013, it was stated that he had been transferred to a CIA “black

site” in Romania on the plane N85VM from Guantánamo Bay to Bucharest

on 12 April 2004. It was explained that that fact had emerged from a dossier

submitted by Mr Hammarberg, the former Council of Europe’s

Commissioner for Human Rights, to the Prosecutor General of Romania

(see also paragraphs 334-336 below). The dossier and new information

about the applicant’s transfers in CIA custody had not been publicly

available earlier.

2. The applicant’s alleged rendition to Romania on the plane N85VM

on 12 April 2004

117. The above-mentioned dossier produced by Mr Hammarberg states

that on 12 April 2004 the applicant was transferred to the CIA “black site”

in Romania on the N85VM flight from Guantánamo Bay to Bucharest. It

further states that N85VM landed at 21h47m GMT on the night of 12 April

2004 and was assessed to have been bringing in CIA detainee(s) from the

US Naval Base, Guantánamo Bay via a technical stopover in Tenerife, with

a false – “dummy” – flight plan filed featuring Constanţa instead of its real

destination, which was Bucharest (see paragraphs 334-336 below).

118. The Romanian Government submitted a set of six documents

originating from the Romanian Airport Services (“RAS”) at Băneasa –

Bucharest City Airport, described as “annex no. 8” to the 2007 Romanian

Senate Report (see also paragraph 164 below), which were examined in the

course of the Parliamentary inquiry in Romania. They initially asked that

that the annex be treated as confidential. At the fact-finding hearing, the

Government submitted that they no longer wished the Court to maintain its

confidentiality (see paragraph 12 above).

The first document, invoice no. 386 dated 13 April 2004, was issued by

the handling agent of the RAS for Richmor Aviation and indicated an

amount charged of 1,255.00 euros (EUR) due for ground services (basic

handling, landing fee, lighting fee and navigation services) relating to the

N85VM landing.



The second document, ground handling note no. 0036904 dated 12 April

2004 indicated the same amount.

The third document was a copy of an Air Routing card issued for

Richmor Aviation.

The fourth document, air navigation services sheet no. 906 dated

12 April 2004 included navigation services charges. It indicated that

N85VM landed at Băneasa Airport at 21h50m on 12 April 2004 and

departed at 22h45m on the same day.

The fifth document was a partly illegible table containing landing fees

for several planes, including N85VM.

The sixth document – a control list of navigation records indicated,

among other things, the N85VM landing on 12 April 2004 at 21h47m.

119. In the course of the PowerPoint presentation Mr J.G.S. testified as


“...[T]he transfer date of Al Nashiri to Romania was 12 April 2004. Our

investigations have provided evidence that this transfer took place directly from

Guantánamo Bay to the ‘black site’ in Bucharest, Romania. Again, the [US] Senate

Committee Report, albeit using code names, coloured code names for the sites in

question, describes explicitly where particular detainees were at particular times, and

in this passage highlighted, in describing the closure of the Guantánamo Bay facility

in the face of probable exposure due to a Supreme Court assessment of the legality of

their detention, it states that ‘by a date in April 2004, all five CIA detainees were

transferred from Guantánamo Bay to other CIA detention facilities’. The use of

‘facilities’ here in the plural is very important, because the principal destination for

those held by the CIA at Guantánamo was in fact back to the facility in Morocco from

whence they had come. However, as the Senate inquiry made clear, not all of those

held at Guantánamo went back to Morocco, and indeed the date cited here, 12 April

2004, coincides with the flight of N85VM aircraft from Guantánamo to Băneasa,

Bucharest, in Romania. This is the flight circuit, again it is backed up by a tranche of

documentary evidence which I am prepared to provide to the Court, and in particular

this graphic demonstrates that there were two distinct transfers out of Guantánamo.

The first on 27 March 2004 carried detainees from Guantánamo back to Rabat,

Morocco. The second of these, which is of our principal interest, transported one or

more detainees, among them Al Nashiri, via a stopover in Tenerife onto Romania.

I have put together a graphic to illustrate that, once again, the CIA had recourse to

its systematic practice of disguised flight planning in respect of this flight. We reached

a point in our investigations, Madam President, where evidence of dummy flight

planning in fact became a tell-tale sign of rendition or detainee transfer activity on

such flights. So it is significant, as I will demonstrate, that this was not a simple

circuit. The aircraft embarked from Washington and flew to Guantánamo Bay,

whereupon the blue line demonstrates the first part of the detainee transfer from

Guantánamo to Tenerife, a flight planned and executed. From Tenerife, however, the

aviation services provider, in this case Air Rutter International from Houston, Texas,

filed a dummy flight plan to the alternative Romanian destination of Constanţa, on the

Black Sea Coast. The aircraft, however, flew and landed at Bucharest Băneasa

Airport, as documentation from the Romanian authorities demonstrates. It is this

flight, depicted here with the blue line, that carried Al Nashiri to detention in

Bucharest. From Bucharest, the aircraft flew back to Rabat, Morocco, and it is

apparent premise that one or more detainees from the Romanian site, detained prior to



April 2004, was at that point taken from Bucharest back to detention in Morocco, after

which the aircraft returned to its base at Washington D.C.

We have been able to uncover this and other flights planned through the network of

private contractors, thanks to a large amount of documentation filed in court

proceedings in civil courts in New York State, whereupon several US aviation service

providers, contracted to the CIA, ended up in a financial dispute. The case in question,

Sportsflight Inc. against [sic] Richmor Aviation, in fact concerns the CIA’s chief

aviation contractor, Computer Sciences Corporation, formerly DynCorp, its use of a

prime aviation contractor known as Sportsflight Air, previously Capital Aviation,

which in turn subcontracted its government mandates to a private company called

Richmor Aviation, who were the owners and operators of the aircraft N85VM.

I appreciate that this web of corporate relations is quite difficult to understand on its

face, but over several years, myself and other investigators have carefully unpicked

these relationships to provide the direct link between the tasking of the United States

Government on government contracts through the CIA’s rendition group air branch,

all the way down to the pilots, crew members and operators of the aircraft in question.

It is unambiguously and categorically the case that these are rendition aircraft,

operated for the sole purpose of transferring detainees between ‘black sites’ in the

CIA’s RDI programme. The flight of N85VM, on the dates in question, belongs in

that category.”

120. As regards the circumstances surrounding the applicant’s transfer

from Guantánamo to Romania, Mr J.G.S. testified at the fact-finding

hearing as follows:

“The Guantánamo site operated only for a finite period. As I mentioned, it was due

to the judicial scrutiny of the Supreme Court with a case pending in Rasul v. Bush,

which was likely to expose CIA detainees to the same reporting obligations, but also

the same rights, that detainees in other forms of federal custody would enjoy, and so

the CIA deliberately took action to remove its detainees from such scrutiny in advance

of the Supreme Court ruling. The Senate Committee Report describes this process,

based upon cables and other classified material, and states that by April 2004, the date

I assert, 12 April 2004, all of those detainees who were held in Guantánamo were

moved out.

There were two flights, as I demonstrated, which formed part of this removal

process, the first on 27 March 2004, the second on 12 April 2004. But the first of

those only went to Rabat, Morocco, and if you recall, the Committee described, based

upon its assessment of interrogation schedules, that Mr Nashiri had been to five

different sites in that 3-year timeframe, and in order for him to be in five different

sites, he, at that moment, could not have gone back to Morocco, because there are not

sufficient documented instances of rendition which link the territories in question,

Guantánamo, Rabat and Bucharest, in the timeframe in which the report confirms

Mr Nashiri’s tour of the sites.

The 12th April 2004 site was the sole outward flight linking Guantánamo to

Romania. From the report, from the cables regarding Mr Nashiri’s treatment and

physical and psychological state, we know that he found himself in Romania in the

3rd quarter and 4th quarter of 2004, and in July 2005, there were specific notes made

upon his state and status in those date frames. In order for him to have been in

Romania at Detention Site Black or ‘Britelite’ by that time, he had to be brought to

Romania on flight N85VM on 12 April 2004.



It is a process of elimination, but it is also a process of correlation, which very

clearly links to documents filed by contractors, corresponds with the international

aviation data that we have analysed, corresponds with the tactics of dummy flight

planning and disguise, and ultimately is validated in the public record by the Senate


121. Mr Black, referring to the applicant’s alleged rendition to Romania

testified as follows:

“I am aware of two possible flights that could have taken the applicant Al Nashiri

into Romania, that [a flight with the tail number N85VM], is one of them. There is a

potential other one that occurred in February 2005. We know for a fact that he was in

Romania after February 2005, we know from cables referenced in the Senate Report

that he was in Romania in June 2005. There are indications that he was held in

Romania before that, in late 2004, which leads me, of the two possibilities, that leads

me to prefer the April 2004 flight as being the more likely of the two. In terms of my

own research, I would say that there is a small ambiguity on that point, I am not

prepared to say that the data I have at my fingertips conclusively demonstrates that he

was taken on the April flight in 2004 rather than the February one in 2005. I think the

balance of probability does lie in favour of that. However, whichever of the two it is,

there is no doubt that he was in Romania by the summer of 2005.”

3. Detention and treatment to which the applicant was subjected

122. The applicant submitted that throughout his detention by the CIA

he had been subjected to torture and other forms of ill-treatment prohibited

by Article 3 of the Convention.

123. On 15 June 2016 the US authorities disclosed to the public a

second, less redacted version of the transcript of the hearing held by the

Combatant Status Review Tribunal in Guantánamo on 14 March 2007 (for

the first, more extensively redacted version see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited

above, §§ 112-113; see also paragraphs 142-143 below). During that

hearing the applicant described the treatment to which he had been

subjected in CIA custody from his capture in November 2002 to his transfer

to Guantánamo in September 2006. The relevant part of that transcript read,

as follows:

“From the time I was arrested five years ago, they have been torturing me. It

happened during interviews. One time they tortured me one way and another time

they tortured me in a different way.

By hanging, head was up and legs were pointing downwards. I was hung for almost

a month. You doing your things basically and you were hung upside down and

drowning and hitting at the wall. There are many scars on my head if I shave my head.

If I shave my hair the scars will become obvious.

What else do I want to say? I was without clothes. I was sleeping on the floor for

about a month. Many things happened. There were doing so many things. What else

did they did?

There a box half meter by half meter. It was two meters in height They used to put

me inside the box. I was standing in that box for about a week and I couldn’t do

anything. My feet were swollen. My nails were about fall off because, I was standing



on my feet for long time. They do so many things. So so many things. What else did

they did?

That thing lasted for about six month[s]. After that another method of torture began.

They use to put something in the food that use to make the body tired. Before I was

arrested I used to be able to run about ten kilometers. Now, I cannot walk for more

than ten minutes. My nerves are swollen in my body. Swollen too. They used to ask

me questions and the investigator after that used to laugh. And, I used to answer the

answer that I knew. And, if I didn’t reply what I heard, he used to put something in

my food. And, after I ate it my body felt like, um, strange. After that he used to come

back and talk to me. He told you he put anything in the food. He used to deny that but

the camera was behind him. And; I would stand in front of the camera and he used to

tell you that because camera was on. He could not deny anything. You have to

acknowledge to what we are saying. And, I used to say acknowledge what? They used

to ask even political questions. One is the solution to the American problem in Iraq.

I’m not the American Foreign Minister to answer these questions. So they used to go

and put some stuff in my food. These things happen for more than two years. That

thing did not stop until here. So many things happened. I don’t in summary, that’s

basically what happened.

Then, the President of the Combatant Status Review Tribunal says:

Alright. Let me ask. So then since the time of capture 2002 until you came to

Guantánamo you experienced these types of events?

The applicant responds:


124. At the fact-finding hearing Mr J.G.S. made the following

statements concerning the treatment to which the applicant could be

subjected during his alleged detention in Romania:

“I find myself somewhat more limited in my ability to describe specific forms of

treatment or interrogation techniques to which Mr Nashiri was subjected in Romania

than was the case in respect of Poland. And that is because of the natural evolution of

the detention cycles to which CIA detainees were subjected. In pursuit of what was

described as ‘live actionable intelligence’, the CIA developed its most stringent, harsh

interrogation plans for the earliest days and weeks of a detainee’s period in its

detention system. Usually, within one to three days of being apprehended, the chief of

base at the ‘black site’ in question would appeal to CIA headquarters for authorisation

to practise EITs, so called ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’. This was the case in

respect of Abu Zubaydah, this was the case in respect of Al Nashiri, this was the case

in respect of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, this we know because of the Inspector

General’s reports. As soon as a detainee was in custody, in Abu Zubaydah’s case, was

fit enough to undergo interrogation, that plan would commence. We know that

Al Nashiri underwent twelve days of harsh interrogation in Thailand including the

waterboard, and we know that upon transfer to Poland, because he was assessed as

having withheld information or not been compliant, he was then subjected to an

intensive period of harsh interrogation during with multiple, unauthorised techniques

were used. Those were documented in the earlier proceedings [Al Nashiri v. Poland].

But there arrives a juncture in a CIA detainee’s detention at which his intelligence

value is assessed as lower, at which no further approval or authorisation is sought or

granted to practise these enhanced interrogation techniques, and in Al Nashiri’s case

we can only say that that point arrived sometime in 2003. Thereafter, it is, in my

assessment and according to the documentary record, unlikely that the CIA practised



further unauthorised techniques or indeed concerted programmes of enhanced

interrogation on Mr Nashiri.

However, that is not to say that he was not subjected to abuse or indeed that the

conditions of his confinement did not amount to violations of the European

Convention. In respect of those two latter points, I would aver quite clearly that the

treatment did amount to violations of the Convention, purely by virtue of the

conditions in which he was held and because of the regular interventions made by

persons at the ‘black site’ to gratuitously abuse, punitively or otherwise, certain

detainees in their custody. I can give you analogous examples of how detainees were

treated in Romania. Hassan Ghul, for example: there is a lengthy description of his

having endured 59 hours of sleep deprivation, having been shaved and barbered,

stripped naked, placed in standing positions with his hands above his head. There are

descriptions of how, notwithstanding medical and psychological problems diagnosed

by professionals at the scene, he was subjected to further interrogation to the point of

enduring hallucinations. I could also cite the example of Janat Gul, a detainee for

whom the CIA sought authorisation to use the waterboard in Romania, an

unprecedented move, and who was subsequently subjected to an intensive period of

enhanced interrogation in the same site at which Al Nashiri was held. I could also cite

the case of Abu Faraj al-Libi who was captured in 2005 and even at that point, three

years and more into the programme, was subjected to the same litany of abusive

techniques in interrogating him as Al Nashiri and others had been subjected to in 2002

and 2003. And I could also cite, too, some memoranda produced by the CIA General

Counsel’s office in the material period in which Al Nashiri was held in Romania,

which described conditions of confinement, sensory deprivation as a matter of routine,

denial of religious rights, physical and psychological oppression, sleep deprivation as

a matter of course, notwithstanding whether a detainee is subject at that time, or not,

to EITs.

So whilst I cannot give the same level of specificity as I was able to present in

respect of Poland, I can aver with a high level of certainty that he endured ill-

treatment whilst held in Romania because, in my view, every one of those detainees

brought to Romania, held incommunicado, indefinitely, with no idea of their

whereabouts or their fate, subjected to frequent renditions, shackled, drugged, often

beaten in the process, every one of those persons would have a legitimate claim under

our European Convention on Human Rights for violation of their personal integrity.”

125. Mr Black testified as follows:

“The question of precise types of treatment is, I would not say it is my specific

expertise. It is clear from the Senate Report and other sources that treatment in

Romania included very extreme sleep deprivation, which apparently led some of those

who suffered it to have very severe mental and physical problems, and it is clear also

that the applicant, Mr Nashiri, in particular when he was in Romania, was

experiencing serious, let’s say, psychological problems as a result of the treatment that

he had received. But my, and I should say also it is clear that around that time,

between 2003 and 2005, it is firmly on the record that there were a range of treatments

being applied to these people, that the enhanced interrogation techniques were being

applied, I think this has all been quite well documented, but it is not really my topic of

expertise, I would not say.”

126. Citing as a source two CIA cables of 23 May 2004, the 2014 US

Senate Committee Report states that “at one point Al Nashiri launched a



short-lived hunger strike that resulted in the CIA feeding him rectally” (see

also paragraph 158 below).

Referring to an email to Detention Site Black dated 30 October 2004 on

the subject “Interrogator Assessments/Request for Endgame Views”, the

report states that “an October 2004 psychological assessment of Al Nashiri

was used by the CIA to advance its discussions with National Security

Council officials on establishing an “endgame” for the [HVD] program”

127. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report further refers to the

applicant’s detention at Detention Site Black in June and July 2005 as


“In the final years of al-Nashiri’s detention, most of the intelligence requirements

for al-Nashiri involved showing al-Nashiri photographs. In June 2005, the

DETENTION SITE BLACK chief of Base suspended even these debriefings because

it was ‘the very, very rare moment’ that al-Nashiri would recognize a photograph, and

because the debriefings often were the ‘catalyst’ for his outbursts.”

It also states, with reference to a cable of 5 July 2005, that in July 2005

CIA Headquarters expressed concern regarding Al Nashiri’s “continued

state of depression and uncooperative attitude”. Days later a CIA

psychologist assessed that the applicant was on the “verge of a breakdown”

(see also paragraph 158 below).

4. The applicant’s alleged rendition from Romania on 6 October or

5 November 2005

128. In his initial submissions the applicant submitted that no later than

6 September 2006 the Romanian authorities had assisted the CIA in secretly

transferring him from Bucharest to another CIA “black site”.

129. The experts gave two possible dates for the applicant’s rendition

from Romania: 6 October 2005 and 5 November 2005. According to them,

the latter date was the final closure of the CIA “black site” on Romania’s

territory, prompted by the publication of Dana Priest’s article “CIA Holds

Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons” suggesting that such prisons operated in

Eastern European countries on 2 November 2005 (see also paragraph 236


130. In the course of the PowerPoint presentation Mr J.G.S. testified as


“In terms of [the Black Site in Romania’s] closure, it is stated in the [2014 US

Senate Committee Report] that after the publication of the Washington Post article,

that is the piece of reporting, the Pulitzer Prize-winning article by Dana Priest, ...

dated 2 November 2005, the authorities of this country demanded the closure of

Detention Site Black within a number of hours fewer than 100. We can see that from

the redaction, it does not state exactly how many hours, but it is no more than four

days. And in fact, as I described, 5 November 2005, using its practices of dummy

flight planning and a further disguise which I will demonstrate shortly, the CIA

transferred all of its remaining CIA detainees out of the facility within this time



period. Again, as stated, flights into and out of Romania correspond exactly with the

narrative described in the report.

It might be pointed out, in relation to this specific package, that in order for the

authorities of the host country to demand the closure of a detention facility, they must

have known of its existence. Furthermore, in light of the report in The Washington

Post, which went into intimate detail of the CIA’s operations including the forms of

ill-treatment and interrogation to which detainees therein were subjected, it follows

that the authorities of the host country of Detention Site Black – and let me be clear –

that is the authorities of Romania, must have known of the nature of operations

occurring on their territory.

The question has often been posed to us, Honourable Judges, if there were detainees

in Romania, how did they leave? There appeared to be no obvious direct flights out of

Romania in the critical period, October, November 2005, to any other detention site

we were aware of, and this was often put forward by representatives of the Romanian

authorities as a reason for decrying, for rejecting, for refuting the content of our

reporting [i.e. at the time of the publication of the 2006 and the 2007 Marty Reports].

We have, however, now ascertained how detainees were removed from Romania,

and this occurred in two tranches in the months of October 2005 and, as stated,

November 2005. I have chosen to illustrate the first of these transfers, which occurred

between 5 and 6 of October 2005, because it provides a further segue into detention

operations on the territory of another Council of Europe Member State, in this case


The CIA used two tactics of deceit in order to provide these flights with the

maximum degree of cover, in order that they could not and would not be tracked,

traced or held to account. The first of those was its conventional dummy flight

planning, but the second of those was a novel tactic involving switching of aircraft.

This graphic will demonstrate how this was deployed on 5 and 6 October 2005,

involving two aircraft, namely N308AB and N787WH. The first of those aircraft is

depicted by red lines, the second by blue, on the graphic, the other symbols follow the

earlier pattern of drop-off, transfer and stopover points. The two planes arrived in

Europe, the first [N308AB] from provenance of Teterboro, New Jersey, the second

[N787WH] from provenance of Keflavik in Iceland on 5 October 2005. While the first

flew to Bratislava, in Slovakia, the second flew directly to Tirana, Albania, which

would become the staging point for these operations. The first dummy flight plan,

filed by the CIA’s aviation services provider, stated a path for N308AB from

Bratislava to Constanţa airport, a route which it did not, nor did it intend, to fly. The

aircraft instead flew directly to Bucharest Băneasa airport, the servicing airport for the

‘black site’ in Romania, whereupon it would collect detainees. Those detainees

referred to in the Senate Committee Report who were cleared from Romania in these

critical months were then taken from Bucharest to Tirana, to the staging point where

the other CIA aircraft had been waiting for a day in advance. In this staging point, in

an unprecedented manoeuvre, according to our investigations, detainees were

transferred from the first aircraft onto the second, together with members of the CIA

rendition crew. The second aircraft, N787WH, which is also a Boeing 737 business

jet, used conventionally for wholesale transfers filed its own dummy flight plan, citing

a destination of Tallinn, Estonia, a route which it did not, nor did it intend, to fly.

Instead, this aircraft N787WH flew on 6 October 2005 carrying detainees from

Romania to Vilnius, Lithuania, thereby providing a link between two detention sites

on European territory. The aircraft then departed in their own respective directions,

the rendition aircraft N787WH via Oslo, towards the north, and the first aircraft,

N308AB from Tirana, via Shannon, back towards New Jersey. Therein the CIA had



innovated yet another means, another layer of cover to obstruct proper accounting for

the illegal transfer of its detainees, but due to a process which Senator Marty referred

to as ‘la dynamique de la vérité’, we have been able, methodically and carefully, to

unpick these layers of secrecy and present to this Court what we believe is a truthful

and accurate accounting of operations in respect of these ‘black sites’.”

131. In his further testimony, in response to questions from the Court,

Mr J.G.S. added:

“There are two known and documented junctures at which CIA detainees at the

‘black site’ in Romania were removed from Romania. The first of those, I illustrated

with my last set of graphics, on 5 and 6 October, which took detainees from

Bucharest, Romania via switching of aircraft in Albania, to Vilnius, Lithuania. The

second took place on 5 November 2005, within three to four days of the Washington

Post’s report, and at the insistence of the Romanian authorities, which took detainees

via Amman, Jordan to Kabul, Afghanistan. We know that at 1 January 2006 there

were only two CIA detention sites in active operation, that much is stated in the

Senate Report. Those were the sites known as ‘Violet’ and ‘Orange’: the former,

‘Violet’, in Lithuania, the latter, ‘Orange’, in Afghanistan. And so Al Nashiri, in all

likelihood and without any other information to refer to, was taken to one of those two

destinations on one of those two flights. Based upon my earlier rationale about the

five different facilities in which he was held, I would aver that it is more likely than

not that he was taken from Romania to Lithuania on 5 and 6 October 2005 and was

held there until onwards transfer in March 2006 to Afghanistan and subsequently on

to Guantánamo Bay. That would, logically, complete the number and nature of

detention experiences chronicled in the Senate Committee Report and other

documents released by the United States.”

132. Mr Black testified as follows:

“ ... [T]here are two possibilities, and I believe only two possibilities: one is that [the

applicant] left [Romania] in October 2005, on 5 October 2005, and the other is that he

left on the 5 November 2005. If the flight on 5 October 2005 was a dual flight, it was

a kind of a two-plane switch that took prisoners from Romania into Lithuania, and the

flight the following month in November 2005 was again a two-plane switch that took

prisoners from Romania into Afghanistan. I think there is an indication in the data that

we have, based on the Senate Report, that Mr Nashiri was taken to Lithuania, which

should mean he was taken in October rather than November, but it is, I would not say

it is a hundred per cent clear, unambiguous. I would say it is an indication that seems

probable. There is no doubt that the flight in November signalled the end of the

Romanian site, I mean it came, I do not know, 72 hours after the existence of the site

had been revealed in The Washington Post, the government had demanded the site

shut down, the Senate Report is very clear that at that point everyone who was

remaining in Romania was shipped out to Afghanistan, so at that point, after the

5 November 2005, the CIA ‘black site’ programme was operating only in Lithuania

and in Afghanistan.”

133. The relevant section in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report

reads as follows:

“After publication of the Washington Post article, [REDACTED] Country

[REDACTED] demanded closure of DETENTION SITE BLACK within [two-digit

number REDACTED] hours. The CIA transferred the [number REDACTED]

remaining CIA detainees out of the facility shortly thereafter.”



134. According to public Eurocontrol flight data based on, among other

things, the flight data entered by the Romanian authorities into the

Eurocontrol system, which was referred to by Mr J.G.S and Mr Black, the

flight circuit of October 2005 involving planes N308AB and N787WH and

the circuit of November 2005 involving planes N1HC and N248AB can be

described as follows.

135. As regards the circuit of 1-7 October 2005, executed by planes

N308AB and N787WH:

(a) Eurocontrol data shows N308AB filing a flight plan departing from

Teterboro, USA at 13:31 on 4 October 2005 with scheduled arrival time at

Bratislava, Slovakia at 22:58 the same day. On the following day it filed a

flight plan departing from Bratislava at 19:06 with scheduled arrival time at

Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport, Constanţa, Romania at 20:41. It

then filed a plan departing 40 minutes later, at 21:21, from Băneasa

Bucharest City Airport. According to the experts, this indicated that the

scheduled trip to Constanţa was in fact a false flight plan, and that the plane

did not go to Constanţa, but rather to Băneasa. Leaving Băneasa it was

scheduled to arrive in Tirana, Albania at 22:38. It filed its next flight plan

from Tirana on 6 October at 01:08, with a scheduled arrival time in

Shannon, Ireland, at 04:22 (all times are Zulu (i.e. GMT)).

(b) Eurocontrol data shows that on 5 October 2005 at 00:45 N787WH

filed a flight plan departing from Keflavik, Iceland with scheduled arrival in

Tirana International Airport on the same day at 05:52. It then filed a flight

plan departing Tirana at 23:44 with scheduled arrival at Tallinn, Estonia the

following day at 02:26. It then filed a flight plan leaving 30 minutes later, at

02:56, not from Tallinn but from Vilnius International Airport, Lithuania,

with scheduled arrival in Oslo at 04:33 (all times are Zulu (GMT)).

Documents from Vilnius airport show that the plane landed in Vilnius at

01:54 Zulu / 04:54 local time, however, indicating that the scheduled trip to

Tallinn was in fact a false flight plan, and that the plane did not go to

Tallinn, but rather directly from Tirana to Vilnius (see also

Abu Zubaydah v. Lithuania, no. 46454/11, § 130, 31 May 2018).

As regards the circuit of 5-7 November 2005, executed by planes N1HC

and N248AB:

(a) Eurocontrol data shows that N1HC filed a flight plan to leave

Harrisburg International Airport, USA at 10:30 on 5 November 2005, with

scheduled arrival in Porto, Portugal at 16:58 the same day. It then filed a

flight plan to leave Porto at 17:59, with scheduled arrival at Mihail

Kogălniceanu International Airport, Constanţa, Romania at 21:45. Its next

flight plan shows it leaving Băneasa Bucharest City Airport 20 minutes

later, at 22:05, with scheduled arrival at Amman, Jordan that night at 00:21

on 6 November. This, according to the experts, indicated that the scheduled

trip to Constanţa was in fact a false flight plan, and that the plane did not go



to Constanţa, but rather to Băneasa. From Jordan it filed a flight plan to

depart Amman at 01:20 with arrival at Keflavik scheduled at 08:25.

(b) Eurocontrol data shows that N248AB filed a flight plan to leave

Malta International Airport on 5 November 2005 at 21:10 with scheduled

arrival in Amman at 23:49. It then filed a flight plan to leave Amman

66 minutes later, at 00:55 on 6 November, with arrival in Kabul scheduled

for 05:12. It filed a flight plan to leave Kabul 48 minutes later, at 06:00,

with arrival in Athens scheduled at 11:32 the same day.

136. The findings of the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) made in the

course of an inquiry concerning the alleged detention facilities in Lithuania

in 2010-2011 concerned, among other things, the flight N787WH landing in

Vilnius, en route from Tirana, on 6 October 2005 (see paragraph 332 below)

137. The list of 43 flights operated in 2001-2005 at the airports of

Constanţa, Băneasa and Otopeni submitted by the Government (annex

no. 11 to the 2007 Romanian Senate Report; see also paragraph 167 below)

included that of N1HC, which departed from Băneasa airport on

5 November 2005.

138. The list of twenty one “suspicious flights”, which was produced by

the Government, included N1HC executing a circuit “Harrisburg –București

Băneasa-Djibouti-Amman” that departed from Băneasa Airport on

5 November 2005 (see paragraph 327 below).

The invoice (no. 1692) for United States Aviation in respect of N1HC

issued by RAS on 6 November 2005 included a handwritten note:

“Middletown-Băneasa-Djibouti (?) (Amman?)”

D. The applicant

5 September 2006) as reconstructed on the basis of the 2014 US

Senate Committee Report and other documents and as

corroborated by experts heard by the Court

139. According the 2014 US Senate Committee Report, in “early

January 2006” the CIA was holding twenty-six detainees “in its two

remaining facilities, Detention Site Violet, in Country [name REDACTED]

and Detention Site Orange, in Country [name REDACTED]”.

The applicant, according to the experts, was taken to one of those sites –

Detention Site Violet located in Lithuania or Detention Site Orange located

in Afghanistan on one of the above-described plane-switching flights

circuits of, respectively, 1-7 October 2005 and 5-7 November 2005 (see

paragraphs 129-135 above).

140. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report states that the applicant

“was transferred to US military custody on September 5, 2006.”



E. The applicant

the military commission from 6 September 2006 to present

141. On 6 September 2006 President Bush publicly acknowledged that

fourteen high-value detainees, including the applicant, had been transferred

from the HVD Programme run by the CIA to the custody of the Department

of Defense in the Guantánamo Bay Internment Facility (see also

paragraph 60 above).

1. Hearing before the Combatant Status Review Tribunal

142. On 14 March 2007 the applicant was heard by the Combatant

Status Review Tribunal, which purported to review all the information

related to the question whether he met the criteria to be designated as an

“enemy combatant” (i.e. an individual who was part of or supporting

Taliban or al-Qaeda forces, or associated forces that are engaged in

hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including one

who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported hostilities in

aid of enemy armed forces). The hearing was closed to the public. The

applicant was not afforded legal counsel at this hearing. A “personal

representative” was appointed for him, but this person did not act as counsel

and the applicant’s statements to this representative were not privileged. He

did not have access to any classified evidence that was introduced against

him. Nor did he have the right to confront any of the accusations that were

introduced at this hearing.

143. According to a partially redacted transcript of that hearing, the

applicant stated that he “[had been] tortured into confession and once he

[had] made a confession his captors [had been] happy and they [had]

stopped torturing him”. He also stated that he had made up stories during

the torture in order to get it to stop (see also paragraph 123 above).

2. Trial before the military commission

144. On 30 June 2008, the US Government brought charges against the

applicant for trial before a military commission, including those relating to

the bombing of the USS Cole on 12 October 2000.

145. On 2 October 2008, counsel for the applicant filed a petition for a

writ of habeas corpus on his behalf in a federal district court of the District

of Columbia. That petition is apparently still pending to date with no


146. On 19 December 2008, the Convening Authority authorised the

Government to seek the death penalty at his military commission.

147. Immediately after the referral of charges, the defence filed a motion

with the military commission contesting the Government’s method of

transporting the applicant to legal proceedings in Guantánamo Bay on the



grounds that it was harmful to his health and violated his right to free and

unhindered access to his counsel.

148. Shortly after this motion was filed, the applicant’s arraignment –

which signified the start of his trial before a military commission – was set

for 9 February 2009.

149. On 22 January 2009 President Obama issued an Executive Order

requiring that all commission proceedings be halted pending the

Administration’s review of all detentions at Guantánamo Bay. In response

to this order, the Government requested a 120-day postponement for the

9 February 2009 arraignment.

150. On 25 January 2009 the military judge assigned to the applicant’s

military commission denied the Government’s request for postponement of

the trial. Moreover, the military judge ordered that a hearing on the defence

motion regarding the applicant’s transportation be held immediately after

the arraignment. In response to this order, the defence filed a notice that it

intended to introduce evidence of how he was treated while in CIA custody.

Hours after this notice was filed, on 5 February 2009, the

US Government officially withdrew charges from the military commission,

thus removing the applicant’s case from the military judge’s jurisdiction.

151. In March 2011 President Obama announced that he would be lifting

a 2-year freeze on new military trials for detainees at the US Naval Base in

Guantánamo Bay.

152. On 20 April 2011 United States military commission prosecutors

brought capital charges against the applicant relating to his alleged role in

the attack on the USS Cole in 2000 and the attack on the French civilian oil

tanker MV Limburg in the Gulf of Aden in 2002. The charges against him

included terrorism, attacking civilians, attacking civilian objects,

intentionally causing serious bodily injury, hazarding a vessel, using

treachery or perfidy, murder in violation of the law of war, attempted

murder in violation of the law of war, conspiracy to commit terrorism and

murder in violation of the law of war, destruction of property in violation of

the law of war and attempted destruction of property in violation of the law

of war. The applicant was designated for trial by military commission

despite the fact that the United States Government had previously indicted

two of his alleged co-conspirators for the USS Cole bombing – Jamal

Ahmed Mohammed Al-Badawi and Fahd Al-Quso – in the US federal

court. The relevant indictment, filed on 15 May 2003 while the applicant

was secretly held in CIA custody in Poland, identified him as an unindicted

со-conspirator in the USS Cole bombing.

153. The military commission prosecutors announced that the capital

charges against the applicant would be forwarded for independent review to

Bruce MacDonald, the “convening authority” for the military commissions,

for a decision whether to reject the charges or to refer some, all or none of

them for trial before the military commission.



154. On 27 April 2011 Mr MacDonald informed the US military defence

counsel for the applicant that he would accept written submissions against

the death penalty until 30 June 2011.

On 28 September 2011 the capital charges against the applicant were


155. The military commission hearing in the applicant’s case began on

17 January 2012. The first two days of the trial were devoted mostly to

pre-trial motions.

156. The proceedings against the applicant before the military

commission are pending.

According to a statement – “Remarks at Guantánamo Bay” issued by

Chief Prosecutor Mark Martins on 17 March 2017, a day before the military

commission convened to try Al Nashiri completed a pre-trial session to

resolve disputes regarding “outstanding legal and evidentiary issues”.

During the session, the Military Judge directed that the military commission

would be in session from 31 July to 4 August, from 11 to 29 September and

from 6 to 17 November 2017. He also announced that he planned to issue

soon a final discovery order as well as a trial order for 2018.

F. Psychological effects of the HVD Programme on the applicant

157. On 22 November 2013 the applicant’s representative produced a

psychological evaluation of the applicant by US government psychiatrists,

which had been conducted at the request of the US government. It states that

Mr Al Nashiri suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

158. In the 2014 US Senate Committee Report, in the chapter “CIA

Detainees Exhibit Psychological and Behavioral Issues”, it is stated that

psychological and behavioural problems experienced by CIA detainees,

who had been held in austere conditions and in solitary confinement, had

also posed “management challenges” for the CIA.

The section referring to the applicant reads as follows:

“... Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri’s unpredictable and disruptive behavior in detention

made him one of the most difficult detainees for the CIA to manage. Al-Nashiri

engaged in repeated belligerent acts, including throwing his food tray, attempting to

assault detention site personnel, and trying to damage items in his cell. Over a period

of years, al-Nashiri accused the CIA staff of drugging or poisoning his food and

complained of bodily pain and insomnia. As noted, at one point, al- Nashiri launched

a short-lived hunger strike, and the CIA responded by force feeding him rectally.

An October 2004 psychological assessment of al-Nashiri was used by the CIA to

advance its discussions with National Security Council officials on establishing an

‘endgame’ for the program.

In July 2005, CIA Headquarters expressed concern regarding al-Nashiri’s

‘continued state of depression and uncooperative attitude’. Days later a CIA

psychologist assessed that al-Nashiri was on the ‘verge of a breakdown’.”



G. Identification of locations of the colour code-named CIA

detention sites in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report by


159. The experts heard by the Court identified the locations of the eight

colour code-named CIA detention sites (see paragraph 26 above) as follows:

Detention Site Green was located in Thailand, Detention Site Cobalt in

Afghanistan, Detention Site Blue in Poland, Detention Site Violet in

Lithuania, Detention Site Orange in Afghanistan, Detention Site Brown in

Afghanistan, Detention Site Gray in Afghanistan and Detention Site Black

was identified as having been located in Romania (see also Abu Zubaydah

v. Lithuania, cited above, § 166).


160. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report refers to “Detention Site

Black” in several sections concerning various events.

161. In chapter entitled “The CIA establishes ‘DETENTION SITE


Country [REDACTED]” the section referring to “Detention Site Black”

reads as follows:

“[REDACTED] The CIA entered into an agreement with the [REDACTED] in

Country [REDACTED] to host a CIA detention facility in [month REDACTED]


In [month REDACTED] 2003 CIA Headquarters invited the CIA Station in Country

[REDACTED] to identify ways to support the [REDACTED] in Country

[REDACTED] to ‘demonstrate to [REDACTED] and the highest levels of the

[Country [REDACTED] government that we deeply appreciate their cooperation and

support’ for the detention program. The Station responded with an $ [amount

REDACTED] million ‘wish list’ [REDACTED]; CIA Headquarters provided the

Station with $ [amount REDACTED] million more than was requested for the

purposes of the [REDACTED] subsidy. CIA detainees were transferred to

DETENTION SITE BLACK in Country [REDACTED] in the fall of 2003.

In August 2003, the U.S. ambassador in Country [REDACTED] sought to contact

State Department officials to ensure that the State Department was aware of the CIA

detention facility and its ‘potential impact on our policy vis-a-vis the Country

[REDACTED] government’. The U.S. ambassador was told by the CIA Station that

this was not possible, and that no one at the State Department, including the secretary

of state, was informed about the CIA detention facility in Country [REDACTED].


Nearly a year later, in May 2004, revelations about U.S. detainee abuses at the U.S.

military prison in Abu Ghraib, Iraq, prompted the same U.S. ambassador in Country

[REDACTED] to seek information on CIA detention standards and interrogation

methods. In the fall of 2004, when [REDACTED] U.S. ambassador to Country

[REDACTED] sought documents authorizing the program, the CIA again sought the

intervention of Deputy Secretary Armitage, who once again made ‘strong remarks’ to



the CIA about how he and the secretary of state were ‘cut out of the NSC [National

Security Council] clearance/coordination process’ with regard to the CIA program. ...

While it is unclear how the ambassador’s concerns were resolved, he later joined the

chief of Station in making a presentation to Country [REDACTED]’s [REDACTED]

on the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program. The presentation talking points did

not describe the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques, but represented that

‘[w]ithout the full range of these interrogation measures, we would not have

succeeded in overcoming the resistance of [Khalid Shaykh Muhammad] and other

equally resistant HVDs’ The talking points included many of the same inaccurate

representations made to U.S. policymakers and others, attributing to CIA detainees

critical information on the ‘Karachi Plot’ the ‘Heathrow Plot’. the ‘Second Wave

Plot’, and the ‘Guraba Cell’; as well as intelligence related to Issa al-Hindi, Abu Talha

al-Pakistani, Hambali, Jose Padilla, Binyam Mohammed, Sajid Badat, and Jaffar al-

Tayyar. ...”

162. In chapter entitled “CIA Detainees Exhibit Psychological and

Behavioural Issues” reference is made to an email from an American

authority (name redacted) to “Detention Site Black”, dated 30 October 2004

on the subject: “Interrogator Assessments/Request for Endgame Views”,

which concerned Al Nashiri’s psychological assessment (see also

paragraph 158 above), which was used by the CIA in the framework of

discussions on establishing an “endgame” for the HVD Programme.

163. Chapter “The Pace of CIA Operations Slows; Chief of Base

Concerned About ‘Inexperienced, Marginal, Underperforming’ CIA

Personnel; Inspector General Describes Lack of Debriefers As ‘Ongoing

Problem’” refers to the “Detention Site Black” as follows:

“In the fall of 2004, CIA officers began considering ‘end games’ or the final

disposition of detainees in CIA custody.


[REDACTED] In 2004, CIA detainees were being held in three countries: at


facility in Country [REDACTED], as well as at detention facilities in Country


early 2005.

On April 15, 2005, the chief of Base at DETENTION SITE BLACK in Country

[REDACTED] sent the management of RDG an email expressing his concerns about

the detention site and the program in general. He commented that ‘we have seen clear

indications that various Headquarters elements are experiencing mission fatigue vis-a-

vis their interaction with the program, resulting in a ‘decline in the overall quality and

level of experience of deployed personnel’, and a decline in ‘level and quality of

requirements’. He wrote that because of the length of time most of the CIA detainees

had been in detention, ‘[the] detainees have been all but drained of actionable

intelligence’, and their remaining value was in providing ‘information that can be

incorporated into strategic, analytical think pieces that deal with motivation, structure

and goals’.

The chief of Base observed that, during the course of the year, the detention site

transitioned from an intelligence production facility to a long-term detention facility,

which raised ‘a host of new challenges’. These challenges included the need to



address the ‘natural and progressive effects of long-term solitary confinement on

detainees’ and ongoing behavioral problems.”

164. According to the report, one of the high-value detainees, Abu-Faraj

al-Libi, was transferred to Detention Site Black on an unspecified (redacted)

date in May 2005 and was subjected to EITs starting from 28 May 2005.

The section concerning the closure of Detention Site Black after

publication of the Washington Post article (see paragraph 236 below) is

rendered in paragraph 133 above.

I. Parliamentary inquiry in Romania

165. On 21 December 2005, by virtue of the Decree of Romania’s

Senate of 21 December 2005 (published on 27 December 2005) the

Romanian Parliament set up the Inquiry Committee for investigating

statements regarding the existence of CIA detention facilities or of some

flights of planes leased by the CIA on the territory of Romania (Comisia de

anchetă pentru investigarea afirmaţiilor cu privire la existenţa unor centre

de detenţie ale CIA sau a unor zboruri ale avioanelor închiriate de CIA pe

teritoriul României) (“the Romanian Senate Inquiry Committee”). It

comprised eleven members and was presided over by Ms N. Nicolai. The

report of the Romanian Senate Inquiry Committee (“the 2007 Romanian

Senate Report”) was published in the Official Monitor on 7 May 2008. The

annexes attached to the report remained classified.

166. The 2007 Romanian Senate Report explained that the committee

had been established “following the request of Mr Rene van der Linden, the

President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE),

formulated in the speech held in the assembly of the united chambers of

Romania’s Parliament on 24 November 2005, to investigate the accusations

published in the international press regarding the detention and illegal

transfer of prisoners in some of the member states of the Council of


The terms of reference were defined as follows:

“According to Article 1 of the Decree of Romania’s Senate no. 29 of 21 December

2005, the Inquiry Committee was charged with investigating statements regarding the

existence of some CIA detention facilities on the territory of Romania or of some

flights of some planes leased by CIA, that would have allegedly transported persons

accused of having performed terrorist acts”.

The initial deadline for presenting a report by the committee was fixed

for 15 February 2006 but, given the complexity of the issues involved, that

term was eventually extended until 5 March 2007.

167. From January 2006 to January 2007 the Romanian Senate Inquiry

Committee held periodic meetings, usually on a monthly basis and carried

out some fact-finding missions. According to the 2007 Romanian Senate

Report, the committee held twenty-one meetings “for documentation review



and analysis with the leaders of institutions and specialised structures” and

over forty meetings with official delegations and members of the Council of

Europe’s inquiry body, other politicians and journalists. It heard over 200

persons and studied over 4,200 pages of documents. Its delegates also made

six visits to the airports and military airbases susceptible to have been used

for secret detentions and illegal prisoners’ transfers, including Timișoara-

Gearmata; Bucharest-Băneasa; Constanţa-Mihail Kogălniceanu; Tulcea-

Cataloi and Fetești-military.

Based on the in situ investigations, the Romanian Senate Inquiry

Committee found no facility built at the material time (2003-2005) that

might have been used as a detention facility, “be it ad hoc”. Also, it

concluded that no flight that had passed through Mihail Kogălniceanu

airport would raise suspicions of the illegal transport, embarking or

disembarking of any passenger.

168. As regards “suspicious flights” in respect of which Senator Marty

asked the Romanian authorities for all available evidence in his letter on

7 November 2006, the findings read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“Regarding flight N313P of 25 January 2004, the Committee established that that

flight landed on the Airport Bucharest-Băneasa for refuelling and ground services. No

passenger embarked or disembarked the plane. There is all evidence that shows

beyond this fact, but also the purpose of the stopover. ...

Mr Dick Marty states that the declaration of the Inquiry Committee contradicts the

information provided by the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority, according to

which, on 25 January 2004, its destination airport was Timişoara, not Bucharest -

Băneasa. Later, the plane took off from Timisoara, and Mr Marty declared that he

verified this fact. ...

We would like to mention that the initial information provided by the Romanian

Civil Aeronautical Authority (RCAA), regarding the landing on the International

Аirport Timisoara of the flight N313P of 25 January 2004, is due to the fact that

RCAA had access only to the flight plan sent by the operator of the aircraft. The flight

plan was modified by the operator in the air, requesting the stop on the International

Airport Bucharest-Băneasa.

At that date, according to the Romanian legislation, the operators who performed

private flights in the national airspace were not under any obligation to request from

request from RCAA any overflight authorisation, since it was sufficient to submit the

flight plan to the traffic body. ...

For N313P of 22-23 September 2003 (classified appendix no. 4):

- copy of the extract of the navigation chart ROMATSA associated with the Airport

Băneasa, in which the real route of the flight is indicated;

- copy of the invoices no. 665 and 666 of 23 September 2003, concerning the flight

N313P, issued by the handling agent of the Romanian Airport Services.

Flight N478GS of 6 December 2004, which had an accident while landing at the

Airport Bucharest-Băneasa, is suspected of being involved in a circuit that would have

transported prisoners, due to the fact that it was omitted from the list sent to Mr Dick

Marty in April 2006.



The event had the following development: On 6 December 2004, at 1:29 PM, the

aircraft of the company CENTURION AVIATION, type Gulfstream 4, which was

performing a charter flight on the route Bagram/Afganistan-Bucharest/Băneasa,

landed on the runway of the Аirport Băneasa, passing the threshold of the runway 07,

with a ground speed of approximately 287 km/h. While rolling, the aircraft exceeded

the available speed for landing ... and the delayed threshold of the runway, in an area

of the runway where the airport was carrying on maintenance works ... .The aircraft

rolled with the main left jamb on an unpaved portion with a depth of approximately

15-20 cm and stopped on the edge of the runway. The crew reported massive leaks of

fuel from the left wing. The aircraft experienced damages on the left jamb of the main

landing train and on the fuel tank in the left plan(classified appendix no. 5). ...

Flight N379P of 25 October 2003 raises questions for Mr Dick Marty, thinking that

the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority indicates the route Prague-Constanţa -

Băneasa-Amman. In reality, the flight took place on the route Prague-Bucharest

Băneasa-Amman, according to invoice no. 3.314 of 25 October 2003, issued by

ROMATSA (classified appendix no. 6).

Flights N85VM of 26 January 2004 and 12 April 2004 did not operate in the Airport

Mihail Kogălniceanu, but in Airport Bucharest–Băneasa (classified appendices no. 7

and 8); flights N227SV of 1 October, 2004 and N2189M of 13-14 June 2003 operated

on the Аirport Mihail Kogălniceanu (classified appendices no. 9 and 10).

The appendix to Mr. Dick Marty’s letter of March 31, 2006 requests details

regarding 43 flights. The Inquiry Committee presents them in classified appendix

no. 11.”

169. The final conclusions of the 2007 Romanian Senate Report were

formulated as follows:

1. To the question whether there is or there were American secret detention sites in

Romania, the answer is negative.

2. To the question whether in Romania, during the investigated period, there exist

or existed facilities for detaining prisoners, other than penitentiary ones (real, secret,

ad-hoc, buildings that were used for this purpose on an improvised basis, potentially

in the proximity of airports Timişoara, Bucharest – Henri Coanda or Băneasa, and

Constanţa, the Inquiry Committee’s answer is negative.

3. To the question whether there are or there were detainees with or without records

held in the Romanian penitentiary system, who could have been assimilated with

prisoners, the Inquiry Committee’s answer is negative.

4. To the question whether there could have been clefts in the complete control

system of the civil or military traffic or whether some flights could have passed

inadvertently without being monitored or unrecorded or if in their cases the ground

procedures stipulated in the international conventions could have not been applied, the

Inquiry Committee’s answer is negative.

5. To the question whether it could have been possible that certain Romanian

institutions in Romania would have participated knowingly or by omission or

negligence in operations of illegal transport of detainees through the airspace or

airports in Romania, the Inquiry Committee’s answer is negative.

6. To the question whether civil American flights or other states’ civil flights could

have transported, dropped, or picked up persons that could be assimilated to the

detainees on the Romanian territory or under the responsibility of Romanian



authorities, in compliance with international regulations, the Inquiry Committee’s

answer is negative.

7. To the question whether there existed an in-depth parliamentary investigation to

determine the media allegations regarding the existence of some detention facilities or

of some flights with illegal prisoners in Romania, the Investigation Committee’s

answer is positive.

8. To the question whether the purpose of the stopovers in Romania of the flights

referred to in chapter 5, the Inquiry Committee has solid grounds to reply that they

had nothing to do with potential illegal transports of prisoners on the territory of


170. On 13 October 2008, in reply to a letter by APADOR-CH

concerning the purpose of the flights mentioned by the report cited above,

the President of the Romanian Senate stated:

“... the Inquiry Committee was assigned to investigate the statements regarding the

existence of CIA detention facilities or of some flights of planes leased by CIA on the

territory of Romania.

Consequently, since its mandate was strictly limited to the aforementioned issue, the

Inquiry Committee did not request data from appropriate institutions, did not perform

any investigation, and does not hold any kind of information regarding the purpose of

the flights with the indication mentioned in chapter 5, point 3. ...”

J. Criminal investigation in Romania

171. On 29 May 2012 the applicant’s lawyer filed a criminal complaint

(plângere penală) on his behalf with the Prosecutor General, asking for an

investigation into circumstances surrounding the applicant’s rendition,

secret detention and ill-treatment in Romania to be opened. It was submitted

that the Romanian authorities had allowed the CIA to subject the applicant

to torture and unlawful, incommunicado detention on Romanian territory

and to transfer him out of the country despite the risk of his facing further

torture, unacknowledged detention and death penalty. He relied on

Articles 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 13 of the Convention and Article 1 of

Protocol No. 6 and maintained that the conduct of the Romanian authorities

constituted offences of, inter alia, aiding and abetting murder, torture and

ill-treatment as defined in the Romanian Criminal Code.

172. On 20 July 2012 the Prosecutor General acknowledged that the

complaint had been registered and assigned a file number, and that its

review was at a preliminary stage.

Some time afterwards, on an unspecified date, the prosecution authorities

opened an investigation concerning the applicant’s allegations.



1. Submission by the Government of confidential documents from the

investigation file

173. At the Court’s request, the Government submitted various materials

concerning the investigation asking, under Rule 33 § 2 of the Rules of

Court, for public access to those documents to be restricted, in the interests

of national security and also on the grounds of secrecy of the investigation

(see also paragraph 12 above). Those materials included transcripts of

witness evidence obtained in the investigation. They were produced in the

Romanian language, with an English translation. The English version is

rendered in paragraphs 299-325 below.

All these documents were available to the Court and the applicant in full,

unredacted versions. The following description of the course of the

investigation is based on a summary (redacted version) of annexes

containing documents from the investigation file produced by the

Government. That summary was prepared by the Government in the English


2. The course of the investigation according to documentary evidence

produced by the Government

174. On 3 December 2012 the investigating prosecutor analysed the

applicant’s complaint and its context, including laws and arrangements

regarding bilateral agreements between Romania and the United States and

information in the public domain concerning the applicant’s allegations.

Also, an initial investigation plan was prepared on that date. The plan

included a list of requests for information, clarifications, documents, audio

and video recordings and flight data to be addressed to various domestic

authorities – among others, the Civil Aviation Authority, Air Traffic

Services Administration, Otopeni, Kogălniceanu and Băneasa airports, the

Government and the relevant ministries.

175. On 27 December 2012 the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court

of Cassation (Parchetul de pe lângă Ȋnalta Curte de Casație şi Justiție –

“PICCJ”) asked the RCAA to provide, in connection with the investigation

the following information concerning certain flights mentioned in an annex

to the request (the annex has not been produced):

(a) any data, information, documents held with regard to the air traffic

control in respect of the flights in question;

(b) any audio or video recordings concerning the flights in question (for

example: air traffic control or directing);

(c) names of individuals who had carried out specific tasks on the dates

when the flights in question had allegedly taken place;

(d) names of individuals directly involved in facilitating or operating

those flights.



176. On 12 January 2013 the RCAA informed the PICCJ that, according

to the relevant legislation in force at the relevant time (2003-2005), namely

Government Decision no. 1172/2003, they had data concerning only a few

flights – which they included in an annex (the annex has not been


The RCAA stated that the available data did not clearly show that these

flights had taken place and that they did not have any documents which

attested that the flights had actually taken place. According to the legislation

in force at the material time, information in the RCAA’s possession showed

only an intention to operate the flights, which had been planned and notified

to them.

It further stated that Government Decision no. 1172/2003 had eliminated

the need for the RCAA to approve flights which transited the national

airspace with no commercial stop (and did not carry troops, military

equipment, weapons, munitions, explosives, radioactive or other dangerous

materials or did not fall in the category of technical flights) and, also,

internal and international flights with civil aircraft registered abroad,

landing and taking off from the Romanian territory, which were included in

the category of civil air operations of general aviation. These flights were

considered authorised if a flight plan on a published ATS (Air Traffic

Service) route was submitted and the aircraft used were insured for damage

caused to third parties on the ground.

As regards audio or video recordings and names of any individuals

involved, the RCAA stated that they did not have any such information.

177. In addition, the Government produced copies of the following

prosecutor’s letters requesting information or documents from various


(1) letter of 27 December 2012 addressed to the Romanian Government,

asking for the classified annexes to the 2007 Romanian Senate Report;

(2) letters of 27 December 2012 addressed to Timişoara Airport,

Constanţa Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport and Bucharest Băneasa Airport,

requesting information about the alleged suspicious flights, including audio

or video recordings, and about the airport personnel who had worked on the

relevant dates;

(3) letter of 3 March 2013 addressed to the Ministry of Transport and

Infrastructure, requesting it to the transmit the National Programme of

Aeronautical Security to the prosecutor;

(4) letters of 18 March 2013 addressed to the Civil Aviation Directorate

and the Bucharest Airports National Company requesting information about

flights N313P, N85VM, N379P, N478GS, N228KA, N308AB, N789DK,

N227SV, N787WH, N1HC, N2189M and N860JB, including general flight

data from 2003-2006, types and purposes of flights, type of journey, flight

route, flight operator, flight organiser, aircraft type, aircraft capacity, aircraft

registration, documents regarding insurance, information about the crew and



passengers, initial flight plans, subsequent flight documents, flight or

overflight authorisations, specific requests for each flight and handling


(5) letter of 24 April 2013 addressed to the Bucharest Airports National

Company, requesting information about applications for authorisation of

access of persons and vehicles to the airplanes, the relevant records,

information about the security personnel and the handling agents who had

worked on the relevant dates at Bucharest Băneasa Airport and at Constanţa

Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport;

(6) letter of 24 April 2013 addressed to the General Inspectorate of the

Border Police, requesting information about the personnel who had worked

on the relevant dates and any persons who entered, exited or transited the

national territory on those dates through Bucharest Băneasa Airport and

Constanţa Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport;

(7) letter of 29 April 2013 addressed to the Romanian Airport Services

(“RAS”), requesting information about the personnel who had worked on

the relevant dates and the handling operations performed.

178. On an unspecified date, in response to the prosecutor’s request, the

Ministry of Transport-Civil Aviation Directorate provided the following


- flight plans of N312ME on 24 April 2003, N175A on 5 May 2003,

N58AS on 16 June 2003, N313P on 22 September 2003, N313P on

25 January 2004 and N227SV on 1 October 2004;

- control lists of the navigation records;

- tables containing handling fees;

- invoices issued by the RAS;

- ground handling charge notes;

- air navigation services sheets;

- address no. 6 293 of 4 November 2006 issued by Timișoara Airport

informing that, after checking their records, there was no evidence of the

landing of the flight N313P operated by Business Jet Solutions. It was also

mentioned that the said aircraft had not carried out any flights on Traian

Vuia Airport – Timișoara until 14 November 2006.

- list of flight plans;

- letter no. 239 of 25 March 2013 from the Bucharest Airports National

Company, transmitting all relevant information identified in their archives

and informing the prosecution that from 2004 to 2005 in Bucharest Băneasa

Airport the RAS was in charge of the handling services. The letter also

mentioned that the flights concerned had not been identified as having

operated at Henri Coandă Airport.

- letter no. 2183 of 22 March 2013 from Constanţa Mihail Kogălniceanu

Airport confirming, among other things, that N308AB had operated in that

airport and that it had landed on 25 August 2004 at 00:03, and departed on

25 August 2004 at 01:33;



- letter no. 3461 of 13 June 2006 from Constanţa Mihail Kogălniceanu

Airport, confirming that the aircraft Lockheed L382 registered as N2189M

had operated at that airport, landing on 13 June 2003 at 09:57, departing on

14 June 2003 at 08:31 and that the aircraft Gulfstream IV registered as

N227SV had operated in the airport, landing on 1 October 2004 at 20:39

and departing at 21:26 on the same date.

179. On 26 April 2013 the Bucharest Airports National Company

replied to the prosecutor’s request of 18 March 2013. The company stated

that it did not have information about general flight data concerning the

indicated aircraft in the period 2003-2006, the purpose of the flights, type of

journey, flight organiser, aircraft capacity, any documents regarding

insurance, information about the crew and passengers, initial flight plans,

subsequent flight documents, flight or overflight authorisations or

information about handling requests. It informed the prosecutor that the

flight plans had been received through the AFTN terminal and had not been

subject to archiving and that the RAS had been the handling operator in

2003-2006 at Bucharest Băneasa Airport. A table containing information

about the relevant flights was transmitted to the prosecutor.

180. On 21 May 2013 the Bucharest Airports National Company replied

to the prosecutor’s request of 24 April 2013. The company transmitted the

requested information about the applications for access authorisation to the

planes and the relevant records. It also explained to the prosecutor that since

the retention periods for the requested documents were from three to five

years, it was impossible for it to produce any additional information about

the requests for authorisations and the access records. The company also

produced information concerning the security personnel who had worked on

the relevant dates.

181. On 20 May 2013 the General Inspectorate of the Border Police

replied to the prosecutor’s request of 24 April 2013. It forwarded a list

containing the names, personal data and the present workplace of the

personnel who had worked on the relevant dates. It also informed the

prosecutor that flight logs had automatically been erased after five years and

that, as a consequence, they could not submit the requested information

about the persons who had entered, exited or transited the national territory

on those dates at Bucharest Băneasa Airport.

182. On 11 July 2013 the General Inspectorate of the Border Police

supplied information concerning the personnel who had worked at

Bucharest Băneasa Airport on 22 September 2003 and their personal data.

183. On 13 June 2013 the RAS replied to the prosecutor’s request of

29 April 2013. The RAS informed the prosecutor about the personnel who

had worked on the relevant dates and transmitted several tables containing

handling fees. They also stated that information about the handling services

performed had been retained only for three years.



184. In the meantime, on 24 April 2013, the prosecutor asked the

Ministry of National Defence (Ministerul Apărării Naționale) to produce,

on an urgent basis, the following information concerning the period of


(a) military flights carried out by US military aircraft or civilian flights

carried out by the US air companies, which concerned “the transfer of

individuals within the framework of the USA Special Rendition Program”

and which had had as a point of transfer, transit or destination “airports on

Romania’s territory”;

(b) existence or non-existence, on Romania’s territory, of alleged

detention facilities set up at the US authorities’ or the US forces’ request

and their possible location, including names of legal persons hosting them;

(c) detention, interrogation, and subsequent transfer of individuals in the

US forces’ or the US authorities’ custody from the alleged detention

facilities to other locations;

d) names of persons who had been subjected to such treatment.

185. On 24 May 2013 the Ministry of National Defence replied that the

requested materials were part of documents sent to the Romanian Senate

Inquiry Committee by a note of 31 March 2006, which was classified as

“confidential information”. The Ministry stated that they did not have a

copy of those documents, that the documents had been sent to the

committee in a single copy (exemplar unic) and that they had not yet been

returned to them. Moreover, the provision of information concerning civil

aircraft which had operated in the Romanian airspace and in the Romanian

international civilian airports fell within the competence and responsibility

of the relevant departments attached to the Ministry of Transport.

The Ministry further stated that, by their letter of 9 May 2008, sent to

M. Constantinescu, a State councillor attached to the Prime-Minister’s

office, they had agreed that documents classified “confidential information”

be sent to the European Commission.

Moreover, the Air Force General Staff (Statul Major al Forțelor Aeriene)

had stated that it had not had any records of flights operating in the airspace

or in the military airports between 2003 and 2006 and transferring

individuals in the framework of the US rendition programme; moreover, the

representatives of the US authorities had not had access to buildings or air

facilities belonging to air bases subordinate to the Air Force or exclusive

access to certain areas.

Lastly, the Ministry stated that the General Information Agency of the

Defence (Direcția Generală de Informații a Apărării) had no information

about the existence of secret US bases in Romania, about individuals

allegedly detained illegally in Romanian prisons, their interrogation or

transport to and from Romania by unmonitored or unauthorised flights.

186. On 24 January 2014 the PICCJ asked the Service for International

Judicial Cooperation, Programs and International Relations to forward a



request for legal assistance (including 4 annexes) to the relevant US judicial

authorities. In the letter of request, the prosecutor asked the US authorities

to provide, in connection with the criminal investigation, information

concerning, among other things, the period and circumstances of

Mr Al-Nashiri’s arrest and detention, the proceedings against him instituted

by the US authorities; whether Mr Al-Nashiri had ever been brought to

Romania in the context of his detention imposed by the US authorities

under the CIA rendition programme and whether Romania had potentially

been involved in that programme. The prosecutor also asked for the date of

his arrival on Romanian territory, the means of transport used, the place of

his detention on Romanian territory; the date of his departure from

Romania, the means of transport used and the relevant documents and

whether the Romanian authorities had been aware of his stay in the country.

187. On an unspecified date in March 2014 the US Department of

Justice replied to the letter of request, stating that the US authorities were

not able to provide the information requested.

188. In the meantime, on 27 February 2014, following the entry into

force of the new Romanian Criminal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure

(see also paragraph 196 below), the prosecutor had re-analysed the

applicant’s criminal complaint in the light of the new legislation and

decided that the investigation should also include crimes of unlawful

deprivation of liberty and torture.

189. In the course of the investigation, in 2013 and 2015, the prosecutor

took evidence from witnesses, including some high-office holders. It also

heard other officials, the Border Police officers and the airport staff,

including the security personnel. The Government produced transcripts of

evidence given by certain witnesses (see paragraphs 298-325 below).

190. The investigation, apparently still directed against persons

unknown, is pending.


A. Criminal Code

1. Territorial jurisdiction

191. Article 3 of the old Criminal Code, as applicable until 31 January

2014, read as follows:

“Romanian criminal law shall apply to offences committed on the territory of


192. On 1 February 2014 the new Criminal Code entered into force.

Article 8 § 1 of the new Criminal Code is phrased in the same terms.



2. Prohibition of torture and offence of unlawful deprivation of liberty

193. The prohibition of torture was set forth in Article 267 of the old

Criminal Code and, since 1 February 2014 (with minor changes of the

wording), has been included in Article 282 of the new Criminal Code.

Penalties applicable remained the same. The crime of torture is liable to

sentence of imprisonment from two to seven years. In cases where a bodily

harm has been caused to the victim, the sentence ranges from three to ten

years’ imprisonment. If torture resulted in the victim’s death, the sentence

ranges from fifteen to twenty-five years’ imprisonment.

194. The offence of unlawful deprivation of liberty was defined in

Article 189 of the old Criminal Code and was liable to a sentence of

imprisonment ranging from three to ten years’ imprisonment. At present, it

is defined in Article 205 of the new Criminal Code and is liable to a

sentence ranging from one to seven years’ imprisonment.

B. Code of Criminal Procedure

195. In general, an offence must be prosecuted by the authorities of their

own motion. Exceptions include only a few offences which cannot be

prosecuted without a prior request (plângere prealabilă) from a victim or

from a specific authority (e.g. certain military offences). A criminal

investigation may also be opened following a criminal complaint from the

victim or notification of an offence by any physical or legal person who has

become aware that such offence has been committed.

196. Article 221 of the old Code of Criminal Procedure (“old CCP”) as

applicable until 1 February 2014 read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“A criminal investigation authority [shall institute an investigation] if it has been

informed of commission of an offence by a criminal complaint or notification of

commission of an offence, or it shall [take action] of its own motion, when it has

discovered by other means that an offence has been committed.

Where, according to the law, a criminal investigation can only be opened following

a prior complaint, notification or authorisation of an authority provided for by law,

such investigation shall not be instituted in their absence. ...”

A criminal complaint was defined as a notification of the commission of

an offence submitted by a person or institution having sustained damage as

a result of an offence. Notification of an offence could be made by any

person or institution.

197. Following the entry into force of the New Code of Criminal

Procedure (“new CCP”), the Article 221 was repealed and replaced by

current Article 292 which reads as follows:

“A criminal investigation authority shall take action of its own motion if it learns

(afla) about commission of a criminal offence from any source other than those

referred to in Articles 289-291 [in particular, criminal complaint and notification of

the commission of an offence] and shall draw up a report in this regard.”



A criminal complaint is defined in Article 289 of the new CCP as

“information laid by an individual or legal entity concerning damage

sustained thereby as a result of a criminal offence”. Notification of the

commission of an offence is defined in Article 290 as a notification

submitted by any individual or legal entity.


A. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

198. Articles 26 and 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of

Treaties (23 May 1969), to which Romania is a party, provide as follows:

Article 26

“Every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by

them in good faith.”

Article 27

Internal law and observance of treaties

“A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its

failure to perform a treaty ...”

B. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

199. Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

(“ICCPR”), to which Romania is a party, reads as follows:

“No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or

punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to

medical or scientific experimentation.”

200. Article 10 § 1 of the ICCPR reads as follows:

“1. All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with

respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.”

C. The UN Torture Convention

201. One hundred and forty-nine States are parties to the 1984 UN

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading

Treatment or Punishment (“UNCAT”), including all member States of the

Council of Europe. Article 1 of the Convention defines torture as:

“any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is

intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third

person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has

committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a



third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or

suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of

a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain

or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.”

202. Article 1(2) provides that it is without prejudice to any international

instrument or national legislation which does or may contain provisions of

wider application. Article 2 requires States to take effective legislative,

administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any

territory under its jurisdiction. Article 4 requires each State Party to ensure

that all acts of torture are offences under its criminal law.

Article 3 provides:

“1. No State Party shall expel, return (‘refouler’) or extradite a person to another

State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of

being subjected to torture.

2. For the purpose of determining whether there are such grounds, the competent

authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where

applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross,

flagrant or mass violations of human rights.”

203. Article 12 provides that each State Party must ensure that its

competent authorities proceed to a prompt and impartial investigation,

wherever there is reasonable ground to believe that an act of torture has

been committed in any territory under its jurisdiction.

Article 15 requires that each State ensure that any statement which is

established to have been made as a result of torture shall not be invoked as

evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as

evidence that the statement was made.

D. UN Geneva Conventions

1. Geneva (III) Convention

204. Article 4 of the Geneva (III) Convention relative to the Treatment

of Prisoners of War of 12 August 1949 (“the Third Geneva Convention”),

which defines prisoners of war, reads, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“Prisoners of war, in the sense of the present Convention, are persons belonging to

one of the following categories, who have fallen into the power of the enemy:

(1) Members of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict, as well as members of

militias or volunteer corps forming part of such armed forces.

(2) Members of other militias and members of other volunteer corps, including

those of organized resistance movements, belonging to a Party to the conflict and

operating in or outside their own territory, even if this territory is occupied, provided

that such militias or volunteer corps, including such organized resistance movements,

fulfil the following conditions:

(a) that of being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates;



(b) that of having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance;

(c) that of carrying arms openly;

(d) that of conducting their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of


(3) Members of regular armed forces who profess allegiance to a government or an

authority not recognized by the Detaining Power.


205. Article 5 states:

“The present Convention shall apply to the persons referred to in Article 4 from the

time they fall into the power of the enemy and until their final release and repatriation.

Should any doubt arise as to whether persons, having committed a belligerent act

and having fallen into the hands of the enemy, belong to any of the categories

enumerated in Article 4, such persons shall enjoy the protection of the present

Convention until such time as their status has been determined by a competent


206. Article 13 reads:

“Art 13. Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. Any unlawful act

or omission by the Detaining Power causing death or seriously endangering the health

of a prisoner of war in its custody is prohibited, and will be regarded as a serious

breach of the present Convention. In particular, no prisoner of war may be subjected

to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind which are

not justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the prisoner concerned and

carried out in his interest.

Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of

violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.

Measures of reprisal against prisoners of war are prohibited.”

207. Article 21 reads, in so far as relevant:

“The Detaining Power may subject prisoners of war to internment. It may impose on

them the obligation of not leaving, beyond certain limits, the camp where they are

interned, or if the said camp is fenced in, of not going outside its perimeter. Subject to

the provisions of the present Convention relative to penal and disciplinary sanctions,

prisoners of war may not be held in close confinement except where necessary to

safeguard their health and then only during the continuation of the circumstances

which make such confinement necessary.”

2. Geneva (IV) Convention

208. Article 3 of the Geneva (IV) Convention relative to the Protection

of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949 (“the Fourth Geneva

Convention”) reads, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“In the case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the

territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each Party to the conflict shall be

bound to apply, as a minimum, the following provisions:



(1) Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed

forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness,

wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely,

without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or

wealth, or any other similar criteria.

To this end the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any

place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:

(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel

treatment and torture;

(b) taking of hostages;

(c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading


(d) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous

judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial

guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.”

209. Article 4 reads, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“Persons protected by the Convention are those who, at a given moment and in any

manner whatsoever, find themselves, in case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands

of a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals.

Nationals of a State which is not bound by the Convention are not protected by it.

Nationals of a neutral State who find themselves in the territory of a belligerent State,

and nationals of a co-belligerent State, shall not be regarded as protected persons

while the State of which they are nationals has normal diplomatic representation in the

State in whose hands they are. ...”

E. International Law Commission, 2001 Articles on Responsibility of

States for Internationally Wrongful Acts

210. The relevant parts of the Draft Articles (“the ILC Articles”),

adopted on 3 August 2001 (Yearbook of the International Law Commission,

2001, vol. II), read as follows:

Article l

Responsibility of a State for its internationally wrongful acts

“Every internationally wrongful act of a State entails the international responsibility

of that State.”

Article 2

Elements of an internationally wrongful act of a State

“There is an internationally wrongful act of a State when conduct consisting of an

action or omission:

a. Is attributable to the State under international law; and

b. Constitutes a breach of an international obligation of the State.”



Article 7

Excess of authority or contravention of instructions

“The conduct of an organ of a State or of a person or entity empowered to exercise

elements of the governmental authority shall be considered an act of the State under

international law if the organ, person or entity acts in that capacity, even if it exceeds

its authority or contravenes instructions.


Article 14

Extension in time of the breach of an international obligation

“1. The breach of an international obligation by an act of a State not having a

continuing character occurs at the moment when the act is performed, even if its

effects continue.

2. The breach of an international obligation by an act of a State having a continuing

character extends over the entire period during which the act continues and remains

not in conformity with the international obligation.

3. The breach of an international obligation requiring a State to prevent a given

event occurs when the event occurs and extends over the entire period during which

the event continues and remains not in conformity with that obligation.”

Article 15

Breach consisting of a composite act

“1. The breach of an international obligation by a State through a series of actions

or omissions defined in aggregate as wrongful occurs when the action or omission

occurs which, taken with the other actions or omissions, is sufficient to constitute the

wrongful act.

2. In such a case, the breach extends over the entire period starting with the first of

the actions or omissions of the series and lasts for as long as these actions or

omissions are repeated and remain not in conformity with the international


Article 16

Aid or assistance in the commission of an internationally wrongful act

“A State which aids or assists another State in the commission of an internationally

wrongful act by the latter is internationally responsible for doing so if:

(a) that State does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally

wrongful act; and

(b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that State.”

F. UN General Assembly Resolution 60/147

211. The UN General Assembly’s Resolution 60/147 on Basic Principles

and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of

Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations

of International Humanitarian Law, adopted on 16 December 2005, reads, in

so far as relevant, as follows:



“24. ... victims and their representatives should be entitled to seek and obtain

information on the causes leading to their victimization and on the causes and

conditions pertaining to the gross violations of international human rights law and

serious violations of international humanitarian law and to learn the truth in regard to

these violations”.






















212. The applicant and third-party interveners submitted a considerable

number of reports and opinions of international governmental and non-

governmental organisations, as well as articles and reports published in

media, which raised concerns about alleged rendition, secret detentions and

ill-treatment of al-Qaeda and Taliban detainees in US-run detention

facilities in Guantánamo and Afghanistan. A summary of most relevant

sources is given below.

A. United Nations

1. Statement of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on

detention of Taliban and al-Qaeda prisoners at the US Base in

Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, 16 January 2002

213. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights stated as follows:

“All persons detained in this context are entitled to the protection of international

human rights law and humanitarian law, in particular the relevant provisions of the

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Geneva

Conventions of 1949. The legal status of the detainees and their entitlement to

prisoner-of-war (POW) status, if disputed, must be determined by a competent

tribunal, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Third Geneva

Convention. All detainees must at all times be treated humanely, consistent with the

provisions of the ICCPR and the Third Geneva Convention.”

2. Statement of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture

214. In February 2003 the UN Commission on Human Rights received

reports from non-governmental organisations concerning ill-treatment of

US detainees. The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture (“the

IRCT”) submitted a statement in which it expressed its concern over the

United States’ reported use of “stress and duress” methods of interrogation,

as well as the contraventions of refoulement provisions in Article 3 of the

Convention Against Torture. The IRCT report criticised the failure of

governments to speak out clearly to condemn torture; and emphasised the



importance of redress for victims. The Commission on Human Rights

communicated this document to the United Nations General Assembly on

8 August 2003.

3. UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Opinion No. 29/2006,

Mr Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi and 25 other persons v. United States of

America, UN Doc. A/HRC/4/40/Add.1 at 103 (2006)

215. The UN Working Group found that the detention of the persons

concerned, held in facilities run by the United States secret services or

transferred, often by secretly run flights, to detention centres in countries

with which the United States authorities cooperated in their fight against

international terrorism, fell outside all national and international legal

regimes pertaining to the safeguards against arbitrary detention. In addition,

it found that the secrecy surrounding the detention and inter-State transfer of

suspected terrorists could expose the persons affected to torture, forced

disappearance and extrajudicial killing.

B. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Resolution

no. 1340 (2003) on rights of persons held in the custody of the

United States in Afghanistan or Guantánamo Bay, 26 June 2003

216. The above resolution (“the 2003 PACE Resolution”) read, in so far

as relevant, as follows:

“1. The Parliamentary Assembly:

1.1. notes that some time after the cessation of international armed conflict in

Afghanistan, more than 600 combatants and non-combatants, including citizens from

member states of the Council of Europe, may still be held in United States’ military

custody – some in the Afghan conflict area, others having been transported to the

American facility in Guantánamo Bay (Cuba) and elsewhere, and that more

individuals have been arrested in other jurisdictions and taken to these facilities;


2. The Assembly is deeply concerned at the conditions of detention of these

persons, which it considers unacceptable as such, and it also believes that as their

status is undefined, their detention is consequently unlawful.

3. The United States refuses to treat captured persons as prisoners of war; instead it

designates them as ‘unlawful combatants’ – a definition that is not contemplated by

international law.

4. The United States also refuses to authorise the status of individual prisoners to be

determined by a competent tribunal as provided for in Geneva Convention (III)

relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, which renders their continued detention


5. The United States has failed to exercise its responsibility with regard to

international law to inform those prisoners of their right to contact their own consular

representatives or to allow detainees the right to legal counsel.



6. Whatever protection may be offered by domestic law, the Assembly reminds the

Government of the United States that it is responsible under international law for the

well-being of prisoners in its custody.

7. The Assembly restates its constant opposition to the death penalty, a threat faced

by those prisoners in or outside the United States.

8. The Assembly expresses its disapproval that those held in detention may be

subject to trial by a military commission, thus receiving a different standard of justice

than United States nationals, which amounts to a serious violation of the right to

receive a fair trial and to an act of discrimination contrary to the United Nations

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

9. In view of the above, the Assembly strongly urges the United States to:

9.1. bring conditions of detention into conformity with internationally recognised

legal standards, for instance by giving access to the International Committee of the

Red Cross (ICRC) and by following its recommendations;

9.2. recognise that under Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention members of the

armed forces of a party to an international conflict, as well as members of militias or

volunteer corps forming part of such armed forces, are entitled to be granted prisoner

of war status;

9.3. allow the status of individual detainees to be determined on a case-by-case

basis, by a competent tribunal operating through due legal procedures, as envisaged

under Article 5 of the Third Geneva Convention, and to release non-combatants who

are not charged with crimes immediately.

10. The Assembly urges the United States to permit representatives of states which

have nationals detained in Afghanistan and in Guantánamo Bay, accompanied by

independent observers, to have access to sites of detention and unimpeded

communication with detainees.


13. The Assembly further regrets that the United States is maintaining its

contradictory position, claiming on the one hand that Guantánamo Bay is fully within

US jurisdiction, but on the other, that it is outside the protection of the American

Constitution. In the event of the United States’ failure to take remedial actions before

the next part-session, or to ameliorate conditions of detention, the Assembly reserves

the right to issue appropriate recommendations.”

C. International non-governmental organisations

1. Amnesty International, Memorandum to the US Government on the

rights of people in US custody in Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay,

April 2002

217. In this memorandum, Amnesty International expressed its concerns

that the US Government had transferred and held people in conditions that

might amount to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and that violated

other minimum standards relating to detention, and had refused to grant

people in its custody access to legal counsel and to the courts in order to

challenge the lawfulness of their detention.



2. Human Rights Watch, “United States, Presumption of Guilt: Human

Rights Abuses of Post-September 11 Detainees”, Vol. 14, No. 4 (G),

August 2002

218. This report included the following passage:

“... the fight against terrorism launched by the United States after September 11 did

not include a vigorous affirmation of those freedoms. Instead, the country has

witnessed a persistent, deliberate, and unwarranted erosion of basic rights ... Most of

those directly affected have been non-U.S. citizens ... the Department of Justice has

subjected them to arbitrary detention, violated due process in legal proceedings

against them, and run roughshod over the presumption of innocence.”

3. Human Rights Watch, “United States: Reports of Torture of

Al-Qaeda Suspects”, 26 December 2002

219. This report referred to the article in The Washington Post: “U.S.

Decries Abuse but Defends Interrogations”, which described “how persons

held in the CIA interrogation centre at Bagram air base in Afghanistan were

being subject to ‘stress and duress’ techniques, including ‘standing or

kneeling for hours’ and being ‘held in awkward, painful positions’”.

It further stated:

“The Convention against Torture, which the United States has ratified, specifically

prohibits torture and mistreatment, as well as sending detainees to countries where

such practices are likely to occur.”

4. International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, “Anti-terrorism

Measures, Security and Human Rights: Developments in Europe,

Central Asia and North America in the Aftermath of September 11”,

Report, April 2003

220. The relevant passage of this report read as follows:

“Many ‘special interest’ detainees have been held in solitary confinement or housed

with convicted prisoners, with restrictions on communications with family, friends

and lawyers, and have had inadequate access to facilities for exercise and for religious

observance, including facilities to comply with dietary requirements. Some told

human rights groups they were denied medical treatment and beaten by guards and


5. Amnesty International Report 2003 – United States of America,

28 May 2003

221. This report discussed the transfer of detainees to Guantánamo,

Cuba in 2002, the conditions of their transfer (“prisoners were handcuffed,

shackled, made to wear mittens, surgical masks and ear muffs, and were

effectively blindfolded by the use of taped-over ski goggles”) and the

conditions of detention (“they were held without charge or trial or access to

courts, lawyers or relatives”). It further stated:



“A number of suspected members of al-Qaeda reported to have been taken into US

custody continued to be held in undisclosed locations. The US government failed to

provide clarification on the whereabouts and legal status of those detained, or to

provide them with their rights under international law, including the right to inform

their families of their place of detention and the right of access to outside

representatives. An unknown number of detainees originally in US custody were

allegedly transferred to third countries, a situation which raised concern that the

suspects might face torture during interrogation.”

6. Amnesty International, “Unlawful detention of six men from Bosnia-

Herzegovina in Guantánamo Bay”, 29 May 2003

222. Amnesty International reported on the transfer of six Algerian men,

by Bosnian Federation police, from Sarajevo Prison into US custody in

Camp X-Ray, located in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. It expressed its concerns

that they had been arbitrarily detained in violation of their rights under the

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It also referred to the

decision of the Human Rights Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina in

which the latter had found that the transfer had been in violation of Article 5

of the Convention, Article 1 of Protocol No. 7 and Article 1 of

Protocol No. 6.

7. Amnesty International, “United States of America, The threat of a

bad example: Undermining international standards as ‘war on

terror’ detentions continue”, 18 August 2003

223. The relevant passage of this report read as follows:

“Detainees have been held incommunicado in US bases in Afghanistan. Allegations

of ill-treatment have emerged. Others have been held incommunicado in US custody

in undisclosed locations elsewhere in the world, and the US has also instigated or

involved itself in ‘irregular renditions’, US parlance for informal transfers of detainees

between the USA and other countries which bypass extradition or other human rights


8. Amnesty





ill-treatment”, 20 August 2003

224. The relevant passage of this report read as follows:

“Amnesty International is concerned that the detention of suspects in undisclosed

locations without access to legal representation or to family members and the

‘rendering’ of suspects between countries without any formal human rights

protections is in violation of the right to a fair trial, places them at risk of ill-treatment

and undermines the rule of law.”



9. International Committee of the Red Cross, United States: ICRC

President urges progress on detention-related issues, news release

04/03, 16 January 2004

225. The ICRC expressed its position as follows:

“Beyond Guantánamo, the ICRC is increasingly concerned about the fate of an

unknown number of people captured as part of the so-called global war on terror and

held in undisclosed locations. Mr Kellenberger echoed previous official requests from

the ICRC for information on these detainees and for eventual access to them, as an

important humanitarian priority and as a logical continuation of the organization’s

current detention work in Guantánamo and Afghanistan.”

10. Human Rights Watch - Statement on US Secret Detention Facilities

of 6 November 2005

226. On 6 November 2005 the Human Rights Watch issued a “Statement

on US Secret Detention Facilities in Europe” (“the 2005 HRW Statement”),

which indicated Romania’s and Poland’s complicity in the CIA rendition

programme. It was given two days after The Washington Post had published

Dana Priest’s article revealing information of secret detention facilities

designated for suspected terrorists run by the CIA outside the US, including

“Eastern European countries” (see also paragraph 234 below).

227. The statement read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“Human Rights Watch has conducted independent research on the existence of

secret detention locations that corroborates The Washington Post’s allegations that

there were detention facilities in Eastern Europe.

Specifically, we have collected information that CIA airplanes travelling from

Afghanistan in 2003 and 2004 made direct flights to remote airfields in Poland and

Romania. Human Rights Watch has viewed flight records showing that a Boeing 737,

registration number N313P – a plane that the CIA used to move several prisoners to

and from Europe, Afghanistan, and the Middle East in 2003 and 2004 – landed in

Poland and Romania on direct flights from Afghanistan on two occasions in 2003 and

2004. Human Rights Watch has independently confirmed several parts of the flight

records, and supplemented the records with independent research.

According to the records, the N313P plane flew from Kabul to northeastern Poland

on September 22, 2003, specifically, to Szymany airport, near the Polish town of

Szczytno, in Warmia-Mazuria province. Human Rights Watch has obtained

information that several detainees who had been held secretly in Afghanistan in 2003

were transferred out of the country in September and October 2003. The Polish

intelligence service maintains a large training facility and grounds near the Szymany

airport. ...

On Friday, the Associated Press quoted Szymany airport officials in Poland

confirming that a Boeing passenger plane landed at the airport at around midnight on

the night of September 22, 2003. The officials stated that the plane spent an hour on

the ground and took aboard five passengers with U.S. passports. ...

Further investigation is needed to determine the possible involvement of Poland and

Romania in the extremely serious activities described in The Washington Post article.

Arbitrary incommunicado detention is illegal under international law. It often acts as a



foundation for torture and mistreatment of detainees. U.S. government officials,

speaking anonymously to journalists in the past, have admitted that some secretly held

detainees have been subjected to torture and other mistreatment, including

waterboarding (immersing or smothering a detainee with water until he believes he is

about to drown). Countries that allow secret detention programs to operate on their

territory are complicit in the human rights abuses committed against detainees.

Human Rights Watch knows the names of 23 high-level suspects being held secretly

by U.S. personnel at undisclosed locations. An unknown number of other detainees

may be held at the request of the U.S. government in locations in the Middle East and

Asia. U.S. intelligence officials, speaking anonymously to journalists, have stated that

approximately 100 persons are being held in secret detention abroad by the United


Human Rights Watch emphasizes that there is no doubt that secret detention

facilities operated by the United States exist. The Bush Administration has cited, in

speeches and in public documents, arrests of several terrorist suspects now held in

unknown locations. Some of the detainees cited by the administration include: Abu

Zubaydah, a Palestinian arrested in Pakistan in March 2002; ... Abd al-Rahim al-

Nashiri (also known as Abu Bilal al-Makki), arrested in United Arab Emirates in

November 2002 ....

Human Rights Watch urges the United Nations and relevant European Union bodies

to launch investigations to determine which countries have been or are being used by

the United States for transiting and detaining incommunicado prisoners. The U.S.

Congress should also convene hearings on the allegations and demand that the Bush

administration account for secret detainees, explain the legal basis for their continued

detention, and make arrangements to screen detainees to determine their legal status

under domestic and international law. We welcome the decision by the Legal Affairs

Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to examine the

existence of U.S.-run detention centers in Council of Europe member states. We also

urge the European Union, including the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, to further

investigate allegations and publish its findings.”

11. Human Rights Watch – List of “Ghost Prisoners” Possibly in CIA

Custody of 30 November 2005

228. On 30 November 2005 the Human Rights Watch published a “List

of ‘Ghost Prisoners’ Possibly in CIA Custody” (“the 2005 HRW List”),

which included the applicant. The document reads, in so far as relevant, as


“The following is a list of persons believed to be in U.S. custody as ‘ghost

detainees’ – detainees who are not given any legal rights or access to counsel, and

who are likely not reported to or seen by the International Committee of the Red

Cross. The list is compiled from media reports, public statements by government

officials, and from other information obtained by Human Rights Watch. Human

Rights Watch does not consider this list to be complete: there are likely other ‘ghost

detainees’ held by the United States.

Under international law, enforced disappearances occur when persons are deprived

of their liberty, and the detaining authority refuses to disclose their fate or

whereabouts, or refuses to acknowledge their detention, which places the detainees

outside the protection of the law. International treaties ratified by the United States

prohibit incommunicado detention of persons in secret locations.



Many of the detainees listed below are suspected of involvement in serious crimes,

including the September 11, 2001 attacks; the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya

and Tanzania; and the 2002 bombing at two nightclubs in Bali, Indonesia. ... Yet none

on this list has been arraigned or criminally charged, and government officials,

speaking anonymously to journalists, have suggested that some detainees have been

tortured or seriously mistreated in custody.

The current location of these prisoners is unknown.

List, as of December 1, 2005:


4. Abu Zubaydah (also known as Zain al-Abidin Muhammad Husain). Reportedly

arrested in March 2002, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Palestinian (born in Saudi Arabia),

suspected senior al-Qaeda operational planner. Listed as captured in ‘George W.

Bush: Record of Achievement. Waging and Winning the War on Terror’, available on

the White House website. Previously listed as ‘disappeared’ by Human Rights Watch.


9. Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri (or Abdulrahim Mohammad Abda al-Nasheri, aka Abu

Bilal al-Makki or Mullah Ahmad Belal). Reportedly arrested in November 2002,

United Arab Emirates. Saudi or Yemeni, suspected al-Qaeda chief of operations in the

Persian Gulf, and suspected planner of the USS Cole bombing, and attack on the

French oil tanker, Limburg. Listed in ‘George W. Bush: Record of Achievement,

Waging and Winning the War on Terror’, available on the White House website.

Previously listed as ‘disappeared’ by Human Rights Watch. ...”


229. The applicant and third-party interveners submitted a considerable

number of articles and reports published in international and Romanian

media, which raised concerns about alleged rendition, secret detentions and

ill-treatment in US-run detention facilities for terrorist-suspects captured in

the context of the “war on terror”. They also submitted materials concerning

allegations of the CIA having a secret detention facility in Romania and

rendition flights operating on Romanian territory. A summary of most

relevant sources is given below.

A. International media

230. On 11 March 2002 The Washington Post published an article by

R. Chandrasekaran and P. Finn entitled “US Behind Secret Transfer of

Terror Suspects” which read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“Since Sept. 11, the U.S. government has secretly transported dozens of people

suspected of links to terrorists to countries other than the United States, bypassing

extradition procedures and legal formalities, according to Western diplomats and

intelligence sources. The suspects have been taken to countries, including Egypt and

Jordan, whose intelligence services have close ties to the CIA and where they can be

subjected to interrogation tactics Including torture and threats to families – that are



illegal in the United States, the sources said. In some cases, U.S. intelligence agents

remain closely involved in the interrogation, the sources said.

After September 11, these sorts of movements have been occurring all the time’, a

US diplomat told the Washington Post. ‘It allows us to get information from terrorists

in a way we can’t do on US soil’. ...

U.S. involvement in seizing terrorism suspects in third countries and shipping them

with few or no legal proceedings to the United States or other countries – known as

‘rendition’ – is not new. In recent years, U.S. agents, working with Egyptian

intelligence and local authorities in Africa, Central Asia and the Balkans, have sent

dozens of suspected Islamic extremists to Cairo or taken them to the United States,

according to U.S. officials, Egyptian lawyers and human rights groups. ...”

231. On 12 March 2002 The Guardian published an article written by

D. Campbell, entitled “US sends suspects to face torture” which was to an

extent based on the above article in The Washington Post. It read, in so far

as relevant, as follows:

“The US has been secretly sending prisoners suspected of al-Qaida connections to

countries where torture during interrogation is legal, according to US diplomatic and

intelligence sources. Prisoners moved to such countries as Egypt and Jordan can be

subjected to torture and threats to their families to extract information sought by the

US in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

The normal extradition procedures have been bypassed in the transportation of

dozens of prisoners suspected of terrorist connections, according to a report in the

Washington Post. The suspects have been taken to countries where the CIA has close

ties with the local intelligence services and where torture is permitted.

According to the report, US intelligence agents have been involved in a number of

interrogations. A CIA spokesman yesterday said the agency had no comment on the

allegations. A state department spokesman said the US had been ‘working very

closely with other countries’ – it’s a global fight against terrorism’. ...

The seizing of suspects and taking them to a third country without due process of

law is known as ‘rendition’. The reason for sending a suspect to a third country rather

than to the US, according to the diplomats, is an attempt to avoid highly publicised

cases that could lead to a further backlash from Islamist extremists. ...

The US has been criticised by some of its European allies over the detention of

prisoners at Camp X-Ray in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. After the Pentagon released

pictures of blindfolded prisoners kneeling on the ground, the defence secretary,

Donald Rumsfeld, was forced to defend the conditions in which they were being held.

Unsuccessful attempts have been made by civil rights lawyers based in Los Angeles

to have the Camp X-Ray prisoners either charged in US courts or treated as prisoners

of war. The US administration has resisted such moves, arguing that those detained,

both Taliban fighters and members of al-Qaida, were not entitled to be regarded as

prisoners of war because they were terrorists rather than soldiers and were not part of

a recognised, uniformed army.”

232. On 2 April 2002 ABC News reported:

“US officials have been discussing whether Zubaydah should be sent to countries,

including Egypt or Jordan, where much more aggressive interrogation techniques are

permitted. But such a move would directly raise a question of torture ... Officials have

also discussed sending Zubaydah to Guantánamo Bay or to a military ship at sea.



Sources say it’s imperative to keep him isolated from other detainees as part of

psychological warfare, and even more aggressive tools may be used.”

233. Two Associated Press reports of 2 April 2002 stated:

“Zubaydah is in US custody, but it’s unclear whether he remains in Pakistan, is

among 20 al Qaeda suspects to be sent to the US naval station at Guantánamo Bay,

Cuba, or will be transported to a separate location.”


“US officials would not say where he was being held. But they did say he was not

expected in the United States any time soon. He could eventually be held in

Afghanistan, aboard a Navy ship, at the US base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, or

transferred to a third country.”

234. On 26 December 2002 The Washington Post published a detailed

article entitled “Stress and Duress Tactics Used on Terrorism Suspects Held

in Secret Overseas Facilities”. The article referred explicitly to the practice

of rendition and summarised the situation as follows:

“a brass-knuckled quest for information, often in concert with allies of dubious

human rights reputation; in which the traditional lines between right and wrong, legal

and inhumane, are evolving and blurred. ...

‘If you don’t violate someone’s human rights some of the time; you probably aren’t

doing your job,’ said one official who has supervised the capture and transfer of

accused terrorists.”

The article also noted that

“there were a number of secret detention centers overseas where US due process

does not apply ... where the CIA undertakes or manages the interrogation of suspected

terrorists ... off-limits to outsiders and often even to other government agencies. In

addition to Bagram and Diego Garcia, the CIA has other detention centres overseas

and often uses the facilities of foreign intelligence services”.

The Washington Post also gave details on the rendition process:

“The takedown teams often ‘package’ prisoners for transport, fitting them with

hoods and gags, and binding them to stretchers with duct tape.”

The article received worldwide exposure. In the first weeks of 2003 it

was, among other things, the subject of an editorial in the Economist and a

statement by the World Organisation against Torture.

235. On 28 February 2005 the Newsweek published an article by

M. Hirsch, M. Hosenball and J. Barry, entitled “Aboard Air CIA”, stating

that the CIA ran a secret charter service, shuttling detainees to interrogation

facilities worldwide. While the article mainly gave an account of

Mr El-Masri capture, rendition, secret detention and further plight in CIA

hands, Romania was for the first time mentioned as a transit country for the

CIA planes suspected of transporting terrorist-suspects in the context of the

flight N313P, Boeing 737, its rendition mission of 16-28 January 2004 and

landing in Romania (see also paragraphs 326-328 below). It also stated:



“...NEWSWEEK has obtained previously unpublished flight plans indicating the

agency has been operating a Boeing 737 as part of a top-secret global charter

servicing clandestine interrogation facilities used in the war on terror. And the

Boeing’s flight information, detailed to the day, seems to confirm Masri’s tale of

abduction. ...

The evidence backing up Masri’s account of being ‘snatched’ by American

operatives is only the latest blow to the CIA in the ongoing detention-abuse scandal.

Together with previously disclosed flight plans of a smaller Gulfstream V jet, the

Boeing 737’s travels are further evidence that a global ‘ghost’ prison system, where

terror suspects are secretly interrogated, is being operated by the CIA. Several of the

Gulfstream flights allegedly correlate with other ‘renditions’, the controversial

practice of secretly spiriting suspects to other countries without due process. ...”

236. On 2 November 2005 The Washington Post reported that the

United States had used secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and

elsewhere to hold illegally persons suspected of terrorism. The article,

entitled “CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons” cited sources from

the US Government, notably the CIA, but no specific locations in Eastern

Europe were identified. It was written by Dana Priest, an American

journalist. She referred to the countries involved as “Eastern-European


It read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“The CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al Qaeda

captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe, according to U.S. and foreign

officials familiar with the arrangement.

The secret facility is part of a covert prison system set up by the CIA nearly four

years ago that at various times has included sites in eight countries, including

Thailand, Afghanistan and several democracies in Eastern Europe, as well as a small

center at the Guantánamo Bay prison in Cuba, according to current and former

intelligence officials and diplomats from three continents.

The hidden global internment network is a central element in the CIA’s

unconventional war on terrorism. It depends on the cooperation of foreign intelligence

services, and on keeping even basic information about the system secret from the

public, foreign officials and nearly all members of Congress charged with overseeing

the CIA’s covert actions.

The existence and locations of the facilities – referred to as ‘black sites’ in classified

White House, CIA, Justice Department and congressional documents – are known to

only a handful of officials in the United States and, usually, only to the president and a

few top intelligence officers in each host country.


Although the CIA will not acknowledge details of its system, intelligence officials

defend the agency’s approach, arguing that the successful defense of the country

requires that the agency be empowered to hold and interrogate suspected terrorists for

as long as necessary and without restrictions imposed by the U.S. legal system or even

by the military tribunals established for prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay.

The Washington Post is not publishing the names of the Eastern European countries

involved in the covert program, at the request of senior U.S. officials. They argued



that the disclosure might disrupt counterterrorism efforts in those countries and

elsewhere and could make them targets of possible terrorist retaliation.


It is illegal for the government to hold prisoners in such isolation in secret prisons in

the United States, which is why the CIA placed them overseas, according to several

former and current intelligence officials and other U.S. government officials. Legal

experts and intelligence officials said that the CIA’s internment practices also would

be considered illegal under the laws of several host countries, where detainees have

rights to have a lawyer or to mount a defense against allegations of wrongdoing.

Host countries have signed the U.N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel,

Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, as has the United States. Yet CIA

interrogators in the overseas sites are permitted to use the CIA’s approved ‘Enhanced

Interrogation Techniques’, some of which are prohibited by the U.N. convention and

by U.S. military law. They include tactics such as ‘waterboarding’, in which a

prisoner is made to believe he or she is drowning.


The contours of the CIA’s detention program have emerged in bits and pieces over

the past two years. Parliaments in Canada, Italy, France, Sweden and the Netherlands

have opened inquiries into alleged CIA operations that secretly captured their citizens

or legal residents and transferred them to the agency’s prisons.

More than 100 suspected terrorists have been sent by the CIA into the covert

system, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials and foreign

sources. This figure, a rough estimate based on information from sources who said

their knowledge of the numbers was incomplete, does not include prisoners picked up

in Iraq.

The detainees break down roughly into two classes, the sources said.

About 30 are considered major terrorism suspects and have been held under the

highest level of secrecy at black sites financed by the CIA and managed by agency

personnel, including those in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, according to current and

former intelligence officers and two other U.S. government officials. Two locations in

this category – in Thailand and on the grounds of the military prison at Guantánamo

Bay – were closed in 2003 and 2004, respectively.

A second tier – which these sources believe includes more than 70 detainees – is a

group considered less important, with less direct involvement in terrorism and having

limited intelligence value. These prisoners, some of whom were originally taken to

black sites, are delivered to intelligence services in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco,

Afghanistan and other countries, a process sometimes known as ‘rendition’. While the

first-tier black sites are run by CIA officers, the jails in these countries are operated by

the host nations, with CIA financial assistance and, sometimes, direction.


The top 30 al Qaeda prisoners exist in complete isolation from the outside world.

Kept in dark, sometimes underground cells, they have no recognized legal rights, and

no one outside the CIA is allowed to talk with or even see them, or to otherwise verify

their well-being, said current and former and U.S. and foreign government and

intelligence officials.




The Eastern European countries that the CIA has persuaded to hide al Qaeda

captives are democracies that have embraced the rule of law and individual rights

after decades of Soviet domination. Each has been trying to cleanse its intelligence

services of operatives who have worked on behalf of others – mainly Russia and

organized crime.


By mid-2002, the CIA had worked out secret black-site deals with two countries,

including Thailand and one Eastern European nation, current and former officials

said. An estimated $100 million was tucked inside the classified annex of the first

supplemental Afghanistan appropriation. ...”

237. On 5 December 2005, ABC News published a report, by Brian Ross

and Richard Esposito, entitled “Sources Tell ABC News Top Al Qaeda

Figures Held in Secret CIA Prisons – 10 Out of 11 High-Value Terror

Leaders Subjected to ‘Enhanced Interrogation Techniques’” and listing the

names of top al-Qaeda terrorist suspects held in Poland and Romania,

including the applicant and Mr Abu Zubaydah. This report was available on

the Internet for only a very short time; it was withdrawn from ABC’s

webpage shortly thereafter following the intervention of lawyers on behalf

of the network’s owners. At present, the content is again publicly available

and reads, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“Two CIA secret prisons were operating in Eastern Europe until last month when

they were shut down following Human Rights Watch reports of their existence in

Poland and Romania.

Current and former CIA officers speaking to ABC News on the condition of

confidentiality say the United States scrambled to get all the suspects off European

soil before Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived there today. The officers say

11 top al Qaeda suspects have now been moved to a new CIA facility in the North

African desert.

CIA officials asked ABC News not to name the specific countries where the prisons

were located, citing security concerns.

The CIA declines to comment, but current and former intelligence officials tell ABC

News that 11 top al Qaeda figures were all held at one point on a former Soviet air

base in one Eastern European country. Several of them were later moved to a second

Eastern European country.

All but one of these 11 high-value al Qaeda prisoners were subjected to the harshest

interrogation techniques in the CIA’s secret arsenal, the so-called ‘enhanced

interrogation techniques’ authorized for use by about 14 CIA officers and first

reported by ABC News on Nov. 18.

Rice today avoided directly answering the question of secret prisons in remarks

made on her departure for Europe, where the issue of secret prisons and secret flights

has caused a furor.

Without mentioning any country by name, Rice acknowledged special handling for

certain terrorists. ‘The captured terrorists of the 21st century do not fit easily into

traditional systems of criminal or military justice, which were designed for different

needs. We have had to adapt’, Rice said.



The CIA has used a small fleet of private jets to move top al Qaeda suspects from

Afghanistan and the Middle East to Eastern Europe, where Human Rights Watch has

identified Poland and Romania as the countries that housed secret sites.

But Polish Defense Minister Radosław Sikorski told ABC Chief Investigative

Correspondent Brian Ross today: ‘My president has said there is no truth in these


Ross asked: ‘Do you know otherwise, sir, are you aware of these sites being shut

down in the last few weeks, operating on a base under your direct control?’ Sikorski

answered, ‘I think this is as much as I can tell you about this’.

In Romania, where the secret prison was possibly at a military base visited last year

by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the new Romanian prime minister said today

there is no evidence of a CIA site but that he will investigate.

Sources tell ABC that the CIA’s secret prisons have existed since March 2002 when

one was established in Thailand to house the first important al Qaeda target captured.

Sources tell ABC that the approval for another secret prison was granted last year by a

North African nation.

Sources tell ABC News that the CIA has a related system of secretly returning other

prisoners to their home country when they have outlived their usefulness to the United


These same sources also tell ABC News that U.S. intelligence also ships some

‘unlawful combatants’ to countries that use interrogation techniques harsher than any

authorized for use by U.S. intelligence officers. They say that Jordan, Syria, Morocco

and Egypt were among the nations used in order to extract confessions quickly using

techniques harsher than those authorized for use by U.S. intelligence officers. These

prisoners were not necessarily citizens of those nations.

According to sources directly involved in setting up the CIA secret prison system, it

began with the capture of Abu Zabayda in Pakistan. After treatment there for gunshot

wounds, he was whisked by the CIA to Thailand where he was housed in a small,

disused warehouse on an active airbase. There, his cell was kept under 24-hour closed

circuit TV surveillance and his life-threatening wounds were tended to by a CIA

doctor specially sent from Langley headquarters to assure Abu Zubaydah was given

proper care, sources said. Once healthy, he was slapped, grabbed, made to stand long

hours in a cold cell, and finally handcuffed and strapped feet up to a water board until

after 0.31 seconds he begged for mercy and began to cooperate. ...”

238. On 8 December 2011 The Independent published an article written

by A. Goldman and M. Apuzzo, entitled “Inside Romania’s secret CIA

prison”. The article suggested that the building used by the National

Registry Office for Classified Information (Oficiul Registrului Naţional al

Informaţiilor Secrete de Stat – “ORNISS”) had hosted the CIA secret

detention site in Romania. The relevant parts read:

“In northern Bucharest, in a busy residential neighbourhood minutes from the heart

of the capital city, is a secret the Romanian government has long tried to protect.

For years, the CIA used a government building — codenamed ‘Bright Light’ — as a

makeshift prison for its most valuable detainees. ...

The existence of a CIA prison in Romania has been widely reported, but its location

has never been made public. The Associated Press and German public television ARD



located the former prison and learned details of the facility where harsh interrogation

tactics were used. ARD’s programme on the CIA prison is set to air today.

The Romanian prison was part of a network of so-called black sites that the CIA

operated and controlled overseas in Thailand, Lithuania and Poland. All the prisons

were closed by May 2006, and the CIA’s detention and interrogation programme

ended in 2009.

Unlike the CIA’s facility in Lithuania’s countryside or the one hidden in a Polish

military installation, the CIA’s prison in Romania was not in a remote location. It was

hidden in plain sight, a couple blocks off a major boulevard on a street lined with trees

and homes, along busy train tracks.

The building is used as the National Registry Office for Classified Information,

which is also known as ORNISS. Classified information from NATO and the

European Union is stored there. Former intelligence officials both described the

location of the prison and identified pictures of the building.

In an interview at the building in November [2011], senior ORNISS official Adrian

Camarasan said the basement is one of the most secure rooms in all of Romania. But

he said Americans never ran a prison there.

‘No, no. Impossible, impossible,’ he said in an ARD interview for its ‘Panorama

news broadcast, as a security official monitored the interview.

The CIA prison opened for business in the autumn of 2003, after the CIA decided to

empty the black site in Poland, according to former US officials.

Shuttling detainees into the facility without being seen was relatively easy. After

flying into Bucharest, the detainees were brought to the site in vans. CIA operatives

then drove down a side road and entered the compound through a rear gate that led to

the actual prison.

The detainees could then be unloaded and whisked into the ground floor of the

prison and into the basement.

The basement consisted of six prefabricated cells, each with a clock and arrow

pointing to Mecca, the officials said. The cells were on springs, keeping them slightly

off balance and causing disorientation among some detainees.

The CIA declined to comment on the prison. ...

Former US officials said that because the building was a government installation, it

provided excellent cover. The prison didn’t need heavy security because area residents

knew it was owned by the government. People wouldn’t be inclined to snoop in post-

communist Romania, with its extensive security apparatus known for spying on the

country’s own citizens.

Human rights activists have urged the Eastern European countries to investigate the

roles their governments played in hosting the prisons in which interrogation

techniques such as waterboarding were used. Officials from these countries continue

to deny these prisons ever existed.

‘We know of the criticism, but we have no knowledge of this subject’, Romanian

President Traian Băsescu said in a September [2011] interview with AP. ...

The Romanian and Lithuanian sites were eventually closed in the first half of 2006

before CIA Director Porter Goss left the job. Some of the detainees were taken to

Kabul, where the CIA could legally hold them before they were sent to Guantánamo.

Others were sent back to their native countries.”



B. Romanian media

239. On 22 January 2002 Adevărul, a Romanian daily newspaper based

in Bucharest, published an article entitled “Treatment applied to hostages in

Afghanistan – ‘inhuman’ which read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“British officials who made a visit to the prison at Guantánamo at the end of last

week presented a report to the British government on the manner in which Taliban

and Al-Qaida prisoners are treated. The authorities in London are going to study it in

detail given that criticism towards Americans has grown in recent days about the

treatment applied to prisoners at Guantánamo. Films depicting prisoners blindfolded

and chained by their hands and feet, with masks covering their mouth and nose and

kneeling before their guards, have led to public concern and condemnation in many

countries of the world. Great Britain, the main ally of the USA, was among the first

countries in which politicians referred to the images as ‘shocking’ and the manner in

which prisoners were treated as ‘monstrous’.

Following pressure from public opinion, the British Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw

has asked the Americans to treat hostages from Afghanistan ‘humanely’. The USA

stated that the images presented depicted prisoners at their time of arrival at

Guantánamo and are not representative of how they are treated in prison on a daily

basis. For now, the officials from London who visited the prison at Guantánamo

stated that the three Britons being held there have not formulated ‘any complaint’ in

relation to the manner in which they are treated.

Disputes between the Americans and British on this topic are the first visible sign of

dissent between the two allies since the start of the anti-terrorist campaign. According

to British officials, the 144 prisoners who have already arrived at Guantánamo are

housed in spaces that look like cages, separated by wire. London is of the view that

this kind of ‘degrading’ treatment” is ‘counterproductive’, and diminishes the chances

of the secret services of obtaining information on potential terrorists from the Muslim

community. ...”

240. On 5 February 2002 Adevărul published an article “The treatment

of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay attracts hundreds of new recruits to our

ranks”, which read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“The treatment of Taliban and Al-Qaida detainees by American troops at the X-Ray

detention centre of the Guantánamo Bay American military base, Cuba ‘will lead to a

considerable increase in the number of recruits’ that will join Islamic terrorist groups,

stated Hassan Yousef on Sunday, the leader of Hamas, the extremist organization

found on the list of targets in the war on terrorism drawn up by the United States. ...

‘The Mirror’, after the international press published a photograph at the end of last

week of a detainee taken to interrogation strapped to a stretcher. ...Questioned even

from the beginning by European allies, the treatment applied to prisoners captured by

US forces in Afghanistan, creates new waves these days both in Europe and overseas.

After the former American Secretary of State, Madeline Albright criticized the

manner in which the Bush administration decided to treat Guantánamo Bay prisoners

(Washington does not consider that the status of prisoner of war applies to Al-Qaida

mercenaries). The latest spark to rekindle the controversy about the X-Ray detention

center, the picture shown here, caused a powerful storm in Great Britain. On Sunday,

Prime Minister Tony Blair made a fierce attack on the weekly newspaper ‘The Mail

on Sunday’ accusing it of undermining the war on terrorism after this newspaper



published an article on its first page in which it suggested that American investigators

had interrogated detainees who were unconscious, or in other words, under the

influence of drugs. According to experts however, the fact that the photographed

detainee had his knees bent is proof that he was conscious at the time that he was

photographed. ...”

241. On 25 March 2002 Adevărul published an article entitled

“‘American Taliban’ mistreated by authorities” which read, in so far as

relevant, as follows:

“The ‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh has been mistreated by American

authorities during the time he has been in detention, stated his lawyers in a document

sent to the judge, reported newspaper ‘The Los Angeles Times’. ‘The American

Taliban’, John Walker Lindh, stated in a document submitted to the Court that he had

been mistreated by American Authorities during the time he has spent in detention.

John Walker Lindh, aged 21 years of age, was captured in the North of Afghanistan.

Lindh ‘was blindfolded, and his handcuffs were so tight that they stopped his blood

circulation’, his lawyers added, who claimed that American soldiers ‘threatened him

with death and torture’. He was given very little food and did not have the right to

receive medical care. The defense claimed that ‘The American Taliban’ had his

clothes cut up and remained ‘completely naked’ and was transported ‘in a metal

transport container’ where there was no source of heat or lighting.”

242. On 27 December 2002 Evenimentul Zilei, a Romanian newspaper

based in Bucharestm published an article entitled “Torture at the CIA?”

which read, in so far as relevant:

“Investigators from the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States (CIA) used


and violent interrogation techniques against enemies captured in

Afghanistan, that came somewhere between the ‘boundary of legal and inhuman’

writes The Washington Post newspaper. The prestigious American newspaper

describes metal containers which it says were secret CIA interrogation centers at the

Bagram airbase which was the Headquarters of the American forces involved in

operations to capture members of al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders.

Prisoners who refused to cooperate were kept kneeling for several hours with their

eyes covered with black cloth or by tinted glasses. On other occasions, prisoners were

forced to adopt strange or painful positions and being also deprived of rest – ‘were

subject to a process known by the technical name ‘stress and endurance’. ... The CIA

refrained from commenting on the article that appeared in The Washington Post.

According to the figures begrudgingly provided by the American authorities,

approximately 3000 members have al-Qaeda have been arrested until now, of which

625 are being held at Guantánamo Bay and approximately 100 more have been

‘transferred’ to other countries. A few thousand prisoners were arrested and

imprisoned with assistance from the United States in countries known and recognized

for their brutal treatment of prisoners. The Washington Post adds the fact that the

Bush administration applied this kind of policy which was contrary to publicly

expressed values, because it had doubts that the American public would support its




243. On 20 May 2003 Evenimentul Zilei published an article entitled

“American torture using heavy metal” which read, in so far as relevant, as


“American troops in Iraq used a refined form of torture to break the resistance of

prisoners and make them talk, according to American magazine Newsweek. Stubborn

prisoners were ‘bombarded’ with heavy metal music played at maximum volume over

long periods of time until their nerves gave out. ... The idea is to break a person’s

resistance by upsetting him with music that an Iraqi considers to be offensive from a

cultural point of view, explained Sergeant Mark Hadsell. ‘These people never listened

to heavy metal in their life and they can’t stand it’, he added. ...

Iraqis tortured in war camps

These revelations come two days after Amnesty International representatives

returning from Iraq stated that many former prisoners, the majority of them civilians,

complained that they have been tortured during their detention in camps set up by

British and American troops. At least 20 prisoners stated that they were beaten hours

on end, and another, a Saudi citizen, said that he was subjected to electric shocks. The

Amnesty International Investigation is continuing, with a manager from the

organization claiming that we are certainly talking about cases of torture. At the time

that the report is completed, Amnesty International will ask American and British

authorities to reply to the accusations made by prisoners.”


244. On 13 December 2014 Spiegel Online published an article entitled

“Black Site in Romania: Former spy chief admits existence of CIA camp”

which read as follows:

“There was at least one CIA prison in Romania – that is what the US torture report

says. Politicians of that country had always denied this. Now the former Romanian

spy chief speaks about a ‘transit centre’ of the US secret service.

Romanian politicians denied it for almost a decade – but now there is, for the first

time, a confession: there were CIA centres in Romania, in which captives were held

and possibly also tortured.

The former Romanian spy chief Ioan Talpeş told SPIEGEL ONLINE that there were

one or two locations in Romania, at which the CIA ‘probably held persons, who were

subjected to inhuman treatment’. This was the case in the period from 2003 to 2006.

Talpeş had previously confirmed the existence of ‘CIA transit camp’, as he calls them,

in the Bucharest daily ‘Adevărul’.

Talpeş is 70 years old now. From 1992 to 1997 he led the Romanian secret service

abroad, SIE, and from 2000 to 2004 he served as the Chief of the Presidential

Administration as well as the head of the National Security Department.

Talpeş told SPIEGEL ONLINE that he had, from 2003 onwards, continued

discussions with officials of the CIA and the US military about a more intense

cooperation. In the context of these discussions it was agreed that the CIA could carry

out its own activities in certain locations.

‘It was up to the Americans what they did in these places’



He did not know where this was and Romania was, expressly, not interested in what

the CIA was doing there. The country wanted to prove its readiness to cooperate,

Talpeş said, because it sought NATO-membership. ‘It was up to the Americans what

they did in these places’, he said. First and foremost thanks to US advocacy, Romania

was admitted into NATO in 2004.

Dick Marty, the Council of Europe special investigator concerning the secret CIA

prisons, had accused Romania in 2005/2006 of hosting illegal CIA prisons for

terrorism suspects on its territory. Amnesty International had previously made similar

allegations. Among others, the key planner of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, is said

to have been held there.

Romanian politicians, including Presidents Ion Iliescu (in office from 2000 to 2004)

and Traian Băsescu (in office from 2004 to 2014) had always denied this. A

commission of inquiry of the Romanian parliament reported in 2006: there were no

CIA prisons in the country and no CIA captives were held there or transferred to other

countries on transit flights via Romania.

Since 2001, the US army has had an air base close to Kogălniceanu in the South

East of Romania. Apart from that base, the airports in Craiova in Southern Romania

and in Temeswar in Western Romania are reported to have been used for the transport

of CIA captives. Already in 2002 Romania signed an agreement with the USA,

according to which the country would not extradite US soldiers to the International

Criminal Court.

Even after the publication of the CIA torture report, in which a Romanian CIA

prison is mentioned as a ‘black site’, Romanian politicians denied its existence. Victor

Ponta, the head of the government, declined to comment on the CIA report.

The former Head-of-State Iliescu said on Wednesday that he had had no knowledge

of a CIA prison. However, Ioan Talpeş told SPIEGEL ONLINE that he had informed

President Iliescu in 2003 and 2004 that the CIA carried out ‘certain activities’ on

Romanian territory. At that time, Talpeş continued, he himself did not think that the

CIA could possibly torture captives. Therefore, ‘no major significance’ was attributed

to information about the activities of the US secret service in Romania.

In response to the question why he had not shared his knowledge when the Council

of Europe special investigator, Dick Marty, presented his report, Talpeş stated that he

had been unable to speak for as long as the competent US authorities had not

expressed themselves on the matter. In this respect he blamed Romanian politicians

for denying the existence of the transit camps.”

245. On 22 April 2015 Spiegel Online published an article entitled

“Torture in Romania: Former Head-of-State Iliescu admits existence of CIA

prison” which read:

“The CIA tortured in Romania – that is an open secret. Only the country’s officials

never wanted to acknowledge that. Now former Head-of-State Iliescu states in

SPIEGEL ONLINE: he left a location to the secret service.

It is hardly disputed any longer that the CIA entertained one or more secret prisons

in Romania following the attacks of 11 September 2001. The CIA report on torture of

last December speaks, in a somewhat cryptic way, of ‘Detention Site Black’. Several

of the most important CIA captives, among them the key planner of 9/11, Khalid

Sheikh Mohammed, are said to have been held and tortured in Romania between 2002

and 2006.



Despite numerous indications, Romanian officials for years vehemently denied that

there had been secret CIA prisons on the country’s territory. Now, the late confession

concerning the Romanian ‘Detention Site’ comes from nobody less than the former

Head-of-State Ion Iliescu, who was in office from 2000 to 2004.

In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, Iliescu stated that around the turn of the

year 2002/2003, ‘our US allies asked us for a site’. He, as Head-of-State, did, in

principle, grant this request. The details were taken care of by Ioan Talpeş , who, at

the time, was the head of the National Security Department and the chief of the

Presidential Administration.

By virtue of this statement, the 85 year-old Iliescu becomes the second Head-of-

State - following the former Polish Head-of-State Aleksander Kwaśniewski – to admit

the former existence of a CIA prison on behalf of his country.

Iliescu explicitly wants to speak of a location/site (‘Standort’) – he claims not to

have known of a prison. ‘It was about a gesture of courtesy ahead of our accession to


‘We did not interfere with the activities of the USA on this site. This request seemed

like a minor issue to me as the Head-of-State. We were allies, we went to war together

in Afghanistan and in the Middle East. Therefore, I did not go into detail when our

allies requested a specific site in Romania’.

Had he known more at that time, Iliescu continued, the request would ‘of course

not’ have been responded to positively. ‘We learned from this experience to be more

attentive in relation to such requests in the future and to ponder more scrupulously’.

Iliescu gave the CIA ‘plenty of rope’

Talpeş, the former chief of Iliescu’s Presidential Administration, had previously led

the Romanian secret service abroad, SIE. Vis-à-vis SPIEGEL ONLINE he admitted

already last year, as the first Romanian official, the existence of ‘CIA transit centres’.

Talpeş also confirmed Iliescu’s statements now.

He had received a request from a representative of the CIA in Romania at the turn of

the year 2002/2003 for premises, which the US secret service needed for its own

activities. Iliescu gave him ‘plenty of rope’ to take care of this request. He arranged

for a building in Bucharest to be given to the CIA. This building was used by the CIA

from 2003 to 2006. It did no longer exist. He would not reveal where exactly this

building was located.

Talpeş thereby corrected his earlier statement that he did not know the location of

the CIA transit centres. He now states that the only thing he did not know, was

whether the CIA also used the US air base in Kogălniceanu in South East Romania.

Also, he never visited any of the ‘CIA sites’ personally. With regard to the premises

in Bucharest, he was aware that ‘the matter [could] become dangerous’. Therefore, he

explicitly told the CIA representatives that Romania did not want to know anything

about the activities on these premises. At the time, he wanted to prove Romania’s

loyalty to the alliance in the period of the NATO accession through this measure.

The statements by Iliescu and Talpeş confirm the 2006/2007 reports by former

special investigator of the Council of Europe concerning the secret CIA prisons, Dick

Marty. Marty had, already at that time, accused Romania of hosting secret CIA

prisons on its territory. Romanian officials and politicians, among them Iliescu, had

disputed the allegations. According to Marty’s 2007 report, at least five high-ranking

Romanian officials were informed about the existence of the secret CIA prisons.

Besides Iliescu and Talpeş this included the former Head of State Traian Băsescu,



who was in office from 2004 to 2014. Băsescu did not want to comment on the matter

following a query from SPIEGEL ONLINE.

‘We did not have any clues back then’

In 2008 a commission of inquiry of the Romanian parliament had concluded that

there had not been any secret CIA prisons in Romania and that there was no

information on CIA-flights or transports of captives. The former head of this

commission, the politician of the Liberals and current Member of the European

Parliament, Norica Nicolai, adheres to this statement to the present day. ‘We did not

have any clues back then’, Nicolai told SPIEGEL ONLINE.

However, the chairperson of the Romanian human rights organisation APADOR-

CH, Maria Nicoleta Andreescu, describes the work of the commission as ‘totally

inefficient and frivolous’. APADOR-CH, inter alia, represents the former CIA captive

Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri in Romania. He is said to have planned the attack on the

destroyer U.S.S. ‘Cole’ in Yemen in October 2000. He was supposedly kept and

tortured in Romania between 2003 and 2006. In 2012 Al-Nashiri took legal action

against the State of Romania, which is still pending.

The APADOR-CH chairperson Andreescu describes Iliescu’s present confession on

CIA prisons in Romania as a ‘very important and significant statement’. ‘If the

Romanian State is willing to clarify the question of CIA prisons, then the public

prosecutor must open criminal investigations following this statement’, Andreescu





A. Council of Europe

1. Procedure under Article 52 of the Convention

246. In November 2005, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe,

Mr Terry Davis, acting under Article 52 of the Convention and in

connection with reports of European collusion in secret rendition flights,

sent a questionnaire to – at that time 45 – States Parties to the Convention,

including Romania.

The States were asked to explain how their internal law ensured the

effective implementation of the Convention on four issues: 1) adequate

controls over acts by foreign agents in their jurisdiction; 2) adequate

safeguards to prevent, as regards any person in their jurisdiction,

unacknowledged deprivation of liberty, including transport, with or without

the involvement of foreign agents; 3) adequate responses (including

effective investigations) to any alleged infringements of ECHR rights,

notably in the context of deprivation of liberty, resulting from conduct of

foreign agents; 4) whether since 1 January 2002 any public official had been

involved, by action or omission, in such deprivation of liberty or transport



of detainees; whether any official investigation was under way or had been


247. The Romanian Government replied on an unspecified date denying

that any unacknowledged deprivation of liberty or illegal transport of

prisoners had taken place on Romanian territory.

248. On 1 March 2006 the Secretary General released his report on the

use of his powers under Article 52 of the Convention (SG/Inf (2006) 5) of

28 February 2006 based on the official replies from the member states.

2. Parliamentary Assembly’s inquiry - the Marty Inquiry

249. On 1 November 2005 the PACE launched an investigation into

allegations of secret detention facilities being run by the CIA in many

member states, for which Swiss Senator Dick Marty was appointed


On 15 December 2005 the Parliamentary Assembly requested an opinion

from the Venice Commission on the legality of secret detention in the light

of the member states’ international legal obligations, particularly under the

European Convention on Human Rights.

(a) The 2006 Marty Report

250. On 7 June 2006 Senator Dick Marty presented to the PACE his first

report prepared in the framework of the investigation launched on

1 November 2005 (see paragraph 249 above), revealing what he called a

global “spider’s web” of CIA detentions and transfers and alleged collusion

in this system by 14 Council of Europe member states, including Romania.

The document, as published by the PACE, was entitled “Alleged secret

detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers of detainees involving Council

of Europe member states” (Doc. 10957) and commonly referred to as “the

2006 Marty Report”.

251. Chapter 1.3 of the 2006 Marty Report, entitled “Secret CIA prisons

in Europe?” read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“7. This was the news item circulated in early November 2005 by the American

NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW), The Washington Post and the ABC television

channel. Whereas The Washington Post did not name specific countries hosting, or

allegedly having hosted, such detention centres, simply referring generically to

‘eastern European democracies’, HRW reported that the countries in question are

Poland and Romania. On 5 December 2005, ABC News in turn reported the existence

of secret detention centres in Poland and Romania, which had apparently been closed

following The Washington Post’s revelations. According to ABC, 11 suspects

detained in these centres had been subjected to the harshest interrogation techniques

(so-called enhanced interrogation techniques’) before being transferred to CIA

facilities in North Africa.

8. It is interesting to recall that this ABC report, confirming the use of secret

detention camps in Poland and Romania by the CIA, was available on the Internet for

only a very short time before being withdrawn following the intervention of lawyers



on behalf of the network’s owners. The Washington Post subsequently admitted that it

had been in possession of the names of the countries, but had refrained from naming

them further to an agreement entered into with the authorities. It is thus established

that considerable pressure was brought to bear to ensure that these countries were not

named. It is unclear what arguments prevailed on the media outlets in question to

convince them to comply. ...”

252. Chapter 1.8, in paragraph 22, stated:

“22. There is no formal evidence at this stage of the existence of secret CIA

detention centres in Poland, Romania or other Council of Europe member states, even

though serious indications continue to exist and grow stronger. Nevertheless, it is

clear that an unspecified number of persons, deemed to be members or accomplices of

terrorist movements, were arbitrarily and unlawfully arrested and/or detained and

transported under the supervision of services acting in the name, or on behalf, of the

American authorities. These incidents took place in airports and in European airspace,

and were made possible either by seriously negligent monitoring or by the more or

less active participation of one or more government departments of Council of Europe

member states.”

253. Chapter 2.6.1 referred to Romania. It stated, in so far as relevant, as


“56. Romania is thus far the only Council of Europe member State to be located on

one of the rendition circuits we believe we have identified and which bears all the

characteristics of a detainee transfer or drop-off point. The N313P rendition plane

landed in Timișoara at 11.51 pm on 25 January 2004 and departed just 72 minutes

later, at 1.03 am on 26 January 2004. I am grateful to the Romanian Civil Aeronautic

Authority for confirming these flight movements.


58. We can likewise affirm that the plane was not carrying prisoners to further

detention when it left Timișoara. Its next destination, after all, was Palma de Mallorca,

a well-established “staging point”, also used for recuperation purposes in the midst of

rendition circuits.

59. There is documentation in this instance that the passengers of the N313P plane,

using US Government passports and apparently false identities, stayed in a hotel in

Palma de Mallorca for two nights before returning to the United States. One can

deduce that these passengers, in addition to the crew of the plane, comprised a CIA

rendition team, the same team performing all renditions on this circuit.

60. The N313P plane stayed on the runway at Timișoara on the night of

25 January 2004 for barely one hour. Based on analysis of the flight capacity of

N313P, a Boeing 737 jet, in line with typical flight behaviours of CIA planes, it is

highly unlikely that the purpose of heading to Romania was to refuel. The plane had

the capacity to reach Palma de Mallorca, just over 7 hours away, directly from Kabul

that night – twice previously on the same circuit, it had already flown longer distances

of 7 hours 53 minutes (Rabat to Kabul) and 7 hours 45 minutes (Kabul to Algiers).

61. It should be recalled that the rendition team stayed about 30 hours in Kabul

after having ‘rendered’ Khaled El-Masri. Then, it flew to Romania on the same plane.

Having eliminated other explanations – including that of a simple logistics flight, as

the trip is a part of a well-established renditions circuit – the most likely hypothesis is

that the purpose of this flight was to transport one or several detainees from Kabul to




62. We consider that while all these factual elements do not provide definitive

evidence of secret detention centres, they do justify on their own a positive obligation

to carry out a serious investigation, which the Romanian authorities do not seem to

have done to date.”

254. Chapter 6, entitled “Attitude of governments”, stated, among other

things, the following:

“230. It has to be said that most governments did not seem particularly eager to

establish the alleged facts. The body of information gathered makes it unlikely that

European states were completely unaware of what, in the context of the fight against

international terrorism, was happening at some of their airports, in their airspace or at

American bases located on their territory. Insofar as they did not know, they did not

want to know. It is inconceivable that certain operations conducted by American

services could have taken place without the active participation, or at least the

collusion, of national intelligence services. If this were the case, one would be

justified in seriously questioning the effectiveness, and therefore the legitimacy, of

such services. The main concern of some governments was clearly to avoid disturbing

their relationships with the United States, a crucial partner and ally. Other

governments apparently work on the assumption that any information learned via their

intelligence services is not supposed to be known.”

255. In Chapter 8.2 concerning parliamentary investigations undertaken

in certain member states, the report referred to Romania under the title

“Romania and “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” stating “no

parliamentary inquiry”:

“253. To my knowledge, no parliamentary inquiry whatsoever has taken place in

either country, despite the particularly serious and concrete nature of the allegations

made against both. ...”

256. Chapter 11 contained conclusions. It stated, inter alia, the


“280. Our analysis of the CIA rendition’ programme has revealed a network that

resembles a ‘spider’s web’ spun across the globe. The analysis is based on official

information provided by national and international air traffic control authorities, as

well as other information including from sources inside intelligence agencies, in

particular the American. This ‘web’, shown in the graphic, is composed of several

landing points, which we have subdivided into different categories, and which are

linked up among themselves by civilian planes used by the CIA or military aircraft.


282. In two European countries only (Romania and Poland), there are two other

landing points that remain to be explained. Whilst these do not fall into any of the

categories described above, several indications lead us to believe that they are likely

to form part of the ‘rendition circuits’. These landings therefore do not form part of

the 98% of CIA flights that are used solely for logistical purposes, but rather belong to

the 2% of flights that concern us the most. These corroborated facts strengthen the

presumption – already based on other elements – that these landings are detainee

drop-off points that are near to secret detention centres.




287. Whilst hard evidence, at least according to the strict meaning of the word, is

still not forthcoming, a number of coherent and converging elements indicate that

secret detention centres have indeed existed and unlawful inter-state transfers have

taken place in Europe. I do not set myself up to act as a criminal court, because this

would require evidence beyond reasonable doubt. My assessment rather reflects a

conviction based upon careful examination of balance of probabilities, as well as upon

logical deductions from clearly established facts. It is not intended to pronounce that

the authorities of these countries are ‘guilty’ for having tolerated secret detention

sites, but rather it is to hold them ‘responsible’ for failing to comply with the positive

obligation to diligently investigate any serious allegation of fundamental rights


288. In this sense, it must be stated that to date, the following member States could

be held responsible, to varying degrees, which are not always settled definitively, for

violations of the rights of specific persons identified below (respecting the

chronological order as far as possible):

- Sweden, in the cases of Ahmed Agiza and Mohamed Alzery;

- Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the cases of Lakhdar Boumediene, Mohamed Nechle,

Hadj Boudella, Belkacem Bensayah, Mustafa Ait Idir and Saber Lahmar (the

‘Algerian six’);

- The United Kingdom in the cases of Bisher Al-Rawi, Jamil El-Banna and Binyam


- Italy, in the cases of Abu Omar and Maher Arar;

- ‘The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’, in the case of Khaled El-Masri;

- Germany, in the cases of Abu Omar, of the ‘Algerian six’, and Khaled El-Masri;

- Turkey, in the case of the ‘Algerian six’.

289. Some of these above mentioned states, and others, could be held responsible

for collusion – active or passive (in the sense of having tolerated or having been

negligent in fulfilling the duty to supervise) - involving secret detention and unlawful

inter-state transfers of a non-specified number of persons whose identity so far

remains unknown:

- Poland and Romania, concerning the running of secret detention centres;

- Germany, Turkey, Spain and Cyprus for being ‘staging points’ for flights

involving the unlawful transfer of detainees.”

(b) The 2007 Marty Report

257. On 11 June 2007 the PACE (Committee on Legal Affairs and

Human Rights) adopted the second report prepared by Senator Marty (“the

2007 Marty Report”) (doc. 11302.rev.), revealing that high-value detainees

had been held in Romania and in Poland in secret CIA detention centres

during the period from 2002 to 2005.

The report relied, inter alia, on the cross-referenced testimonies of over

thirty serving and former members of intelligence services in the US and

Europe, and on a new analysis of computer “data strings” from the

international flight planning system.



258. The introductory remarks referring to the establishment of facts and

evidence gathered, read, in so far as relevant:

“7. There is now enough evidence to state that secret detention facilities run by the

CIA did exist in Europe from 2003 to 2005, in particular in Poland and Romania.

These two countries were already named in connection with secret detentions by

Human Rights Watch in November 2005. At the explicit request of the American

government, The Washington Post simply referred generically to ‘eastern European

democracies’, although it was aware of the countries actually concerned. It should be

noted that ABC did also name Poland and Romania in an item on its website, but their

names were removed very quickly in circumstances which were explained in our

previous report. We have also had clear and detailed confirmation from our own

sources, in both the American intelligence services and the countries concerned, that

the two countries did host secret detention centres under a special CIA programme

established by the American administration in the aftermath of 11 September 2001 to

‘kill, capture and detain’ terrorist suspects deemed to be of ‘high value’. Our findings

are further corroborated by flight data of which Poland, in particular, claims to be

unaware and which we have been able to verify using various other documentary


8. The secret detention facilities in Europe were run directly and exclusively by the

CIA. To our knowledge, the local staff had no meaningful contact with the prisoners

and performed purely logistical duties such as securing the outer perimeter. The local

authorities were not supposed to be aware of the exact number or the identities of the

prisoners who passed through the facilities – this was information they did not ‘need

to know.’ While it is likely that very few people in the countries concerned, including

in the governments themselves, knew of the existence of the centres, we have

sufficient grounds to declare that the highest state authorities were aware of the CIA’s

illegal activities on their territories.


10. In most cases, the acts took place with the requisite permissions, protections or

active assistance of government agencies. We believe that the framework for such

assistance was developed around NATO authorisations agreed on 4 October 2001,

some of which are public and some of which remain secret. According to several

concurring sources, these authorisations served as a platform for bilateral agreements,

which – of course – also remain secret.

11. In our view, the countries implicated in these programmes have failed in their

duty to establish the truth: the evidence of the existence of violations of fundamental

human rights is concrete, reliable and corroborative. At the very least, it is such as to

require the authorities concerned at last to order proper independent and thorough

inquiries and stop obstructing the efforts under way in judicial and parliamentary

bodies to establish the truth. International organisations, in particular the Council of

Europe, the European Union and NATO, must give serious consideration to ways of

avoiding similar abuses in future and ensuring compliance with the formal and

binding commitments which states have entered into in terms of the protection of

human rights and human dignity.

12. Without investigative powers or the necessary resources, our investigations

were based solely on astute use of existing materials – for instance, the analysis of

thousands of international flight records – and a network of sources established in

numerous countries. With very modest means, we had to do real ‘intelligence’ work.

We were able to establish contacts with people who had worked or still worked for the



relevant authorities, in particular intelligence agencies. We have never based our

conclusions on single statements and we have only used information that is confirmed

by other, totally independent sources. Where possible we have cross-checked our

information both in the European countries concerned and on the other side of the

Atlantic or through objective documents or data. Clearly, our individual sources were

only willing to talk to us on the condition of absolute anonymity. At the start of our

investigations, the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights authorised us to

guarantee our contacts strict confidentiality where necessary. ... The individuals

concerned are not prepared at present to testify in public, but some of them may be in

the future if the circumstances were to change. ...”

259. In paragraph 30 of the report it is stressed that “the HVD

programme ha[d] depended on extraordinary authorisations – unprecedented

in nature and scope – at both national and international levels. In

paragraphs 75 and 83 it was added that:

“75. The need for unprecedented permissions, according to our sources, arose

directly from the CIA’s resolve to lay greater emphasis on the paramilitary activities

of its Counterterrorism Center in the pursuit of high-value targets, or HVTs. The

US Government therefore had to seek means of forging intergovernmental

partnerships with well-developed military components, rather than simply relying

upon the existing liaison networks through which CIA agents had been working for



83. Based upon my investigations, confirmed by multiple sources in the

governmental and intelligence sectors of several countries, I consider that I can assert

that the means to cater to the CIA’s key operational needs on a multilateral level were

developed under the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).


260. In paragraphs 112-122 the 2007 Marty Report referred to bilateral

agreements between the US and certain countries to host “black sites” for

high value detainees. This part of the document read, in so far as relevant, as


“112. Despite the importance of the multilateral NATO framework in creating the

broad authorisation for US counter-terrorism operations, it is important to emphasise

that the key arrangements for CIA clandestine operations in Europe were secured on a

bilateral level.


115. The bilaterals at the top of this range are classified, highly guarded mandates

for ‘deep’ forms of cooperation that afford – for example – ‘infrastructure’, ‘material

support and / or ‘operational security’ to the CIA’s covert programmes. This high-end

category has been described to us as the intelligence sector equivalent of ‘host nation’

defence agreements – whereby one country is conducting operations it perceives as

being vital to its own national security on another country’s territory.

116. The classified ‘host nation’ arrangements made to accommodate CIA ‘black

sites’ in Council of Europe member states fall into the last of these categories.

117. The CIA brokered ‘operating agreements’ with the Governments of Poland

and Romania to hold its High-Value Detainees (HVDs) in secret detention facilities



on their respective territories. Poland and Romania agreed to provide the premises in

which these facilities were established, the highest degrees of physical security and

secrecy, and steadfast guarantees of non-interference.

118. We have not seen the text of any specific agreement that refers to the holding

of High-Value Detainees in Poland or Romania. Indeed it is practically impossible to

lay eyes on the classified documents in question or read the precise agreed language

because of the rigours of the security-of-information regime, itself kept secret, by

which these materials are protected.

119. However, we have spoken about the High-Value Detainee programme with

multiple well-placed sources in the governments and intelligence services of several

countries, including the United States, Poland and Romania. Several of these persons

occupied positions of direct involvement in and/or influence over the negotiations that

led to these bilateral arrangements being agreed upon. Several of them have

knowledge at different levels of the operations of the HVD programme in Europe.

120. These persons spoke to us upon strict assurances of confidentiality, extended

to them under the terms of the special authorisation I received from my Committee

last year. For this reason, in the interests of protecting my sources and preserving the

integrity of my investigations, I will not divulge individual names. Yet I can state

unambiguously that their testimonies - insofar as they corroborate and validate one

another – count as credible, plausible and authoritative.”

261. Paragraphs 128-133 explained the US’s choice of European

partners. This part of the report read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“128. For reasons of both security and capacity, the CIA determined that the Polish

strand of the HVD programme should remain limited in size. Thus a ‘second

European site’ was sought to which the CIA could transfer its detainees with ‘no

major logistical overhaul’. Romania, used extensively by United States forces during

Operation Iraqi Freedom in early 2003, had distinct benefits in this regard: as a

member of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Centre remarked about the location of the

proposed detention facility, ‘our guys were familiar with the area’.


130. Romania was developed into a site to which more detainees were transferred

only as the HVD programme expanded. I understand that the Romanian ‘black site’

was incorporated into the programme in 2003, attained its greatest significance

in 2004 and operated until the second half of 2005. The detainees who were held in

Romania belonged to a category of HVDs whose intelligence value had been assessed

as lower but in respect of whom the Agency still considered it worthwhile pursuing

further investigations.”

262. Paragraphs 211-218 contained conclusions as to who were the

Romanian State officials responsible for authorising Romania’s role in the

CIA’s HVD programme. These conclusions read, in so far as relevant, as


“211. During several months of investigations, our team has held discussions with

numerous Romanian sources, including civilian and military intelligence operatives,

representatives of state and municipal authorities, and high-ranking officials who hold

first-hand knowledge of CIA operations on the territory of Romania. Based upon

these discussions, my inquiry has concluded that the following individual office-

holders knew about, authorised and stand accountable for Romania’s role in the CIA’s



operation of ‘out-of-theatre’ secret detention facilities on Romanian territory, from

2003 to 2005: the former President of Romania (up to 20 December 2004), Ion

ILIESCU, the current President of Romania (20 December 2004 onwards), Traian

BASESCU, the Presidential Advisor on National Security (until 20 December 2004),

Ioan TALPEŞ , the Minister of National Defence (Ministerial oversight up to

20 December 2004), Ioan Mircea PASCU, and the Head of Directorate for Military

Intelligence, Sergiu Tudor MEDAR.

212. Collaborating with the CIA in this very small circle of trust, Romania’s

leadership in the fields of national security and military intelligence effectively short-

circuited the classic mechanisms of democratic accountability. Both of the political

principals, President Iliescu and National Security Advisor Talpeş , sat on (and most

often chaired) the CSAT - the Supreme Council of National Defence – throughout this

period, yet they withheld the CIA ‘partnership’ from the other members of that body

who did not have a ‘need to know’. This criterion excluded the majority of civilian

office-holders in the Romanian Government from complicity at the time. Similarly,

the Directors of the respective civilian intelligence agencies, the SRI and the SIE,

were not briefed about the operational details and were thus granted ‘plausible


213. We were told that the confidants on the military side, Defence Minister Pascu

and General-Lieutenant Medar, had concealed important operational activities from

senior figures in the Army and powerful structures to which they were subordinated.

According to our sources, ‘co-operation with America in the context of the NATO

framework’ was used as a general smokescreen behind which to hide the operations of

the CIA programme.


216. Ioan Talpeş , the then Presidential Advisor on National Security (Consilierul

prezidențial pentru securitate națională), was also an instrumental figure in the CIA

programme from its inception. According to our sources, Talpeş guided President

Iliescu’s every decision on issues of NATO harmonisation and bilateral relations with

the United States; it has even been suggested that Talpeş was the one who initiated the

idea of making facilities on Romanian soil available to US agencies for activities in

pursuit of its ‘war on terror’. After December 2004, although Talpeş no longer acted

as the Presidential Advisor on National Security, he quickly become Chair of the

Senate Committee on Defence, Public Order and National Security, which meant that

he exercised at least a theoretical degree of ‘parliamentary oversight’ over his own

successor in the Advisor role.

217. Several of our Romanian sources commented that they felt proud to have been

able to assist the United States in detaining ‘high-value’ terrorists – not only as a

gesture of pro-American sentiment, but also because they thought it was ‘in the best

interests of Romania’.”

263. In paragraphs 219-226 the 2007 Marty Report described “The

anatomy of CIA secret transfers and detention in Romania”. Those

paragraphs read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“a. Creating a secure area for CIA transfers and detentions

219. When the United States Government made its approach for the establishment

of a ‘black site’ in Romania – offering formidable US support for Romania’s full

accession into the NATO Alliance as the ‘biggest prize’ in exchange – it relied

heavily upon its key liaisons in the country to make the case to then President Iliescu.



As one high-level Romanian official who was actually involved in the negotiations

told us, it was ‘proposed to the President that we should provide full protection for the

United States from an intelligence angle. Nobody from the Romanian side should

interfere in these [CIA] activities’.

220. In line with its staunch support under the NATO framework, Romania entered

a bilateral ‘technical agreement’ with the intention of giving the US the full extent of

the permissions and protections it sought. According to one of our sources with

knowledge of the arrangement, there was an ‘... order [given] to our [military]

intelligence services, on behalf of the President, to provide the CIA with all the

facilities they required and to protect their operations in whichever way they

requested ...’.


222. The precise location and character of the ‘black site’ were not, to the best of

my knowledge, stipulated in the original classified bilateral arrangements between

Romania and the United States. Our team discussed those questions with multiple

sources and we believe that to name a location explicitly would go beyond what it is

possible to confirm from the Romanian side. One senior source in military

intelligence objected to the notion that anyone but the Americans would ‘need to

know’ this information: ‘But I tell you that our Romanian officers do not know what

happened inside those areas, because we sealed it off and we had control. There were

Americans operating there free from interference – only they saw, only they heard –

about the prisoners. ...’”

264. Paragraphs 227-230 referred to the persistent cover-up with regard

to the transfer of detainees into Romania:

“227. Our efforts to obtain accurate actual flight records pertaining to the

movements of aircraft associated with the CIA in Romania were characterised by

obfuscation, inconsistency and genuine confusion. ...

228. Specifically I hold three principal concerns with the approach of the Romanian

authorities towards the repeated allegations of secret detentions in Romania, and

towards my inquiry in particular. In summary, my concerns are: far-reaching and

unexplained inconsistencies in Romanian flight and airport data; the responsive and

defensive posturing of the national parliamentary inquiry, which stopped short of

genuine inquisitiveness; and the insistence of Romania on a position of sweeping,

categorical denial of all the allegations, in the process overlooking extensive evidence

to the contrary from valuable and credible sources.

inconsistencies in the flight data

229. First I was confounded by the clear

provided to my inquiry from multiple different Romanian sources. In my analysis I

have considered data submitted directly from the Romanian Civil Aeronautical

Authority (RCAA), data provided by the Romanian Senate Committee, and data

gathered independently by our team in the course of its investigations. I have

compared the data from these Romanian sources with the records maintained by

Eurocontrol, comprehensive aeronautical ‘data strings’ generated by the international

flight planning system, and my complete Marty Database. The disagreement between

these sources is too fundamental and widespread to be explained away by simple

administrative glitches, or even by in-flight changes of destination by Pilots-in-

Command, which were communicated to one authority but not to another. There

no truthful account of detainee transfer flights into Romania

presently exists , and

the reason for this situation is that the Romanian authorities probably do not want the

truth to come out.



230. I found it especially disappointing that the Senate Inquiry Committee chose to

interpret its mandate in the rather restrictive terms of defending Romania against what

it called ‘serious accusations against our country, based solely on “indications”,

“opinions”, “probabilities”, “extrapolations” [and] “logical deductions”‘. In particular,

the Committee’s conclusions are not framed as coherent findings based on objective

fact-finding, but rather as ‘clear responses to the specific questions raised by Mr Dick

Marty’, referring to both my 2006 report and subsequent correspondence. Accordingly

the categorical nature of the Committee’s ‘General Conclusions’, ‘Conclusions based

on field investigations and site visits’ and ‘Final Conclusions’ cannot be sustained.

The Committee’s work can thus be seen as an exercise in denial and rebuttal, without

impartial consideration of the evidence. Particularly in the light of the material and

testimony I have received from sources in Romania, the Committee does not appear to

have engaged in a credible and comprehensive inquiry.”

265. By a letter of 15 June 2007 the Delegation of Romania to the PACE

submitted a dissenting opinion to the 2007 Marty Report stating, among

other things, that “in full transparency, in 2005, the Romanian authorities

have also decided to allow and encourage investigations at all the locations

suspected to have hosted CIA centres, on the territory of Romania.

Therefore, the airports Mihail Kogălniceanu of Constanţa (including the

military airbase) were inspected by representatives of international NGOs,

as well as by Romanian and foreign journalists”.

(c) The 2011 Marty Report

266. On 16 September 2011 the PACE (Committee on Legal Affairs and

Human Rights) adopted the third report prepared by Senator Marty, entitled

“Abuse of state secrecy and national security: obstacles to parliamentary

and judicial scrutiny of human rights violations” (“the 2011 Marty Report”),

which described the effects of, and progress in, national inquiries into

CIA secret detention facilities in some of the Council of Europe’s member


Paragraph 41 related to Romania. Its relevant part read:

“41. In Romania, parliament has also conducted no more than a superficial inquiry,

of which a critical presentation was already given in my 2007 report. Unfortunately,

there has been nothing to add since then.”

267. On 6 October 2011, following the 2011 Marty Report, the PACE

adopted its Resolution 1838 (2011) which, in part relating to Romania, read:

“11. With regard to judicial inquiries, the Assembly:


11.4. calls on the judicial authorities of Romania and of ‘the former Yugoslav

Republic of Macedonia’ to finally initiate serious investigations following the detailed

allegations of abductions and secret detentions in respect of those two countries, and

on the American authorities to provide without further delay the judicial assistance

requested by the prosecuting authorities of the European countries concerned.


12. With regard to parliamentary inquiries, the Assembly:




12.4. deplores the fact that the Polish and Romanian Parliaments confined

themselves to inquiries whose main purpose seems to have been to defend the official

position of the national authorities ...”

B. European Parliament

1. The Fava Inquiry

268. On 18 January 2006 the European Parliament set up a Temporary

Committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the

transportation and illegal detention of prisoners (“TDIP”) and appointed

Mr Giovanni Claudio Fava as rapporteur with a mandate to investigate the

alleged existence of CIA prisons in Europe. The Fava Inquiry held

130 meetings and sent delegations to the former Yugoslav Republic of

Macedonia, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Romania,

Poland and Portugal.

It identified at least 1,245 flights operated by the CIA in European

airspace between the end of 2001 and 2005.

269. In the course of its work, the TDIP analysed specific cases of

extraordinary rendition. According to the Fava Report, these cases

“involved the illegal transport of a prisoner by the secret services, or other

specialist services, of a third country (including, but not exclusively, the

CIA and other American security services) to various locations, outside any

judicial oversight, where the prisoners have neither fundamental rights nor

those guaranteed by various international conventions, such as all habeas

corpus procedures, the right of the defence to be assisted by a lawyer, the

right to due process within a reasonable time, etc.”

The TDIP studied in detail the following cases of extraordinary

rendition: Abu Omar (Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr); Khaled El-Masri;

Maher Arar; Mohammed El-Zari; Ahmed Agiza; the “Six Algerians” from

Bosnia-Herzegovina; Murat Kurnaz; Mohammed Zammar; Abou Elkassim

Britel; Binyam Mohammed; Bisher Al-Rawi; Jamil El-Banna; and Martin


The TDIP met the victims themselves, their lawyers, the heads of

national judicial or parliamentary bodies responsible for specific cases of

extraordinary rendition, representatives of European and international

organisations or institutions, journalists who followed these cases,

representatives of non-governmental organisations, experts in this area

either during committee meetings or during official delegation visits.

270. The TDIP delegation visited Bucharest from 17 to 19 October 2006

and held meetings with a number of Romanian’s high-office holders,

including Ms N. Nicolai, the chairman of the Romanian Senate’s Special

Committee of Inquiry, Mr T. Meleșcanu, Vice-President of the Senate and



member of the Special Committee of Inquiry, Mr A.C. Vierița, Secretary of

State for EU Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr G. Maior,

current Head of the Romanian Intelligence Service, Mr R. Timofte, former

Head of the Romanian Intelligence Service, representatives of the

Ministerial Department of Civil Aviation as well as representatives of

various non-governmental organisations, including the Open Society

Foundation and APADOR-CH and journalists.

271. As regards Romania, the Fava Report expressed, in paragraph 162,

“serious concern” about the 21 stopovers made by the CIA-operated aircraft

at Romanian airports, which on most occasions had come or were bound for

“countries linked with extraordinary rendition circuits and the transfer of


It further concluded, in paragraph 164, that based only on the statements

made by Romanian authorities to the TDIP delegation to Romania, the

possibility that the US secret services operated in Romania on a clandestine

basis could not be excluded and that no definitive evidence had been

provided to contradict any of the allegations concerning the running of a

secret detention facility on Romanian soil.

272. Detailed information gathered during the Fava Inquiry was also

included in working documents produced together with the Fava Report.

Working document no. 8 on the companies linked to the CIA, aircraft

used by the CIA and the European countries in which CIA aircraft have

made stopovers prepared during the work of the TDIP (PE 380.984v02-00)

contained an analysis of CIA flights having stopped over in Romania in

2003-2005. It named five airports involved and listed the stopovers and

landings as filed in flight plans:

(a) Bucharest – Otopeni and Băneasa airports, 13 stopovers and

5 take-offs;

(b) Timișoara: 1 landing;

(c) Constanţa – Kogălniceanu airport: 2 stopovers and 4 landings;

(d) Bacău: 1 stopover.

The stopovers involved 14 different CIA aircraft, which were identified

as follows: N313P; N85VM; N379; N2189M; N8213G; N157A; N173S;

N187D; N312ME; N4009L; N4456A; N478GS and N4466A.

It was noted, however, that according to Eurocontrol data flight logs

concerning Romania had been filed with some inconsistencies; flight plans

indicated a landing airport which did not correspond with the following

taking off airport. The flight plans that were found to have been inconsistent

concerned the following flights:

plane N313P

flight on 25-26 January 2004, from Kabul with the destination filed for

Timișoara but the following take off from Bucharest to Palma de Mallorca

plane N85VM



(1) flight on 26-27 January 2004 from Amman with the destination filed

for Constanţa but the following take off from Bucharest to Barcelona;

(2) flight on 12 April 2004 from Tenerife with the destination filed for

Constanţa but the following take off from Bucharest to Casablanca;

plane N379

flight on 25 October 2003 from Prague with the destination filed for

Constanţa but the following take off from Bucharest to Amman;

plane N1HC

flight on 5 November 2005 from Porto with the destination filed for

Constanţa but the following take off from Bucharest to Amman.

273. Working document no. 8 further listed the total number of

stopovers for each aircraft and identified three aircraft that were known to

have been involved in the CIA rendition operations: N313P (two stopovers),

used for the extraordinary rendition of Khaled El Masri (Skopje via

Baghdad-Kabul on 24 January 2004) and Benyam Mohammad

(Rabat-Kabul 22 January 2004); N85VM (three stopovers), used for the

extraordinary rendition of Osama Mustafa Nasr aka Abu Omar

(Ramstein-Cairo 17 February 2003; see also Nasr and Ghali, cited above,

§§ 39, 112 and 231) and N379P (one stopover), used for the extraordinary

renditions of Ahmed Agiza and Mohammed al-Zari (Stockholm-Cairo

18 December 2001), Abu Al Kassem Britel (Islamabad-Rabat 25 May

2002), Benyamin Mohammed (Islamabad-Rabat 21 July 2002), Bisher Al

Rawi and Jamil El Manna (Banjul-Kabul 9 December 2002).

It also listed flights from suspicious locations that stopped over in

Romania in 2003-2005, with the first flight N313P on 22 September 2003

and the last flight N1HC on 5 November 2005. That list, in so far as

relevant, read as follows:

Afghanistan, Kabul + Bagram US Air Base: 5 flights

N313P: Kabul– via Szymany, Poland – Bucharest, 22.09.2003

N313P: Kabul– Timișoara, 25.01.2004

N739P: Bucharest – via Amman, Jordan – Kabul, 25.10.2003

N478GS: Bucharest – Bagram US Air Base, 05.12.2004

N478GS: Bagram US Air Base - Bucharest, 06.12.2004

Jordan, Amman: 8 flights

N58VM: Amman – Constanţa , 26.01.2004

N58VM: Amman – Constanţa , 01.10.2004

N739P: Bucharest - Amman, 25.10.2003

N2189M: Amman – Constanţa , 13.06.2003

N2189M: Constanţa - Amman, 14.06.2003

N1HC: Bucharest – Amman, 05.11.2005



N187D: Bucharest – Amman, 27.08.2004

N4456A: Bucharest – via Athens, Greece – Amman, 25.08.2004

Morocco, Rabat + Casablanca: 2 flights

N313P: Bucharest – Rabat, 22.09.2003

N58VM: Bucharest – Casablanca, 12.04.2004

Cuba, Guantánamo:

N313P: Bucharest – via Rabat, Morocco – Guantánamo , 23.09.2003

N85VM: Guantánamo – via Tenerife, Spain – Constanţa , 12.04.2004.”

274. Working document no. 9 on certain countries analysed during the

work of the Temporary Committee (PE 382.420v02-00) in a section

concerning Romania and allegations of the existence of a CIA detention

facility on its territory, stated the following:


Suspected airports supposed to host secret detention centres have been mentioned in

mass-media, in some NGOs’ reports, in Council of Europe’s report and have also

been inferred from Eurocontrol data, as well as from pictures taken via satellite. These

airports are:

Timișoara - Gearmata

București - Băneasa

Constanţa - Kogălniceanu

Cataloi - Tulcea

Fetești - military”

As regards the parliamentary inquiry conducted in Romania (see also

paragraphs 165-169 above), the document read, in so far as relevant, as




A Temporary Inquiry Committee in the Romanian Senate on the Allegations

Regarding the Existence of CIA Detention Centres or Flights over Romania’s


Territory was set up on 21 December 2005.

On 16 June 2006, Ms Norica Nicolai, president of the Special Inquiry Committee

presented during a press conference the conclusions of the preliminary report. At that

stage, only the chapter 7 of the report was made public and the rest of the report

remained classified.


The Committee’s term of office has been extended by a Senate’s decision on

21 June 2006 following a number of incidents, such as the investigation of the

accident involving the Gulfstream aircraft N478GS on 6 December 2004 and the

televised statements made by a young Afghan claiming to have been detained in

Romania. The Committee’s activity is ongoing and during the Senate sittings of



22 November 2006 a new deadline for submitting the final report has been settled:

05 March 2007.”

275. Referring to the alleged involvement of the Romanian authorities in

the CIA secret detentions, the document stated:


Since the publication of the first news about alleged existence of the CIA prisons

and illegal transportation of prisoners, Romanian official position has moved from a

first categorical denial that CIA secret prisons could be hosted in Romania and that

CIA flights could have landed in this country to a less firm and more doubtful attitude,

which confirms that something clandestine, not supposed to be known by Romanian

authorities, could have happened either on the planes or in the areas controlled by the

American authorities.

Cooperation of official authorities with the Temporary Committee’s delegation was

very high.

They claimed that nobody could have thought that human rights violations could

have been taking place on Romanian territory and they confirmed that individuals,

goods and other equipment circulating on Romanian territory were subject to checks

by Romanian officials or military personnel.

On 10th November 2005, President Băsescu denied during his visit in Bratislava, the

existence of CIA detention centres on Romanian territory. One week after, he declared

to be at the disposal of any institution that would like to verify the existence of CIA

secret detention sites in Romania. In the same line with the declaration of Mr Băsescu

were also the declarations of former minister for external affairs, Mr. Mircea Geoană

and of the spokesperson of Romanian Secret Service (SRI), Mr. Marius Beraru.

On 20th November 2005, former Romanian minister for defence, Mr Ioan Mircea

Pascu, stated in an interview for Associated Press that the Romanian authorities did

not have access to certain sites used by U.S. services in Romania. He came back to

this declaration, later on, saying that his comments were taken out of the context.

Regarding the accident involving the Gulfstream aircraft N478GS on 6 December

2004 the position of the Romanian authorities differed in some extent: Ms Norica

Nicolai, chairperson of the Romanian Senate’s Special Committee of Inquiry

pretended not being able to make available to the delegation the report drawn up by

the frontier police on the mentioned accident by invocating the law on data protection.

On the other hand, Mr. Anghel Andreescu, Secretary of State for Public Order and

Security at the Ministry of Interior and Public Administration, willingly agreed after

meeting the TDIP delegation to forward this report and only the following day after

receiving it Mr Coelho, chairman of the delegation, was informed that this document

has to remain confidential.”

276. The document also identified certain flights landing in Romania,

which were associated with the CIA rendition operations:


Total Flights Number since 2001: 21

Principal airports

: Kogălniceanu, Timișoara, Otopeni, Băneasa

Suspicious destinations and origins

: Guantánamo, Cuba; Amman, Jordan; Kabul,

Bagram US airbase, Afghanistan; Rabat, Morocco; Baghdad, Iraq.



Stopovers of planes transited through Romania and used in other occasions for

extraordinary renditions



, used for the extraordinary renditions of: Al Rawi and El Banna; Benyam

Mohammed; Kassim Britel and the expulsion of Agiza and El Zari: 1 stopover in



, used for the extraordinary renditions of Khalid El Masri and Benyamin

Mohamed: 2 stopovers in Romania


, used for the rendition of Abu Omar: 3 stopovers in Romania.”

277. The Fava Report was approved by the European Parliament with

382 votes in favour, 256 against with 74 abstentions on 14 February 2007.

2. The 2007 European Parliament Resolution

278. On 14 February 2007, following the examination of the Fava

Report, the European Parliament adopted the Resolution on the alleged use

of European countries by the CIA for the transportation and illegal detention

of prisoners (2006/22009INI) (“the 2007 EP Resolution”). Its general part

read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“The European Parliament,



whereas on 6 September 2006, US President George W. Bush confirmed

that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was operating a secret detention

programme outside the United States,


whereas President George W. Bush said that the vital information derived

from the extraordinary rendition and secret detention programme had been shared

with other countries and that the programme would continue, which raises the strong

possibility that some European countries may have received, knowingly or

unknowingly, information obtained under torture,


whereas the Temporary Committee has obtained, from a confidential

source, records of the informal transatlantic meeting of European Union (EU) and

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) foreign ministers, including US Secretary

of State Condoleezza Rice, of 7 December 2005, confirming that Member States had

knowledge of the programme of extraordinary rendition, while all official

interlocutors of the Temporary Committee provided inaccurate information on this


279. The passages regarding the EU member states read, in so far as


“9. Deplores the fact that the governments of European countries did not feel the

need to ask the US Government for clarifications regarding the existence of secret

prisons outside US territory;


13. Denounces the lack of cooperation of many Member States, and of the Council

of the European Union towards the Temporary Committee; stresses that the behaviour

of Member States, and in particular the Council and its Presidencies, has fallen far

below the standard that Parliament is entitled to expect;




39. Condemns extraordinary rendition as an illegal instrument used by the United

States in the fight against terrorism; condemns, further, the condoning and concealing

of the practice, on several occasions, by the secret services and governmental

authorities of certain European countries;


43. Regrets that European countries have been relinquishing their control over their

airspace and airports by turning a blind eye or admitting flights operated by the CIA

which, on some occasions, were being used for extraordinary rendition or the illegal

transportation of detainees, and recalls their positive obligations arising out of the case

law of the European Court of Human Rights, as reiterated by the European

Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission);

44. Is concerned, in particular, that the blanket overflight and stopover clearances

granted to CIA-operated aircraft may have been based, inter alia, on the NATO

agreement on the implementation of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, adopted on

4 October 2001;


48. Confirms, in view of the additional information received during the second part

of the proceedings of the Temporary Committee, that it is unlikely that certain

European governments were unaware of the extraordinary rendition activities taking

place in their territory;


280. In respect of Romania, the resolution stated:


[The European Parliament]

159. Welcomes the excellent hospitality and good cooperation extended by the

Romanian authorities to the Temporary Committee, including meetings with members

of the Romanian Government, as well as the establishment of an ad hoc inquiry

committee of the Romanian Senate;

160. Notes, however, the reluctance on the part of the competent Romanian

authorities to investigate thoroughly the existence of secret detention facilities on its


161. Regrets that the report issued by the Romanian inquiry committee was entirely

secret except for its conclusions, included in Chapter 7, categorically denying the

possibility that secret detention facilities could be hosted on Romanian soil; regrets

that the Romanian inquiry committee heard no testimony from journalists, NGOs, or

officials working at airports, and has not yet provided the Temporary Committee with

the report contrary to its commitment to do so; regrets that taking these elements into

consideration, the conclusions drawn in the Romanian inquiry committee’s report

appear premature and superficial; takes note, however, of the intention expressed by

the Chairwoman of the inquiry committee to the Temporary Committee delegation to

consider the conclusions provisional;

162. Regrets the lack of control of the Gulfstream aircraft with Registration

Number N478GS that suffered an accident on 6 December 2004 when landing in

Bucharest; recalls that the aircraft took off from Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, and



that its seven passengers disappeared following the accident; appreciates, however,

the good cooperation of the Romanian authorities in handing over the accident report

to the Temporary Committee;

163. Is deeply concerned to see that the Romanian authorities did not initiate an

official investigation process into the case of a passenger on the aircraft Gulfstream

N478GS, who was found carrying a Beretta 9 mm Parabellum pistol with


164. Notes the 21 stopovers made by CIA-operated aircraft at Romanian airports,

and expresses serious concern about the purpose of those flights which came from or

were bound for countries linked with extraordinary rendition circuits and the transfer

of detainees; deplores the stopovers in Romania of aircraft that have been shown to

have been used by the CIA, on other occasions, for the extraordinary rendition of

Bisher Al-Rawi, Jamil El-Banna, Abou Elkassim Britel, Khaled El-Masri, Binyam

Mohammed and Abu Omar and for the expulsion of Ahmed Agiza and Mohammed El

Zari; is particularly concerned that, of the flights referred to, two originated from or

were destined for Guantánamo; strongly encourages the Romanian authorities further

to investigate those flights;

165. Is concerned about the doubts expressed in regard to the control exercised by

the Romanian authorities over US activities at Kogălniceanu airport;

166. Cannot exclude, based only on the statements made by Romanian authorities

to the Temporary Committee delegation to Romania, the possibility that US secret

services operated in Romania on a clandestine basis and that no definitive evidence

has been provided to contradict any of the allegations concerning the running of a

secret detention facility on Romanian soil;”

3. The 2011 European Parliament Resolution

281. On 9 June 2011 the European Parliament adopted its resolution on

Guantánamo: imminent death penalty decision (doc. B70375/2011) relating

to Mr Al Nashiri.

The European Parliament, while recognising that the applicant was

accused of serious crimes, expressed its deep concern that the US authorities

in his case had violated international law “for the last 9 years”. It called on

the US Convening Authority not to apply the death penalty on him, “on the

grounds that the military commission trials do not meet the standards

internationally required for the application of the death sentence”.

The European Parliament further appealed to “the particular

responsibility of the Polish and Romanian Governments to make thoroughly

inquiries into all indications relating to secret prisons and cases of

extraordinary rendition on Polish soil and to insist with the US Government

that the death penalty should on no account be applied to Mr Al Nashiri”.

4. The Flautre Report and the 2012 European Parliament Resolution

282. On 11 September 2012 the European Union Parliament adopted a

report prepared by Hélène Flautre within the Committee on Civil Liberties,

Justice and Home Affairs (“LIBE”) – “the Flautre Report”, highlighting

new evidence of secret detention centres and extraordinary renditions by the



CIA in European Union member states. The report, which came five years

after the Fava Inquiry, highlighted new abuses – notably in Romania,

Poland and Lithuania, but also in the United Kingdom and other countries –

and made recommendations to ensure proper accountability. The report

included the Committee on Foreign Affairs’ opinion and recommendations.

In the course of its work, on 27 March 2012, LIBE held a hearing on

“What is new on the alleged CIA illegal detention and transfers of prisoners

in Europe”. At that hearing Mr Crofton Black from the Bureau of

Investigative Journalism was heard as an expert.

283. Following the examination of the Report the European Union

Parliament adopted, on 11 September 2012, the Resolution on alleged

transportation and illegal detention of prisoners in European countries by

the CIA: follow-up of the European Parliament TDIP Committee report

(2012/2033(INI)) (“the 2012 EP Resolution”).

284. Paragraph 13 of the 2012 EP Resolution, which refers to the

criminal investigation in Romania, read:

“[The European Parliament,]

“12. Notes that the parliamentary inquiry carried out in Romania concluded that no

evidence could be found to demonstrate the existence of a secret CIA detention site on

Romanian territory; calls on the judicial authorities to open an independent inquiry

into alleged CIA secret detention sites in Romania, in particular in the light of the new

evidence on flight connections between Romania and Lithuania;”

285. Paragraph 45, which concerns the applicant, read:

““[The European Parliament,]

45. Is particularly concerned by the procedure conducted by a US military

commission in respect of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who could be sentenced to death if

convicted; calls on the US authorities to rule out the possibility of imposing the death

penalty on Mr al-Nashiri and reiterates its long-standing opposition to the death

penalty in all cases and under all circumstances; notes that Mr al-Nashiri’s case has

been before the European Court of Human Rights since 6 May 2011; calls on the

authorities of any country in which Mr al-Nashiri was held to use all available means

to ensure that he is not subjected to the death penalty; urges the VP/HR to raise the

case of Mr al-Nashiri with the US as a matter of priority, in application of the

EU Guidelines on the Death Penalty;”

5. The 2013 European Parliament Resolution

286. Having regard to the lack of response to the recommendations in

the 2012 EP Resolution on the part of the European Commission, on

10 October 2013 the EU Parliament adopted the Resolution on alleged

transportation and illegal detention of prisoners in European countries by

the CIA (2013/2702(RSP) (“the 2013 EP Resolution”).

Its general part read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“[The European Parliament],




G. whereas the in-depth investigative work broadcast on the Antena 1 television

channel in April 2013 provided further indications of Romania’s central role in the

prison network; whereas former national security advisor Ioan Talpeş stated that

Romania provided logistical support for the CIA; whereas a former Romanian senator

admitted the limitations of the previous parliamentary inquiry and called for

prosecutors to initiate judicial proceedings;”

Paragraph 5, which concerned Romania, read:

“[The European Parliament,]

5. Urges the Romanian authorities to swiftly open an independent, impartial,

thorough and effective investigation, to locate missing parliamentary inquiry


and to cooperate fully with the ECtHR in the case of Al

Nashiri v Romania; calls on Romania to comply fully with its fundamental rights


6. The 2015 European Parliament Resolution

287. Following the publication of the 2014 US Senate Committee

Report (see paragraphs 77-96), on 11 February 2015 the European

Parliament adopted the Resolution on the US Senate Committee Report on

the use of torture by the CIA (2014/2997(RSP)) (“the 2015 EP


The European Parliament, while noting that the applicant’s application

was pending before the ECHR, reiterated its calls on Member States to

“investigate the allegations that there were secret prisons on their territory

where people were held under the CIA programme, and to prosecute those

involved in these operations, taking into account all the new evidence that

has come to light”.

The European Parliament further expressed concern regarding the

“obstacles encountered by national parliamentary and judicial investigations

into some Member States’ involvement in the CIA programme”.

7. LIBE delegation’s visit to Romania (24-25 September 2015)

288. As a follow up to the 2015 EP Resolution, a delegation from the

LIBE visited Bucharest from 24 to 25 September 2015. The delegation was

headed by Ms Tanja Fajon and comprised three other members

(Ms Eva Joly, Ms Laura Ferrara and Mr Jeroen Lenaers and an

accompanying member – Ms Ramona Mănescu). The delegation met with

representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Prosecutor General,

several members of the Romanian Parliament as well as representatives of

civil society and investigative journalists.

In connection with the visit, Mr Crofton Black prepared a briefing of

15 September 2015 on “CIA Detention in Romania and the Senate

Intelligence Committee Report (“the 2015 LIBE Briefing”). The briefing

described correlations between the 2014 US Senate Committee Report and

other public data sources. It included a summary of flights through Romania



and their links to the rendition programme, as well as of summary of data in

the 2014 US Senate Committee Report relating to Romania (see also

paragraphs 355-358 below).

8. Follow-up to the visit

289. On 13 October 2015 the LIBE held a hearing on “Investigation of

alleged transportation and illegal detention of prisoners in European

Countries by the CIA”. The aim of the hearing was to analyse all past and

ongoing parliamentary and judicial inquiries relating to Member States’

involvement in the CIA programme. During the hearing a research paper

was presented by the Policy Department C on the latest developments on

Member States investigations into the CIA programme titled: “A quest for

accountability? EU and Member State inquiries into the CIA Rendition and

Secret Detention Programme”.

The Committee also heard a summary overview by Mr Crofton Black on

what had been achieved with reference to CIA operated secret prisons in

Europe. In particular, Mr Black stated that since the adoption of the 2012

EP Resolution and the publication of the US Senate’s report the evidence

had been conclusive that the CIA had operated a prison in Romania from

September 2003 to November 2005.

At a 13 October 2015 European Parliament hearing, Eva Joly, member of

a European Parliament delegation that visited Romania to investigate its role

in CIA secret detention operation observed:

“The next morning we met with the Prosecutor General of Romania. He is called

Mr. Tiberiu, Mihail Nitu. And he did hide behind the secrecy of the inquiry. But he

was able to tell us that he had no proof whatsoever that Mr al Nashiri, who has an

ongoing case in the European Court of Human Rights, that he has been detained in

Romania. He was denying that, saying that no proof whatsoever. I am not optimistic

as to what will come out of this inquiry. To my question on how many witnesses he

had heard, how many hotels were in some kilometres around the supposed detention

centre, I got the impression that no real inquiry was being carried out. And nobody

wanted to help us to get access to the ORNISS centre. We really insisted meeting with

the Secretary of State but there was clear instructions to deny us, and no

argumentation whatsoever was received.”

9. The 2016 European Parliament Resolution

290. On 8 June 2016 the European Parliament adopted a follow-up

resolution to the 2015 EP Resolution (2016/2573(RSP)) (“the 2016 EP


Its general part read, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“[The European Parliament,]

“N. whereas it is regrettable that the members of the fact-finding mission to

Bucharest of Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

were not able to visit the National Registry Office for Classified Information

(ORNISS) building, reported to have been used as a secret CIA detention site; ...”



In respect of Romania, the resolution further stated:

“[The European Parliament,]

11. Urges Lithuania, Romania and Poland to conduct, as a matter of urgency,

transparent, thorough and effective criminal investigations into CIA secret detention

facilities on their respective territories, having taken into full consideration all the

factual evidence that has been disclosed, to bring perpetrators of human rights

violations to justice, to allow the investigators to carry out a comprehensive

examination of the renditions flight network and of contact people publicly known to

have organised or participated in the flights in question, to carry out forensic

examination of the prison sites and the provision of medical care to detainees held at

these sites, to analyse phone records and transfers of money, to consider applications

for status/participation in the investigation from possible victims, and to ensure that

all relevant crimes are considered, including in connection with the transfer of

detainees, or to release the conclusions of any investigations undertaken to date;


13. Recalls that the former director of the Romanian secret services, Ioan Talpeş,

admitted on record to the European Parliament delegation that he had been fully

aware of the CIA’s presence on Romanian territory, acknowledging that he had given

permission to ‘lease’ a government building to the CIA;


16. Welcomes the efforts made so far by Romania, and calls on the Romanian

Senate to declassify the remaining classified parts of its 2007 report, namely the

annexes on which the conclusions of the Romanian Senate inquiry were based;

reiterates its call on Romania to investigate the allegations that there was a secret

prison, to prosecute those involved in these operations, taking into account all the new

evidence that has come to light, and to conclude the investigation as a matter of



18. Express its disappointment that, despite several requests (a letter to the Minister

of Foreign Affairs of Romania from the Chair of Parliament’s Committee on Civil

Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, and another request at the time of the fact-finding

mission to the Secretary of State), the members of the fact-finding mission were not

able to visit ‘Bright Light’, a building repeatedly – and officially – reported to have

been used as a detention site;”

C. The 2007 ICRC Report

291. The ICRC made its first written interventions to the US authorities

in 2002, requesting information on the whereabouts of persons allegedly

held under US authority in the context of the fight against terrorism. It

prepared two reports on undisclosed detention on 18 November 2004 and

18 April 2006. These reports still remain classified.

After the US President publicly confirmed on 6 September 2006 that

14 terrorist suspects (“high-value detainees”) – including the applicant –

detained under the CIA detention programme had been transferred to the

military authorities in the US Guantánamo Bay Naval Base (see



paragraph 60 above), the ICRC was granted access to those detainees and

interviewed them in private from 6 to 11 October and from 4 to

14 December 2006. On this basis, it drafted its Report on the Treatment of

Fourteen “High Value Detainees” in CIA Custody of February 2007 – “the

2007 ICRC Report” – which related to the CIA rendition programme,

including arrest and transfers, incommunicado detention and other

conditions and treatment. The aim of the report, as stated therein, was to

provide a description of the treatment and material conditions of detention

of the fourteen detainees concerned during the period they had been held in

the CIA programme.

The report was (and formally remains) classified as “strictly

confidential”. It was published by The New York Review of Books on

6 April 2009 and further disseminated via various websites, including the

ACLU’s site.

292. Extracts from the 2007 ICRC Report giving a more detailed

account of the applicant’s and other HVDs’ treatment in CIA custody can be

found in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above, § 282).

293. The sections relating to main elements of the HVD Programme,

routine procedures for the detainees’ transfers and their detention regime

read, in so far as relevant, as follows:


... The fourteen, who are identified individually below, described being subjected, in

particular during the early stages of their detention, lasting from some days up to

several months, to a harsh regime employing a combination of physical and

psychological ill-treatment with the aim of obtaining compliance and extracting

information. This regime began soon after arrest, and included transfers of detainees

to multiple locations, maintenance of the detainees in continuous solitary confinement

and incommunicado detention throughout the entire period of their undisclosed

detention, and the infliction of further ill-treatment through the use of various methods

either individually or in combination, in addition to the deprivation of other basic

material requirements.



... Throughout their detention, the fourteen were moved from one place to another

and were allegedly kept in several different places of detention, probably in several

different countries. The number of locations reported by the detainees varied, however

ranged from three to ten locations prior to their arrival in Guantánamo in

September 2006.

The transfer procedure was fairly standardised in most cases. The detainee would be

photographed, both clothed and naked prior to and again after transfer. A body cavity

check (rectal examination) would be carried out and some detainees alleged that a

suppository (the type and the effect of such suppositories was unknown by the

detainees), was also administered at that moment.

The detainee would be made to wear a diaper and dressed in a tracksuit. Earphones

would be placed over his ears, through which music would sometimes be played. He



would be blindfolded with at least a cloth tied around the head and black goggles. In

addition, some detainees alleged that cotton wool was also taped over their eyes prior

to the blindfold and goggles being applied. The detainee would be shackled by hands

and feet and transported to the airport by road and loaded onto a plane. He would

usually be transported in a reclined sitting position with his hands shackled in front.

The journey times obviously varied considerably and ranged from one hour to over

twenty-four to thirty hours. The detainee was not allowed to go to the toilet and if

necessary was obliged to urinate or defecate into the diaper. On some occasions the

detainees were transported lying flat on the floor of the plane and/or with their hands

cuffed behind their backs. When transported in this position the detainees complained

of severe pain and discomfort.

In addition to causing severe physical pain, these transfers to unknown locations and

unpredictable conditions of detention and treatment placed mental strain on the

fourteen, increasing their sense of disorientation and isolation. The ability of the

detaining authority to transfer persons over apparently significant distances to secret

locations in foreign countries acutely increased the detainees’ feeling of futility and

helplessness, making them more vulnerable to the methods of ill-treatment described


...[T]hese transfers increased the vulnerability of the fourteen to their interrogation,

and was performed in a manner (goggles, earmuffs, use of diapers, strapped to

stretchers, sometimes rough handling) that was intrusive and humiliating and that

challenged the dignity of the persons concerned. As their detention was specifically

designed to cut off contact with the outside world and emphasise a feeling of

disorientation and isolation, some of the time periods referred to in the report are

approximate estimates made by the detainees concerned. For the same reasons, the

detainees were usually unaware of their exact location beyond the first place of

detention in the country of arrest and the second country of detention, which was

identified by all fourteen as being Afghanistan. ...



Throughout the entire period during which they were held in the CIA detention

program – which ranged from sixteen months up to almost four and a half years and

which, for eleven of the fourteen was over three years – the detainees were kept in

continuous solitary confinement and incommunicado detention. They had no

knowledge of where they were being held, no contact with persons other than their

interrogators or guards. Even their guards were usually masked and, other than the

absolute minimum, did not communicate in any way with the detainees. None had any

real – let alone regular – contact with other persons detained, other than occasionally

for the purposes of inquiry when they were confronted with another detainee. None

had any contact with legal representation. The fourteen had no access to news from

the outside world, apart from in the later stages of their detention when some of them

occasionally received printouts of sports news from the internet and one reported

receiving newspapers.

None of the fourteen had any contact with their families, either in written form or

through family visits or telephone calls. They were therefore unable to inform their

families of their fate. As such, the fourteen had become missing persons. In any

context, such a situation, given its prolonged duration, is clearly a cause of extreme

distress for both the detainees and families concerned and itself constitutes a form of


In addition, the detainees were denied access to an independent third party. ...




... [T]he fourteen were subjected to an extremely harsh detention regime,

characterised by ill-treatment. The initial period of interrogation, lasting from a few

days up to several months was the harshest, where compliance was secured by the

infliction of various forms of physical and psychological ill-treatment. This appeared

to be followed by a reward based interrogation approach with gradually improving

conditions of detention, albeit reinforced by the threat of returning to former methods.



The conditions of detention under which the fourteen were held, particularly during

the earlier period of their detention, formed an integral part of the interrogation

process as well as an integral part of the overall treatment to which they were

subjected as part of the CIA detention program. This report has already drawn

attention to certain aspects associated with basic conditions of detention, which were

clearly manipulated in order to exert pressure on the detainees concerned.

In particular, the use of continuous solitary confinement and incommunicado

detention, lack of contact with family members and third parties, prolonged nudity,

deprivation/restricted provision of solid food and prolonged shackling have already

been described above.

The situation was further exacerbated by the following aspects of the detention


• Deprivation of access to the open air

• Deprivation of exercise

• Deprivation of appropriate hygiene facilities and basic items in pursuance of


• Restricted access to the Koran linked with interrogation.

These aspects cannot be considered individually, but must be understood as forming

part of the whole picture. As such, they also form part of the ill-treatment to which the

fourteen were subjected. ...”

D. United Nations

1. The 2010 UN Joint Study

294. On 19 February 2010 the Human Rights Council of United Nations

Organisation released the “Joint Study on Global Practices in Relation to

Secret Detention in the Context of Countering Terrorism of the Special

Rapporteur on the Promotion and protection of Human Rights and

Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism” – “the 2010 UN Joint

Study” (A/HRC/1342).

295. In the summary, the experts explained their methodology as


“In conducting the present study, the experts worked in an open, transparent

manner. They sought inputs from all relevant stakeholders, including by sending a

questionnaire to all States Members of the United Nations. Several consultations were



held with States, and the experts shared their findings with all States concerned before

the study was finalized. Relevant ехсerpts of the report were shared with the

concerned States on 23 and 24 December 2009.

In addition to United Nations sources and the responses to the questionnaire from

44 States, primary sources included interviews conducted with persons who had been

held in secret detention, family members of those held captive and legal

representatives of detainees. Flight data were also used to corroborate information. In

addition to the analysis of the policy and legal decisions taken by States, the aim of

the study was also to illustrate, in concrete terms, what it means to be secretly

detained, how secret detention can facilitate the practice of torture or inhuman and

degrading treatment, and how the practice of secret detention has left an indelible

mark on the victims, and on their families as well.”

296. In relation to Romania, the report (in paragraphs 116-124) stated,

among other things, the following:

“116. ... In [the 2004 CIA Report], the CIA Inspector General discussed the

interrogations of Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. Two United States

sources with knowledge of the high-value detainees programme informed the experts

that a passage revealing that ‘enhanced interrogation of al-Nashiri continued through

4 December 2002’ and another, partially redacted, which stated that ‘however, after

being moved, al-Nashiri was thought to have been withholding information’, indicate

that it was at this time that he was rendered to Poland. The passages are partially

redacted because they explicitly state the facts of al-Nashiri’s rendition - details which

remain classified as ‘Top Secret’.

117. Using a similar analysis of complex aeronautical data, including data strings,

research was also able to demonstrate that a Boeing 737 aircraft, registered with the

Federal Aviation Administration as N313P, flew to Romania in September 2003. The

aircraft took off from Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C. on Saturday 20 September

2003, and undertook a four-day flight ‘circuit’, during which it landed in and departed

from six different foreign territories - the Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan,

Poland, Romania and Morocco - as well as Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Focus was also

placed on a flight between the two listed European ‘black site’ locations - namely

from Szymany (Poland) to Bucharest - on the night of 22 September 2003, although it

was conceivable that as many as five consecutive individual routes on this circuit -

beginning in Tashkent, concluding in Guantánamo - may have involved transfers of

detainees in the custody of the CIA. The experts were not able to identify any

definitive evidence of a detainee transfer into Romania taking place prior to the flight


119. In its response to the questionnaire sent by the experts, Romania provided a

copy of the report of the Committee of Enquiry of Parliament concerning the

investigation of the statements on the existence of CIA imprisonment centres or of

flights of aircraft hired by the CIA on the territory of Romania.


124. According to two high-ranking Government officials at the time, revelations

about the existence of detention facilities in Eastern Europe in late 2005 by The

Washington Post and ABC news led the CIA to close its facilities in Lithuania and

Romania and move the Al-Qaida detainees out of Europe. It is not known where these

persons were transferred; they could have been moved into ‘war zone facilities’ in

Iraq and Afghanistan or to another black site, potentially in Africa. The experts were

not able to find the exact destination of the 16 high-value detainees between



December 2005 and their move to Guantánamo in September 2006. No other

explanation has been provided for the whereabouts of the detainees before they were

moved to Guantánamo in September 2006.”

2. The 2015 UN Committee against Torture’s Observations

297. The UN Committee against Torture (“CAT”), in its Concluding

observations on the second periodic report of Romania adopted on 7 May

2015 – “the 2015 UN CAT Observations” – referred to the CIA HVD

Programme’s operation in Romania in the following terms:

“Secret detention centres and rendition flights

15. The Committee is concerned at persistent allegations of illegal detention of

persons in secret detention facilities of the Central Intelligence Agency and of

extraordinary rendition flights into and out of Romania in the context of the country’s

international cooperation in countering terrorism. It is also concerned that, in his

application filed in 2012 with the European Court of Human Rights, Abd al-Rahim

Hussayn Muhammad Al-Nashiri claimed that he had been illegally detained and

tortured in an Agency detention facility in Romania; this is currently being

investigated by the Romanian Prosecutor General. The Committee is also concerned

at the discrepancy between the information provided by the State party, and the

statements made in December 2014 by the former head of the Romanian intelligence

service which indicated that the authorities had allowed the Agency to operate

detention facilities between 2003 and 2006 where inmates allegedly suffered

inhumane treatment (arts. 2, 3, 12 and 16).

The Committee encourages the State party to continue its investigations into

the allegations of its involvement in a programme of secret detention centres, and

of the use of its airports and airspace by aeroplanes involved in


requests the State party to provide it with information about the outcome of any

ongoing investigations regarding the case of Abd al-Rahim Hussayn Muhammad





298. The respondent Government produced transcripts of the statements

and testimony of witnesses heard by the prosecutor in the context of the

criminal investigation concerning the alleged existence of CIA secret

detention facilities in Romania, together with an English translation. At the

Government’s request, confidentiality was imposed on this material, in

accordance with Rule 33 § 2 of the Rules of Court (see also paragraph 12


The Court and the applicant had access to the full versions of these

documents. In the English version , reproduced below, the names, job titles,


functions and other details that might lead to witnesses’ identities being

1. The material has been edited by the Registry and certain editorial corrections made. The

review does not affect the content of the documents.



revealed to the public have been removed. The names of the witnesses have

been anonymised by a single letter of the alphabet



A. Transcript of witness X

299. Witness X made the following statement to the prosecutor:

“During the period 2003-2005, I was [REDACTED] and the duties attached to the

post that I held included specific aspects concerning the security of civil aviation


The [REDACTED], had partnerships with various similar institutions from other

States, including equivalent structures in the United States of America. In the

framework of these bilateral relations, civil aviation aircraft hired by the partner

services on which their representatives travelled and landed at Bucharest Băneasa

airport. My presence at the airport was aimed at ensuring protocol relations during

processing as well as bilateral courtesy-setting according to diplomatic norms and

international rules.”

B. Transcript of testimony given by witness Y on 4 May 2015

300. The testimony given by witness Y to the prosecutor on 4 May 2015

reads, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“I have been informed that I will be heard as a witness concerning: the existence on

the Romanian territory, after 2001, of some secret detention and interrogation centres

of the United States of America’s Central Intelligence Agency.


I declare the following:

I have been informed of the object of this criminal investigation, namely of the fact

that a Saudi national, Abd Al Rahim Hussein Muhammad Al Nashiri, complained that

he had allegedly been brought on the Romanian territory and held in illegal detention

centre, administrated by officers of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with help

from the Romanian authorities.

It is for the first time that I have heard about such a criminal complaint by this

citizen against the Romanian State. As a [REDACTED], I had never been asked by

the authorities of the United States of America to allow, to approve, or to facilitate the

hosting on the national territory of a location aimed at serving as a detention and

interrogation centre of individual suspected of participating in, initiating or organising

terrorist acts directed against the USA or its allies.

I do remember that, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 in

the USA, myself and other officials of the Romanian State, at that time, went to the

USA Embassy in Bucharest and we expressed our grief for what had happened and

condolences for the loss of human lives; in the course of the same year, I visited UN

headquarters, and on that occasion, I also visited the so-called ‘Ground Zero’. I do not

remember any express request addressed to me, to the [REDACTED], to the Head of

the [REDACTED], to the Head of [REDACTED], nor the Ministry [REDACTED], to


Redaction of the transcripts has been done by the Registry.



intensify the cooperation with the American partners from the intelligence services in

the sense of facilitating [the creation] of detention centres on the territory of Romania.

I must say that I consider to be an invention this accusation according to which

Romania hosted CIA detention centres on its territory and also being a denigration

against the Romanian State, because in the [REDACTED] meetings such request from

the Americans had never been discussed. If such centres had existed, I would certainly

have known about their existence on the national territory, for as long as I was

[REDACTED]. Therefore, I restate that [REDACTED] never received such requests

from the USA’s then Presidents, George Bush Jr. and Bill Clinton, nor from the three

US ambassadors to Bucharest, during [REDACTED] and the impugned period


Concerning my statement [REDACTED], I state that I did not maintain in that

[REDACTED] that Romania had hosted CIA detention centres, but I only referred to

the overflight permission (drept de survol) to [and from] the Mihail Kogălniceanu

airport of Constanţa for the US military aircraft, in the context of Middle East

operations, in which we cooperated (troops and equipment transport or others).

In the context of Romania’s strategic objective of integration into the North Atlantic

Alliance and into the European Union, the exchange of information and the


between the national intelligence services and their American

counterparts was done in a natural way, as a necessity. In this context, it is possible

that CIA offices were run on the national territory, but I cannot with certainty state it,

nor deny it, because I never personally gave such authorisation. I see no reason for the

Americans to request the setting-up of such facilities on Romanian territory.

I wish to state that the initiative of [REDACTED] was not mine; it was the initiative

of that [REDACTED] citizen that [REDACTED] asked me to have a discussion on

the general subject of the 25th anniversary of the Revolution; at least, it was that

which I was expecting, but it was never mentioned as such to me. I did not expect to

be questioned on the issue of the supposed existence of the CIA prisons in Romania.

I certainly consider that the heads of the main [REDACTED] services would have

consulted [REDACTED], should we have been asked to approve such detention

facilities on the Romanian territory, also given the fact that both of them,

[REDACTED] were members of the [REDACTED].

I heard about the statements publicly made by [REDACTED], and I intend to have a

discussion with him, to clarify things on this issue, but because he had gone on

holiday, I could not get in touch with him until now.

I have no other additional statements to make with regard to the object of this case.


C. Transcript of witness Z

301. The statement made by witness Z to the prosecutor on

17 September 2013 reads, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“I, the undersigned, [Z] ..., declare the following:

Between December 2000 and March 2004 I was the [REDACTED]. In this capacity

I was appointed by the [REDACTED] to participate in the negotiations for the

accession of Romania to NATO. From [REDACTED] 2004, I held the office of




In this capacity, I had several meetings following which the first steps were taken

towards setting up the military and intelligence agreements in order to fulfil the

accession criteria. This was the co-called pre-accession phase, launched after the

Prague meeting of 2 November 2002 during which the NATO Member States had

decided that Romania was one of the next candidates for accession to NATO.

In this wide negotiation process, I was designated to prepare and negotiate those

documents aimed at making Romania ready for its accession to the system, by

adopting those necessary operative agreements that had to be effective by the time

Romania was declared a NATO member. Concretely, I/we addressed various issues

concerning the pre-accession, in the area of defence and intelligence cooperation.

Among those discussions, some developments or agreements took place in relation

to the American flights to be operated by the CIA which had permission to fly over

and land on Romanian territory. It was one of the steps that Romania had to take in

order to become a NATO member and it meant fulfilling one of the conditions

imposed on all partners of NATO members. From about 2003 onwards, several

contacts had taken place in that direction and they resulted in concrete agreements that

made possible the operation of the special American flights on Romanian territory, in

different conditions from those provided for by international customs. It should be

understood that those flights had a special character and they were not under an

obligation to obey the usual rules imposed on civil flights.

I state that according to the information I had at that time, such practice of [special]

flights was current and particular to all NATO Member States.

Concerning the issue of some locations that were to be provided for exclusive use by

our American partners, I state that I/we insisted, and it was agreed, that in all those

locations the Romanian State should have no participation and all activities were to be

undertaken exclusively by the American partners under their exclusive responsibility.

This way of doing it was the natural outcome of complying with the condition of

attitude between allies. All the discussions in which I participated only concerned the

status of the [REDACTED].

I have no knowledge about any detention centre or prisoners taken and located on

Romanian territory or about any special treatment applied to such prisoners.

I only heard about this issue, and especially about prisoners taken on Romanian

territory and detained here, from the press, when the international scandal exploded. I

considered that those scandals were aimed at discrediting Romania’s accession to

NATO and its capacity as a NATO member and as an ally of the United States.

I appreciate that by continuing those scandals someone mostly wants to generate

disputes at a high political level in the Eastern European Countries that were accepted

during the last NATO accession wave.

[signature] [REDACTED]”



D. Transcript of testimony given by witness Z on 18 June 2015

302. The testimony given by witness Z to the prosecutor on 18 June

2015 reads, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“I have been informed that I will be heard as a witness concerning: the existence on

Romanian territory, after 2001, of some secret detention and interrogation centres of

the United States of America’s Central Intelligence Agency. ...

I declare the following:

I have been informed of the object of this criminal investigation, namely of the fact

that a Saudi national, Abd Al Rahid Husseyn Mohammad Al Nashiri, complained to

the Romanian judicial authorities about the fact that he, as well as other individuals

suspected of being members of a terrorist organisation, had been brought to Romanian

territory and held in illegal detention facilities, administered by officers of the Central

Intelligence Agency (CIA) and subjected to physical and psychological torture in

order for them to obtain information concerning terrorist organisations.

I do not know anything about the facts this complaint refers to and, as can be easily

observed, it seems that the Saudi national himself does not know any factual elements

that might substantiate his complaint.

I only heard about him when his complaint became a matter of public knowledge.

By virtue of the public offices of [REDACTED] that I previously held, among

which the public office of [REDACTED] and that of [REDACTED], and that of

[REDACTED], I firmly maintain that the allegations publicly spread concerning the

supposed existence, on the territory of Romania, of illegal detention centres

administered by the United States of America, through the CIA, centres in which

several individuals suspected of being members of a terrorist organisation or of having

committed terrorist acts have been held, are nothing but simple allegations or

suppositions of some persons that have nothing to do with the realities of the

Romanian State.

At the time of the terrorist attack of 11 September 2001 in New York, I held, as

mentioned before, the office of [REDACTED]. On the day of the attack, the then

[REDACTED], publicly expressed by means of an official statement the commitment

of the Romanian authorities to support the USA in their fight against terrorism, by

means that were to be subsequently established by common agreement, upon the

request of US officials. Immediately after the terrorist attack, in the following

48 hours, [REDACTED] called for a meeting of the [REDACTED], which endorsed

the official statement of the [REDACTED]; following which Parliament also

approved the [REDACTED] document.

Immediately after those terrorist attacks, our contacts with the representatives of the

US diplomatic mission in Romania and other Western diplomatic missions increased

and the steps taken by Romania in order to become a NATO member were


Consequently, in November 2002, at the Prague conference of the NATO Member

States, taking into account the progress made, the Heads of State and Government of

the NATO Member States invited Romania to join the Alliance.

It is true that US Government officials asked the Romanian authorities to offer some

locations, on Romanian territory, to be used for actions of combating international

terrorist threats, by the representatives of the CIA, on the same pattern as that used in



the other NATO Member States. This discussion was one of principle, and finally one

single location was offered, without specifying the nature of that location, whether it

should have been an office or an office building or land for building some facilities, or

some other form. It was understood, at that stage, in 2003, that it should be an office

building in Bucharest.

The requested site was to be identified and made available by the [REDACTED].

I would make clear that I was directly in charge of these negotiations, having the

coordinating role, while the person designated from the Ministry of [REDACTED], in

charge of the discussions with the American partners, was the then [REDACTED].

As far as I know, [REDACTED] made available to the CIA, in Bucharest, one site

which afterwards was converted into [REDACTED] in Romania; this is a method

common to the relationships with other NATO Member States.

I maintain that I never publicly admitted that, in Romania, CIA illegal detention

centres had existed, with the support of the Romanian governmental authorities, in

which various persons had been illegally detained, during the US-initiated State

detention programme.

I only stated that the Romanian authorities cooperated in the anti-terrorist war on an

exchange of information basis with the American intelligence services, including the

CIA, also by offering a site for the CIA activities.

I do not wish to comment on the information given by the mass-media in relation to

the persons that were supposed to have been illegally detained on Romanian territory

in CIA-run detention centres, the source of this information being the partially

published US Senate Report on the detention and interrogation of terrorism suspects

programme; I consider that it is the responsibility of the USA to clarify this issue, as

long as I have no knowledge of such operations on Romanian territory and I do not

know anyone in connection with such a matter.

The name of Abu Faraj Al-Libi, Hassan Gul, Janat Gul does not sound familiar to

me, given the fact that, as stated before, I did not approve, I did not know and I was

not informed of any operation for the transfer or detention of a foreign national by the


Concerning the public debate on the existence of CIA directly or indirectly

controlled flights with a special destination on Romanian territory, I would like to say

that such flights were operated also in German, English, Italian and other territories,

and that they did not represent a Romanian particularity.

I have nothing else to state about the facts in this file. ...”

E. Transcripts of statements from other witnesses

303. The Government produced twenty-four transcripts of statements

from twenty-three witnesses obtained during the criminal investigation,

together with an English translation (see also paragraphs 12 and 173 above).

These statements were obtained at various dates at the end of July and

beginning of August 2013 and, subsequently, in September 2015.

304. Five witnesses said that in 2003-2005 they “[did] not know

anything about the aircraft with American registration”, “[were not]

informed about special flights”, “[had] no knowledge regarding the flights



that came or went” or “[did] not know any details regarding the private


305. The statements of the remaining eighteen witnesses, in so far as

relevant, read as follows.

1. Witness A

306. The transcript of witness A’s statement of 30 July 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [A] [personal data], state that I work for the [REDACTED], as


From 2003 to 2005, I worked for the [REDACTED] at Bucharest Băneasa Airport,

as [REDACTED]. As such, I worked mainly at the [REDACTED] and at other

specific departments. In all the departments, my work was governed by the provisions

of the [REDACTED] and by the working methodologies. For example, at

[REDACTED], I worked in the booths placed on the entry or exit corridor, also I

assisted the passengers at the boarding gate and I escorted them to the regular aircraft.

Being asked about the ... planes, I don’t recall having heard about the mentioned

aspects, namely about the disembarkation of clandestine passengers and, implicitly, I

did not go to the planes referred to in the questions.

There were some cases when private aircraft, according to flight plans, parked in

front of the protocol lounge, where we went, together with customs officials, for the

checking of documents. There were cases when, together with a RAS employee, we

went to the protocol lounge for the checking of the passengers’ documents – various

officials. I declare that I do not recall cases of disembarkation of clandestine


2. Witness B

307. The transcript of witness B’s statement of 30 July 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [B], state as follows:

[REDACTED] founded [REDACTED] in 1994 with the purpose of providing

handling services for the business aviation at Băneasa Airport. Together with the

Airport, I promoted this type of traffic at Băneasa taking into consideration that there

was hardly any traffic at the airport as the domestic Tarom flights had just moved to

Otopeni. We provide handling services specific to business aviation, which means









passenger/cargo/mail aircraft.

For the business aviation there were some specific requests different from the

regular commercial aviation, meaning that, usually, business flights’ operators sent in

advance a request for services which was confirmed by our operating agents.

At the specified time (2003-2005), [REDACTED] operating agents met the aircraft

upon arrival and accompanied it upon departure together with the border guard and a

customs official.

For the business aircraft, our operating agents accompanied the crew and undertook

the embarkation/disembarkation of the passengers/luggage.

As for the transiting aircraft with American registrations, our personnel were joking

about them saying that they were spies.



The majority of passengers on these aircraft were men.

Usually, our personnel servicing these aircraft did not enter the planes. Those

responsible for the handling papers and for receiving the payment for the handling

services and the airport taxes went to the aircraft and then, together with a member of

the crew, came back to our office in the airport where the final handling sheet was

drawn up and the payment was made. At the specified time, I was sometimes present

at the airport making unannounced checks. As I did not have a uniform, I personally

did not go to the aircraft.

In the airport I did not notice any illicit movements in relation to the

embarkation/disembarkation of passengers unknown to us or of passengers that did

not go through the normal process.

During the boom in private and commercial aviation, planes were parked according

to their weight (the term ‘the heavy ones’ was used).

To the question whether it was possible for a passenger to be brought in outside the

legal arrival process, I do not believe that such a thing is possible. The airport had a

fixed and mobile security service.

I have not heard rumours about detainees being flown on the transiting aircraft with

American registrations.

I indicate that I was asked to provide documents about the handling of these aircraft

by a parliamentary commission and that I forwarded all kind of documents, but I did

not testify.

Also, I would make mention of the fact that, unlike in the case of commercial

aviation where the cargo is documented (by way of Pax Manifest, General

Declaration, Cargo Manifest), for business aviation there are generally no documents

drawn up concerning the identity of the cargo.”

3. Witness C

308. The transcript of Witness C’s statement of 30 July 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [C] [personal data], state as follows:

From 2003 to 2005, I was employed by the Romanian Airport Services as

[REDACTED]. It was a [REDACTED] job and I was responsible for the documents

necessary for take-off without going to the aircraft because I do not have a driving

licence. Access to the aircraft is possible only by way of a vehicle.

After the landing of an aircraft, the practice began with the movement of the Border

Police, the custom agents and the airport security agents and of the RAS operating


With the crew’s approval, border police entered the aircraft and took the passports

and the custom agents were present for the checking of the documents, if necessary. If

the aircraft was inspected, the pilots were accompanied by the operating agent by car

to the firm’s office. If need be, hotel reservations were made or, if they already had

reservations, the agent accompanied them to the hotel without passing through the


For vehicles from outside the airport, access was permitted only after being checked

by the security agents. Also, if such a vehicle had to enter the airport premises, access

was allowed only accompanied by an agent of the airport security department.



I have no knowledge of any aircraft or transport of detainees undertaken by the

American authorities on Romanian territory.”

4. Witness D

309. The transcript of Witness D’s statement of 30 July 2013 read:

“I, the undersigned [D] [personal data], state as follows: From 2003 to 2005 I

worked at Bucharest Băneasa International Airport in the [REDACTED] as

[REDACTED]. In this position, I was responsible for the access to airport premises of

authorised persons and vehicles.

During that time, several private aircraft landed, but they did not come within my

responsibility as I was working at a fixed point, without patrolling, and as such I had

no contact with incoming/outgoing aircraft or passengers. I declare that during that

time there was no patrol service in the proximity of the aircraft, the airport being

guarded by the gendarmes and afterwards by a security firm.

I had no knowledge about the fact that these private flights were used for the

transport in/out of Romania of detainees, finding out about these things many years

later in the press. ...”

5. Witness E

310. The Government produced transcripts of two statements given by

Witness E; the first of 31 July 2013, the second one of an unspecified date.

311. The transcript of the statement given on 31 July 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [E] [personal data], state as follows:

From 2003 to 2005, I was [REDACTED] in the airport [REDACTED] department

at International Băneasa Aurel Vlaicu Airport and, at present, I am [REDACTED].

During that time, I had personal knowledge of some private flights that landed at

night time at Bucharest-Băneasa airport as being flights with a special status.

These flights were parked on the airport platform for about 10-15 minutes, after

which they took off.

I personally have knowledge of 3-4 such flights. The only person approaching these

flights was [REDACTED] [X], who went to the aircraft in the SRI working van-type

vehicle. Other persons on duty were informed early on about the arrival of these

flights and did not have access to these planes.

I do not know exactly whether [X] entered the planes or just stayed by them. I did

not see anyone embarking onto or disembarking from these aircraft.

The head of the security department at that time was [REDACTED], and the head of

the control tower and air traffic navigation was [REDACTED]. ... .”

312. The transcript of Witness E’s statement of an unspecified date read:

“... I, the undersigned E [personal data], state as follows:

From 2003 to 2005, I was [REDACTED] in the airport [REDACTED] department

at International Băneasa Aurel Vlaicu Airport and, at present, I am [REDACTED].

During that time, I had personal knowledge of some private flights that landed at

night time on Băneasa airport as being flights with a special status.”



6. Witness F

313. The transcript of Witness F’s statement of 31 July 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [F] [personal data], state as follows:

From October 2001 to January 2007, I was employed by [REDACTED] (Băneasa

Airport) as [REDACTED].

In this capacity, according to my job description, I was responsible for the access

control of persons, in the airport area, access control of vehicles in the movement area

and access control to the [REDACTED].

With regard to the access of vehicles on the airport premises, the access of vehicles

had to be authorised, all the vehicles and also their drivers were registered, had a

special tag and an access permit, so that access was permitted only to the person

designated to drive the vehicle, on the basis of a special permit of access to the airport

premises, the identification tag where the access areas were indicated, the driving

licence and a personal identification document, and for the vehicle on the basis of the

vehicle’s identification tag and the access permit for the movement area.

After the checking of the vehicle, it was necessary to obtain the authorisation of the

deputy commander of the airport for access by the vehicle. After the deputy

commander had given his approval, the vehicle was noted in a table, mentioning the

time of entry, the number of the access permit, the identification number, and the

destination within the airport’s premises.

After the access of the vehicles or of the vehicle a second check was operated by the


It follows that the access of the vehicles, as well as the access of the persons who

were accompanied to the access areas of the airport for identification control, etc., was

carried out according to the strict rules of the airport security.”

7. Witness G

314. The transcript of Witness G’s statement of 1 August 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [G] [personal data], state as follows: From 2003 to 2005 I

worked at Bucharest Băneasa Airport in the [REDACTED] Department as

[REDACTED], receiving knowledge relating to the flights with the ‘N’ call sign, that

were announced as special flights to which we were not requested.

Generally, these were night flights that arrived for refuelling, and to this effect the

operator handling the refuelling would go to the plane. If there was a request for a

handling agent, somebody from RAS would go. ...”

8. Witness H

315. The transcript of Witness H’s statement of 1 August 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [H] [personal data], state the following:

Starting in 2003 and up to February 2004 I worked for the [REDACTED] of

Băneasa International Airport as [REDACTED]. I handled the security checks of

foreign and Romanian citizens entering/exiting Romania and who were in transit

across the Romanian border, in compliance with the orders given by the shift chief

and the flight plan established for each workday.



I processed according to the flight plan all the flights with the ‘N’ call sign, without

them having a stop in Bucharest. All the passengers from the flights were processed

pursuant to the law.

I did not see amongst the passengers of the planes individuals with special status,

wanted at national or international level. ...”

9. Witness I

316. The transcript of Witness I’s statement of 1 August 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [I] [personal data], state the following:

From 2003 to 2005 I worked for the Romanian Airport Services as [REDACTED]. I

handled the servicing of planes that landed at or departed from Bucharest Airport. As

part of my job assignment I also handled refuelling, catering, and receiving payments

for handling services.

It is worth mentioning that a file exists with all the flight details for all the planes

that landed or departed. If there is such a file, it means that that flight landed at or

departed from Băneasa Airport.

Regarding the American flights with the ‘N’ call sign, as in the case of planes flying

under other flags, my duty was to provide refuelling, crew transport from the airport

to the hotel, catering services, weather reports.

Usually, when a technical stop was involved, I would go to the plane alone,

accompanied only by the driver of the refuelling vehicle.

I declare that I never saw a detainee – passenger, especially of Arab origin, being

boarded or disembarked onto/from a plane, American or otherwise. ...”

10. Witness J

317. The transcript of Witness J’s statement of 2 August 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [J] [personal data], state the following:

From 2003 to 2005 I worked as [REDACTED] at [REDACTED] handling the

checking of documents needed to cross the State border, in both directions. Regarding

the private flights that landed in or departed from Romania, these were processed at

the Protocol Lounge of the airport; the individuals were taken from the plane by an

RAS car and were brought to the reception area and processed according to the work


I also declare that there was no need for an operational team to go to the plane, as

the passengers were brought to the reception area. Likewise it is not possible for the

passengers to be taken into unauthorised vehicles and leave the airport premises

without passing through the specially designated checkpoints.

Personally, I did not see any individual who was boarded onto or disembarked from

the American planes, other than the crew and the passengers that we checked. ...”

11. Witness K

318. The transcript of Witness K’s statement of 2 August 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [K] [personal data], state the following:



From 2003 to 2005 I was employed at [REDACTED] and I handled the services

being provided by the airport to planes that were arriving at or departing from

Băneasa International Airport. The services included refuelling the planes, cleaning,

handling crew transfer to and from the airport. In practice, communication was

established with the crew who made the request for services and then we organised

the teams, according to the request. Regarding the flights under the American flag,

these were flights with a technical stop at Băneasa Airport (refuelling). I did not see

any passengers disembarking from or boarding these planes. Also, in order for a car to

have access to the parking platform outside the airport, they would require an

authorisation issued by the airport administration. ...”

12. Witness L

319. The transcript of Witness L’s statement of 2 August 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [L] [personal data], state the following:

– Between 2003 and 2005 I was an employee of Băneasa Airport [REDACTED].

– As part of my job description, I handled the access of employees and vehicles that

entered the secure area of the airport.

– Regarding the private flights under the US flag, I declare that nothing suspicious

caught my attention.

– I did not see any individuals that might have detainee status who were handcuffed

and who were boarded onto or disembarked from the private flights that landed at the

airport. ...”

13. Witness M

320. The transcript of Witness M’s statement of 2 August 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [M] [personal data], state the following:

Between 2003 and 2005 I worked as [REDACTED] for Băneasa Airport

[REDACTED] and I handled security inside the airport at personnel access and

vehicle and personnel checkpoints; it was not part of my job description [illegible]

activities with the planes that entered or exited the platform.

We were [not] informed about the special flights not even by the shift manager.

They were handled by the deputy commander, the border police, transport police,

customs and RIS. ...”

14. Witness N

321. The transcript of Witness N’s statement of 5 August 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [N] [personal data], state the following:

From 2003 to 2005 I worked for the Ministry of [REDACTED] at Băneasa Airport,


I declare that in 2006 I worked at REDACTED] and until that date I had processed

documents alongside [petty –sic!] officers with more work experience as I had arrived

in Bucharest from the [REDACTED].

I have knowledge of private planes landing at Băneasa Airport but I did not note

anything out of the ordinary when they landed.



When private planes landed, RAS employees would go by bus, pick up the pilots

and bring them to the Border for travel documents processing.”

15. Witness O

322. The transcript of Witness O’s statement of 5 August 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [O] [personal data], state the following:

Between 2003 and 2005 I worked for [REDACTED] as [REDACTED]; as part of

my job I provided services to planes that landed at Băneasa International Airport,

private and charter flights.

During that time, several private flights with US-registered aircraft were operated.

These flights went according to plan, carrying business people. One evening, after

dawn, a plane landed that was treated differently, as officials from the airport and

from the Counter-terrorism squad asked us to stay in the office and not go out to the

plane that was about to land. We complied with the request.

I cannot recall the date of the flight or the call sign.

I never saw a similar case in my time working for [REDACTED].

At that time I did not know the nature of those flights, and I also did not know

whether similar flights were operated at Băneasa Airport.

After being asked, I can confirm that on the airport’s platform vehicles cannot gain

access without prior approval/permission. ...”

16. Witness P

323. The transcript of Witness P’s statement of 5 August 2013 read:

“... I, the undersigned [P] [personal data], state the following:

Between 2003 and 2005 I worked at [Government Editor’s note: Bucharest -

Băneasa International Airport – Aurel Vlaicu] in [REDACTED].

I know that special flights were operated at night and in the time frame noted above

I saw a plane without a call sign that was positioned in the middle lane of AIBB – AU

platform, on the north side.

I saw the following activity going on at the side of the plane:

- Activities carried out by RAS handling operators;

- A passenger disembarking accompanied by a dog, pit bull or Amstaff, and they

walked around the plane and after approximately 10 minutes they boarded the plane.

I note that the procedure for transporting pets was violated. Pets can be transported

in cages that are stored in the plane’s hold, in the plane only ... can travel.

The plane parked on the AIBB - AV was a GOLF that did not require a mobile

stairway, the plane being equipped with an airstair on the plane’s door.

The individual who disembarked with the dog was dressed in dark overalls with

military boots. ...”

17. Witness Q

324. The transcript of Witness Q’s statement of 6 August 2013 read:



“... I, the undersigned [Q] [personal data], state the following:

Between 2003-2005 I worked for [REDACTED] as [REDACTED], being

subsequently promoted to [REDACTED].

In this position, I serviced flights that operated at Băneasa Airport, namely check-in

procedures, boarding/disembarking, luggage transport and passenger transport from

the plane to the terminal and vice-versa and also providing the services requested by

the crew (cesspool emptying, drinking water, catering, etc.).

Several flights under the US flag arrived during this time and there were no other

special services provided that were different from those provided to any other flight

that arrived at Bucharest Băneasa Airport.

I do not have any knowledge of any special activity that was provided for these

flights. ...”

18. Witness R

325. The transcript of Witness R’s statement of 8 September 2015 read:

“... I am [REDACTED], from the founding of this institution in [REDACTED] 2002

to the present day. The offices of the institution are found in Bucharest,

[REDACTED]. From the setting up of the institution to the present day we have

always had the same location (with an adjacent location, similar to an interior garden,

plus 1 meter of ground all around). Since the time this building was assigned to its

present purpose, there have been no major modifications, such as the building of

annexes, of other buildings, interior redecoration, etc. From the analysis of the annual

budgetary execution of the institution, one can observe that there were no major funds

allocated that may be suspected of being used for the setting up of spaces that could

be used as secret detention centres, as some media outlets absurdly assert.

In other words, since the founding of the institution, which was already mentioned,

to the present, our headquarters have never been used as a detention centre for persons

suspected of terrorist acts by the CIA or by other governmental institutions, national

or foreign, and no activities in relation to this subject have taken place.

By its nature, the building [where the ORNISS is located] cannot be used for such a


I am aware of the information circulating in the public space, national or

international, about the fact that the [ORNISS] building has been used as a location

for the detention of persons suspected of terrorism by the CIA and I strongly affirm

that these are merely fallacies.

I declare that the institution [REDACTED], including its location, is regularly

subject to checks by the competent institutions within NATO and the European

Union. During these checks, no indications regarding the involvement of the

[ORNISS] in the detention of persons suspected of terrorism, from the setting up of

the institution and afterwards, have been identified.

The activity of the institution is governed by the [REDACTED]. Anyone

[REDACTED] will notice that the [ORNISS] is not a part of the national system of

preventing and countering terrorism or of the national system of public order and

national security even though, due to the specific nature of its activity, it collaborates

with institutions involved in the said systems.



Neither personally, nor institutionally, do I/we have relevant information about this

subject (the prevention and fight against terrorism). I declare that, after the September

11 2001 attacks, we were never asked to participate in the activities meant to establish

the type of help that Romania was to offer the United States of America to help with

the prevention and fight against terrorism. ...”


A. RCAA letter of 29 July 2009

326. The applicant produced the RCAA letter to the APADOR-CH,

dated 29 July 2009 (see also paragraph 113 above), which read, in so far as

relevant, as follows:

“The Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority located in ... represented by ... in

compliance with the stipulations of the court decision no. 3580 of 15 December 2008

pronounced by Bucharest District Court, we hereby present in the annex to this

document the answers to your inquiries included in address no. 261/07.08.2008.

Annex to the address no. 19602 of 29.07.2009

General specification:

The data provided below do not indicate with certainty that these flights were

carried out. According to the regulations in effect and applicable on the respective

dates, AACR does not have any document that would identify the actual performance

of these flights. The information represents planned intentions that AACR was

notified about.


01.01.2003 – 31.12.2003

N313P – 2 flights

N478GS – 1 flight

N379P – 1 flight

N85VM – we do not have any records of the requested information

N227SV – we do not have any records of the requested information

N2189M – 2 flights

01.01.2004 – 31.12.2004

N313P – 2 flights

N478GS – we do not have any records of the requested information

N379P – we do not have any records of the requested information

N85VM – we do not have any records of the requested information

N227SV – we do not have any records of the requested information

N2189M – we do not have any records of the requested information

Answer for point 3:



01.01.2003 – 31.12.2003

N313P – 2 flights

1. Flight itinerary (departure sites, stop sites, destination place): Constanţa - Rabat

Airport(s) in Romania where it landed: Băneasa

The date of landing and the date on take-off: 23.09.2003; we do not hold any

recordings of the date when it took off

Flight purpose: private non-commercial

Number of people present on board of the aircraft at landing and the number of

people present on board of the aircraft at take-off:


in Romania, it is not mandatory to report the number of people (crew and




Crew –

Passengers: 9 (according to the date provided by the applicant).

2. Flight itinerary (departure sites, stop sites, destination place): Szczytno –


Airport(s) in Romania where it landed: Băneasa

The date of landing and the date of take-off: 22.09.2003; we do not hold any

recordings of the date when it took off

Flight purpose: private non-commercial

Number of people present on board of the aircraft at landing and the number of

people present on board of the aircraft at take-off:


in Romania, it is not mandatory to report the number of people (crew and



Crew –


Passengers: 9 (according to the date provided by the applicant)


01.01.2004 – 31.12.2004

N313P – 2 flights

Flight itinerary (departure sites, stop sites, destination place): we do not hold any

records of the departure site – Timişoara

Airport(s) in Romania where it landed: Timişoara

The date of landing and the date on take-off: 25.01.2004; we do not hold any

recordings of the date when it took off

Flight purpose: maintenance refuelling stop

Number of people present on board of the aircraft at landing and the number of

people present on board of the aircraft at take-off:



Crew – we do not hold any records of the requested information

Passengers – we do not hold any records of




B. List of twenty-one


327. As part of documents included in the investigation file, the

Government produced tables containing details of twenty flights labelled as

“suspicious”. The tables, which included such data as flight numbers, dates,

types and purposes of flights, type of journey, final routes, flights operators,

organisers, aircraft, crew, passengers as well as names of the Romanian

handling personnel and the Border Police and airport security personnel

were available to the Court and the applicant in a full, unredacted version.

For the purposes of the non-confidential part of the procedure before the

Court, the flight data can be summarised as follows.

(a) Four out of twenty-one flights occurred before 23 September 2003.

The three landings en route from or to Baku took place in Bucharest

Băneasa Airport on 24 April, 9 May and 16 June 2003, respectively. One

landing, en route from Amman occurred in Constanţa Mihail Kogălniceanu

Airport on 13 June 2003.

(b) The remaining seventeen flights took place between 23 September

2003 and 5 November 2005.

(c) The fifteen flights into in Bucharest Băneasa Airport took place on

the following dates:

- 23 September 2003, flight N313P

- 26 October 2003, flight N379P

- 25 January 2004, flight N313P

- 27 January 2004, flight N85VM

- 12/13 April 2004, flight N85VM

- 1 August 2004, flight N288KA

- 5 December 2004, flight N478GS

- 6 December 2004, flight N478GS

- 18 February 2005, flight N787WH

- 23 July 2005, flight M308AB

- 28 July 2005, flight N308 AB

- 21 August 2005, flight N860JB

- 6 October 2005, flight N308AB

- 20 October 2004, flight N789DK

- 5 November 2005, flight N1HC

(d) The two flights into Constanţa Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport took

place on the following dates:

- 1 February 2004, flight N227SV

- 25 August 2004, flight N308AB



C. Documents





mission on

16-28 January 2004 produced by Senator Marty and Mr J.G.S. in

the course of the PowerPoint presentation

328. In the course of their PowerPoint presentation (see also

paragraphs 367-376 below), Senator Marty and Mr J.G.S. produced a

number of documents, including flight logs for the N313P rendition circuit

on 16-28 January 2004, as well as a ground handling note and air navigation

sheet filed by the Romanian authorities in connection with the N313P’s

landing in Băneasa Bucharest City Airport on 26 January 2004.

According to the flight logs records, N313P departed from Washington

on 16 January 2004 flying to Shannon, Ireland. On 17 January 2004 it left

Shannon for Larnaca, Cyprus where it stayed for four days, until 21 January

2004. On the latter date, at 18:39 it took off for Rabat Morocco, arriving

there at 23:48. It departed from Rabat to Kabul, Afghanistan on 22 January

2004 at 02:05, arriving there at 9:58 and then left Kabul for on the same day

in the late afternoon for Alger, Algeria. After staying around one and a half

hours in Alger, the plane left at 21.36 for Palma de Mallorca, Spain, landing

there late in the evening. The next day, i.e. 23 January 2004 the plane left

for Skopje, Macedonia, landing there at 19:51. On 24 January 2004 at 01:30

N313P departed from Skopje to Baghdad, Iraq and, after a stopover lasting

some one hour, left for Kabul at 07:15. On 25 January 2004 it departed from

Kabul at 18:23 and arrived at Băneasa Bucharest Airport on the same day at


The plane stayed in Bucharest for slightly over one hour and took off

from there to Palma de Mallorca on 26 January 2004 at 01:03. It stayed in

Palma de Mallorca until 28 January 2004 and left for Washington at 10:08

on that day. The flight was operated by Stevens Express Leasing Inc..

329. The ground handling charge note (no. 00077/04) was issued for

N313P (airline: “Business Jet Solutions”) by the RAS in Băneasa-Bucharest

City Airport on 26 January 2004 and included landing, lighting and

navigation services fees amounting in total to EUR 2,678/3,416 US dollars

(USD). It indicated the actual arrival date/time as “26.01.04 01:22” and an

identical date and time as the “estimated departure date/time”.

330. The air navigation sheet (no. 174) was issued by the Romanian Air

Traffic Services Administration (“ROMATSA”) on 26 January 2004 for

N313P (airline: “Business Jet Solutions”). It included navigation services

amounting to USD 631.40.

It indicated the landing time as 23:35 on 25 January and the take-off time

as 00:40 on 26 January 2004.



D. The 2010 Findings of the Lithuanian

National Security and Defence (extracts)

331. The applicant produced a copy of the Lithuanian Parliament –

Seimas – document setting out the Seimas Committee on National Security

and Defence (“CNSD”) findings concerning the possible transportation of

persons to and incarceration in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania by

the CIA (“the CNSD Findings”). The document included findings made in

the course of a parliamentary investigation conducted by the CNSD in

connection with publicly voiced allegations concerning the CIA detention

facilities in Lithuania, and those findings were endorsed by the Seimas in its

resolution No. XI-459 adopted on 19 January 2010 (for further details see

Abu Zubaydah v. Lithuania, cited above, § 174).

332. Sections relating to the CIA rendition aircraft relevant to the

present case read as follows:

“In the course of the investigation, the Committee established that three occasions of

crossing of Lithuania’s airspace were omitted in the mentioned reply to Dick Marty,

..., and in the data provided by the state enterprise Oro navigacija:


(3) ’Boeing 737’ no N787WH, landed in Vilnius on 6 October 2005;

... When comparing the submitted data with the material of the Temporary

Committee of the European Parliament, it was established that:

Two CIA-related aircraft landed at Vilnius International Airport:


(2) ’Boeing 737’, registration no N787WH (6 October 2005, route Antalya-Tallinn-

Vilnius-Oslo. A letter of Vilnius International Airport dated 7 December 2009 states

that this aircraft arrived from Tirana at 4.54 am and departed at 5.59 am. According to

the documents of the SBGS [the State Border Guard Service], this aircraft arrived

from Antalya and departed for Oslo).


During the investigation, three occasions were established on which, according to

the testimony of the SSD [the State Security Department] officers, they received the

aircraft and escorted what was brought by them with the knowledge of the heads of

the SSD:


(2) ’Boeing 737’, registration No. N787WH, which landed in Vilnius on 6 October

2005. According to the data submitted by the SBGS, its officers were prevented from

inspecting the aircraft; therefore, it is impossible to establish whether any passengers

were on board the aircraft. No customs inspection of the aircraft was carried out;




E. Mr Hammarberg

333. The applicant produced an affidavit made by Mr Hammarberg on

17 April 2013. That document read as follows:

Affidavit of Thomas Hammarberg

“1. I, Thomas Hammarberg, served as Council of Europe’s Commissioner for

Human Rights during 2006-2012. I now work on specific human rights projects for

the United Nations and the European Union.

2. During my tenure as the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, I

obtained information on methods used in the efforts to respond to terrorist activities

and to prevent further terrorist violence. I had to conclude that some of the

governmental measures during these efforts contradicted agreed standards of human

rights. I summarised my concerns in two ‘Human Rights Comments’, published in

September 2011 ... (The two comments are submitted as Attachments A and B to this


3. My office assembled a considerable amount of data and other information

relating to CIA secret detention and extraordinary rendition in Europe through our

contacts with credible confidential sources, investigative journalists, expert non-

governmental organisations, and lawyers acting on behalf of prisoners. Information on

flights associated with extraordinary rendition was obtained from the relevant flight

control agency in Europe and could be compared with similar local airport data. I was

assisted in the compiling of all of this data and information by an expert colleague,

[Mr J.G.S.].

4. In the case of Romania, I became convinced that the information that we had

obtained showed that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency had kept suspects detained

in a location in Bucharest for the purpose of interrogation. I raised this issue several

times with Romanian diplomats asking for a serious investigation into this matter, to

no avail.

5. On 30 March 2012, I delivered a dossier to the Romanian diplomatic mission in

Strasbourg for the General Prosecutor in Bucharest. The purpose was to encourage the

General Prosecutor to initiate such an investigation.

6. I had previously submitted information of a similar kind to the General

Prosecutor in Warsaw which became part of its investigation into the CIA detention

facility in Poland.

7. In the communication to the General Prosecutor in Bucharest, I had

recommended that ‘this important matter be subjected to judicial scrutiny, by means

of opening a prosecutorial investigation, at the earliest possible juncture’.

8. Neither myself nor my successor as Human Rights Commissioner received any

formal response to the dossier.

9. The dossier submitted to the General Prosecutor at a minimum contains sufficient

material to justify a serious investigation into serious human rights abuses associated

with CIA secret detention and rendition operations in Romania.

10. I am of course aware that confidentiality is protected by governments on aspects

of methods used in countering terrorism. This should be respected when relevant but

not accepted as a justification for not addressing well substantiated requests for



investigations into serious human rights violations, including torture. Such a policy

will promote impunity.

11. I hereby officially submit the dossier I provided to the Romanian General

Prosecutor, which was kept confidential until recently. (The dossier is submitted as

Attachment C to this affidavit).

Tbilisi, 17 April 2013

Signed Thomas Hammarberg”

F. Dossier (Memorandum) of 30 March 2012 provided by

Mr Hammarberg to the Romanian Prosecutor General (extracts)

334. An introductory part of the dossier (attached as Attachment C to the

above-mentioned affidavit), read, in so far as relevant, as follows:


1. My Office has prepared the present submission pursuant to some discussions

with the Permanent Representative of Romania to the Council of Europe, which

followed my publication of two Human Rights Comments in September 2011. I have

assumed that it is in our common interest to establish the truth and secure

accountability in respect of detention and interrogation activities reported to have

been earned out at a secret prison facility (‘Black Site’) operated by the US Central

Intelligence Agency (‘CIA’) on the territory of Romania in the context of the ‘war on


2. Within the terms of my mandate, I have attempted to assemble as much credible

factual material as possible regarding the operations of the CIA Black Site in Romania

Towards this end I have drawn upon original investigation and analysis undertaken by

my Office during the six years of my mandate as Commissioner, as well as the work

and findings of other Council of Europe bodies in the same period, notably the

inquiries led by the Parliamentary Assembly and its former Rapporteur, Senator Dick

Marty, as reflected in his reports published in 2006 and 2007.

3. The sources for our submission include official US Government documents

describing CIA operations (many of which have been declassified as a result of

litigation under the Freedom of Information Act, or emerged from other court

proceedings), flight records and aeronautical data amassed from diverse entities across

the global aviation sector (and especially in the countries that hosted CIA operations),

and excerpts of interviews with former CIA detainees earned out by delegates of the

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Reports produced by investigative

journalists, notably as a result of a collaboration between the Associated Press and

German public television ARD Panorama, have also enabled specific elements of the

CIA operations in Romania to be verified and corroborated. ...

4. It is my view that sufficient evidence has now been amassed to allow us to

consider the existence of a CIA Black Site in Romania as a proven fact, and to affirm

that serious human rights abuses took place there. Nonetheless, it remains the role and

responsibility of the Romanian authorities to establish the full circumstances of what

happened, including the extent and nature of any crimes that occurred. In order to

fulfil Romania’s positive obligations under the European Convention on Human

Rights, I believe it is now imperative that the Romanian authorities conduct a



prosecutorial investigation capable of leading to the identification and punishment of

those responsible, whoever they might be. ...”

335. The dossier described “The Anatomy of detention operations at the

CIA Black Site in Romania”.

The section relating the opening of the “black site” read, in so far as

relevant as follows:

“6. The opening of the CIA Base codenamed ‘Bright Light’, and the start of

detention operations at the CIA Black Site in Romania, was marked by a flight into

Bucharest Băneasa Airport (LRBS) on the night of 22 September 2003. Flight records

show that the Boeing 737 aircraft, registered with the FAA as N313P, arrived at

Băneasa at 21h31m GMT that night in the course of a four-day flight ‘circuit’, during

which it landed in and departed from a total of six different foreign territories, as well

as the US naval installation at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. ...

9. In particular, though, the highlighted route flown between Szymany, Poland - the

airfield closest to the location of the CIA’s first European Black Site - and Bucharest,

Romania was significant because it was the first time in the history of the CIA

Rendition and Detention Program that the CIA engaged in its trademark practice of

‘dummy’ flight planning for its routes into and out of Romania. ...”

336. It further referred to false flight plans made for N313P for the

above circuit including Băneasa Airport on 23 September 2003:

“11. False flight plans in respect of Romania - customarily filed on behalf of the

CIA by its well-known aviation services contractor Jeppesen International Trip

Planning (‘Jeppesen’) – consistently featured an airport of departure (ADEP) and / or

an airport of destination (ADES) that the aircraft never actually intended to visit. The

CIA’s deliberate trend, which it began on 22 September 2003 and continued for more

than two years, was to avoid listing Bucharest (LRBS) as its express destination. If

Bucharest was mentioned at all in these flight plans, then it was usually only as an

alternate, or back-up airport, on a route involving Constanţa (LRCK) or Timișoara

(LRTR), for example. ...

13. It is noteworthy that in the penultimate line of this plan (highlighted yellow),

Jeppesen invoked a very important ‘special status’, or STS, designation that is

supposed to be used only in strictly limited circumstances: ‘STS/STATE’. In filing

this designation, Jeppesen claimed an official status for N313P as a diplomatic or state

aircraft, only one notch below the aircraft that carry Heads of State [STS/HEAD] The

flight plan therefore confirms that the mission of N313P, as well as its cover-up, was

known about and authorized in the highest echelons of the US Government, as well as

in the authorities of the receiving state, Romania. N313P shares this STS designation

with the majority of CIA detainee transfer flights into Europe we have analysed.”

337. The dossier also listed further detainee renditions into the CIA

”black site” in Romania, with sources of evidence being explained as


“Based on having unpicked the practice of ‘dummy’ flight planning and, in respect

of several key landings of CIA rendition aircraft, having obtained original

documentary records from agencies inside Romania, we have been able to compile a

substantial, albeit non-exhaustive list of disguised rendition flights into Bucharest, all

of which bore the character of ‘detainee drop-offs’. Beginning with the landing of



N313P that marked the opening of the CIA Black Site in Romania, the most

significant of these flights can be summarised as follows. ...”

The list of rendition flights included:


“i. landing at 21h31m GMT on the night of 22 September 2003, assessed to

have been bringing in at least two CIA detainees from Szymany. POLAND, ‘dummy’

flight plans filed featuring Constanţa (LRCK);


ii. landing at 23h51m GMT on the night of 25 January 2004 (assessed to

have been bringing in CIA detainee(s) from Kabul. AFGHANISTAN, ‘dummy’ flight

plans filed featuring Timisoara (LRTR);


iii. landing at 23h14m GMT on the night of 26 January 2004 (assessed to

have been bringing in CIA detainee(s) from Amman. JORDAN, ‘dummy’ flight plans

filed featuring Constanţa (LRCK);


iv. landing at 21h47m GMT on the night of 12 April 2004 (assessed to

have been bringing in CIA detainee(s) from US Naval Base, GUANTÁNAMO BAY,

via a technical stopover in Tenerife, ‘dummy’ flight plans filed featuring Constanţa



v. landing at 21h24m GMT on the night of 31 July 2004 (assessed to have

been bringing in CIA detainee(s) from Kabul, AFGHANISTAN and from Amman,

JORDAN, ‘dummy’ flight plans filed featuring an unspecified destination;


vi. landing at 09h45m GMT on 18 February 2005 (assessed to have been

bringing in CIA detainee(s) from Rabat, MOROCCO, ‘dummy’ flight plans filed

featuring Constanţa (LRCK);


vii. landing at circa 21h00 GMT on 26 May 2005 (assessed to have been

bringing in CIA detainee(s) from Amman, JORDAN, ‘dummy flight plans filed

featuring an unspecified destination);


viii. landing at 19h34m GMT on 21 August 2005 (assessed to have been

bringing in CIA detainee(s) from Kabul. AFGHANISTAN, ‘dummy’ flight plans filed

featuring Constanţa (LRCK).”

338. The life-cycle of the CIA ”black site” in Romania was described as


“15. Our investigations into the CIA’s Black Sites in Europe have enabled us to

understand the underlying transience of the CIA’s individual detention facilities.

Simply put, we have found that each CIA Black Site had a unique individual life-


16. The timing of operations on each host territory of a CIA Black Site was highly

sensitive and sometimes resulted from abrupt changes in conditions. Factors

influencing not only the choice of location for a Black Site, but also the length of its

life-cycle, included the CIA’s relationships with foreign liaison services/operational

partners in the respective host territories, and the CIA’s determination to evade

detection or exposure of any aspect of its RDI Program.

17. Such was the cyclical nature of the CIA’s Program, the mantle of most

significant venue for detention and interrogation operations shifted from one host

territory to another in periods measured by months. Thailand hosted ‘Black Site No 1’

near Bangkok and was the sole ‘Customized HVD Facility’ for just under nine months

(27 March to 4 December 2002). Poland, host of ‘Black Site No 2’ at Stare Kiejkuty,



followed immediately and remained in operation for just under ten months

(5 December 2002 until 22 September 2003).

18. Such was the expansion of the CIA’s HVD Program in the course of 2003, it is

not possible to say thereafter that one single site remained predominant for the

entirety of its existence However, for a period of at least one year, beginning with its

opening on 22 September 2003, the mantle of most significant site passed to Romania,

which hosted ‘Black Site No. 3’ in Bucharest.

19. Information otherwise gathered regarding the life-cycle of the CIA Black Site in

Romania includes the following:

The CoE Marty Inquiry found that ‘Romania was developed into a site to which

more detainees were transferred only as the HVD Program expanded’, and that ‘the

Romanian Black Site was incorporated into the Program in 2003, attained its greatest

significance in 2004. and operated [at least] until the second half of 2005.’

The Associated Press has reported that ‘The Romanian and Lithuanian sites were

eventually closed in the first half of 2006 before CIA Director Porter Goss left the job.

Some of the detainees were taken to Kabul, where the CIA could legally hold them

before they were sent to Guantánamo. Others were sent back to their native countries.

All the prisons were closed by May 2006, and the CIA’s detention and interrogation

program ended m 2009’; and

ABC News reported on December 5, 2005 that ‘two CIA secret prisons operat[ed]

in Eastern Europe until [November 2005]’ - presumed to have been in Romania and

one other country - and that ‘the United States scrambled to get all the [detained al-

Qaeda] suspects off European soil before Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived

there today.”

339. The description of the operating conditions for the CIA “black site”

in Romania and of its physical location, capacity and layout read, in so far

as relevant, as follows:

“20. As a result of the aforementioned AP/ARD collaboration, the exact

whereabouts, capacity and layout of the CIA Black Site in Romania have been

established for the first time. The prison facility was operated in an underground

basement that forms part of the building complex housing the National Registry

Office for Classified Information (ORNISS), at No 4 Strada Mures, Sector 1,


21. It is significant that the facility was found to have been located in the northern

part of downtown Bucharest, as this accords with the CIA methodology of

maintaining only a short drive between the rendition airfield, Băneasa Airport, and the

detention site.”

340. Operating agreements and authorisations on the part of the

Romanian authorities were related, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“23. Recent reporting appears to offer more information than was previously known

about the proprietary character of the building(s) in which the CIA Black Site in

Romania was housed, and the means by which the premises was appropriated and

renovated. There is a precedent in this regard the equivalent CIA Black Site in Poland

was a constituent part of an existing state facility that was ‘loaned’ to the CIA –

situated inside the Polish military intelligence base at Stare Kiejkuty.



24. In the case of Romania, the creation and operation of the National Registry

Office for Classified information (ORNISS), as a result of Romanian Government

Emergency Ordinance No 153 of 7 November 2002, coincided with an important

development in the operations of the CIA Rendition, Detention and Interrogation

Program, as follows:

• The New York Times has reported that Kyle ‘Dusty’ Foggo, the then serving Chief

of CIA Logistics in Europe (stationed in Frankfurt), agreed in March 2003 to an

assignment to ‘oversee construction’ of CIA Black Sites in Romania and two other


25. It is clear that there exists a set of official documents according to which the

basis for the CIA’s operation of a secret detention facility on Romanian territory was

agreed, and its operational permissions and protections were authorised. The Council

of Europe’s understanding on this issue was contained in the Marty Report of 2007 in

the following terms:

• ‘that the most important documents at issue have the character of ‘bilaterals’,

derived from the application of the wider NATO framework to US-Romanian

counterterrorism cooperation m the course of the ‘war on terror’.”

341. Section relating to treatment of detainees held in Romania reads, in

so far as relevant:

“33. Notwithstanding the individual interrogation regimes designed specifically for

individual detainees, the CIA reported to the US Department of Justice in 2005 that a

set of six Standard Conditions of CIA Detention were being applied routinely to

detainees held in the CIA’s detention facilities – including at the CIA Black Site in

Romania. These conditions included forms of treatment that might in themselves have

ramifications for compliance with the ECHR, including the use of blindfolding or

hooding, forced shaving of hair, indefinite periods of incommunicado solitary

confinement, continuous white noise, continuous illumination using powerful light

bulbs, and continuous use of leg shackles (in some instances for 24 hours a day).”

342. According to the dossier HVDs were brought to Romania either to

be interrogated using EITs or after a prior interrogation at other “black

sites”. The first category of the HVDs included Janat Gul and Mustafah

Faraj Al-Azibi (Abu Faraj Al-Libi). The second included Khalid Sheikh

Mohammed, Walid Bin Attash (aka “Khallad”), Ramzi Binalshibh and Abd

Al Rahim Al-Nashiri. It was added that the list of detainees included in the

dossier was not exhaustive and that, according to some reports, there had

been between two and four further detainees held in Romania at various

junctures between 2003 and 2006. The section concerning the applicant read

as follows:

Abd al-Rahim Al-Nashiri

•Arrested: October 2002 Dubai, UAE

•Previously held: Dubai, Afghanistan, Thailand, Poland, Morocco, Guantánamo Bay

•Subjected in Poland to several ‘unauthorised techniques’, including incidents

described by the CIA Inspector General as the ‘most significant abuses’ in the CIA




Transferred to CIA Black Site in ROMANIA 12 April 2004 N85VM flight

Guantánamo Bay (MUGM) – Bucharest (LRBS)

•Debriefing subsided considerably beyond February 2004 and is not known to have

been subjected to EITs in Romania.”

G. Mr Hammarberg

the Court and the parties

343. The Court decided to hear evidence from Mr Hammarberg at the

fact-finding hearing. However, since Mr Hammarberg was not available on

the hearing date, the Court and the parties addressed questions to him in

writing. Mr Hammarberg’s written replies were received at the Court’s

Registry on 9 June 2016.

1. The Court’s questions

344. The Court’s questions started form the following introduction:

“In your

(a) ’Human Rights Comments - Europeans must account for their complicity in

CIA secret detention and torture’, published on 5 September 2011;

(b) Memorandum, entitled ‘Advancing accountability in respect of the CIA Black

Site in Romania’ (‘the Memorandum’) of 30 March 2012; and

(c) affidavit (‘the Affidavit’) of 17 April 2013, produced by Mr Al Nashiri,

you refer, among other things, to Romania’s complicity in CIA secret detention, the

operation of the CIA detention facility in Bucharest from 22 September 2003 to an

unspecified date in the second half of 2005, presumably November 2005 and

Mr Al Nashiri’s rendition to Romania on 12 April 2004.”

Question 1:

“On the basis of evidence known to you and, in particular, collected in 2006-2012,

i.e. during your term as the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, can

it be said that at the material time (22 September 2003- unspecified date in the second

half of 2005, presumably November 2005) Romania knew, or ought to have known of

the operation of the CIA rendition programme on its territory and was aware of the

existence of the CIA detention facility in Bucharest, designed for interrogation of

terrorist-suspects in CIA custody?”


“As I stated in my Memorandum of 30 March 2012, it was my view in 2012 that

sufficient evidence had been amassed to allow me to consider the existence of a CIA

Black Site in Romania as a proven fact, and to affirm that serious human rights abuses

took place there (§ 4 of the Memorandum). These operations were, of course,

conducted under extreme secrecy. In the case of Poland and Lithuania, it has been

established that only a very few high level decision makers were at all informed and

had given their confidential consent to the establishment of the interrogation centres.

The operation of the centres was totally in hands of CIA officials. It is likely that the

situation in Romania was similar.



The point I sought to make, at the time of transmitting the Memorandum to the

Romanian Prosecutor, was that there was enough prima facie evidence to make it

necessary to start a thorough investigation. My aim was to demonstrate the

compelling need for a judicial investigation and to assist such procedure through

sharing our information.”

345. Question 2:

“In the Memorandum you stated that Mr Al Nashiri was transferred to the ‘black

site’ in Romania on 12 April 2004 on the CIA rendition plane N85VM.

On what kind of evidence was that finding based and how was it possible to

establish that this particular individual was transferred to Romania on this specific



“The assertion that Mr Al Nashiri was transferred to the ‘Black Site’ in Romania on

12 April 2004 on the CIA rendition plane N85VM was made as a result of original

investigation work and analysis which was carried out by Mr. J.G.S, an adviser in my

Office from 2010 – 2012 (see the case of Al-Nashiri v Poland, application no.

28761/11, 24 July, § 324). The assertion was based on a number of different sources

which were cross-referenced and not one piece of evidence in isolation. These sources

included: official US Government documents describing CIA operations; flight

records and aeronautical data amassed from diverse entities across the global aviation

sector (current and former employees of national civil aviation authorities, airports,

pilots, private charter companies, US government contractors and sub-contractors, and

international organisations such as Eurocontrol); and excerpts of interviews with

former CIA detainees carried out by delegates of the International Committee of the

Red Cross. Media reports produced by investigative journalists, in particular by the

Associated Press and German public television, ARD Panorama, have also enabled

specific elements of the CIA’s operations in Romania to be verified and corroborated.

The work and findings of other Council of Europe bodies in the same period, notably

the inquiries led by the Parliamentary Assembly and its former Rapporteur, Senator

Dick Marty, as reflected in his reports published in 2006 and 2007 also informed my

work, as well as original documentary records from agencies inside Romania which

assisted enabled me to compile a substantial list of disguised rendition flights into


From the combination of these sources, we managed to draw the conclusion that the

CIA opened an interrogation centre in Bucharest in September 2003 and that

Mr. Al Nashiri was transferred there on 12 April 2004.”

346. Question 3:

“Why was no date, even approximate, of Mr Al Nashiri’s transfer from Romania,

indicated in the Memorandum?”


“The reason why no date, even approximate of Mr Al Nashiri’s transfer from

Romania was indicated in the Memorandum was that our research did not manage to

establish the precise dates for the closure of the centre in Bucharest nor for

Mr. Al Nashiri’s departure from there.”



347. Question 4:

“ In the Affidavit (§§ 4-5) you mentioned that – on several occasions but to no avail

– you had raised with the Romanian diplomats the issue of the CIA black sites in

Romania and you had informed them that materials in your possession had showed

that the CIA had kept suspects detained in a location in Bucharest for the purpose of


Could you specify, at least approximate, dates on which you raised that issue before

delivering your dossier to the Romanian diplomatic mission and what was the

authorities’ response?”


“I raised the issues reflected in the Memorandum in meetings with the Romanian

Ambassador (Permanent Representative) to the Council of Europe on 5 September

2011, 30 January 2012 and 29 March 2012. These were confidential meetings held

between myself as Commissioner for Human Rights and the Ambassador, as

representative of the Romanian authorities. I do not feel in a position to disclose the

precise contents of those discussions, save to underline that during the meeting on

29 March 2012, I handed over my Memorandum, which was addressed to the

Prosecutor General in Bucharest. The Memorandum was then published a number of

months later on 18 December 2012.”

348. Question 5:

“In the Affidavit (§§ 7-9) you mentioned that you had received no ‘formal response’

to the dossier that you had prepared for the Romanian Prosecutor General.

Did you receive any other response, even informal? Did you have an opportunity to

discuss the question of instituting an investigation with the Romanian authorities at

any further stage? If so, how did the authorities react to the information of the CIA

‘black sites’ on their territory which they had received from you?”


“I received no response from the Romanian authorities, not even an informal one.”

2. The Romanian Government’s questions

349. Question 1:

“Having regard to the fact that the change of flight plans after being submitted

represents a unilateral action of the flight operator and to the fact that the route

changes are reflected in the documents issued by the Romanian authorities, which is

the evidence that led to the conclusion that a simple change of flight plans (allowed by

the relevant domestic and international regulations such as the IFPS Users Manual)

represented a cover-up with the complicity of the Romanian authorities?”

Question 2:

“Having regard to the IFPS Users Manual provisions concerning the STS/STATE

indicator, which were the domestic or international legislation or the relevant elements

of fact that led to the conclusion that the flights with the STS/STATE indicator

analysed in the Memorandum that landed on Romanian territory benefited from

certain privileges and which were these privileges?”



Answers to questions 1 and 2:

“The changing of flight routes was systematic with the obvious purpose of

protecting the secrecy of the operations. In our investigation work we were able to

unpick the practice of such ‘dummy’ flight planning. In respect of several key

landings of the CIA rendition aircraft we did obtain original documentary records

from agencies inside Romania. We were also able to compile a substantial, albeit non-

exhaustive list of disguised rendition flights into Bucharest, all of which bore the

character of ‘detainee drop-offs’.

Though the operations were conducted under extreme secrecy, it is obvious that the

CIA plane could not land with its cargo and depart without agreement from high-level

Romanian decision makers. This is further underlined by the fact that the flights had

been given the very important ‘special status’ - STS/STATE - a designation that is

supposed to be used only in strictly limited circumstances: in attributing this

designation, the CIA company claimed an official status for the plane, N313P, as a

diplomatic or state aircraft, only one notch below the aircraft that carries Heads of

State [STS/HEAD].”

350. Question 3:

“Having regard to the fact that the Memorandum quotes the 2007 Marty report as a

reliable source for many of its conclusions, which were the reasons that determined

the author to dismiss Senator’s Marty supposition that a secret detention site was

located in the area of the Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport (§§ 222-226 of the 2007 Marty

Report)? What led the author of the 2012 Memorandum to conclude that the

information provided by Senator’s Marty sources on this subject is less believable

than the information provided on other aspects cited in the Memorandum?”

Question 4:

“Having regard to the fact that certain reports put forward several dates as the

possible date of entry of the applicant on Romanian territory, which are the elements

that justify the Memorandum’s conclusion that the applicant entered Romania on the

12th of April 2004?”

Answers to questions 3 and 4:

“The reports from 2006 and 2007 by Senator Dick Marty to the Parliamentary

Assembly of the Council of Europe provided important background information to the

Office of Commissioner for Human Rights as well as non-governmental human rights

organizations and serious investigative media outfits to put together further

information on this issue.

However, the Commissioner’s Office used multiple sources in its research. I refer

back to my answer to Question 2 in response to the Court’s questions.”

3. The applicant’s questions

351. Question 1:

“Would Mr. Hammarberg like to supply further information relating to Romania’s

participation in the CIA’s secret detention and extraordinary rendition programme,

including its hosting of a secret CIA prison where the applicant was secretly





“One aspect which should be mentioned is that the CIA rendition and interrogation

programme was conducted behind a wall of extreme secrecy. Even after the closure of

the programme it has been very difficult to establish facts about these activities. It is

no secret that US authorities have taken extraordinary steps to prevent basic facts to

be known, even in relation to judicial actors in other countries.”

352. Question 2:

“Given that the European Court of Human Rights has now made findings of fact that

multiple European countries participated in a secret CIA rendition programme, does

that have an impact on his assessment of the evidence and his conclusion that

Romania was also a participant in that programme?”


“2. It is true that it is now established that multiple European countries participated

in the secret CIA rendition program. Knowledge about the political relationship at the

time between Washington and Bucharest may make it seem more likely that Romania

was one of these countries. However, that in itself does not prove that that was the

case. It does, however, underline the importance of an effective, independent

investigation of evidence about such Romanian participation.”

353. Question 3:

“Would Mr. Hammarberg like to supply further information relating to Romania’s

failure to conduct an effective investigation into its role in the CIA’s secret detention

and extraordinary rendition programme?”


“The human rights violations committed during the CIA rendition and interrogation

activities at the time included illegal, secret detention and torture. Data presented by

various sources, some of them mentioned in my Memorandum, indicate that an

interrogation centre was indeed established in Bucharest. An official policy of total

denial and non-response to the quest for a serious investigation appears contrary to the

very spirit of internationally agreed human rights. The implied message might be

understood as basic human rights – including the avoidance of impunity – is less

important that than good cooperation between security agencies.”

H. Senator Marty

354. The applicant produced an affidavit made by Senator Marty and

dated 24 April 2013. That document read as follows:

“Affidavit of Dr. Dick F. MARTY

1. I, Dick MARTY, served as a Senator in the Council of States of Switzerland for

16 years, from 1995 until 2011. For 14 of those years, I represented Switzerland as a

delegate to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (‘PACE’). I held

several leadership positions during my political career, including in Switzerland as

Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, and in Strasbourg as Chairman of

the PACE Committee on Legal Affairs & Human Rights and of the PACE Monitoring




2. Between 2005 and 2007 1 was the PACE Rapporteur on ‘Secret detentions and

illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states’. In this

capacity, prepared two reports, both of which were adopted with resounding

majorities in PACE Plenary Sessions: ‘Alleged secret detentions and unlawful

interstate transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states’, dated

12 June 2006 (the ‘2006 PACE Report’); and ‘Secret detentions and illegal transfers

of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report’, dated 7 June

2007 (the ‘2007 PACE Report’).

These two reports focused on the secret detention and rendition operations carried

out by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (‘CIA’) in its ‘war on terror’ and

the extent to which European states were complicit in the resultant abuses of human


3. In compiling my 2006 and 2007 PACE Reports, 1 spent considerable time

investigating the existence of a CIA secret prison, or ‘Black Site’, on the territory of

Romania. My findings in each Report were carefully considered and contained the

factual elements that were supported by the information available to mc at the relevant


4. In my 2006 PACE Report, I included Romania (represented, notably, by a

landing point at Băneasa Airport in Bucharest) as a key component of the ‘global

spider’s web’ of secret detentions and renditions, having found it to be ‘thus far the

only Council of Europe member State to be located on one of the rendition circuits...

and which bears all the characteristics of a detainee transferor drop-off point’.

5. In my 2007 PACE Report, after several further months of inquiry including

fieldwork in the countries concerned, I was able to present much more detailed and

categorical findings regarding the operations of the CIA’s High-Value Detainee

(‘HVD’) Programme in Europe. I concluded that there was, by that stage, ‘enough

evidence to state that secret detention facilities run by the CIA did exist in Europe

from 2003 to 2005, in particular in Poland and Romania’.

6. In a section of my 2007 PACE Report entitled ‘Secret detention operations in

Romania’, I described at some length the means by which Romanian and American

officials at various levels had colluded on the operations of the CIA ‘Black Site’.

I also identified and named five senior office-holders in successive Romanian

Governments who ‘knew about, authorised and stand accountable for Romania’s role’

and in doing so had ‘short-circuited the classic mechanisms of democratic


7. By the end of my mandate as PACE Rapporteur on the subject, in 2007, my

convictions regarding Romania’s participation in the CIA’s HVD Programme were

unambiguous and unwavering. My key findings were stated in the strongest terms

possible, supported by the most comprehensive information available to me at the

time. Based on my 2007 Report, the PACE Committee on Legal Affairs & Human

Rights considered it ‘factually established’ that Romania was one of the European

countries that had hosted a CIA secret prison. The caveat I had previously inserted in

my 2006 PACE Report, when I had surmised that there was ‘[a]t this stage [in June

2006] ... no formal evidence, was rendered redundant by June 2007’. There is no such

caveat in my 2007 PACE Report.

8. Up to the present day, I stand by every one of the factual findings I delivered in

my 2006 and 2007 PACE Reports. Indeed my certitude that a CIA ‘Black Site’

existed in Romania has only increased since that time. Subsequent international

investigations – notably by investigative journalists – into various aspects of the



CIA’s HVD Programme have independently vindicated the conclusions of my PACE

Reports, and / or have developed certain lines of inquiry regarding Romania even

further than 1 was able to. My belief in the ‘dynamics of truth’ has remained firm.

9. I am duly informed about the Application in the case of Al-Nashiri v. Romania,

filed on 12 August 2012 and currently pending before this Court. I am familiar with

the applicant’s claims and with much of the evidentiary material on which he relies.

10. In addition I have read carefully the Romanian Government’s Written

Observations (‘Romanian Government Response’, or ‘RGR’) in response to the

Application, filed on 11 December 2012 and made available to me by the Applicant’s

legal representatives.

11. I note that the Romanian Government has chosen to attack the veracity,

credibility and consistency of my PACE Reports at numerous points in its Written

Observations. This strategy is disappointing, albeit unsurprising to me. In fact, it is

entirely typical of the ‘responsive and defensive posturing... stop[ping] short of

genuine inquisitiveness’, which I highlighted in my 2007 PACE Report as one of my

‘three principal concerns’ with the approach of the Romanian authorities towards the

repeated allegations of secret detentions in Romania, and towards my inquiry in


12. I regret that the Romanian authorities continue to prefer attacking me than

addressing their own wilful failure to carry out a full and thorough judicial

investigation. In any case, the Romanian authorities’ attacks on my PACE Reports are

misguided, as I shall demonstrate point–by–point in the paragraphs that follow.

13. First, the Romanian Government repeatedly asserts, wrongly, that I based my

PACE Reports on ‘newspaper articles’ or on ‘feeble indications’. On the contrary, my

2006 and 2007 PACE Reports were the products of one of the most intensive and far-

reaching inquiries I have ever led - including in my 20-year career as a state


14. My inquiry team gathered and analysed information in a manner more

analogous to law enforcement investigation or, as I wrote in my 2007 PACE Report,

‘real “intelligence” work’ – notwithstanding our modest means. The information we

compiled was, with hindsight, more voluminous and more compelling in character

than even that which serious Prosecutors, at national level, had been able to assemble.

It bears mentioning that several such Prosecutors, in different countries, have gone on

to regard our information as evidence, and to tender it as such in judicial proceedings.

15. A key strand of our information came from testimonial sources whom we

identified, screened, located, approached and built relationships with during our in-

country missions across Europe and in the United States. We made field visits to

capital cities, to the vicinities of suspected detention sites and to repositories of

official information; we met representatives of both political and intelligence

structures and developed them as our sources, often working patiently over a period of

months to hold multiple conversations of incrementally increasing value. We

ultimately spoke with, and in many cases interviewed, ‘over 30 one-time members

(serving, retired or having carried out contract work) of intelligence services’, the

majority of whom were from the US, Poland or Romania.

16. With regard to the basis for my findings on Romania, I ensured in my 2007

PACE Report that I was as specific and explicit as possible about the nature of my

sources: ‘During several months of investigations, our team has held discussions with

numerous Romanian sources, including civilian and military intelligence operatives,



representatives of state and municipal authorities, and high-ranking officials who hold

first-hand knowledge of CIA operations on the territory of Romania.

17. I hereby affirm that our sources in Romania included persons who knew about

the means by which the CIA HVD Programme was authorised and executed in their

country precisely because they had a ‘need-to-know’, in accordance with the CIA’s

strict secrecy and compartmentalisation policies. What the Romanian Government

seeks to dismiss as a ‘contradiction’ is actually an inconvenient truth: 1 received

confirmation of Romania’s role from the same persons who belonged to the ‘very

small circle of trust’ inside the responsible Romanian authorities.

18. I further note that the Romanian Government has attempted to impugn my

integrity by characterising my methodology as subjective and even ‘pretended’, and

by attacking my conclusions, variously, as ‘erroneous’’, ‘unsubstantiated’ and

containing ‘a lot of contradictions’. In my defence, I need only restate my professional

credentials and reiterate that the methodology 1 employed was as rigorous as any I am

aware of under an inquiry mechanism of this nature. In the introduction to my 2007

PACE Report, I explained in detail my policies on corroboration, as well as the

strictly limited basis on which I was able to guarantee confidentiality to certain

sources. I might only reflect, again with regret, that these parameters were ‘imposed

upon us because of the lack of collaboration from the states concerned’.

19. Finally the Romanian Government seeks to attribute to my PACE Reports

certain assertions on disputed points of fact that I never made. The first such instance

regards the physical location of the CIA ‘Black Site’ in Romania, for which the

Romanian Government states that ‘the alleged sources changed their assumptions

each time it was established that no secret detention facility ever existed in the

indicated place. For my part, I explained in 2007 that I was not prepared to pronounce

categorically on the precise location of the CIA ‘Black Site’ in Romania because I

believed that ‘to name a location explicitly would go beyond what it is possible to

confirm from the Romanian side’.

20. The second instance is where the Romanian Government states that ‘according

to the 2007 Marty’s Report, the applicant was delivered to detention in Romania on

22 September 2003, on board the aircraft N313P. This is plainly a misattribution; in

my 2007 PACE Report, I stated that I was unable to place any particular detainee onto

a given CIA rendition flight into Romania, on the basis that ‘[t]here presently exists

no truthful account of detainee transfer flights into Romania, and the reason for this

situation is that the Romanian authorities probably do not want the truth to come out.

21. Thus, notwithstanding the strength of the information on which I relied, I

maintain that in several areas of my Reports I understated my findings and – notably

with regard to which detainees were held in Romania between which dates, and on

which rendition flights they were transported – I stopped short of conclusions that

could have been even more grave for Romania in the context of the present


22. The reason for my restraint was my overriding concern for objectivity, which

meant that every item of information in my PACE Reports had to be verified,

validated and corroborated, not least in light of the potential legal ramifications. In

short I was guided, as I am today, by a deep-rooted personal commitment to the

values the Council of Europe has always worked to uphold.



I declare that the information I provide herein is true to the best of my knowledge

and belief.

Signature: Dr Dick F. Marty

Date: 24 April 2013”

I. The 2015 LIBE Briefing

355. The 2015 LIBE Briefing of 15 September 2015, prepared by

Mr Crofton Black was produced by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism

and the Rendition Project (“the TBIJ/TRP”) for the EU Parliament LIBE

Committee Delegation to Romania (see paragraph 288 above), in

connection with their continuing inquiry into the alleged transportation and

illegal detention of prisoners in Europe committed by the CIA (see also

paragraphs 268-290 above).

The document described correlations between the 2014 US Senate

Committee Report and other public data sources and consisted of two parts:

a summary of flights with links to the rendition programme through

Romania and a summary of data in that report which could be related to

Romania. It stated that the 2014 US Senate Committee Report confirmed

previous accounts of the CIA secret detention in Romania and the existing

public source data on transfer dates of prisoners into and out of Romania,

named some HVDs held in Romania and described torture inflicted on some

prisoners held in Romania. In its appendices it contained recorded flight

plan data for each trip of rendition flights concerned and main contracting

documents relating to rendition missions executed by air companies for the


356. The 2015 LIBE Briefing stated that it was established beyond

reasonable doubt that:

(a) a facility in Romania had been used by the CIA to hold prisoners;

(b) prisoners had been first transferred to this facility in September


(c) prisoners had last been transferred out of this facility in November


(d) other transfers of CIA prisoners between Romania and other

countries had occurred between these dates;

(e) the 2014 US Senate Committee Report named five prisoners held

in Romania. Several others had been named in other reporting.

(f) some transfers were carried out by planes operated by Aero

Contractors/Stevens Express, two shell companies with strong links to

the rendition programme (see also paragraphs 69-70 above);

(g) other transfers were carried out by a network of aviation

companies working alongside prime contractor Computer Sciences

Corporation, operating through a linked group of contracts;

(h) while in Romania, some prisoners had been tortured.



357. As regards the flights operated by Aero Contractors/Stevens

Express, according to the 2015 LIBE Briefing two aircraft registered as

N379P and N313P were active in the rendition programme between 2001

and 2004. Investigations by journalists, lawyers, NGOs and international

bodies linked them to at least fifteen rendition missions. Three missions by

these two aircraft related to prisoner transfers through Romania. The flights

took place, respectively, on 22-23 September 2003, 25-26 October 2003 and

25 January 2004.

The relevant passages from the 2015 LIBE Briefing read:

“On 22-23 September 2003, N313P flew from Afghanistan to Poland, Romania,

Morocco and Guantánamo Bay. Authoritative sources summarized in the European

Court of Human Rights’ judgement in Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland show that

this was a rendition mission. Media reporting has suggested that, at various points,

this mission transported Mustafa al-Hawsawi, Walid bin Attash, Abu Zubaydah, Abd

al-Rahim al-Nashiri, Ramzi bin al-Shibh and Khaled Sheikh Mohamed. Research by

TBIJ/TRP indicates that it also carried Samr al-Barq and possibly others. Of these,

research indicates that Walid bin Attash, Khaled Sheikh Mohamed and Samr al-Barq

were moved from Poland to Romania on this date.

On 25-26 October 2003, N379P flew from Romania to Jordan, Afghanistan and

Iraq. As part of this mission, Mohamed Bashmilah was transferred from Jordan to

Afghanistan. Research by TBIJ/TRP indicates that this flight also coincides with the

transfer from Romania to Jordan of Samr al-Barq, and that after Bashmilah was

brought into Afghanistan the plane took Hiwa Abdul Rahman Rashul and Aso

Hawleri to Iraq.

On 25 January 2004, N313P flew from Afghanistan to Romania in the course of a

long mission that also took it to Morocco, Algeria, Macedonia and Iraq. Research by

TBIJ/TRP indicates that Hassan Ghul was transferred from Afghanistan to Romania

on this flight. NGO reports and legal filings show that as part of the same mission

Binyam Mohamed was transferred from Morocco to Kabul (22 January), Khaled el-

Masri from Skopje to Kabul (24 January) and Khaled al-Maqtari from Baghdad to

Kabul (24 January). Research by TBIJ/TRP also shows that this mission coincided

with the rendition of Jamal Eldin Boudraa from Afghanistan to Algeria (22 January).”

358. As regards flights operated by Computer Sciences Corporation,

according to the 2015 LIBE Briefing between 2002 and 2006 they carried

out rendition flights via an interlinked series of contracts. That network was

revealed in the Richmor Aviation v. Sportsflight Air case, during which both

parties discussed, in written pleadings and sworn testimony, the use of

flights operated under this group of contracts to transport prisoners (see also

paragraphs 67-70 above).

Research by TBIJ/TRP identified twelve key missions carried out in

2004 and 2005 by planes connected to this contracting network, linking

Romania to other CIA prison host countries and/or known or suspected

prisoner transfers. In the light of that research, contractual documentation

showed decisively that most of these twelve missions took place under

Computer Sciences Corporation’s renditions contract. The list of the trips,

in so far as relevant, read as follows:



“[D] Between 25 and 28 January 2004, N85VM flew from Saudi Arabia to Jordan

and on to Romania. Research by TBIJ/TRP shows that this mission coincides closely

to the entry into the detention programme of Muhammad Qurban Sayyid Ibrahim, and

more approximately to that of Saud Memon.

[E] On 12-13 April 2004, N85VM flew from Guantánamo Bay to Romania and


[F] On 29 July-1 August 2004, N288KA flew from Afghanistan to Jordan and

Romania. Research by TBIJ/TRP indicates that Janat Gul was transferred on this


[G] On 24 August 2004, N308AB flew from Romania to Morocco. After pausing in

Dubai it then went from Afghanistan to Algeria on 26 August. In the second stage of

the mission it transferred prisoner Laid Saidi to Algeria. No clear evidence exists as to

who might have been transferred from Romania to Morocco at this time, although

research by TBIJ/TRP indicates that this flight might coincide with the removal of

Sayed Habib from CIA detention.

[H] On 1 October 2004, N227SV flew from Morocco to Jordan and Romania.

[I] On 18-20 October 2004, N789DK flew from Romania to Jordan and


[J] On 18 February 2005, N787WH flew from Morocco to Romania and Lithuania.

This coincided with another mission from Morocco to Jordan and Lithuania by

N724CL. Lawyers for Abu Zubaydah have stated in his application to the European

Court of Human Rights that he was transported on one of these two planes from

Morocco to Lithuania.

[K] On 26 May 2005 two planes, N450DR and N308AB, carried out a joint mission

between a) Afghanistan and Jordan and b) Tunisia, Jordan and Romania. Research by

TBIJ/TRP indicates that these planes were used to transport Abu Faraj al-Libi and

Abu Munthiral-Maghrebi from Afghanistan and Tunisia, respectively, to Romania.

[L] On 27 July 2005, N308AB flew from Romania to Egypt.

[M] On 21 August 2005, N860JB flew from Afghanistan to Romania.

[N] On 5-6 October 2005 two planes, N308AB and N787VWH, flew from

a) Romania to Albania and b) Albania to Lithuania. Research by TBIJ/TRP indicates

that Khaled Sheikh Mohamed was transferred from Romania to Lithuania on these


[O] On 5-6 November 2005, two planes, NIHC and N248AB, flew from a) Romania

to Jordan and b) Jordan to Afghanistan.”



359. On 28 June 2016 the Court took evidence from Mr Fava, Senator

Marty, Mr J.G.S and Mr Black (see also paragraphs 12 and 18 above). The

extracts from their testimony as reproduced below have been taken from the

verbatim record of the fact-finding hearing. They are presented in the order

in which evidence was taken.



A. Mr Fava

360. In 2006 and 2007 Mr Fava was the Rapporteur of the TDIP in the

framework of the inquiry initiated by the European Parliament into the

allegations concerning the existence of CIA secret detention facilities in

Europe. In this connection, he prepared the Report of the TDIP, the

so-called “Fava Report”, on whose basis the European Parliament adopted

the Resolution on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the

transportation and illegal detention of prisoners (2006/22009INI) (“the 2007

EP Resolution”) on 14 February 2007 (see paragraphs 276-278 below).

On 2 December 2013 Mr Fava testified before the Court at the

fact-finding hearing held in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above, §§ 305-310).

Mr Fava responded to a number of questions from the Court and the


361. He first replied to the judges’ questions concerning records of the

informal transatlantic meeting of the European Union and the North Atlantic

Treaty Organisation foreign ministers, including Condoleezza Rice, of

7 December 2005, referred to in paragraph “L” of the 2007 EP Resolution

(see paragraph 278 above) and “confirming that Member States had

knowledge of the programme of extraordinary rendition”. This document

was also described in Al Nashiri v. Poland as a “debriefing” and so referred

to in the judgment (ibid., § 306). In his reply he stated, among other things,

as follows.

“I do not remember the debriefing in detail, but I remember the subject matter of the

[transatlantic] meeting, namely, the need for the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza

Rice, to discuss with the ministers of all the EU Member States the issue of renditions,

and to somehow share with each government the choices made by the US

Government, which they had entrusted to their services, and in particular to the CIA,

for operational reasons.

I do not remember the statements in detail, but two things emerged from the

debriefing: firstly, at that stage, all the governments knew that this operational means

had been chosen by the CIA and that the extraordinary renditions were a tool in the

war against terrorism. The second point that emerged was a difference in views of the

various governments: those that felt that they should support the policy of the US

Government and the choice of extraordinary renditions, and then others that felt that

the matter of protecting human rights and providing all necessary legal guarantees to

terrorist suspects should continue to prevail, namely in accordance with the

international treaties.

We never had doubts, both for the precision of the notes, and because, in our

opinion, this affair had further confirmation in the course of our work. When, in the

framework of our activity, we went on mission to Washington, we met Ms Rice’s

legal advisor, Mr Bellinger, and Mr Bellinger said ‘we never violated the sovereignty

of any EU Member States or indeed any other associated States or any States in the

process of accession to the EU’, – because everything that was done, which President

Bush had somehow claimed in those months, in September 2006, and Bush’s

confirmation of the extraordinary renditions –, ‘everything that we did was done by

always informing and asking for the cooperation, and never trying to prevail over the



will of the governments of the Member States’. So, the circumstance that there was a

broad knowledge about it, was confirmed by the way in which the US Government

told us ‘we had always acted in broad daylight, so to speak, not in relation to public

opinion, but in relation to the EU Member States’.”

362. The next question from the judges concerned paragraph 162 of the

Fava Report and the 2007 EP Resolution where “a serious concern” had

been expressed about 21 stopovers made by the CIA operated aircraft

shown to have been used by the CIA on other occasions for extraordinary

renditions of several specific persons” and, also, Working documents nos. 8

and 9 attached to the Fava Report (see paragraphs 271-277 and 279 above ),

listing flights from or to suspicious locations such as for example Kabul,

Guantánamo and Amman that stopped over in Romania in 2003-2005.

In that context, they asked Mr Fava “whether, having regard to the Fava

Report’s and the 2007 EP Resolution’s conclusions as to the member States’

knowledge of the rendition programme and evidence known to [him]

through the Fava Inquiry, [could] it be said that Romania knew, or ought to

have known, of the CIA rendition programme and its nature when it

allegedly operated on its territory, that is to say already in 2003-2003” and

“if so, was this knowledge such as to enable Romania to be aware of the

purposes of the 21 CIA aircraft stopovers on its territory?

Mr Fava responded as follows:

“In the course of our investigations, we did not reach certainty, but we felt, within

reasonable doubt, that the Romanian authorities were aware of the fact that there were

unauthorised detention centres and that five Romanian airports were used for the

transit of planes which were also transporting detainees. In particular, there was a

statement by Pascu, the former Minister of Defence, who said shortly before our

mission to Romania, that the Romanian authorities, as far as he knew in his position

of Minister of Defence, did not have access to certain sites, which were under the

control of the Army or the United States intelligence security forces in Romania.

Subsequently, when we asked him to account for and if it was possible to go into

more depth relating to that statement, the former Minister decided to partly deny it

and said he had been misunderstood. The impression we had was that he had actually

told the truth, also because Romania chose to undertake a rather superficial

investigation of the accusations received.

These were very detailed accusations because, before the European Parliament

Inquiry Committee had started its work, The Washington Post and ABC News had

produced quite detailed reports where they talked about the existence of detention

sites in certain European countries; in certain cases Poland and Romania were actually

named. Brian Ross, the ABC journalist, during an audition in Washington, confirmed

having received enormous pressure directly from the White House to remove the

names of the countries from their programme and that the TV programme should only

say ‘there are unauthorised detention sites’. But for national security reasons it was

requested not to cite explicitly Poland and Romania, and that was the choice made by

the TV network. In Romania, we realised that, when confronted with these facts, the

attitude of the Committee of Inquiry, set up by the Senate, was acting opaquely, not

least because only one chapter of all the conclusions, chapter 7, was actually made

public, where every question, every doubt received a negative answer. We thought it

was unusual, given the serious nature of the concerns, that the NGOs which had raised



those complaints and the journalists who had written about it, had not been not heard.

The feeling we had, within a courtesy of institutional relation, was that the matter was

closed far too quickly, particularly given the evidence, as you recalled, of these

21 aircraft stopovers relating to all the CIA flights operated by front companies and

out of these 21 stopovers, out of these 21 flights, 18 are considered suspicious because

of either the destination or the country of origin.

In three cases, these planes were used for a number of extraordinary renditions.

Eight victims of extraordinary renditions, among those we ascertained, were

transported on planes which had landed in Romania in the course of their transport.

Some of these stopovers had no technical justification. The N313P, for example, a

Boeing 737, which was used to transport Binyam Mohamed, a British citizen, and

El-Masri, a German citizen, was collected in Skopje, and those flights could well have

flown the whole distance without needing to make a stopover in Bucharest. From

Kabul to Palma de Mallorca, the flight had full autonomy to reach its destination, the

stopover was not technically necessary. Likewise, the plane from Rabat to Poland did

not require a stopover in Bucharest. We did not get an answer to that, in that the data

we provided the authorities with, in order for them to give us a clarification whether

an evaluation on these flights had been made, received very vague replies.”

In that context, Mr Fava referred in particular to the plane N478GS (see

paragraphs 168 and 275 above):

“There was one specific case where the Romanian authorities had had to intervene.

It was a plane which had a technical problem on landing, N478GS, which landed on

the 6th of December [2004], coming from Bagram in Afghanistan, a city where it was

known that the Americans were detaining terrorist suspects. Initially they said they

knew nothing about that flight, only that there was just this incident, there was no

trace of a crew or of passengers. Only at a later stage, after we had insisted, they gave

us a list of passengers, seven US citizens, all with a service passport. One had a

Beretta gun and ammunitions. None of them was questioned about the purpose of the

trip from Bagram, they returned home on an Air France flight the following day, and

it seems that the plane was later transported by a Hercules to another European airport

to be repaired. And also on that point – on which many newspapers were raising

questions about a plane landing, carrying passengers, with a very special profile,

without there being any request for explanations from the Romanian authorities – that

point also remained unanswered in our opinion.”

363. In response to the judges’ question – referring, in particular, to

paragraph 164 of the 2007 EP Resolution stating that “[it] cannot exclude,

based on the statements of the Romanian authorities to the Temporary

Committee delegation to Romania, the possibility that US secret services

operated in Romania on a clandestine basis and that no definite evidence has

been provided to contradict any of the allegations concerning the running of

a secret detention facility on Romanian soil” (see also paragraph 280 above)

– whether the TDIP considered that in 2003-2005 a CIA detention facility

had or had not existed in Romania, Mr Fava stated:

“The conclusion we reached was a very strong suspicion that it existed, not the

certainty – there was no smoking gun – but a very strong suspicion concerning the

points I reported, because of what we were told by Pascu, the former Ministry of

Defence, because of the attitude, the rather superficial attitude of the Committee of

Inquiry. And also because of a number of considerations that we heard during the



interviews: we heard many journalists, many non-governmental organisations. At that

time, it was impossible to have any certainty, except if there was an admission by the

Romanian Government. In that case however, the Romanian Government could not

prove the opposite, either because of the approximate work of its Committee of

Inquiry, or because of the acknowledgments that emerged between the lines by those

who basically said – also people that we interviewed at the airport - ‘we were not in a

position to know what was happening’.

An example I found in my notes is the testimony of the chief investigator for the

incidents on behalf of the Ministry of Transport, Vulcan, who explained that, for

example, in the case of the plane that had landed and had been damaged on landing,

when it reached the airport there was no sign of the passengers who had been on that

plane. All this was, let us say, outside the procedures and rules. This was a civilian air

flight, it was not a State flight, it was not a police flight. Under the Chicago

Convention, it was normal that the passengers be identified. The identification was

eventually transmitted to us, but only after a considerable insistence on our side. What

we were told was: ‘we did not meet anyone, we don’t know anything’. So, everything,

all the information we received, gave us the impression that this matter was handled in

a very opaque way and the conclusion we reached is that we could certainly not

exclude the fact that a secret detention centre had existed in Romania.”

364. In his replies to the Government’s questions as to how, in his view,

the Government could “prove that there had been no buildings on its soil

ever used as ‘black sites’”, Mr Fava stated, among other things:

“[By means of] an inquiry which was deep enough to match the seriousness of the

charges, well, such an inquiry, according to practice and, let us say experience, which

we had, and the work we were doing, could not limit itself to coming to a conclusion

without hearing all those who could have produced further elements. The

circumstance that this inquiry chose not to disclose its conclusion and its work, with

the exception of a chapter, and not to hear, during the work, NGOs or airport staff or

journalists, appeared to us to be a rather ambiguous attitude. An Inquiry Committee

has the duty to ascertain the truth and use all possible means to get to that truth. It

appeared to us, and that was confirmed by the President of the Committee, that it was

chosen not to check all [emphasis while speaking] the facts and hear all the people

who could have provided further elements. This obviously doesn’t give any certainty

about the fact that there has been a secret detention centre, but it did not help

excluding any suspicions about that.”

He further added:

“When we went to Bucharest to meet the Inquiry Committee, we were told that

neither journalists nor NGOs nor airport officials had been heard. They didn’t mention

the fact-finding missions on airport sites to us, but they did confirm the fact that a

large part of those who could have provided a different point of view were not heard.

Also the time during which the Committee worked, if I remember correctly well, we

are talking about facts of ten years ago, was quite quick. Our Inquiry Committee

worked for two full years to come to this final report, but it appears that the Senate

Committee worked for far less time and that the conclusion was rather quickly

reached, once the working session was set up.”



365. In response to the Government’s question regarding the twenty one

“stopover flights” (see also paragraphs 271 and 280 above), Mr Fava stated:

“The evidence we have, through the information provided by the US Control Center

and from Eurocontrol, concerns the stopover of 21 flights. But we do know also that

in two cases the route of the flight registering the stopover in Bucharest coincided

with the extraordinary rendition of two victims. This is the case of the N313P which,

in September 2003, from the 21st to the 23rd of September, flew from Washington to

Prague, Tashkent, Kabul, Szymany, Bucharest, Rabat, Guantánamo. And during that

route, one of the passengers in that plane was Benjamin Mohamed, who was then

detained in Guantánamo. Another flight with the same aircraft, in January 2004 from

Skopje, in Macedonia, to Baghdad, Kabul, Bucharest and then Palma de Mallorca,

tallies with the period in which, on that plane, El Masri, German citizen, was

transported, so in at least two cases we are not dealing with stopovers only but rather

with an operational cycle of these planes within which, no doubt, these planes were

carrying two rendition victims, and these are totally ascertained cases, not only during

the judicial phase but also in the conclusions to which our Committee came to,

namely that during those days, those persons were being illegally transported in that


366. In relation to the 2014 US Senate Committee Report and a question

from the applicant’s lawyers, Mr Fava responded:

“I testified before the American Senate’s Inquiry Committee, although in previous

years, and I do recall that there was a strong determination to get to the truth as to

what had happened and also a great determination to condemn a practice which, if

ascertained, would have been considered to be totally illegal and, furthermore, totally

inappropriate for combating terrorism. About this point, we realised in the years

immediately following our mission of inquiry under the new administration of the

White House that there was a global revision, a very different evaluation on the way

they had operated until those years. Extraordinary renditions were very negatively

assessed, and this evaluation has also been confirmed by certain CIA officials. We

met Vincent Cannistraro, who was a former agent, the Head of Counter-Terrorism in

the CIA, who told us that when they had chosen to proceed to extraordinary renditions

within the agency, many people realised that this was a mistake because, as actually

happened, not only would it create a climate of even greater hostility but it would also

have led to the risk of terrible judicial errors, as actually happened subsequently,

because often they were led to decide to abduct a suspected terrorist on the basis of

information that the local services in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Morocco and

Egypt were prepared to give to CIA colleagues. In certain cases, those were forms of

mere manipulation.

We heard four victims of extraordinary rendition – we are the only international

organisation that had the possibility to speak with them – and one of them told us

about his 11 months spent in a secret prison in Syria, being tortured every day until

they had to release him, because it was understood that a great judicial error had been

committed. And we also know that we dealt with several cases, however only the

cases of the more fortunate people, namely of those who were European citizens or

people abducted in Europe, therefore with public evidence that could not be hushed

up. But aside the many cases we dealt with, we fear that there are many other cases of

citizens less protected, let’s say, by their nationality and we have no figures here. So,

this was very much in the awareness of the American Senate’s Inquiry Committee, as

a very heated discussion that developed within the CIA itself during those years, and



of which we heard recollected traces, thanks to the availability of some former CIA

officers to speak with our Committee.”

B. Presentation by Senator Marty and Mr J.G.S.

available documentary evidence, including flight data, in respect

of Romania and the case of

367. On 2 December 2013 Senator Marty and Mr J.G.S. gave a similar

presentation before the Court in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above,

§§ 311-318) and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland (cited above,

§§ 305-312).

368. Their oral presentation in the present case was recorded in its

entirety and included in the verbatim record of the fact-finding hearing. The

passages cited below are taken from the verbatim record.

369. The aim of the presentation was explained by the experts as


“The firm intention of our presentation today is not to reveal anything new or

revolutionary, but rather to offer a cogent distillation of the available data and

documentation in a manner which might allow the construction of a more coherent

chronology of the CIA’s rendition, detention and interrogation programme. In

particular, it is a chronology in which the applicant in today’s proceedings features

prominently, and indeed one in which the territory of Romania, the High Contracting

Party to today’s proceedings, also holds a prominent status.

The Court will recall, Madam President, the testimony provided by Senator Marty

and myself in the cases before Section IV of the Court in December of 2013, in which

today’s applicant, Abd al Rahim Al Nashiri, was joined by Abu Zubaydah in alleging

violations of the Convention by the Republic of Poland. The ‘black site’ situated on

the territory of the Republic of Poland will also be mentioned in today’s presentation,

but I should like to request that the Court take note of the material presented on that

earlier occasion, and indeed the judgments of the Court in those two applications, as a

foundation to the material which I will present today.”

370. This was followed by the presentation of the map showing a

network of interconnected various locations, which was referred to as a

“global spider’s web” in the 2006 and 2007 Marty Reports (see

paragraph 250 above; see also and Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 321

et seq.):

“It is important to understand the system in which this chronology resides, and it is

for that reason that we commence our presentation by explaining the so-called ‘global

spider’s web’ which was presented as part of the reports of the Marty Inquiry of the

Council of Europe in 2006 and 2007. These are movements not only of military

aircraft or conventional aircraft used in the pursuit of counter-terrorism or military

operations, but also importantly charter aircraft, private aircraft, operated under the

cover of business or private citizens’ operations through a complex shell game, in

which prime contractors, aviation subcontractors, flight planners and indeed the

national authorities of Council of Europe Member States are complicit, ensuring that

flight movements are impossible to track or record in real time and indeed extremely



difficult to account for in retrospect. I shall use a graphic map to illustrate this


He further explained:

“On this map, there are four categories of airports in which aircraft in this system

landed. The first is described as ‘stopover points’. These are places at which aircraft

would conventionally stop for a short period, usually several hours, in order to refuel

en route to another location.

The second category, ‘staging points’, describes locations at which two or more

aircraft often converged, crews convened and indeed rendition operations were


The third category, ‘pickup points’ represent the outcomes of our investigation into

specific rendition operations. In each of these places, a detainee was picked up by a

rendition crew and rendered to a secret detention facility, usually in the Middle East

or North Africa, by the CIA. Several of these, as situated in Europe, have already been

accounted for by this Court in cases such as El Masri v ‘the Former Yugoslav

Republic of Macedonia’, which is depicted here by Skopje, and most recently the case

of Abu Omar, the cleric who was rendered after having been picked up on the street in

Milan, Italy.

The final category on this list, however, is the most important. These are described

as ‘detainee transfer or drop-off points’. They were, in short, the destinations of CIA

rendition aircraft, places to which detainees were brought for the purpose of being

detained secretly, interrogated and, in the majority of cases, ill-treated at the hands of

CIA interrogation teams in a manner which, prima facie, would violate the European

Convention on Human Rights.

The material interest of our inquiry was to establish in particular which sites in this

category were situated on the territory of Council of Europe Member States, and as

you can see from the graphic, there are ... two countries initially, implicated in Senator

Marty’s inquiries. The first of those, Poland, was the subject of the earlier case of

Al Nashiri and Abu Zubaydah v. Poland. The second country, which is depicted here

by two airports, Timişoara and Bucharest, is the respondent in today’s proceedings,

Romania. The motif of a global spider’s web derived from our efforts to track the

movements of aircraft across this system, and I will demonstrate two specific

rendition circuits in order to show how that picture is built up.”

371. The presentation then focused on two rendition circuits, described

in the order chosen by the experts, which were carried out by plane N313P

on 16-28 January 2004 and 20-24 September 2003 (see also paragraphs 272,

276, 327-330 and 336-337 above; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah), cited above,

§§ 108-116 and 285).

The 16-28 January 2004 circuit was related as follows:

“The first of these [circuits] occurred in January 2004 and has become notorious

because of the sheer number of detainees who were rendered, in the course of a

12-day period, between multiple different detention sites across the Middle East,

North Africa and, indeed, Europe. The aircraft in question, N313P, was operated by

the CIA’s own aviation services provider, Aero Contractors. Having departed from

Washington, it stopped over in Shannon, before flying to a staging point in Larnaca,

Cyprus. From there, its first detainee pickup occurred at the detention site in Rabat

where, on 22 January 2004, the British resident Binyam Mohamed, was rendered from



secret detention in Morocco to secret detention in Kabul. From Kabul the plane flew

back in the direction of North Africa to Algiers, carrying with it a recently-released

Algerian national from a US military detention site in Kabul. From Algiers it travelled

to a second staging point in Europe, in Palma de Mallorca, whereupon the crew

embarked on the rendition of Khaled El-Masri. He was picked up on the night of 23 to

24 January in Skopje in ‘the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’ and

transported via Baghdad to four months of secret detention in Kabul. The same crew,

the same aircraft, departed Kabul on the night of 24 January and flew in the direction

of Europe to a landing in Romania. I shall explore this particular leg of this flight in

extensive detail, later in my presentation. From Romania, the crew and the plane

returned to a staging point in Palma de Mallorca, for further rest before returning to

Washington. All of the flights depicted on this graphic, Madam President, occurred

within the space of 12 days, in January 2004.”

The 20-24 September 2003 circuit was related as follows:

“A second rendition circuit, which occurred in September 2003, also implicates the

territories of two Council of Europe’s Member States. Having departed from

Washington, this aircraft, again N313P, flew to Prague in the Czech Republic for a

stopover before heading eastward to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, where dissident detainees,

handed over to the CIA by local intelligence services, were rendered to secret

detention in Kabul. From Kabul, on 21 September 2003, the aircraft transported

several detainees out of detention in Afghanistan towards detention in Europe.

The first stop in Europe was the detention site at Szymany, in northern Poland,

which was explicitly described in the [Al Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland] proceedings, and this circuit is unprecedented and indeed

unique because it is the only occasion on which a rendition flight carrying CIA

detainees left one European site and flew directly to another European detention site,

in this case in Bucharest, Romania. Again, that particular leg will be the subject of

further explanation later in the presentation. From Bucharest, the rendition plane

carried further detainees out to Rabat. These were persons who had boarded on earlier

legs, not persons leaving Romania, and from Rabat to Guantánamo Bay, where for

four months, in late 2003 and early 2004, the CIA operated a secret detention facility

apart from the larger military facility at Guantánamo Bay.”

The following explanation was added:

“In illustrating those two rendition circuits, I am displaying a small fraction of the

rendition flights and circuits that Senator Marty’s Inquiry uncovered in 2006 and

2007. The totality of these operations was to create this motif: that of the global

spider’s web, a system in which rendition aircraft, criss-crossing across the globe,

created an almost untraceable and unaccountable system of unlawful detainee


372. Using the above two rendition circuits as examples, the expert-

witnesses further explained the practice of the so-called “dummy flight

planning”, a process of intentional disguise of flight plans for rendition

planes (see also paragraph 264 above; and Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited

above, §§ 316 and 318):

“One of the key discoveries of our inquiry in 2007 was that rendition aircraft had

been very difficult to trace because of deliberate acts of disguise and deceit employed

by the CIA and its partners in planning and executing their detainee transfer

operations. In 2007, through months of rigorous analysis of aeronautical data, we



were able to present evidence of the practice of dummy flight planning by the CIA in

conjunction with partners in Polish air navigation services. Since the report of 2007

came out, and this work has been extended and indeed deepened, we are now in a

position to demonstrate how the similar practice of dummy flight planning was used

in respect of Bucharest Băneasa airport in Romania.”

373. As regards the 16-28 January 2004 circuit:

“This is the flight circuit of January 2004, which I demonstrated earlier in the

presentation. In particular, we focus on the leg from Kabul, Afghanistan, towards

Bucharest, Romania, and in this process I am using specific elements of a data strings

analysis which was conducted using four data sources, including those of Eurocontrol

and indeed Romanian authorities. At step 1, the first flight plan is filed. A company by

the name of Jeppesen, which was the subject of a prominent case before the United

States Supreme Court, brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, habitually filed

false flight plans in order to disguise the routes of rendition aircraft. In this case, the

first flight plan for 24 January 2004 was filed to Timişoara, Romania. But N313P, the

aircraft in question, did not fly that route. Jeppesen filed a second dummy flight plan

out of the same airport, Timişoara, to Palma de Mallorca in Spain. Again, this was a

route which N313P had no honest intention to fly. Furthermore, a third and

contradictory dummy flight plan was filed, this time in respect of Timişoara to

Prague, and Romanian authorities, in their own efforts to understand the stated

intentions of this aircraft, also made references to both legs 2 and 3 in their own

filings on the aeronautical fixed telecommunications network. The aircraft did then

embark on the evening of 24 January 2004. On board was a CIA detainee by the name

of Hassan Ghul who had been handed to the CIA by United States military authorities.

He was rendered out of a ‘black site’ in Kabul to the Romanian ‘black site’ situated in

Bucharest. This landing in Bucharest was an undeclared landing, at no point had a

valid flight plan for this route been filed in the international AFTN system. At this

point, Romanian authorities, specifically the NOTAM office at Bucharest Băneasa

Airport, began to file plans in respect of this aircraft. A plan was filed for the first

time citing Bucharest airport, by the Romanian authorities, from Bucharest to Palma

de Mallorca and indeed, that evening, having dropped off the detainee, the CIA

aircraft flew the route filed by their Romania counterparts. Finally, Jeppesen, the

CIA’s flight planner, resumed its duties of flight planning and carried the aircraft and

its crew back in the direction of the United States. What this graphic represents,

honourable judges, is not a one-off occasion. It is rather a systematic practice

deployed by the CIA and its aviation service providers to disguise CIA flights into and

out of its most sensitive operational locations. In our reporting in 2006 and 2007 we

were often confounded by the apparently contradictory and inconsistent information

provided to us by multiple sources of data, including those inside of Romania in the

Senate Inquiry Committee and indeed among the various aviation authorities whose

filings did not appear to add up. We now know that the reason for these

inconsistencies and contradictions was the deliberate practice of dummy flight

planning employed by the CIA. But they cannot execute this tactic alone. They

depend upon, however discrete, a role played by the national counterpart authority,

and just as in the case of Poland, demonstrated in the earlier proceedings, here the

Romanian air navigation services filed plans in respect of an aircraft which was on its

territory for the sole purpose of transporting detainees into secret detention.

Romanian documentary records demonstrate the landing of this aircraft at Băneasa

Airport on 25 January, despite the absence of a valid flight plan. This document refers

to the ‘flown’ flight path, the actual flight path, from Kabul to Bucharest, to Palma de

Mallorca, but that was a route for which no flight plan existed in the international



system of control. Further similar documents illustrate the ground handling and other

services provided to this aircraft whilst it was on the ground for a short period on that

night at Băneasa Airport, and through our investigations we have established that this

disguised flight forms part of a recognised CIA rendition circuit. These are the

individual routes which I have already demonstrated with the graphic, I shall provide

the full detail to the Court in written form after the presentation. But as I stated, this

was not a one-off, this was part of a systematic practice, and through our

investigations we have generated numerous, up to twelve, individual instances on

which CIA rendition aircraft have transferred detainees into, and out of, Bucharest,


374. As regards the 20-24 September 2003 circuit:

“This set of flight logs pertains to the unprecedented transfer I described earlier, in

which detainees from Poland, including the presumed architect of the 9/11 attacks,

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, were transferred directly to Romania on the night of

22 September 2003, the opening of the Romanian site. This particular set of logs

depicts an instance in which a detainee was transferred out of Bucharest and taken to

further secret detention here in Amman, Jordan, and that practice again was prevalent

because detainees did not tend to stay in one secret detention site for lengthy periods,

counted in years; they were rather rotated and recycled through multiple different CIA

secret detention sites, on periods averaging between six and twelve months. Here, a

detainee brought to Romania in September was taken out in October and transferred

to further secret detention in Jordan. I will provide all the flight logs and the evidence

that supports them to the Court upon request.”

375. The time-frame for the alleged operation of the CIA “black site” in

Romania and its colour code-name assigned in the 2014 US Senate

Committee Report were identified as follows:

“The [2014] Senate Committee Report also provides extensive insight into the

timeframe, the life span for which the ‘black site’ in Romania was operated. It is

important at this point to state that the word ‘Romania’, the country name, does not

appear openly in the declassified version of the report. Rather, as with all the sites in

question, it is referred to by a colour code name.

The code name Detention Site Black corresponds in such precise and extensive

detail with every one of the operations I have described in today’s presentation, from

the first flight into Romania in September 2003 through the transfers of individual

detainees, including Hassan Ghul, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Faraj al-Libi, into

Romania on specific dates in accordance with their interrogation schedules that

Romania, its territory, its airspace, its detention facility, is inseparable from

‘Detention Site Black’. It is my premise, categorically, that it is the case that Romania

is the site referred to as ‘Detention Site Black’. From that point of departure, we are

able to find several specific references. Here is one, in a section which describes

Detention Site Black and another CIA site, which states that ‘CIA detainees were

transferred to Detention Site Black in this country in the fall of 2003’. It goes on to

state that this coincided with the closure of the predecessor ‘Quartz’ base, which is

referred to in the report as Detention Site Blue. In terms of its closure, it is stated in

the report that after the publication of the Washington Post article, that is the piece of

reporting, the Pulitzer Prize-winning article by Dana Priest, to which Senator Marty

referred, dated 2 November 2005, the authorities of this country demanded the closure

of Detention Site Black within a number of hours fewer than 100. We can see that

from the redaction, it does not state exactly how many hours, but it is no more than

four days. And in fact, as I described, 5 November 2005, using its practices of dummy



flight planning and a further disguise which I will demonstrate shortly, the CIA

transferred all of its remaining CIA detainees out of the facility within this time


376. In conclusion, referring to the Romanian authorities’ knowledge of

the operation of Detention Site Black, the experts added:

“Again, as stated, flights into and out of Romania correspond exactly with the

narrative described in the [2014 US Senate Committee Report]. It might be pointed

out, in relation to this specific package, that in order for the authorities of the host

country to demand the closure of a detention facility, they must have known of its

existence. Furthermore, in light of the report in the Washington Post, which went into

intimate detail of the CIA’s operations including the forms of ill-treatment and

interrogation to which detainees therein were subjected, it follows that the authorities

of the host country of Detention Site Black – and let me be clear – that is the

authorities of Romania, must have known of the nature of operations occurring on

their territory.”

C. Senator Marty

377. Senator Marty was a member of PACE from 1998 until the

beginning of 2012. He chaired the Legal Affairs and Human Rights

Committee and, subsequently, the Monitoring Committee.

At the end of 2005 he was appointed Rapporteur in the investigation into

the allegations of secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees

involving Council of Europe member States launched by the PACE

(see also paragraphs 249-267 above)

On 2 December 2013 Senator Marty testified before the Court at the

fact-finding hearing held in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above, §§ 319-323)

and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland (cited above, §§ 305-317).

378. In the present case, in response to the questions from the Court and

the parties, Senator Marty testified as follows.

379. In respect of sources of information that was collected during the

Marty Inquiry and evidence on which findings of the 2006 and 2007 Marty

Reports were based, Senator Marty stated:

“We were fortunate enough to find sources, and this must be stated clearly, firstly in

the United States, of a very high level. It is important to know that within the

American administration and the intelligence services, especially those of the CIA,

there were a lot of people who were not at all in agreement with what Rumsfeld and

Dick Cheney had imposed upon the CIA. And I, who had already had many contacts

as a prosecutor with American services, was thus able to obtain this information.

What is important to say is that we devised a working methodology, we never relied

on one source alone, but when you get important information from once source, it is

much easier to activate and to receive further information given in confidence from

other sources. In the end we had about thirty sources, if I recall, that are in different

countries and notably in Romania, and there too at a rather surprising level. And in

2006 ... we were above all able to concentrate on the movements of rendition flights

and we were able to trace this famous spider web, this spider’s web. This triggered off

all sorts of other information that hailed from people who agreed to talk, of course,



under the most rigorous confidentiality. Let me point out that many of these people

risked a lot, several decades of imprisonment; they could have been accused of high

treason in their countries. ...

The seriousness of the sources that provided us with information was strikingly

confirmed by the Feinstein report, the report of the American Senate which was

published some 10 years after my first report. In the Feinstein report there are

absolutely extraordinary confirmations of what we had already described, in part at

least, or in the essential parts. The Feinstein report sought to cover up the countries by

giving them a colour. If we know a little about the events that are described, it is

child’s play to see which countries lie behind these colours. ...

We focused our initial research on the United States because it seemed obvious to us

that the leaks had occurred in the United States and knowing how serious the

Washington Post is, in particular the journalist Dana Priest, who is one of the major

US journalists, who we knew had contacts with certain highly placed people in the US

administration and the secret services, we thought we ought to start digging in that

direction. And the fact that Human Rights Watch, which is also a very serious NGO,

had published the names of Poland and Romania, meant that they too had important

sources of information. Our research ... enabled us to encounter not second-level

agents but very important people in the US services. ...

When we were able to obtain that information, not just from one American source

but from several, we tried to make contacts in other countries in Europe and when the

people we had contacted understood that we already knew a lot and that we had got

this information from the US secret services, those people were far more prepared to

speak out. I think you need to understand the dynamic in this way: it was possible to

obtain very high-level intelligence. I will not name the countries, but in some

countries we were even up to the level of ministers who spoke to us. Of course, one of

the fundamental aspects for my part was that I gave all possible guarantees of

protecting our sources. So we took every possible precaution to protect our sources, to

make it impossible for people to trace back to our sources. ...”

380. As regards the Romanian high-office holders mentioned in

paragraphs 211-218 of the 2007 Marty Report (see paragraph 262 above) as

“holding first-hand knowledge of CIA operations on the territory of

Romania”, including the former President of Romania, Mr Iliescu, and the

Presidential Advisor on National Security, Mr Talpeş, and the question

whether the Romanian authorities “knew or ought to have known” of the

CIA rendition operations and purposes of the CIA aircraft landings on

Romanian territory in 2003-2005, Senator Marty testified:

“... I would also like to point out that in the framework of the NATO system, for all

these operations, NATO had applied the very highest degree of secrecy under the

NATO code. This highest secrecy code can be summed up as the ‘need to know’

principle; it is only people who strictly need to know who should be aware of what is

going on and they must only be aware in as far as it is necessary. So I do not think that

the Romanian authorities knew that there was waterboarding, that there was torture,

and so on. But the people [the high-office holders] I referred to, and this is based on

extremely precise testimony, must have known that the CIA had used their territory

for transfers of prisoners in the context of the war on terror. We never said that the

Poles or the Romanians had run those prisons, we always said those prisons were

exclusively managed by the CIA. And the CIA would not accept any intrusions, not

even by any other American services. What we do say is that those people – probably



the majority of the government – knew nothing about it but those people must of

necessity have been aware that something very unusual was going on: planes were

landing, people were being disembarked, and the like. Or in any event they did

everything to see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing, and that is a classic approach

which we have in all countries where there have been renditions or secret prisons.”

381. In response to the question whether in the Marty Inquiry an exact

physical location of the alleged CIA “black site” had been established,

Senator Marty said:

“No, because we did not have a specific indication. The site was, however, the most

protected element secrecy-wise, even people who knew that this anti-terrorist

operation was going on did not perforce know where the site was precisely located.

For Poland, it was easier. We were even able to go in situ and were able to obtain

information in situ. So, for [Romania], it was far more complicated.”

In response to the Government’s questions concerning indications of

such a location, he added:

“I say it is true that at the time we were not in a position to indicate the place of

detention, but that Romania participated in these CIA programmes, there is no shadow

of a doubt in my mind about that.”

D. Mr J.G.S.

382. Mr J.G.S. is a lawyer and investigator. He worked on multiple

investigations under the mandate of the Council of Europe, including as

advisor to the PACE’s Rapporteur Senator Marty (2006-2007) and as

advisor to the former Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr Thomas

Hammarberg (2010-2012). In 2008-2010 he served on the United Nations’

international expert panel on protecting human rights while countering

terrorism. He is presently engaged in official investigations into war crimes

and organised crime cases.

On 28 March 2011, in El- Masri, Mr J.G.S. submitted an expert report

detailing the factual findings of his investigations into the applicant’s case

(see El-Masri, cited above, § 75). On 2 December 2013 Mr J.G.S. testified

before the Court at the fact-finding hearing held in Al Nashiri v. Poland

(cited above, §§ 324-331) and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland (cited

above, §§ 305-312 and 318-325).

383. In his testimony before the Court, he stated, among other things, as


384. In response to the judges’ question whether on the basis of the

evidence known to him, Romania “knew or ought to have known” of the

nature of the CIA extraordinary rendition programme and that the

programme operated on its territory, Mr J.G.S. stated:

“It is quite clear to me that the Romanian authorities not only should have known,

but in fact did know of the nature and purpose of the CIA’s secret operations on its

territory. In our report of 2007, for the Marty Inquiry, we inferred this conclusion

already then, 9 years ago, based upon excellent source information that we had



procured from both sides of the Atlantic, multiply corroborated, validated and verified

by documentary records, and rooted in our understanding of a conceptual framework,

and a practical implementation of bilateral agreements struck between the CIA and its

counterpart agency in Romania.

But I can say to the Court today that this is no longer an inference, it is no longer

simply a collation of disparate sources, because the [US] Senate Committee of

Inquiry, and I refer the Court to page 97 of that 499-page executive summary, has

explicitly stated that the host authorities of the country in which Detention Site Black

was located, provided co-operation and support for those activities, and indeed that

the CIA, through its station in Romania, was able to provide a substantial sum of

money, in the region of ten million United States dollars, as a ‘subsidy’ to its

Romanian counterparts in recognition of their active participation.

In the report in 2007, we talked about the extraordinary permissions and protections

that Romania provided. We talked notably about secure zones, of which there were

several on Romanian territory, and of which we knew of the existence of at least one.

We characterised this as being a level of cooperation that depended on authorisation

from the highest levels of the Romanian state authorities. That aspect too, Your

Honour, is confirmed by the US Senate Committee Inquiry. It talks about, explicitly in

that same paragraph, on that same page, the highest levels of the country’s

government. So what we heard from our sources who, incidentally, have remained

credible upon our assessment, has now been formalised in the form of the reporting by

the Senate Committee which, incidentally, had access to a vast array of classified

information, which we did not have access to.

And so we wish to state, quite clearly, categorically, that the Romanian authorities,

at the highest level, did know about the existence of secret detention on their territory

and furthermore that they were aware of the precise purpose of the rendition flights

entering and exiting the country, and the conditions, or roughly the conditions, under

which detainees were held in between their arrivals and their departures.”

385. In response to the judges’ question as to how a specific detainee

could be linked with a specific flight and how it was possible to identify

which specific person or persons had been transported on a specific

rendition plane, the expert-witness stated:

“I can confirm that I participated closely in the inquiry under Commissioner

Hammarberg which led to the production of the memorandum in March 2012 and

I can also confirm that, at that point, almost five years after the conclusion of our

second Marty Report, we were in possession of substantially more information,

notably through the declassification of reports from the United States, but also

through an evolving process of developing sources, developing new relationships,

filing requests for information with different authorities, and indeed benefiting from a

wide range of partnerships and alliances in some of the countries in question and

indeed in the United States.

The process of linking a specific detainee to a specific flight was, indeed, for a long

time elusive. In order to make this connection, one requires both authoritative

information about the planning and execution of the flight and furthermore, from the

CIA itself, authoritative information as to the interrogation schedule, the process of

debriefing or interrogating the detainee, and specific junctures in that detainee’s

detention which constitute a move or a change or a development or a transition in that

detainee’s treatment. As I demonstrated in my presentation with reference to the CIA

Inspector General’s Report, there are occasions in the declassified documents on



which moves are referred to explicitly, and indeed are given dates. When that move

links a particular named individual, such as Al Nashiri, with a point of provenance,

such as Thailand, and a point of destination, such as Poland, it is then possible, within

a very small margin of error, to go looking for a flight that corresponds with those


This example was indeed the breakthrough in that regard, this methodology, because

for the first time in the Inspector General’s Report [in the present judgment referred to

as ‘the 2004 CIA Report’], we were told that an interrogation schedule concluded on

4 December [2002]. The reason for its conclusion was a move, and furthermore that

Al Nashiri, together with Abu Zubaydah, was taken to another ‘black site’. The only

means of transportation that the CIA used to move detainees was rendition aircraft,

and through our assessment and investigation of rendition aircraft over multiple years,

we have been able to crack that system and to trace those movements using contractor

documentation, international aeronautical services information, and all the other logs

that I have used in the presentation. So the linking depends on a specific correlation of

information from both the aviation side and the operational side in the CIA’s ‘black

sites’ themselves. I would direct you, Your Honours, to the [US] Senate Committee

Inquiry for multiple further specific date references and specific references to

individuals being moved between different sites.”

386. Replying to the judges’ question as to how could Mr Al Nashiri

could be differentiated as being rendered to Romania on 12 April 2004 from

other detainees known to have been held in Guantánamo and rendered by

the CIA from there at approximately the same time, Mr J.G.S. stated:

“I can give you two specific examples. Ramzi bin al-Shibh, who had been in

Morocco with Al Nashiri initially, in 2003, was taken back to Morocco, as was Ibn al-

Shaykh al-Libi, who was the source of the now notorious intelligence on Iraq, which

led Secretary of State Powell to make a case for war. He was held in Guantánamo Bay

at the same time as Al Nashiri, but he was taken to Morocco. How do we know?

Because he features in the further descriptive narrative regarding Morocco in the [US]

Senate Committee Report, as does Bin al-Shibh. These two individuals are cited as

having gone back to Morocco and having found the conditions of their detention there

to be impossible to sustain because of abuse or cries of abuse they could hear taking

place in adjacent cells, part of the Moroccan system. This again was a source of some

acrimony, some misunderstanding, some difficult relations between the CIA and the

Moroccan counterparts and as such features prominently in the Senate Committee’s

Inquiry. There is no mention whatsoever of Al Nashiri there, and I maintain that is

because he was in Romania.”

387. Replying to the Government’s question as to which evidence had

led him to the conclusion that a simple change in flight plans or in the use of

ultimate destination represented a cover-up with the complicity of the

national authorities, Mr J.G.S. stated:

“Thank you for your question, Madam. This allows me to introduce to the Court

some very important insights gleaned from the flight planning process at its point of

origin in the United States and the documents of which are included in the materials

before the Court by virtue of the docket in the New York State Court litigation

between Sportsflight Air Inc. and Richmor Aviation.

In particular, there are documents within this docket which refer specifically and in

advance to deliberate attempts to file false destinations for rendition aircraft. There is,



for example, a differentiation between points of departure, points of destination, as

Madam Agent rightly said, ‘alternates’, and then, what the CIA describes as ‘hard

arrival points’. ‘Hard arrival’ were the real destinations, the real timings that the CIA

demanded its contractors to fulfil. Everything else in the flight planning process, as

was delegated to Jeppesen, Air Rutter International and other contractors, was allowed

to have a veneer of compliance with international civil aviation rules, but was in fact

nothing more than a cover, a shell, behind which these unlawful operations actually

took place.

I shall address directly, Madam, your question: how can I differentiate between a

simple in-flight change of plan? I could countenance such an alternative explanation if

it were to have happened but once, perhaps twice or occasionally in a sequence of

rendition flights. But in respect of Romania alone, this systematic practice was

deployed up to twelve times, using every time the same methodology. Specifically the

points of departure would be fixed because they were physically where the plane took

off from, but points of destination, ADES, as they are called in the AFTN system,

were never stated as the actual airport to which the rendition aircraft was destined. If

at all Bucharest Băneasa appeared, it appeared only as an alternate, and on several

occasions it did not appear at all in any flight plan, either as destination-in-chief or as

alternate, despite the fact that trip sheets, government contracts, even pre-emptive

billing invoices had been prepared in the United States by the CIA’s contractors,

stating explicitly what the hard arrival airport and time was, and on each occasion

Bucharest – Baneaşa was that hard arrival point. It cannot be put down to mere

innocent coincidence, in-flight change of plan, when it is conceived of in advance,

when there is only one purpose for which these rendition flights are being deployed,

and when the only site that corresponds with the cables, the contracts, the flight plans,

the instructions, the billing invoices and, indeed, the multiplicity of source testimony,

is the ‘black site’ hosted on Romanian territory in Bucharest. So an alternative

explanation does not fit in these circumstances; there is one clear and categorical

truth, and that is, this was a deliberate act of deceit to disguise unlawful detainee

transfer activity.”

He further added:

“... [I]n the process of executing these renditions, the CIA did file flight plans for

every aircraft in which dummy destinations were inserted into the planning text in

order to provide the aircraft with a premise upon which to enter the airspace of the

country in question. So, for example, as the Court heard in the proceedings against

Poland, on multiple occasions, aircraft filed for destinations such as Prague in order to

have a premise to enter Polish airspace, after which the Polish air navigation services

would navigate them to a landing at Szymany. When the Polish authorities produced

records of landings at Szymany, they stated explicitly in their own documentation that

several of these landings had occurred ‘brak FPL’ (‘without a flight plan’), precisely

the point that you have just suggested would be impossible. It happened. In Romania,

as I demonstrated in my presentation today, flight plans were filed for alternative

destinations which included other Romanian airports, Timişoara, Constanţa, but only

in order to give that aircraft a premise upon which to enter Romanian airspace. From

entering airspace, Romatsa and the counterparts in the Romanian authorities,

navigated those aircraft to undeclared landings at Bucharest, Băneasa. I have this upon

the first-hand authority of persons involved in the execution of those rendition flights.

I also have Romanian documentation demonstrating these landings at Bucharest,

Baneaşa, indisputably because a plane is physically on the ground in Bucharest and

yet, for the same flights, having trawled all the multiple sources of aviation data in my

possession, I have not found any flight plan valid for a landing at Băneasa. Hence, the



same systematic practice, deliberate disguise and deceit, used by the CIA but

dependent upon the complicity and cooperation of Romanian counterparts.”

Lastly, in relation to the Government’s question relating to the “STS”

special status designation accorded to some CIA rendition aircraft,

Mr J.G.S. stated:

“...[T]hose aircraft used by the CIA in conjunction with its in-house aviation

services provider, Aero Contractors, more often than not cited this special designation

in their flight plans. There were two aircraft in particular, both of which travelled to

Romania, N313P and N379P, which fall under this designation. It is explicitly stated

and cited in the flight plans filed by Jeppesen Dataplan, the aviation services provider

used for these aircraft, that STS or state indicator is averred as a special privilege vis-

à-vis all authorities whose territories the aircraft will traverse or land in, in the course

of its circuit.

What that status affords the flight is a different characterisation in the flight plans,

but that is not to suggest that upon landing in Romania there would be any diplomatic

reception or any form of special treatment, in fact. On the contrary, most of these

aircraft landed without being subjected to basic border guard controls, basic customs

inspections. They were not granted special treatment in the sense of a state

designation, they were in fact granted special treatment of an entirely different sort, of

a sort which indicates permission to perform unlawful detainee transfers. So you ask

me, why did they invoke the STS indicator, or on what basis does it change the status?

What it does, is that it creates a further layer of deceit as to the real purpose of these

aircraft, it creates the impression that these aircraft are somehow untouchable and it

creates the impression that they ought not to be scrutinised by their receptor

authorities. But does it change how they are received on the ground? In itself, no, it

does not.”

E. Mr Black

388. Mr Black is an investigator with the Bureau of Investigative

Journalism and with Reprieve, having extensive experience in the field of

the CIA extraordinary rendition programme. On two occasions, in 2012 and

2015, he was heard as an expert in the LIBE inquiry into the alleged

transportation and illegal detention of prisoners in European countries by

the CIA. He was involved in the preparation of the 2015 LIBE Briefing (see

also paragraphs 282, 289 and 355-358 above). Since 2010 he has

continuously carried out research on the CIA Eastern European “black


389. In his testimony before the Court he stated, among other things, as


390. In response to the judges’ question whether, on evidence that he

had accumulated in the course of his research and had been known to him, it

could be established beyond reasonable doubt that a CIA detention facility

had indeed existed in Romania in 2003-2005, Mr Black stated:

“I believe it is clear, beyond reasonable doubt, that there was a CIA detention

facility in Romania. I am convinced on a wide array of different types of evidence that



it operated from September 2003 until November 2005. I believe it is clear beyond

reasonable doubt that, among others, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was held in it,

Hassan Ghul was held in it, Janat Gul was held in it, Abu Faraj Al-Libi was held in it,

Al Nashiri was held in it, Walid Bin Attash was held in it, on two occasions in fact,

Samr al-Barq was held in it, Abu Munthir al Maghrebi was held in it. I believe there

are indications that others, including Hambali, Lilie, Mohammed Qurban Ibrahim,

were held in it. All of these statements are backed by, if you will, an array of evidence

which includes aviation data that can be categorically related to the US Government’s

rendition programme. It includes statements made by the [US] Senate Committee

Report that was declassified in 2014, it includes new material that has just recently

been declassified by the government, by the US Government earlier this month.

My findings in which I discuss the evidential basis for these statements were most

recently formulated in a briefing that I wrote for the LIBE Committee in September

last year. I am not sure if the Court has seen that document, I understood that the

LIBE Committee was going to publish it last year, but in fact I found that perhaps

they did not. If the Court has not seen that document, then of course I would be happy

to provide it. Since I wrote that, as I say, there have been some new developments in

the last few months where further research on the basis of the [US] Senate Committee

Report and newly declassified documents from the CIA that came out a few weeks

ago, have further confirmed the findings that I made in the original briefing and have

also added some new names and some new information to the list. But I mean, you

know, I can give you, if you wish, I could give you the dates of when each of those

specific individuals were held in Romania to the best of my knowledge and findings,

but I mean the fact that those individuals were held in Romania at various points

between 2003 and 2005 is absolutely beyond reasonable doubt, there cannot be any

alternative narrative to that that makes any sense.

In terms of your question as to where precisely the facility was where they were

held, this is not something that really I have exhaustively researched because it is not

really something that the methodologies I use are particularly able to build up a

picture of. I mean I would go so far as to say that it is likely, on the basis of all the

evidence I have seen, that the facility was in Bucharest. We are all aware of the

publication by Associated Press and others a few years ago that it was in the basement

of the ORNISS building. I mean I cannot say that my researches would confirm that

or deny that, certainly I have not seen anything that would tend to deny it.”

391. Replying to the judges’ question whether Romania “knew or ought

to have known” of the nature of the CIA rendition programme, that it had

operated on its territory and whether their knowledge had been such as to

enable the Romanian authorities to be aware of the purposes of the CIA

aircraft landings in Romania in 2003-2005, Mr Black stated:

“I think it is clear that the authorities were aware of it because, among other things,

they received money for it. They received more than eight million dollars, we can

determine from a reading of the [US] Senate Committee Report, how much more than

eight million dollars I do not know. And I think it is also clear from a reading of that

report that they demanded its closure at a certain point in November 2005. And I

believe it is normally common practice, as far as we can tell from the Senate Report

which I take in this instance to be authoritative, that the host country’s officials were

in the know about these facilities and the purposes of them. I think that it is clear, in

the case of Romania, that there were officials who were aware that they had been paid

money by the CIA to house prisoners and that the prisoners were being transported in

by covert means.”



392. Mr Black further identified the alleged CIA detention facility in

Romania as the one referred to as “Detention Site Black” in the 2014 US

Senate Committee Report:

“I have gone into it in more detail in the briefing that I prepared for the LIBE

Committee, but to kind of give a brief summary, Detention Site Black is the site that

fulfils, in terms of its operating times, the flight paths that we know to have been

connected to prisoner movements and to the CIA’s rendition programme. Detention

Site Black is the one that correlates precisely with those flight paths that our research

has discovered, has reconstructed, if you will. There are, there are other indicators

which include cables that are sent from Detention Site Black that correspond to

prisoners who were flown into Romania on flights that are connected via their

contracts and invoice numbers to the CIA rendition programme, cables that

specifically reference the behaviour of certain prisoners. For example, the Senate

Report makes reference to a number of prisoners who were held at site ‘Black’ whose

movements have been correlated with flights moving into Romania or out of Romania

within the timeframe that makes sense.”

393. Answering the Government’s question as to what differentiated –

assuming that the flights in question were indeed rendition flights –

”stopover” landing points from prisoners’ transfers, Mr Black responded:

“...[T]here are a series of characteristics which, I mean, which prisoner transfers, as

in the point of pick-up and the point of drop-off, they occur on specific days, on

specific times that can be cross-correlated with documents relating to the movements

of prisoners. They occur in specific destinations, which consistently match other

accounts of the movements of prisoners. It is when you look at the totality of the

evidence, it is clear, for example, that some destinations are commonly used as rest

and recuperation. There are places where crews go before they carry out a transfer or

after they have carried out a transfer, so those are destinations like Mallorca, Dubai,

there are others, and there are destinations that are commonly technical refuelling

destinations which tend to be in the Atlantic because they occur when the planes are

moving from Washington D.C. to North Africa, the Middle East or Europe to carry

out rendition flights, so those are typically places like the Azores or Ireland, Scotland.

Now, in a sense, to answer that question fully we would have to go through each of

these flights in sequence and say why it does not make sense that in any one of them

Romania is the refuelling destination rather than the prisoner movement destination,

but I mean rather than do that, I would say in summary that, when you take the totality

of the evidence, the consistency with which the points of transit through Romania

match the points of transit that we know apply to the movement of prisoners, is such

that it does not really allow any alternative narrative.”






A. Romania

Convention in respect of the applicant

Romania, detention and ill-treatment in a CIA detention facility

in Romania and transfer out of Romania

394. Article 1 of the Convention states:

“The High Contracting Parties shall secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the

rights and freedoms defined in Section I of [the] Convention.”

1. The Government

395. The Government, in their written and oral pleadings, asserted that

the applicant had not demonstrated that at any time during his detention

under the HVD programme he had fallen under Romania’s jurisdiction

within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention.

In that regard, they referred to the general standards for State

responsibility set by international law, stressing that for an act to be

characterised as an internationally wrongful act engaging State

responsibility, it must be attributable to the State. In the light of the

International Law Commission’s Draft Articles (see paragraph 210 above),

there must be either direct knowledge and involvement in an internationally

wrongful act on the part of the State, or indirect knowledge, inferred from

the assumption that a State exercising its jurisdiction over its territory

should not ignore the commission of an internationally wrongful act within

its territorial jurisdiction.

In their view, for a better understanding of the responsibility that would

have been engaged had there been a secret detention facility in Romania, it

was still necessary to distinguish between different scenarios of the State’s

attitude and conduct: its potential agreement to put a facility at the disposal

of another State, its knowledge of the exact purpose of the operation of a

secret detention facility, the exercise of the State’s authority over that

facility, and whether it knowingly permitted the use of its territory for

activities entailing human rights violations.

396. Accordingly, Convention responsibility could be attributed to

Romania only if it had knowingly permitted its territory to be used by

another State for activities entailing human rights violations.

In that scenario, the question to be resolved was whether, in view of the

public awareness regarding the secret detention programme, the authorities

should have become aware of the fact that the flights operating on the



territory of Romania had been CIA-operated flights and whether, on this

basis, they should have inferred that there had been a secret detention

facility in Romania and have acted in accordance with their obligation of

due diligence.

However, on the evidence before the Court, including the reports of the

international inquiries or non-governmental sources, there was no indication

that the Romanian authorities – autonomously or in cooperation with a third

State – had put in place or run a secret detention facility. No evidence

showed that the Romanian authorities had knowingly and expressly agreed,

after being informed of the purpose or nature of activities to be performed in

that facility, to put such a location at the disposal of third parties.

In support of their arguments, the Government relied on the Court’s case-

law, in particular Ilascu and Others v. Moldova and Russia (no. 48787/99,

8 July 2004), Loizidou v. Turkey (no. 15318/89, 18 December 1996), and

Soering v. the United Kingdom (no. 14038/88, 7 July 1989). They also cited

the International Court of Justice’s ruling in the case concerning the

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the

Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro,

judgment of 27 February 2007).

397. The Government also considered that the International Court of

Justice’s judgment in the Corfu Channel case (United Kingdom v. Albania,

judgment of 9 April 1949, ICJ Reports 1949, p. 17) was particularly

relevant to State responsibility since it had established the threshold

required for circumstantial evidence. In particular, the International Court of

Justice had held that a “charge of such exceptional gravity against a State” –

and the charge laid by the applicant in the present case was one of such

gravity – would require a “degree of certainty” that had not been reached in

that case. Moreover, it had stated that (ibid., p. 18) “it [could not] be

concluded from the mere fact of the control exercised by a State over its

territory and waters, that that State necessarily knew, or ought to have

known, of any unlawful act perpetrated therein, nor yet that it necessarily

knew, or should have known, the authors. This fact by itself and apart from

other circumstances, neither involve[d] prima facie responsibility nor

shift[ed] the burden of proof”.

398. It was the Government’s firm position that the applicant had not

produced any prima facie evidence capable of establishing a direct or

indirect link between his rendition and detention under the CIA HVD

Programme and any act or omission on the part of the Romanian authorities.

They asserted that the applicant had not entered Romanian territory, had

not been held in a “secret” detention facility there and had never been

transferred to or removed from Romania. No action concerning his transfer

or detention had ever been taken jointly by the Romanian authorities and

other foreign authorities.



This assertion, the Government added, was not meant to prevent the

Romanian investigating authorities from reaching a different conclusion on

the closure of the criminal investigation instituted in connection with the

applicant’s allegations if any new convincing evidence had subsequently

emerged. However, in the light of the evidence as it currently stood and the

domestic authorities’ findings so far, the applicant had never been on

Romania’s territory or under the jurisdiction of the Romanian authorities.

399. In the Government’s submission, the applicant’s account of the

facts amounted to mere suppositions because evidence presented by him

mostly consisted of various excerpts from media news, international reports

and non-governmental organisations’ allegations. In fact, the so-called

“sources” on which the applicant relied simply reiterated in different terms

the same information as the article published in The Washington Post in

November 2005. Such materials could not make up for the absence of

official documents confirming his claims.

In this connection, the Government also contested the credibility of the

2006 and 2007 Marty Reports, Mr Hammarberg’s findings and

memorandum, materials collected by Reprieve in the context of its rendition

research activities, and the CIA sources (see also paragraphs 430-435


400. The Government did not dispute the existence of the HVD

Programme and the fact that the applicant had been subjected to secret

detention and ill-treatment under that programme. These were objectively

established factual elements proven by several international inquiries and

acknowledged by US officials. Nevertheless, in the present case there was

no evidence and not even a mere presumption of fact indicating that the

Romanian State had been an accessory to violations of human rights

occurring during the CIA’s rendition operations. Nor was there any direct or

indirect connection between the Romanian authorities and the HVD


401. At the oral hearing, following the taking of evidence from experts

at the fact-finding hearing, the Government maintained their position. They

considered that the experts had found arguments supporting their theories

with surprising ease, without analysing contradictions and choosing from

previous reports or inquiries only the convenient elements. In the

Government’s view, no proof had yet emerged to confirm that the facts

complained of had occurred under Romania’s jurisdiction.

In that context, they underlined that the negative conclusion as to the

existence of suspicious flights or secret detention facilities in Romania had

been reached by the national authorities after an inquiry conducted in a

spirit of cooperation – cooperation that had not always been recognised by

the bodies conducting international investigations.

402. In sum, the so-called “evidence” in the case was ambiguous and

dubious and in reality constituted mere assumptions drawn from the



fragmentation and interposition of various publicly accessible pieces of

information disseminated by the media.

Accordingly, the Government invited the Court to declare the application

inadmissible pursuant to Article 35 § 3(a) in conjunction with Article 1 of

the Convention.

2. The applicant

403. The applicant replied that the Government’s arguments were

without merit.

In his written submissions, he stated that Romania’s knowing and

intentional participation in the CIA’s operations and its failure to act on its

positive obligations had resulted in the applicant’s secret detention and ill-

treatment on Romanian territory. Citing the Ilascu and Others v. Moldova

and Russia judgment, the applicant stressed that “the acquiescence or

connivance of the authorities of a Contracting State in the acts of private

individuals which violate[d] the Convention rights of other individuals

within its jurisdiction” engaged the State’s responsibility under the

Convention. Also, under Article 1 of the Convention, in addition to its duty

to refrain from interfering with the enjoyment of the Convention rights and

freedoms, the Romanian State had positive obligations to take appropriate

steps to ensure respect for those rights and freedoms within its territory.

404. In the applicant’s view, he had established more than a prima facie

case that he had been detained and tortured in Romania under the CIA

secret detention and extraordinary rendition programme. The burden now

shifted to the Government to provide a “satisfactory and convincing

explanation” as to whether he had been detained and ill-treated.

405. Notwithstanding the wealth of evidence confirming that Romania

had hosted a secret CIA prison where he had been detained, the Romanian

Government had not only categorically denied that they had hosted a CIA

prison but also attempted to discredit findings issued by reputable officials

such as the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights and

Senator Dick Marty, as well as evidence produced before the Court in


406. In that regard, the applicant emphasised that, as confirmed in the

El-Masri judgment (cited above), while the Court generally applied the

“beyond reasonable doubt” standard of proof in assessing evidence, there

were no procedural barriers to the admissibility of evidence or

pre-determined formulae for its evaluation. The Court could rely on

evidence of any kind and make its free assessment.

For instance, in El-Masri, a case where the applicant had likewise been

subjected to rendition, secret detention and torture under the CIA HVD

Programme, the Court had considered a variety of evidential sources,

including the 2006 and 2007 Marty Reports, the 2007 Fava Report, a report

by the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Wikileaks



cables, reports of the ICRC and non-governmental organisations such as

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and declassified CIA

documents. The Court had specifically referred to a “large amount of

indirect evidence” obtained during international inquiries, including aviation

and flight logs, among many other materials that had corroborated

Mr El-Masri’s claims. The Court had been satisfied that there had been

prima facie evidence in favour of the applicant’s version of events, that the

burden of proof should shift to the respondent Government, and that the

Government had failed to demonstrate conclusively why the evidence could

not corroborate the applicant’s allegations. It had ultimately found “the

applicant’s allegations sufficiently convincing and established beyond

reasonable doubt”. The Court had adopted the same approach in Al Nashiri

v. Poland.

407. The applicant considered that the Court’s findings of fact in

Al Nashiri v. Poland were valid in the present case. He referred to the

publicly available verbatim record of the fact-finding hearing in that case

and the testimony of Senator Marty and Mr J.G.S. who had stated that there

had been a secret CIA detention site in Bucharest. He further relied on the

documents that had become public after the delivery of the Al Nashiri

v. Poland judgment, in particular the 2014 US Senate Committee Report

and materials collected by the European Parliament in connection with its

LIBE Committee’s inquiry into allegations about the CIA secret detention

facility in Romania.

408. At the oral hearing, in response to the Government’s submissions

(see paragraphs 395-402 above), the applicant stated that, in the light of

evidence gathered in the case, it was established beyond reasonable doubt

that Romania had hosted a secret CIA prison from September 2003 to

November 2005 and that he had been secretly detained in that prison. The

2014 US Senate Committee Report and other documentary exhibits before

this Court, as well as cogent and credible expert testimony, confirmed these


The applicant’s torture and secret detention, together with his transfer

from Romania in the face of real risks of further torture and undisclosed

detention could be attributed to the Romanian State because these acts had

occurred on Romanian territory with the acquiescence and connivance of

the Romanian authorities and because Romania had failed to fulfil its

positive obligations to prevent these acts, despite being on notice that they

would occur.

409. In conclusion, the applicant asked the Court to reject the

Government’s preliminary objection.

3. The Court’s assessment

410. The Court observes that in contrast to cases where objections that a

State had no jurisdiction were based on the alleged lack of the respondent



State’s effective control over the “seceded” territory on which the events

complained of had taken place (see Ilaşcu and Others v. Moldova

and Russia [GC], no. 48787/99, §§ 300-304, ECHR 2004-VII) or an alleged

lack of attributability on the grounds that the events complained of had

occurred outside the respondent State’s territory and were attributable to

another entity (see Loizidou v. Turkey (preliminary objections), 23 March

1995, §§ 47 and 56 Series A no. 310; and Cyprus v. Turkey [GC],

no. 25781/94, §§ 69-70 ECHR 2001-IV), in the present case the

Government’s objection in effect amounts to denying that the facts adduced

by the applicant in respect of Romania had actually ever taken place and to

challenging the credibility of the evidence produced and relied on by the

applicant before the Court (see paragraphs 395-402 above).

The issue of the Romanian’s State responsibility under the Convention is

therefore inherently connected with the establishment of the facts of the

case and assessment of evidence. Consequently, in order to determine

whether the facts alleged by the applicant are capable of falling within the

jurisdiction of Romania under Article 1 of the Convention, the Court is

required first to establish, in the light of the evidence in its possession,

whether the events complained of indeed occurred on Romanian territory

and, if so, whether they are attributable to the Romanian State. The Court

will therefore rule on the Government’s objection in the light of its findings

regarding the facts of the case (see paragraphs 600-602 below).

B. Non-compliance with the rule of exhaustion of domestic remedies

and the six-month rule

411. Article 35 § 1 of the Convention states:

“The Court may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been

exhausted, according to the generally recognised rules of international law, and within

a period of six months from the date on which the final decision was taken.”

1. The Government

(a) Non-exhaustion of domestic remedies

412. In the Government’s submission, the applicant had made only a

formal and superficial attempt to exhaust domestic remedies.

In their written pleadings they maintained that, pursuant to Article 222 of

the CCP, the applicant should first have applied to the domestic authorities

to obtain redress for a violation of his rights on account of the commission

of any alleged offences. In that connection, they drew the Court’s attention

to the fact that the applicant had lodged a criminal complaint on 29 May

2012 and merely two days later – on 1 June 2012 – had brought his

application to the Court.



In the Government’s view, the applicant’s personal opinion that any

attempt to exhaust domestic remedies would have been futile because the

Romanian authorities had constantly denied the existence of “secret

detention facilities” had not entitled him to address his grievances directly

to the Court, thereby depriving Romania of the opportunity to pursue a

criminal investigation into his allegations. As demonstrated by a number of

examples from the Court’s judgments in Romanian cases, a criminal

complaint was an effective remedy for the purposes of Article 35 § 1 and

the Government saw no reason why it should not be effective in the

applicant’s case. Given the complexity of the case, he could not realistically

expect that his criminal complaint would immediately bring results.

413. At the oral hearing, the Government added that while in some cases

the passage of time from the date of lodging the application could make a

non-exhaustion objection obsolete, this was not so in the applicant’s case.

The criminal investigation in Romania was still pending and a number of

important actions had in the meantime been taken by the prosecution.

However, the applicant’s representatives had so far displayed no more than

a limited interest in the investigation. For two and a half years they had

taken no step to participate in the proceedings and when they had finally

had done so, they had asked only for information about the case-file


In the circumstances, the application had been and remained premature.

(b) Non-compliance with the six-month term

414. The Government next argued that the applicant had also failed to

comply with the six-month rule in Article 35 § 1 of the Convention. If, as he

claimed, a criminal complaint that he had filed on 29 May 2012 had not

been an effective remedy for the purposes of this provision, according to the

Court’s case-law he should have lodged his application within six months

from the time when he had become aware of the fact that he had been

detained in Romania.

In their view, that time-limit had begun to run on 6 May 2011, the date

on which he had lodged his application with the Court against Poland. In

that application, based on the same documents as his application against

Romania, he had stated that after his detention in Poland “he [had been]

moved from Guantánamo Bay to Rabat and then to another CIA prison in

Bucharest, Romania, sometime after 27 March 2004”.

Accordingly, his present application, being submitted on 1 June 2012, i.e.

more than a year later, had been lodged out of time and should be rejected.

2. The applicant

415. The applicant asked the Court to dismiss the Government’s




(a) Non-exhaustion of domestic remedies

416. As regards the exhaustion of domestic remedies, the applicant

stressed that the national authorities had been on notice of a CIA secret

prison on their territory at least since November 2005, when public records

of such a prison had first resurfaced. The prosecution had shown a complete

lack of interest in the matter. In addition, as set out in Mr Hammarberg’s

affidavit, they had ignored his repeated requests for an investigation to be

opened and had not responded to the dossier of evidence relating to the

secret CIA prison that he had submitted to the Romanian Prosecutor


Viewed in the context of the Romanian authorities’ pattern and practice

of obfuscation and denial, it was apparent that the criminal investigation

was plainly ineffective. As such, there was no merit to the Romanian

Government’s claim that the application should be deemed inadmissible for

non-exhaustion of domestic remedies.

(b) Non-compliance with the six-month rule

417. The applicant acknowledged that it was true that in his application

against Poland he had summarily mentioned that he had been held in a

secret detention facility in Bucharest. But at that time the facts relating to

the precise location of the secret CIA prison in Romania and the treatment

of detainees held there was still unknown and, consequently, there had not

yet been sufficient information to file an application with the Court. Given

the complexity of the case and the nature of the alleged human rights

violations at stake, he was entitled to build an arguable case, which included

obtaining critical information as to the location of the detention facility. It

was not until 8 December 2011 that this location had become publicly

known and named via news report in The Independent that cited former US

intelligence officials familiar with the location. It had been the first time that

the location of the prison, i.e. the building used by the National Registry

Office for Classified Information, known as “ORNISS”, together with a

description of its interior and details of ill-treatment of prisoners held there

– including the applicant – had been publicly disclosed.

3. The Court’s assessment

418. The Court observes that the Government’s objections raise issues

concerning the effectiveness of the applicant’s criminal complaint and the

subsequent investigation into his allegations of torture and secret detention

on Romanian territory and are thus closely linked to his complaint under the

procedural limb of Article 3 of the Convention (see paragraph 3 above and

paragraphs 602-604 below). That being so, the Court is of the view that the

objections should be joined to the merits of that complaint and examined at

a later stage (see, mutatis mutandis, Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 343



and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 337, both with

further references to the Court’s case-law).



A. The parties

1. The Government

419. As noted above in respect of the Government’s arguments as to

Romania’s lack of jurisdiction and responsibility under the Convention,

they denied on all accounts the applicant’s allegations as being unsupported

by any evidence and, consequently, having no factual basis. They also

challenged the credibility of most part of the evidence gathered in the case

and denied Romania’s knowledge of, and complicity in, the operation of the

CIA HVD Programme on its territory at the material time (see

paragraphs 395-402 above).

The Government’s conclusions on the facts and evidence were as


(a) Lack of evidence demonstrating that a CIA


420. First of all, the Government maintained that there had been no

evidence demonstrating that a CIA secret detention facility had ever existed

in Romania. They maintained that all the applicant’s allegations to that

effect were based on inconsistent and contradictory speculations.

(i) Contradictory statements as to the “life cycle” of the alleged CIA ”black

site” in Romania

421. The sources relied on by the applicant had given contradictory

indications regarding the period during which a “secret” detention facility

had allegedly operated in Romania. The 2007 Marty Report affirmed that

that facility had been opened in 2003 and had become highly important in

2004. It mentioned that it had been closed in November or December 2005

following the Washington Post’s revelations. This contradicted the media

sources indicating that the “secret prison” had been closed in the first part of


According to the article published in The Independent on 8 December

2011, secret detention centres in Romania had been closed by May 2006.

Reprieve had taken an approach differing from that of ABC News, stating

that the detainees had been moved out of identified European “secret”

locations prior to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Romania on

5 December 2005. On the other hand, the Council of Europe’s



Commissioner for Human Rights, in his dossier, had described the

“life-cycle” of the site as a “period of at least one year, beginning with its

opening on 22 September 2003”.

Accordingly, the reliability and veracity of information concerning the

period during which the alleged “secret” detention site had operated was

extremely doubtful.

(ii) Contradictory statements as to the location of the alleged CIA ”black site”

in Romania

422. As regards the location of the alleged CIA detention facility in

Romania, at first there had been suppositions that it might have been located

near Timișoara Airport, Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport or Băneasa Airport.

These locations had been mentioned in succession, each for several years.

The sources cited by the applicant had changed their assumptions each

time it had been established that no “secret” detention facility had ever

existed in the indicated place. Thus, a new location had subsequently been


423. In 2007 the Romanian Senate, following on-site inspections of the

locations and after hearing witnesses, had established in its report that there

had been no “secret” detention site near Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport in

Constanţa, including the military airbase. Despite that fact, in 2011 some

journalists had come up with another hypothesis, indicating the basement of

the building used by the ORNISS, a public institution, as a secret prison. To

justify their speculations, they had not, however, supplied any solid

evidence, or even any credible indications.

424. In 2007 Senator Marty had seemed convinced, quoting “reliable

sources” within the CIA, that a secure area for the CIA transfers and

detentions had been created near Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport. In 2009, the

New York Times had quoted “officials” as saying that “one jail was a

renovated building on a busy street in Bucharest”. In 2011, other “reliable

sources” indicated the ORNISS building – which, the Government added,

was located in a residential area and not on a busy street – as the location of

the secret CIA detention site in Bucharest.

425. Lastly, in the pending criminal investigation there had so far

emerged no evidence that any location in Romania or, especially, in

Bucharest as suggested by the applicant’s sources, could have been used by

the CIA as a secret prison. In contrast, the prosecution had obtained a

statement from an official working for the ORNISS – which had been

produced before the Court – confirming that their building could never be,

and had never been, used as a detention facility.



(b) Inconsistencies in the applicant

alleged rendition to and from Romania, and his secret detention in


426. The Government next argued that the applicant’s account regarding

the dates, circumstances and period of his alleged detention in Romania was

inconsistent and therefore unreliable.

In his application, the applicant had stated that he had been arrested in

2002 in Dubai. Then he had been held in Afghanistan and Thailand and

moved to Poland on 5 December 2002. On 6 June 2003 he had been moved

from Poland to Rabat, Morocco and, subsequently, on 22 September 2003

to Guantánamo Bay where he had been detained until 2004. On 27 March

2004 he had been transferred to Morocco and afterwards, to Romania. In

2006, the applicant had again been moved to Guantánamo Bay. Finally, he

alleged that he had been “secretly” detained on Romanian territory from

6 June 2003 until 6 September 2006.

427. Other sources advanced the idea that the applicant had been

transferred to Romania in September 2003 but then Reprieve had indicated

12 April 2004 as the date of his transfer to Romania. According to the 2007

Marty Report, the applicant had been brought to the CIA ”black site” in

Bucharest on the flight N313P on 23 September 2003. Mr Hammarberg, for

his part, had maintained that the opening of the CIA prison code-named

“Bright Light” and the start of the CIA operations at the Romanian “black

site” had been marked by the N313P flight on the night of 22 September

2003. However, in his opinion, the applicant had been transferred to

Romania on the N85VM flight directly from Guantánamo to Bucharest on

12 April 2004.

428. The Government emphasised that the applicant had indicated no

precise date of the flight on which he had allegedly been transferred out of

Romania. He only mentioned that he had remained in Romania until around

6 September 2006, when he had been moved to Guantánamo. Nor had the

experts heard at the fact-finding hearing been able to give a precise date for

his transfer out of Romania.

429. It was therefore clear that there was no conclusive evidence in

support of any of the above versions of the possible dates, circumstances or

period of the applicant’s alleged detention in Romania.

(c) Lack of credibility of evidence adduced by the applicant, in particular the

Marty 2006 and 2007 Reports, findings made by the Council of Europe

Commissioner for Human Rights in 2009-2012, Reprieve research and

CIA declassified documents

430. In the Government’s opinion, there was a particular circuit of

information concerning the alleged existence on Romanian territory of

“secret” detention facilities. To begin with, mass media had launched

accusations against certain States. Later on, this information had been



reiterated as genuine by non-governmental organisations protecting human

rights. These organisations had presented as evidence data extracted from

records, invoices, and flight plans of planes allegedly used for transferring

detainees. At the same time, these organisations had deliberately ignored the

verifications performed by some European countries regarding the flights

allegedly connected to the rendition programme. As a consequence, the

information contained in official documents was not based on strong

evidence, but on the sum of the data given by the mass media based on

non-verifiable sources.

431. The Government contested the credibility of sources relied on by

Senator Marty in his reports of 2006 and 2007. They said that the Marty

Reports included many inconsistencies and contradictions. For instance,

even though the reports had stated that the materials analysed, i.e. satellite

photographs, aircraft movements and witness accounts, had not constituted

evidence in the formal sense of the term, the authors had nevertheless found

that these elements had been sufficiently serious to assume that a CIA secret

detention facility existed in Romania. In the Government’s opinion, Senator

Marty had displayed reluctance to reveal his alleged sources of evidence

and protected them under the plea of a strict policy of confidentiality.

Statements given by anonymous witnesses were not challengeable and this

impeded the Government in properly contesting their reliability and

defending themselves against the accusations made in the Marty Reports.

432. Referring to the 2007 Marty Report, the Government saw

inconsistencies in many respects. For instance, it was mentioned that the

evidence had been obtained through alleged discussions with “well-placed

persons from the Government and the intelligence services”. It was also

stated that information had been classified by the Americans into “tiny

pieces of information” in order to prevent any single foreign official from

seeing a “big picture”. But it was further said that only the highly placed

officials had been aware of the HVD Programme. In these circumstances,

those “well-placed persons” had been in no position to offer any


The 2007 Marty Report spoke of the alleged “operating agreements”

between the CIA and Romania to hold detainees. However, in the next

paragraph Senator Marty had admitted that he had not seen the text of any

such agreement.

Furthermore, statements of Romanian politicians had been taken out of

context to support the report’s erroneous conclusions. Even a declaration of

the Romanian President had been distorted into a “formal approval” of the

agreement for the cooperation in the HVD Programme.

In sum, the 2007 Marty Report’s categorical conclusion that it “[had

been] finally established that secret detention centres [had] existed for some

years in Romania” seemed to have gone beyond the scant indications on

which it had been based.



433. As regards Mr Hammarberg’s findings of 2009-2012, in particular

those referred to in his affidavit and included in the dossier prepared for the

Romanian Prosecutor General, the Government pointed out that they were –

like Senator Marty’s conclusions – based on newspaper articles and sources

that could not be verified. They were accordingly no more than

unsubstantiated allegations. Also, in the same fashion as other experts

before the Court, Mr Hammarberg had based his theories on selective

materials, without analysing the existing contradictions. For instance, he

had found support for his assertions as to the alleged use of the ORNISS

building by the CIA in the fact that in Poland a State facility had hosted a

secret detention site. This was concluded without having regard to obvious

differences between a remote location and a building used on a daily basis

by Government officials in a European capital.

434. Referring to Reprieve’s research and findings, the Government said

that this non-governmental organisation represented the interests of some of

the detainees held in Guantánamo and carried out a humanitarian project

concerning persons who had been subjected to extraordinary rendition in the

HVD Programme. Reprieve’s current case work involved representing

fifteen prisoners from Guantánamo, assisting over seventy prisoners facing

the death penalty around the world and conducting ongoing investigations

into the rendition and the secret detention of “ghost prisoners” in the so-

called “war on terror”. In these circumstances, Reprieve could not

objectively state the facts in their documents and respective articles.

435. Lastly, the Government pointed out that the reliability of the CIA

sources cited by the experts and various inquiries or media reports was open

to doubt because even the 2014 US Senate Committee Report concluded

that the CIA had leaked inaccurate information regarding the operation of

the HVD Programme.

(d) Lack of evidence demonstrating that certain planes landing in Romania

between 22 September 2003 and 5 November 2005 carried out the CIA

extraordinary rendition missions

436. The Government did not deny that several – allegedly “suspicious”

– planes had landed at and taken off from Romanian airports; these flights

had at least partly been documented by the 2007 Romanian Senate Report.

Also, publicly available evidence confirmed their stopovers on Romanian

soil. However, the impugned flights had been of a private and non-

commercial nature and had been treated accordingly. In all cases invoices,

air navigation service sheets or ground handling charge notes had been

issued for all the services provided. The flights had been included in the

control lists of the navigation records. The declassified annexes to the 2007

Romanian Senate Report supported the conclusion that the purpose of the

“N” flights’ stops at Băneasa Airport had been mainly technical in nature.



For instance, as regards the alleged “rendition flight” N85VM of

12 April 2004, the available documents attested that the flight had been

recorded in the table containing handling fees and in the control list of

navigation records, that an invoice had been issued and that the payment

had been made by card; a copy of the air routing card having been attached

to the relevant documents.

437. Moreover, several witnesses who had worked in Băneasa Airport at

the material time and who had made statements in the investigation had

identified these flights as having had a technical stop for refuelling at the

airport. The vast majority of the witnesses had stated that the “N” flights

had been serviced by a civil handling agent as any normal flight. Even the

witnesses who had noted aspects that would suggest that the US flights had

gone through a different procedure had completed their declarations by

stating that they had not seen any persons disembarking from these aircraft.

It should be stressed that not all the witnesses had serviced the same flights

and that, therefore, their declarations should not be seen as contradictory.

438. In contrast to the circumstances surrounding the CIA planes’

landings as established by the Court in Al Nashiri v. Poland, in Romania

there had been no special procedure for receiving the impugned flights. As

the documents in the investigation file showed, all the “N” flights had gone

through the standard procedure. The procedure, as described in the

witnesses’ statements, had been entirely different from what had happened

in Szymany in Poland. No foreign vehicles had been seen entering the

premises of Băneasa Airport, there had been no military intervention in

order to secure the airport perimeter and, most certainly, US officials had

not assumed control of the airport on the dates in question. Nor had any

HVDs been seen entering the country, as witnesses quoted in the 2007

Marty Report had stated with regard to the aircraft landings in Szymany.

439. As regards the importance attached by the international inquiries,

media and experts heard by the Court to changes of flight plans, in the

Government’s view this by itself could not suggest any involvement of the

State in the applicant’s detention and ill-treatment.

The Government did not deny that the initial flight plans for the N313P

flight on 22 September 2003 and the N85VM flight on 12 April 2004

indicating Constanţa as their destination had been changed and the planes

had eventually landed at Băneasa Airport in Bucharest. Yet this could not be

a proof of any consistent practice of the so-called “dummy” flight planning

referred to in the Marty 2006 and 2007 Reports and the findings of the

Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights.

In accordance with the relevant domestic and international regulations,

every flight must have a flight plan, except for emergency issues. Each

flight plan must indicate, in addition to the plane’s destination, an

alternative destination. The flight plans had been established by the

aircraft’s operators. The only potential involvement of the authorities had



been limited to their assistance in transmitting the flight plan to the entity

managing the integrated initial flight plan processing system. The decision

to use the alternative destination or a change in flight plan had been a

unilateral action by the flight operator. The acceptance of these changes in

the flight plans was not indicative of any complicity of the Romanian

authorities since such acceptance had in fact been automatic.

440. Similarly, the alleged STS/STATE indicators for the impugned

flights could not be considered meaningful, even though various reports had

emphasised their exceptional relevance. According to the applicable rules,

that indicator should not automatically qualify for an exemption from any

relevant flow regulations. Even Mr J.G.S. they added, although repeatedly

asked, could not indicate any special privileges that the STS/STATE

designation would entail.

(e) Lack of evidence demonstrating that the Romanian authorities entered


execution of the HVD Programme

441. In the Government’s submission, the allegations regarding

Romanian’s complicity in the HVD Programme, in particular by means of

“secret cooperation agreements” were completely baseless. No such

agreements existed.

In that context, the Government referred to the Romanian high-office

holders’ statements, in particular those made by former President of

Romania, Ion Iliescu and his former security adviser, Ioan Talpeş in Der

Spiegel in 2014 and 2015. Both of them had said that specific agreements

had been concluded with the American authorities after 11 September 2001,

including the Romanian support at the level of intelligence services – which

had actually been very fruitful. This did not mean cooperation in running a

secret prison. Furthermore, in the course of the criminal investigation their

initially ambiguous statements had later been clarified to the effect that

there had been no cooperation and no complicity in the CIA rendition and

secret detention operations on the part of Romania.

(f) Lack of evidence demonstrating that the Romanian high-office holders

agreed to the running of a secret detention facility by the CIA on

Romanian territory, provided premises and knew of the purposes of the

impugned flights

442. Nor could it be said that the Romanian authorities had otherwise

agreed – explicitly or implicitly – to the running of a secret detention

facility by the CIA in Romania and that they had made available to them

premises for that purpose. These were simply groundless assumptions

unsupported by any evidence.

Referring again to the statements of Mr Iliescu and Mr Talpeş statements

in Der Spiegel, the Government stressed that they had both clearly



confirmed that they had had no knowledge of any CIA-run detention facility

on Romanian territory.

(g) Lack of evidence of Romania

the material time

443. No evidence had been produced to show the slightest degree of

knowledge on the part of the Romanian authorities as to the alleged hidden

purpose of the flights landing at and taking off from Romanian airports.

As attested by Mr J.G.S. at the fact-finding hearing, only at the beginning

of November 2005 had there emerged the first information about the alleged

existence in some “Eastern European countries” of secret detention facilities

designated for suspected terrorists and run by the CIA. Before that time the

only information available had concerned the detention facilities in

Guantánamo Bay, Afghanistan, Egypt or Jordan and a specific case

concerning the surrender of six Algerian men by Bosnian Federal Police

into US custody. While information on the setting-up of military

commissions for trying persons accused of terrorist acts had been in the

public domain, the identities of those persons had been unknown. Nor had it

been known what the US authorities’ decision would be as to which of them

would actually be tried before military commissions rather than before

federal courts.

In sum, at the relevant time, from 2003 to 2005, there had been no

information that would have allowed the European States to suspect that

some of the US flights that had landed in Europe had been used for the

transfer of prisoners.

2. The applicant

444. The applicant maintained that the international inquiries, the CIA

declassified documents, the 2014 US Senate Committee Report, other

abundant materials compiling most recent research on the operation of the

HVD Programme and expert testimony obtained by the Court provided a

wealth of compelling evidence supporting his allegations and rejecting the

Government’s arguments as utterly untenable.

In his view, it was established beyond reasonable doubt that Romania

had hosted a secret CIA prison in 2003-2005 and that he had been detained

in that prison.

(a) As regards the existence of a CIA secret detention facility in Romania and

the applicant

445. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report and other documentary

exhibits before the Court, as well as cogent and credible expert testimony

confirmed that the CIA detention site code-named “Bright Light” or

“Detention Site Black” had been located in Romania. The fact that a CIA

secret prison had been located in Romania had already been confirmed in



the 2007 Marty Report. In the Al Nashiri v. Poland judgment the Court had

quoted verbatim from the expert testimony of Senator Marty and Mr J.G.S.

stating that there had been a secret CIA detention site in Bucharest.

446. As regards evidence that had emerged after the above judgment, the

applicant attached particular importance to the 2014 US Senate Committee

Report, adding that it fully confirmed the Court’s factual findings in

Al Nashiri v. Poland, including those based on expert testimony and

documentary evidence.

Although the report did not refer to Romania by name, it was established

that publicly available information, when cross-referenced with references

to Detention Site Black confirmed that this site was “Bright Light”, a secret

CIA prison that had operated in Bucharest in 2003-2005. For example, the

2014 US Senate Committee Report stated that detainees had begun arriving

at Detention Site Black “in the fall of 2003”. It also stated that after

publication on 2 November 2005 of the Washington Post article by

Dana Priest disclosing that Eastern European countries had hosted CIA

“black sites”, the country concerned had demanded the closure of Detention

Site Black within hours and that the CIA had transferred the remaining CIA

detainees out of the facility shortly thereafter.

447. Furthermore, the 2015 LIBE Briefing stated that it had been

established beyond reasonable doubt that the CIA had used a facility in

Romania to hold prisoners, that the first of them had been transferred to this

facility on 22 September 2003 and that the last ones had been transferred

out of the facility in November 2005.

448. Lastly, the applicant relied on expert testimony at the fact-finding

hearing. Senator Marty had stated that there had been no shadow of doubt

that Romania had participated in the CIA programme. Mr J.G.S. had

testified that with the exception of the “black site” in Afghanistan, the

Romanian “black site” had operated for the longest period and held more

detainees than any other CIA “black site”. Mr J.G.S. and Mr Black had

confirmed that the applicant had been secretly detained in Romania. They

had also confirmed that the wealth of details about “Detention Site Black”

in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report all corresponded to details about

the Bucharest prison that the CIA code-named “Bright Light”, where the

applicant had been detained. As such, the report by itself, offered by no less

than the United States’ own Senate Intelligence Committee, based on

exhaustive review of US Government documents, rendered untenable the

Romanian Government’s claim that there was no evidence of a CIA prison

on Romanian territory.



(b) As regards the alleged inconsistencies in the applicant

the dates of his rendition to and from Romania and his secret detention in


449. In response to the Government’s arguments (see paragraphs 426-429

above), the applicant said that contrary to their assertions the application

had not stated that he had been detained in Romania for the entire period

between 6 June 2003 and 6 September 2006. Rather, it stated that he had

been detained in Romania for some time during that period. Moreover, after

the subsequent disclosure of the dossier submitted by Thomas Hammarberg,

the precise date on which the applicant was transferred to a CIA “black site”

in Romania had become clear – it had been 12 April 2004, on flight N85VM

from Guantánamo Bay to Bucharest.

450. The applicant further emphasised that, as regards the location of the

secret prison, it had become known only on 8 December 2011 when a news

report had identified for the first time the precise location of the CIA prison

in Romania, while at the same time confirming the applicant’s detention

there, and providing details of the ill-treatment of detainees. The report had

cited US intelligence officials familiar with the location and inner working

of the prison.

(c) As regards the planes landing in Romania between 22 September 2003 and

5 November 2005

451. The applicant maintained that it had been established beyond

reasonable doubt that planes associated with the CIA rendition operations

had landed and taken off from Romania at the material time. The annex to

the 2007 Romanian Senate Report listed forty-three flights that had been

considered suspicious by the Romanian authorities.

452. The Fava Report had “[e]xpresse[d] serious concern about the

21 stopovers made by CIA-operated aircraft at Romanian airports” which on

many occasions had come from or had been bound for countries linked with

extraordinary rendition circuits and the transfer of detainees. The list of

rendition planes included flight N85VM of 12 April 2004 on which the

applicant had been transferred to and from Romania.

The Fava Report further noted that a flight with registration number

N478GS had suffered an accident on 6 December 2004 when landing in

Bucharest. The aircraft had reportedly taken off from Bagram Air Base in

Afghanistan, and its seven passengers had disappeared following the

accident. The report expressed deep concern “that Romanian authorities

[had] not initiate[d] an official investigation process ... into the case of a

passenger on the aircraft Gulfstream N478G5, who [had been] found

carrying a Beretta 9 mm Parabellum pistol with ammunition”.

453. Furthermore, the applicant pointed out that the international

inquiries and the experts heard by the Court had identified the rendition

flights on which he had been transferred to and from Romania.



The finding in Mr Hammarberg’s dossier for the Romanian Prosecutor

General that the applicant had been transferred to Romania on 12 April

2004 on board N85VM, a flight clearly and consistently associated with the

rendition operations, had been confirmed by multiple reliable sources,

including the 2014 US Senate Committee Report and the reconstruction by

those experts of the applicant’s transfers in CIA custody.

454. As regards his possible transfer from Romania, the experts had

given two dates, agreeing on the most probable date, which constituted

sufficient evidence.

(d) As regards the Government

of information and evidence

455. The applicant submitted that the Government’s arguments

contesting the evidential value of the material before the Court should be

rejected in their entirety.

In his view, the Government’s submissions simply constituted an attempt

to discredit the findings of reputable officials like the Council of Europe’s

Commissioner for Human Rights and Senator Dick Marty, by arguing that

these findings were based solely on newspaper articles. In doing so, they

failed to take into account the fact that Mr Hammarberg and Senator Marty

had engaged in independent investigations and analysis of their own.

Indeed, Commissioner Hammarberg’s dossier for the Romanian

Prosecutor General had expressly drawn on the “original investigation and

the analysis undertaken by [his] Office during the six of years of [his]

mandate as Commissioner, among other sources of information”. Similarly,

the 2007 Marty Report had engaged in “analysis of thousands of

international flight records – and a network of sources established in

numerous countries”.

Further, as regards the statement in the 2007 Marty Report that Romania

had entered into a bilateral agreement with the US authorities, the applicant

pointed out that, contrary to the Government’s assertion, the fact that

Senator Marty had not seen the actual document did not undermine the

credibility of his claim that such an agreement had in fact existed, because

its existence had been verified by credible sources, some of whom had been

directly involved in negotiations that had led to this agreement. The fact that

such an agreement had been brokered had recently been corroborated by the

2014 US Senate Committee Report.

(e) As regards Romania

HVD Programme

456. For the applicant, there was no doubt that the Romanian authorities

had cooperated with the CIA in the HVD Programme. They had granted

licences and overflight permissions to facilitate the CIA rendition flights.

The AACR’s officials had collaborated with Jeppesen (and, by extension,



with Jeppesen’s client, the CIA) by accepting the task of navigating

disguised flights into Romanian airports.

457. As set forth in the 2007 Marty Report, Romania had entered into a

bilateral agreement with the United States. The report had named individual

office-holders who had known about, authorised and stood accountable for

Romania’s role in the CIA’s operation of secret detention facilities on

Romanian territory from 2003 to 2005 as follows: the former President of

Romania (up to 20 December 2004), Ion Iliescu; the then President of

Romania (20 December 2004 onwards), Traian Băsescu; the Presidential

Advisor on National Security (until 20 December 2004). Ioan Talpeş; the

Minister of National Defence (ministerial oversight up to 20 December

2004), Ioan Mircea Pascu; and the Head of the Directorate for Military

Intelligence, Sergiu Tudor Medar.

458. Romania had therefore participated in the applicant’s ill-treatment

and incommunicado detention by entering into that agreement and giving

the US the “full extent of permissions and protections it sought” for

conducting secret detention and rendition operations on Romanian territory;

issuing an order to Romanian military intelligence services on behalf of the

President to provide the CIA with all the facilities they had required and to

protect their operations in whichever way they had requested; providing the

use of a Romanian Government building for hosting the secret prison where

Al Nashiri had been detained; actively assisting the landing, departures and

stopovers of secret CIA rendition flights including flights which had

transported Al Nashiri in and out of Romania; and failing to disclose the

truth and effectively investigate the existence of a secret CIA prison and

rendition flights in Romania.

459. Consequently, the applicant’s torture and secret detention, as well

as his transfer from Romania in the face of real risks of further torture,

secret detention and the death penalty could be attributed to the Romanian

State because these acts had occurred on Romanian territory with the

acquiescence and connivance of the Romanian authorities and because

Romania had failed to fulfil its positive obligations to prevent these acts,

despite being on notice that they would occur.

460. Lastly, citing Al Nashiri v. Poland the applicant emphasised that in

that case the Court had found that CIA rendition operations had “largely

depended on cooperation, assistance and active involvement of the countries

which put at the USA’s disposal their airspace, airports for the landing of

aircraft transporting CIA prisoners and, last but not least, premises on which

the prisoners could be securely detained and interrogated” and that “the

cooperation and various forms of assistance of those authorities, such as for

instance customising the premises for the CIA’s needs, ensuring security

and providing the logistics [had been] the necessary condition for the

effective operation of the CIA secret detention facilities”. This was true with

respect to Romania. Just as the Court had found it inconceivable that Poland



had not known about the secret detention of prisoners on its territory, it was

simply inconceivable that Romania had not known that it had been hosting a

secret prison.

(f) As regards Romania


461. The







intentionally, and actively collaborated and colluded with the CIA’s

extraordinary rendition programme, thereby enabling the CIA to subject him

to secret detention and ill-treatment in Romania.

462. The Romanian authorities should have known that high-value

detainees would be tortured and ill-treated. Their close degree of

cooperation with the CIA’s secret detention operations in Romania must

have put Romanian authorities on notice of the prisoners being at risk of

secret detention and ill-treatment.

In addition, Romania had had notice of the secret detention, torture and

mistreatment of prisoners because of international and Romanian news

reports, reports of the UN and human rights organisations and European

legal cases that had documented US mistreatment of detainees suspected of

terrorism at the material time. The Romanian Government were also

presumed to have known of the CIA’s secret detention, torture, and ill-

treatment of terrorism suspects through its diplomatic missions.

463. As the 2007 Marty Report had concluded, Romania had been

“knowingly complicit in the CIA’s secret detention programme” and senior

Romanian officials had “[known] about, authorised, and [stood] accountable

for Romania’s role” in the CIA’s secret detention and rendition operations

on Romanian territory”.

464. Furthermore, the 2014 US Senate Committee Report had confirmed

that the Romanian authorities had known that they had been hosting a secret

prison and had attempted to cover up this fact. Indeed, the report observed

that the Romanian authorities had “entered into an agreement” in 2002 with

the US to host the prison, and that the US had paid the Romanian authorities

“millions of dollars to host the prison”. It also confirmed that within hours

of The Washington Post reporting in November 2005 that Eastern European

countries had hosted secret CIA prisons, the Romanian authorities had

insisted on closing the CIA prison on their territory.

465. In the applicant’s submission, the evidence before the Court

demonstrated that it was the Romanian authorities which had given the CIA

permission to run a secret prison in Bucharest, it was the Romanian

authorities who had given the CIA permission to use dummy flight plans to

secretly land rendition planes carrying prisoners in and out of the country,

and it was Romanian authorities who had given the CIA extraordinary

security cover for their operations in Romania.



As expert J.G.S had said at the fact-finding hearing: “it [was] quite clear

that the Romanian authorities not only should have known but did know of

the nature and purpose of the CIA’s secret operations on their territory”. He

had also testified that this level of cooperation had depended on

authorisation by the highest levels in the Romanian Government. The 2014

US Senate Committee Report had confirmed this. Mr J.G.S and Mr Black

had testified that the Romanian authorities had known the nature and

purpose of the CIA activities on Romanian territory because the CIA had

paid Romania millions of dollars as a subsidy to host the prisoners.

Moreover, the 2014 US Senate Committee Report had also established that

it had been at the insistence of the Romanian Government that Detention

Site Black had been ultimately closed. The Romanian Government had

demanded closure of the CIA prison within hours from the publication of

the November 2005 Washington Post article disclosing that CIA “black

sites” had existed in Eastern Europe. This clearly confirmed that for as long

as the CIA prison had existed on Romanian territory, it had been there with

the Romanian Government’s consent.

466. The applicant referred to the Court’s finding in Al Nashiri

v. Poland (cited above) that by June 2003 it was widely known that the US

rendition programme had involved secret detention in overseas locations. It

stood to reason that Romania, which had hosted a secret CIA prison after

Poland and had enabled the applicant’s transfers from its territory well after

June 2003, indeed in 2005, had known by then that there had been

substantial grounds for believing that the applicant had faced all of these


467. As regards the statements of Mr Iliescu’s and Mr Talpeş, the

applicant maintained that the Government’s submission was yet another

example of their consistent refusal to acknowledge the truth about their

hosting of a secret CIA prison on Romanian territory. In particular, the

Government had quoted selectively from the statement of witness Z,

denying that Romania had hosted a secret CIA prison. But a closer look at

that statement revealed that Z had actually admitted that the Romanian

authorities had supplied a “location” to the CIA.

468. In this connection, the applicant further referred to testimony given

by witnesses X, Y and Z, saying that their statements expressly conceded

that CIA flights had landed in Bucharest. In particular, X had said that

Romania had partnership relations with similar institutions from other

States, including equivalent structures in the United States of America. He

also stated that in the framework of these bilateral relations, civil aircraft

hired by the partner services on which their representatives travelled had

landed at Bucharest Băneasa Airport. Witness Z had confirmed that US

government officials had asked the Romanian authorities to provide some

locations on Romania’s territory for the deployment of actions meant to

fight the dangers of international terrorism and which were to be used by the



CIA and that the authorities had “offer[ed] a location for CIA activities”‘. In

his September 2013 statement Z had acknowledged that there had been

“concrete agreements” that had made possible the operation of the special

US flights in Romania and that those flights had not been “under any

obligation to obey usual rules imposed on civil flights”.

Moreover, Y testified that, in the context of Romania’s strategic

objective of “NATO and European Union integration”, it had been possible

that CIA offices had been run on Romanian territory.

469. Lastly, the applicant reiterated that all the experts heard by the

Court at the fact-finding hearing had stated, in unambiguous terms, that

Romania not only ought to have known but must have known and had

known of the nature and the purpose of the CIA’s secret operations

occurring on its territory.

B. Joint submissions by Amnesty International (AI) and the

International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) on public knowledge of

the US practices in respect of captured terrorist suspects

470. Referring to any knowledge of the US authorities’ practices in

respect of suspected terrorist attributable to any Contracting State to the

Convention at the relevant time, AI/ICJ pointed to, among other things, to

the following facts that had been a matter of public knowledge.

471. The interveners first emphasised that they had shown in their

submissions in El-Masri and Al Nashiri v. Poland (both cited above) that, at

least by June 2003, there had been substantial credible evidence in the

public domain that in the context of what the USA called the global “war on

terror”, US forces had been engaging in enforced disappearances, secret

detentions, arbitrary detentions, secret detainee transfers, and torture or

other ill-treatment. Further, the submissions showed that, by presidential

military order, the USA had established military commissions – executive

tribunals with the power to hand down death sentences – for the prosecution

of selected non-US nationals accused of involvement in terrorism in

proceedings that would not comply with international fair trial standards.

472. A February 2004 confidential report of the ICRC on Coalition

abuses in Iraq, leaked in 2004 and published in the media at that time, found

that detainees labelled by the USA as “high-value” were at particular risk of

torture and other ill-treatment and “high value detainees” had been held for

months in a facility at Baghdad International Airport in conditions that

violated international law.

473. In its annual reports covering the years 2004 and 2005, distributed

widely to governments and the media, AI had reported on the growing body

of evidence of human rights violations committed by US forces in the

counter- terrorism context and stated that these violations, including secret

detention and rendition, were continuing. In addition to individual country



entries, the global overview pages of both reports addressed US abuses in

the “war on terror”. For example, in the report covering 2005 this overview

showed how during the year, it had become “increasingly clear how many

countries had colluded or participated in supporting US abusive policies and

practices in the ‘war on terror’, including torture, ill-treatment secret and

unlimited detentions, and unlawful cross-border transfers”.

474. In June 2004 The Washington Post published a leaked 1 August

2002 memorandum written in the US Department of Justice’s Office of

Legal Counsel at the request of the CIA. The memo advised, inter alia, that

“under the circumstances of the current war against al Qaeda and its allies”,

presidential authority could override the US anti-torture law, that even if an

interrogation method did violate that law “necessity or self-defense could

provide justifications that would eliminate any criminal liability”, and that

there was a “significant range of acts” that, while constituting cruel,

inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, “fail to rise to the level of

torture” and need not be criminalised.

475. In October 2004 AI published a 200-page long analysis of US

violations in the “war on terror” and of the US Government documents that

had come into the public domain, and including case details of secret

transfers of detainees, the alleged existence of secret detention facilities and

torture and other ill treatment.

476. In May 2005, AI published a 150-page long report on US abuses in

the “war on terror”, which included cases of alleged torture or other

ill-treatment, deaths in custody, military commission proceedings, rendition

flights, and the cases of “high-value detainees” allegedly held in CIA

custody in secret locations in Afghanistan and elsewhere and being

subjected to enforced disappearance. The cases described included those of

Tanzanian national Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani and German national Khaled


477. In sum, as the Court held in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above),

already by June 2003 it had been clear that States had known or should have

known about the USA’s rendition and secret detention programme and

about the grave human rights violations it entailed as well as allegations of

torture and other ill-treatment by US personnel, the indefinite detention

regime at Guantánamo and the prospect of unfair trials by the military

commission. As detailed above, the body of evidence regarding the USA’s

rendition and secret detention programme had only grown between June

2003 and September 2006. The USA’s use of the death penalty remained

well-known during this period and the US administration pursued the death

penalty from 2002 to 2006 in the high-profile federal prosecution of

Zacarias Moussaoui for terrorism offences, as well as moving ahead with a

military commission system with the power to hand down death sentences.



C. The parties

478. The parties expressed opposing views on the issues concerning the

standard and burden of proof to be applied in the present case.

1. The Government

479. The Government once again reiterated that there was no conclusive

evidence that the Romanian authorities had in any way participated in the

CIA rendition programme by hosting a secret prison for high-value

detainees or by any other means.

They agreed with the applicant (see paragraph 488 below) that the Court

had accepted that in its establishment of facts and assessment of evidence

the co-existence of sufficiently strong, clear and coherent inferences might

be considered a proof. Yet in the applicant’s case no such inferences


480. In the Government’s view, the applicant had adopted a strategy of

persuading the Court that the Romanian authorities, including the

intelligence services and army, had shared the responsibility for gross

violations of human rights during the so-called “rendition programme”

based on the idea of, in his view, striking similarities between the present

case and El-Masri (cited above).

However, in order for the Court to shift the burden of proof, the applicant

was required to establish a prima facie case in favour of his version of

events. In the El-Masri case, that applicant’s presence on Macedonian

territory at the material time had not been disputed. His detention and

interrogation in “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, together

with his surrender to the US authorities, had not been refuted either. In

contrast, in the instant case no detention facility had been established with

certainty, there was no certainty as to the flights on which the applicant had

allegedly been transferred to and from Romania, and the exact period of the

applicant’s alleged detention in Romania had remained unclear.

481. Furthermore, Mr El-Masri’s description of the circumstances of his

detention and torture had been, as the Court held, “very detailed, specific

and consistent”. Conversely, in the present case the Court was confronted

with the applicant’s incoherent allegations.

As opposed to El-Masri, where a significant amount of evidence had

corroborated the applicant’s allegations and had given rise to concordant

inferences, in the present case no evidence had been put forward, save for

the reports which relied on one another. It was true that the Court had held

in the El-Masri judgment that it might examine a case by “drawing

inferences from the available material and the authorities’ conduct” and had

concluded that the applicant had prevailed in his claims. Yet in the instant

case there was no such material and the authorities’ conduct had been, if not

beyond any criticism, proactive and had demonstrated good faith. Without



any intention to attack and discredit the reports of reputable officials or non-

governmental organisations, the Government insisted that the truth emerged

at the end of a process of gathering evidence, failing which all the

allegations remained simple claims.

482. The Government further said that they were fully aware of the

Court’s standards of proof in cases involving injuries, death or

disappearances that occurred in detention in an area within the exclusive

control of the authorities of the respondent State, if there was prima facie

evidence that the State might be involved. Nevertheless, they contended that

a serious explanation, even if not a final one, had already been provided by

the Romanian authorities since a serious and independent investigation was

still pending before the national authorities.

483. In view of the foregoing, the Government invited the Court to hold

that there was no prima facie evidence in favour of the applicant’s version

of events and that, therefore, the burden of proof could not be shifted.

They added, however, that they could not give a final version of the facts

since the domestic investigation had not yet been completed.

2. The applicant

484. The applicant maintained that he had adduced strong, clear and

concordant facts in support of his claims. In contrast, the Romanian

Government had continued to cover up the truth. The Government had an

unprecedented advantage over the applicant. They had all the relevant facts

in their possession because they had entered into an agreement to host the

secret CIA prison, because they had operationalised that agreement, and

because they had covered it all up. In contrast, the applicant, still detained at

the remote location of Guantánamo Bay, was gagged from speaking of his

treatment in Romania.

485. The applicant reiterated that he had established more than a prima

facie case that he had been detained and tortured in Romania under the

HVD Programme (see paragraphs 404-405 above). According to the Court’s

case-law, the burden of proof now shifted to Romania, particularly because

Romania had “exclusive access to information” and witnesses who could

corroborate or refute the applicant’s case. However, the Government had

failed to provide any such explanation; instead, they engaged in a pattern

and practice of obfuscation and denial with respect to the events complained

of. They had done so in the context of unprecedented secrecy maintained by

the United States and its partner governments with respect to secret

detention and extraordinary rendition operations.

486. Where, as in the present case, the events at issue lay wholly or in

large part within the exclusive knowledge of the authorities, the burden of

proof could be regarded as resting on the authorities to provide a

satisfactory and convincing explanation. Where, as in this case, the

authorities had failed to provide a convincing explanation and failed to



conduct an effective investigation, despite being on notice, at least since

November 2005, of the fact that Romania had hosted a secret CIA prison,

the Court was entitled to draw inferences adverse to the authorities.

487. The applicant emphasised that the Court had consistently applied

these principles in cases involving injuries, death or disappearances that

occurred in detention, including cases where, as here, the Government

denied that the individual had been in Government custody at the time of

the events at issue. It had also applied these principles where persons had

been found dead or injured, or had disappeared, in an area within the

exclusive control of the authorities of the State and there had been prima

facie evidence that the State might be involved. As the Grand Chamber

reiterated in El-Masri, prima facie evidence could itself be provided by

proof in the form of concordant inferences, based on which the burden of

proof was shifted to the respondent Government.

488. Furthermore, in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above) the Court had

established that it was appropriate to adopt a flexible approach towards the

evaluation of evidence. The Court had observed that although it had adopted

the “beyond reasonable doubt” standard of proof, it also “adopt[ed] the

conclusions that [were], in its view, supported by the free evaluation of all

evidence, including such inferences as [might] flow from the facts and the

parties submissions”. Proof could thus “follow from the coexistence of

sufficiently strong, clear and concordant inferences or of similar unrebutted

presumptions of fact”. In addition, in assessing the evidence, the Court had

also taken note of the unique set of constraints on the applicant which had

precluded him from testifying about his detention before the Court and of

“the very nature and extreme secrecy of the CIA operations in the course of

the ‘war on terror’”.

489. The applicant argued that the same constraints applied in his case

against Romania. Indeed, he had been virtually isolated in Guantánamo and

unable to talk publicly about his torture and ill-treatment or even submit a

statement to the Court because the US authorities had taken the position that

his thoughts and memories about his experiences under torture were

classified information. Accordingly, they had prohibited him from sharing

these experiences with anyone other than his US lawyers, who were

prevented from revealing what they had been told by their client on pain of

criminal sanction.

Despite the extreme secrecy associated with CIA operations and his

inability to address the Court directly, the applicant considered that he had

submitted ample evidence in support of his factual claims. Indeed, the

documentary and expert evidence offered by him and heard by the Court in

the present case was, in his view, akin to the evidence that had been given

credence by the Court in Al Nashiri v. Poland.



D. The Court

1. Applicable principles deriving from the Court’s case-law

490. The Court is sensitive to the subsidiary nature of its role and has

consistently recognised that it must be cautious in taking on the role of a

first-instance tribunal of fact, where this is not rendered unavoidable by the

circumstances of a particular case (see Imakayeva v. Russia, no. 7615/02,

§ 113, ECHR 2006-XIII (extracts); Aslakhanova and Others v. Russia,

nos. 2944/06, 8300/07, 50184/07, 332/08 and 42509/10, § 96, 18 December

2012; El-Masri, cited above, § 154; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above,

§ 393; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 393).

Nonetheless, in cases where there are conflicting accounts of events, the

Court’s examination necessarily involves the task of establishing facts on

which the parties disagree. In such situations the Court is inevitably

confronted when establishing the facts with the same difficulties as those

faced by any first-instance court (see El-Masri, cited above, § 151; and

Imakayeva, cited above, §§ 111-112).

491. In assessing evidence, the Court has adopted the standard of proof

“beyond reasonable doubt”. However, it has never been its purpose to

borrow the approach of the national legal systems which use that standard.

Its role is not to rule on criminal guilt or civil liability but on Contracting

States’ responsibility under the Convention. The specificity of its task under

Article 19 of the Convention – to ensure the observance by the Contracting

States of their engagement to secure the fundamental rights enshrined in the

Convention – conditions its approach to the issues of evidence and proof. In

the proceedings before the Court, there are no procedural barriers to the

admissibility of evidence or pre-determined formulae for its assessment. It

adopts the conclusions that are, in its view, supported by the free evaluation

of all evidence, including such inferences as may flow from the facts and

the parties’ submissions.

According to the Court’s established case-law, proof may follow from

the coexistence of sufficiently strong, clear and concordant inferences or of

similar unrebutted presumptions of fact. Moreover, the level of persuasion

necessary for reaching a particular conclusion and, in this connection, the

distribution of the burden of proof, are intrinsically linked to the specificity

of the facts, the nature of the allegation made and the Convention right at

stake. The Court is also attentive to the seriousness that attaches to a ruling

that a Contracting State has violated fundamental rights (see, among other

examples, Ireland v. the United Kingdom, 18 January 1978, § 161, Series A

no. 25; Nachova and Others v. Bulgaria [GC], nos. 43577/98 and 43579/98,

§ 147, ECHR 2005-VII; Creangă v. Romania [GC], no. 29226/03, § 88,

23 February 2012; El-Masri, cited above, § 151; Georgia v. Russia (I) [GC],

no. 13255/07, §§ 93-94, ECHR 2014 (extracts); Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited



above, § 394; Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 394; and

Nasr and Ghali, cited above, § 119).

492. While it is for the applicant to make a prima facie case and adduce

appropriate evidence, if the respondent Government in their response to his

allegations fail to disclose crucial documents to enable the Court to establish

the facts or otherwise provide a satisfactory and convincing explanation of

how the events in question occurred, strong inferences can be drawn (see

Varnava and Others v. Turkey [GC], nos. 16064/90, 16065/90, 16066/90,

16068/90, 16069/90, 16070/90, 16071/90, 16072/90 and 16073/90, § 184,

ECHR 2009, with further references; Kadirova and Others v. Russia,

no. 5432/07, § 94, 27 March 2012; Aslakhanova and Others, cited above,

§ 97; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 395; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah)

v. Poland, cited above, § 395).

493. Furthermore, the Convention proceedings do not in all cases lend

themselves to a strict application of the principle affirmanti incumbit

probatio. According to the Court’s case-law under Articles 2 and 3 of the

Convention, where the events in issue lie wholly, or in large part, within the

exclusive knowledge of the authorities, for instance as in the case of persons

under their control in custody, strong presumptions of fact will arise in

respect of injuries and death occurring during that detention. The burden of

proof in such a case may be regarded as resting on the authorities to provide

a satisfactory and convincing explanation (see Çakıcı v. Turkey [GC],

no. 23657/94, § 85, ECHR 1999-IV; Salman v. Turkey [GC], no. 21986/93,

§ 100, ECHR 2000-VII; and Imakayeva, cited above, §§ 114-115; El-Masri,

cited above, § 152; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 396; Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 396; and Nasr and Ghali, cited above,

§ 220).

In the absence of such explanation the Court can draw inferences which

may be unfavourable for the respondent Government (see El-Masri, cited

above, § 152).

2. Preliminary considerations concerning the establishment of the facts

and assessment of evidence in the present case

494. The Court has already noted that it is not in a position to receive a

direct account of the events complained of from the applicant (see

paragraph 16 above; also, compare and contrast with other previous cases

involving complaints about torture, ill-treatment in custody or unlawful

detention, for example, El-Masri, cited above, §§ 16-36 and 156-167;

Selmouni v. France [GC], no. 25803/94, §§ 13-24, ECHR 1999-V; Jalloh

v. Germany [GC], no. 54810/00, §§ 16-18, ECHR 2006-IX; and Ilaşcu

and Others v. Moldova and Russia [GC], no. 48787/99, §§ 188-211,

ECHR 2004-VII).

495. The regime applied to high-value detainees such as the applicant is

described in detail in the CIA declassified documents, the 2014 US Senate



Committee Report and also, on the basis, inter alia, of the applicant’s own

account, in the 2007 ICRC Report. That regime included transfers of

detainees to multiple locations and involved holding them incommunicado

in continuous solitary confinement throughout the entire period of their









unpredictable conditions of detention were specifically designed to deepen

their sense of disorientation and isolation. The detainees were usually

unaware of their exact location (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above,

§§ 397-398; Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, §§ 397-398;

and paragraphs 48-58, 85 and 293 above).

496. As held in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above, § 399) and as can be

seen from the material cited above (see paragraphs 98-140 above), since an

unknown date in mid-October 2002 the applicant has not had contact with

the outside world, save the ICRC team in October and December 2006, the

military commission’s members and his US counsel. It has also been

submitted that the applicant’s communications with the outside world are

virtually non-existent and that his communications with his US counsel and

his account of experiences in CIA custody are presumptively classified (see

paragraph 482 above).

497. The above difficulties involved in gathering and producing

evidence in the present case caused by the restrictions on the applicant’s

contact with the outside world and the extreme secrecy surrounding the

US rendition operations have inevitably had an impact on his ability to

plead his case before this Court. Indeed, in his application and further

written pleadings the events complained of were to a considerable extent

reconstructed from threads of information gleaned from numerous public


Consequently, the Court’s establishment of the facts of the case is to a

great extent based on circumstantial evidence, including a large amount of

evidence obtained through the international inquiries, considerably redacted

documents released by the CIA, the declassified 2014 US Senate Committee

Report, other public sources and the testimony of the experts heard by the

Court (see also Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 400, and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 400).

498. It is also to be noted that while the Government have firmly denied

the applicant’s allegations in so far as they concerned Romania and

contested the credibility of various parts of the evidence before the Court,

they have not disputed the fact that he was subjected to secret detention and

ill-treatment under the HVD Programme. Nor have they disputed his

version of the circumstances preceding his alleged rendition to Romania on

12 April 2004 (see paragraphs 395-402 and 419-443 above).

However, the facts complained of in the present case are part of a chain

of events lasting from mid-October 2002 to 5 September 2006 and

concerning various countries. The examination of the case necessarily



involves the establishment of links between the dates and periods relevant to

the applicant’s detention and a sequence of alleged rendition flights to the

countries concerned. As a result, the Court’s establishment of the facts and

assessment of evidence cannot be limited to the events that according to the

applicant allegedly took place in Romania but must, in so far as it is

necessary and relevant for the findings in the present case, take into account

the circumstances occurring before and after his alleged detention in

Romania (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 401-417, and Husayn

(Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, §§ 401-419).

3. As regards the establishment of the facts and assessment of evidence

relevant to the applicant’s allegations concerning his transfers and

secret detention by the CIA before his rendition to Romania

(mid-October 2002-April 2004)

(a) Period from mid-October 2002 to 6 June 2003

499. The Court has already established beyond reasonable doubt the

facts concerning the applicant’s capture, rendition and secret detention until

6 June 2003, the date of his rendition on plane N379P from Poland to

another CIA secret detention facility (see Al Nashiri v. Poland , cited above,

§§ 401-417). The relevant passages from Al Nashiri v. Poland containing

the Court’s findings of fact are cited above (see paragraph 98 above). Some

additional elements, which are all fully consistent with the Court’s

establishment of the facts in that case, can also be found in the 2014 US

Senate Committee Report (see paragraphs 99-101 above).

(b) Whether the applicant

transfers in CIA custody from 6 June 2003 (transfer out of Poland) to an

unspecified two-digit date in April 2004 (transfer out of Guantánamo)

were proved before the Court

500. It is alleged that before being rendered by the CIA on 12 April

2004 from Guantánamo to Romania on board N85VM the applicant had

been detained in other CIA secret detention facilities abroad (see

paragraphs 115-116 above).

501. In Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above, §§ 408 and 417) the Court

held as follows:

“408. In the light of that accumulated evidence, there can be no doubt that:


2) the N379P, also known as “Guantánamo Express”, a Gulfstream V with capacity

for eighteen passengers but usually configured for eight, arrived in Szymany on

5 June 2003 at 01:00 from Kabul, Afghanistan. It stayed on the runway for over two

hours and then departed for Rabat, Morocco.




417. Assessing all the above facts and evidence as a whole, the Court finds it

established beyond reasonable doubt that:


4) on 6 June 2003 the applicant was transferred by the CIA from Poland on the CIA

rendition aircraft N379P.”

502. Referring to this point in time, the 2014 US Senate Committee

Report states that from June 2003 onwards “the CIA transferred Al Nashiri

to five different CIA detention facilities before he was transferred to US

military custody on 5 September 2006” (see paragraph 102 above). It further

states that in 2003 the CIA arranged for a “temporary patch”, which meant

placing the applicant and another detainee – Ramzi bin al-Shibh – in a

country whose name was redacted and that by an unspecified – redacted –

date in 2003 both of them were transferred out of that country to

Guantánamo (see paragraph 109 above).

There can therefore be no doubt that between his transfer from Poland on

6 June 2003 and his transfer to Guantánamo on an unspecified later date in

2003 the applicant was for some time held by the CIA in another country –

the first one out of five in which he would be secretly detained between

6 June 2003 and 5 September 2006.

503. Mr J.G.S. testified that the country in question was identifiable as

Morocco and that on 6 June 2003 the plane N379P had taken the applicant

and Ramzi bin al-Shibh from Poland to Rabat, Morocco to a facility that at

that time had been let to the CIA by their Moroccan counterparts. He stated

that the applicant had remained there until 23 September 2003, the date on

which he had been transported on plane N313P from Rabat to Guantánamo

(see paragraphs 107-108 and 110 above).

504. The N313P rendition circuit of 20-24 September 2003 was

analysed in detail in Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, where the Court

held that on 22 September 2003 Mr Abu Zubaydah had been transferred by

the CIA from Poland on board that plane to another CIA secret detention

facility elsewhere. It also held that this flight had marked the end of

CIA-associated aircraft landings in Poland and the closure of the CIA

“black site” codenamed “Quartz” in that country (see Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, §§ 414 and 419). The collation of data

from multiple sources shows that the plane left Washington D.C. on

20 September 2003 and undertook a four-day flight circuit during which it

landed in six countries. It flew from Rabat to Guantánamo on the night of

23 September 2003, landing there in the morning of 24 September 2003 (see

paragraphs 111-112, 274, 326, 337, 356 and 374 above).

According to the RCAA letter of 29 July 2009, N379P’s itinerary was

Szczytno airport in Szymany, Poland-Constanţa-Rabat but the airport at

which it landed in Romania was Băneasa Airport in Bucharest (see

paragraphs 113 and 326 above). This information is consistent with

evidence heard from Mr J.G.S., who in Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland



testified that “this particular flight circuit was again disguised by dummy

flight planning although significantly not in respect of Poland” and that

“since this visit to Szymany was comprised solely of a pick-up of the

remaining detainees, the CIA declared Szymany as a destination openly and

instead disguised its onward destinations of Bucharest and Rabat, hence

demonstrating that the methodology of disguised flight planning continued

for the second European site in Bucharest, Romania” (see Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 312; and paragraph 112 above).

505. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report confirms that “beginning in

September 2003” the CIA held its detainees at CIA facilities in Guantánamo

and that by a – redacted but clearly two-digit – date in April 2004 “all five

CIA detainees were transferred from Guantánamo to other CIA detention

facilities” pending the US Supreme Court’s ruling in Rasul v. Bush which,

as the US authorities expected, “might grant habeas corpus rights to the five

CIA detainees”. The transfer was preceded by consultations among the US

authorities in February 2004. It was recommended by the US Department of

Justice (see paragraphs 62 and 114 above).

506. In the light of the material in its possession, the Court finds no

counter evidence capable of casting doubt on the accuracy of the expert’s

conclusions regarding the above sequence of events, the places of the

applicant’s secret detention and the dates of his transfers during the relevant


507. Accordingly, the Court finds it established beyond reasonable

doubt that:

(1) on 6 June 2003 on board the rendition plane N379P the applicant

was transferred by the CIA from Szymany, Poland to Rabat, Morocco;

(2) from 6 June to 23 September 2003 the applicant was detained in

Morocco at a facility used by the CIA;

(3) on 23 September 2003 on board the rendition plane N313P the

applicant was transferred by the CIA from Rabat to Guantánamo; and

(4) the applicant was detained in Guantánamo until a two-digit date in

April 2004 (redacted in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report), then

transferred by the CIA to another detention facility elsewhere.

4. As regards the establishments of the facts and assessment of

evidence relevant to the applicant’s allegations concerning his

rendition by the CIA to Romania, secret detention in Romania and

transfer by the CIA out of Romania (12 April 2004 to 6 October or

5 November 2005)

(a) Whether a CIA detention facility existed in Romania at the time alleged by

the applicant (22 September 2003

508. It is alleged that a CIA secret detention facility operated in

Romania from 22 September 2003 to the first days of November 2005,



when it was closed following the publication of Dana Priest’s report on CIA

overseas clandestine prisons in Eastern Europe in The Washington Post on

2 November 2005 (see, in particular, paragraphs 445-448 above). The

Government denied that a CIA detention facility had ever existed on

Romania’s territory (see, in particular, paragraphs 420-425 above).

509. The Court notes at the outset that the following facts are either

uncontested or have been confirmed by the Court’s findings in Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland and flight data from numerous sources, including the

documents produced by the respondent Government:

(a) On 22 September 2003 plane N313P arrived in Szymany, Poland en

route from Kabul, left on the same day for Romania and, having indicated in

its flight plan Constanţa as its destination, in fact landed at Bucharest

Băneasa Airport. On 23 September 2003 the plane took off from Bucharest

for Rabat (see Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, §§ 408

and 419; and paragraphs 112-113, 326 and 504 above).

(b) On 5 November 2005 plane N1HC, having indicated in its flight plan

Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport in Constanţa as its destination, in

fact landed at Băneasa Airport in Bucharest and on the same day took off

from Bucharest for Amman.

(c) On 5 November 2005 plane N248AB arrived in Amman at 23:49 and

on 6 November 2005, on the same night, left for Kabul;

(d) On the same night of 5-6 November 2005 both N1HC and N248AB

were in the same airport in Amman between 00:21 (N1HC’s landing) and

00:55 (N248AB’s departure) (see paragraph 135 above).

510. It has not been disputed by the Government that the Washington

Post publication was the first one in which East European countries were

mentioned in the context of the HVD Programme (see paragraphs 236 and

421 above).

It was followed by subsequent, more specific reports.

On 6 November 2005 Human Rights Watch, in the 2005 HRW

Statement, indicated Poland and Romania as the CIA accomplices in the

HVD Programme (see paragraphs 226-227 above).

That statement was followed by the HRW List of 30 November 2005

which referred to “ghost prisoners”, including the applicant, considered to

be possibly held in secret detention by the CIA (see paragraph 228 above).

A few days later, on 5 December 2005, an ABC News report named

Poland and Romania as countries hosting CIA secret prisons and listed the

names of eleven top al-Qaeda terrorist suspects, including the applicant,

being held in CIA custody. It also stated that, according to the CIA sources,

the US authorities had “scrambled to get all the suspects off the European

soil before Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived there today” (see

paragraph 237 above).

511. Nor has it been disputed that the above disclosures soon triggered a

number of international inquiries into the CIA rendition and secret detention



operations and allegations of torture and ill-treatment of prisoners. The

multiple investigations by international governmental organisations started

with the Council of Europe’s inquiry under Article 52 of the Convention

and the Marty Inquiry, followed by the European Parliament’s Fava Inquiry,

the 2010 UN Joint Study and the investigative work of the Council of

Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights carried out until 2012. Also, in

that context, the ICRC independently prepared its earlier, confidential

reports and the 2007 ICRC Report (see paragraphs 246-280, 290

and 294-296 above). As a follow-up to the Fava Report, the European

Parliament LIBE Committee still continues to investigate the issue of the

CIA secret prisons in Europe (see paragraphs 282-290 above).

512. The initial 2006-2007 reports drawn up in the framework of the

inquiries conducted by the international governmental organisations

confirmed consistently, albeit in various terms, that there was at least a

strong suspicion that a CIA clandestine detention site had operated in


(a) The 2006 Marty Report stated that, while the factual elements

gathered so far had not provided definitive evidence of secret detention

centres, Romania was “thus far the only Council of Europe member state to

be located on one of the rendition circuits” which bore “all the

characteristics of a detainee drop-off point”. The rendition circuit in

question was executed on 25 January 2004 by plane N313P which, before

landing in Romania, on 23 January 2004 rendered Mr El-Masri from Skopje

to the CIA ”black site” in Kabul (see paragraphs 253 and 327-330 above

and El Masri, cited above, §§ 21 and 157-158).

(b) The 2007 Marty Report affirmed that there was “now enough

evidence to state that secret detention facilities run by the CIA [had] existed

in Europe from 2003 to 2005, in particular in Poland and Romania” (see

paragraph 258 above). It stated that “Romania [had been] developed into a

site in which more detainees were transferred only as the HVD Programme

[had] expanded”. It was Senator Marty’s understanding that “the Romanian

“black site” [had been] incorporated into the programme in 2003, attained

its greatest significance in 2004 and operated until the second half of 2005”

(see paragraph 261 above).

The report also referred to the “clear inconsistencies in the flight data”

provided by various Romanian sources, when compared with data gathered

by the Marty Inquiry independently. The disagreement between these

sources was found to be “too fundamental and widespread to be explained

away by simple administrative glitches, or even by in-flight changes of

destinations by Pilots-in-Command, which were communicated to one

authority but not to another”. In sum, the report stated that “presently there

exist[ed] no truthful account of detainee transfer flights to Romania” (see

paragraph 264 above).



Senator Marty in the 2006 and 2007 Marty Reports, as well as in his

affidavit of 24 April 2013 and testimony given at the fact-finding hearing

before the Court explained comprehensively the methodology adopted in his

inquiry and the sources of information on the basis of which the respective

findings had been made (see paragraphs 258, 262, 354 and 379 above).

(c) The Fava Report expressed “serious concern” about twenty-one

stopovers made by the CIA-operated aircraft at Romanian airports, which

on most occasions had come from or been bound for countries linked with

extraordinary rendition circuits.

It was also found that five flight plans had been filed with inconsistencies

as they had indicated a landing airport which had not corresponded with the

subsequent take-off airport (see paragraphs 271 and 274 above). Moreover,

the Fava Report identified three aircraft with multiple stopovers in Romania

that already at that early stage of the inquiries into the HVD Programme had

been known to have been involved in the CIA rendition operations.

Among those aircraft was N85VM, conclusively identified as having

been used for the rendition of Mr Osama Mustafa Nasr aka Abu Omar from

Germany to Egypt on 17 February 2003 (see also Nasr and Ghali, cited

above, §§ 39, 112 and 231) and N313P conclusively identified as having

been used for the rendition of Mr El-Masri from Skopje to Kabul on

23 January 2004 (see El-Masri, cited above, §§ 67 and 157-159).

The report also listed flights from suspicious locations that stopped over

in Romania in 2003-2005. The first flight N313P, from Szymany, Poland to

Bucharest, en route to Rabat, took place on 22 September 2003, the last one,

N1HC, from Bucharest to Amman, took place on 5 November 2005 (see

paragraphs 271, 273 and 276 above).

The conclusion in the Fava Report was that it could not exclude, “based

only on the statements made by Romanian authorities to the Temporary

Committee delegation to Romania, the possibility that US secret services

[had] operated in Romania and that no definite evidence ha[d] been

provided to contradict any of the allegations concerning the running of a

secret detention facility on Romanian soil” (see paragraphs 271 and 280


With reference to that conclusion, Mr Fava testified at the fact-finding

hearing that “the conclusion we reached was a very strong suspicion that [a

CIA detention facility] existed, not certainty – there was no smoking gun”

(see paragraph 363 above).

The Fava Report relied on comprehensive materials from multiple

sources, comprising those collected during the TDIP delegation’s visits to

the countries concerned, including Romania, extensive flight data, expert

evidence, analysis of specific cases of several victims of the CIA

extraordinary rendition, interviews with the victims and their lawyers and

material acquired in the context of meetings with the national authorities

(see paragraphs 268-273 above).



513. The 2010 UN Study, referring to Romania, mentioned that the

analysis of complex aeronautical data had demonstrated the circuit flown by

N313P in September 2003 and that the experts had not been able to identify

“any definite evidence of a detainee transfer into Romania” taking place

prior to that flight (see paragraph 296 above).

514. Subsequent reports, which were based on fuller knowledge of the

HVD Programme emerging from the CIA documents declassified in 2009

and 2010 and took into account progress in the research into rendition

flights, contained more categorical conclusions.

(a) Mr Hammarberg, in his dossier of 30 March 2012 addressed to the

Romanian Prosecutor General, stated that “sufficient evidence ha[d] now

been amassed to allow us to consider the existence of a CIA ”black site” in

Romania as a proven fact, and to affirm that serious human rights abuses

[had taken] place there”. According to Mr Hammarberg’s findings, the

opening of the CIA prison, codenamed “Bright Light” and the start of the

CIA detention operations in Bucharest was marked by the plane N313P

landing in Bucharest on the night of 22 September 2003. The physical

location was identified as the ORNISS building in Bucharest. The dossier

included, in chronological order, a list of eight disguised rendition flights

into Bucharest in respect of which “dummy” flight plans featuring

Constanţa or Timișoara had been filed, starting from the N313P flight on

22 September 2003 and ending with the N860JB flight on 21 August 2005.

No specific date of closure of the detention site was given; paragraph 18 of

the dossier indicated that it had operated for “a period of at least one year”

(see paragraphs 334-339). In response to the Court’s question regarding this

point, Mr Hammarberg explained that at that time their research had not

managed to establish the precise dates for the closure of the Romanian

“black site” nor for the applicant’s transfer from Romania (see

paragraph 346 above).

Mr Hammarberg, in his written response to the Court’s questions, gave

an account of the sources and methodology on which he relied in his

findings. The conclusions as to the operation of a secret CIA ”black site” in

Romania were based on “a number of different sources which were

cross-referenced and not on one piece of evidence in isolation”. This

included among other things, official US documents, flight records and

aeronautical data amassed from diverse entities across the global aviation

sector (see paragraph 345 above).

(b) The 2015 LIBE Briefing, which in addition to extensive flight data

had been based on an analysis of a large amount of new material disclosed

in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report, stated that it had been established

beyond reasonable doubt that a facility in Romania had been used by the

CIA to hold prisoners, that the first prisoners had been transferred to this

facility in September 2003 and that the last prisoners had been transferred

out of this facility in November 2005. The dossier included a list of fifteen



rendition circuits through Romania, the first of which was executed by

N313P on 22-23 September 2003, the last of which was executed on

5-6 November 2005 and involved two planes N1HC (from Romania to

Jordan) and N248AB (from Jordan to Afghanistan) (see paragraphs 355-358


515. Furthermore, in Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland Senator Marty

and Mr J.G.S., referring in their PowerPoint presentation to the “final

rendition circuit” through Poland executed by N313P, testified that this

particular circuit had marked the closure of the CIA ”black site” in Poland

and the opening of the CIA’s second secret detention site in Europe –

located in Romania (see Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above,

§§ 312 and 414; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 414; and

paragraph 112 above).

516. At the fact-finding hearing held in the present case the experts

heard by the Court confirmed in clear and categorical terms that a secret

detention facility had operated in Romania in the period indicated by the

applicant. They stated that the N313P flight on 22-23 September 2003 had

marked the opening of the site and that a “double-plane switch” circuit

involving two planes, identified as N1HC and N248AB had indicated its

closure, prompted by the publication of the Washington Post article referred

to above (see paragraph 508 above). In the same categorical terms they

identified the CIA detention facility located in Romania as the one referred

to in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report as “Detention Site Black” (see

also paragraphs 160-164 above).

(a) Senator Marty and Mr J.G.S in their PowerPoint presentation, in

support of the above conclusions, referred to the extensive flight data and

their correlation, as well as to the 2014 US Senate Committee Report. In

particular, Mr J.G.S. in connection with several specific references in that

report stated that the code name “Detention Site Black” in the report

corresponded in such “precise and extensive detail” to other multiple data

concerning Romania that “Romania, its territory, its airspace, its detention

facility, [was] inseparable from Detention Site Black (see paragraphs 131,

371, 374-376 above)

(b) Mr Black stated that it was “clear, beyond reasonable doubt that

there was a CIA detention facility in Romania” and that he was convinced

on “a wide array of different types of evidence” that it operated from

September 2003 until November 2005. He testified that there was no doubt

that the flight in November 2005 – which had been a two-plane switch

taking prisoners to Afghanistan – had signalled the end of the Romanian site

and that that flight had come within 72 hours after the existence of the site

had been revealed in the Washington Post article. He added that the 2014

US Senate Committee Report was very clear that at that point everyone who

had been remaining in Romania had been “shipped out to Afghanistan” (see

paragraphs 132 and 390 above).



In his testimony, he also mentioned specific HVDs, including the

applicant, who had been detained in Romania between September 2003 and

2005, saying that “the fact that those individuals [had been] held in

Romania at various points between 2003 and 2005 [was] absolutely beyond

reasonable doubt, there [could not] be any alternative narrative to that that

[made] any sense”. He further stated that “Detention Site Black [was] the

site that fulfil[ed], in terms of its operating times, the flight paths that we

[knew] to have been connected to prisoner movements and to the CIA

rendition programme. Detention Site Black [was] the one which correlate[d]

precisely with those flight paths that our research [had] discovered, [had]

reconstructed” (see paragraphs 390 and 392 above).

517. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report includes several references

to Detention Site Black. To begin with, the report confirms that CIA

detainees were transferred to Detention Site Black in a country whose name

was redacted “in the fall of 2003”. It further confirms that the site still

operated in “the fall of 2004”, as well as in April and May 2005 (see

paragraphs 160-164 above) and that Mr Al Nashiri was held there in

October 2004 and June and July 2005 (see paragraphs 127, 158 and 162-163


Finally, it indicates that Detention Site Black was closed “after

publication of the Washington Post article”, following the pressure from the

country concerned, which demanded the closure within a number of hours

which, although redacted in the text, clearly comprised two digits (see

paragraph 133 above).

518. The Court observes that this indication in theory could mean any

time between 10 and 99 hours. However, in reality, given that the CIA had

to secure a safe, secret transfer of possibly several detainees by air to

another consenting country, such demand could not be dealt with abruptly

and immediately and, by the nature of things, inevitably required some

preparation and handling of logistical problems. According to the 2014 US

Senate Committee Report, the “CIA transferred ... the remaining CIA

detainees out of the facility shortly thereafter” (see paragraph 133 above).

Having regard to the fact that the Washington Post article was published on

2 November 2005, the dates on which the transfer could realistically have

been carried out – that is to say, within the range of 24-99 hours – had to be

situated in the short period from 3 to 6 November 2005. This coincides

exactly with the flight identified by the experts as the one marking the

closure of “Detention Site Black” in Romania, namely N1HC from

Bucharest to Amman, executed on 5 November 2005 (see also

paragraph 509 above).

519. Furthermore, all the materials in the Court’s possession, including

the list of twenty-one “suspicious flights” produced by the Government

unambiguously demonstrate that a series of CIA-associated aircraft landings

at Bucharest Băneasa Airport started on 22 September 2003 with N313P



and ended on 5 November 2005 with N1HC. Markedly, these two particular

flight circuits were disguised by the so-called “dummy flight planning”– a

practice that, as described by the experts and analysed by the Court in its

previous judgments concerning the CIA rendition operations in Poland,

consisted in filling false flight plans that indicated a route which the planes

did not, or even intend to, fly. Both aircraft’s flight plans indicated

Constanţa as their destination but in fact they landed at and took off from

Bucharest Băneasa Airport (see paragraphs 112, with references to Husayn

(Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, and 130, 134-135 and 372-373 above; see also

Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 419-422).

520. The Government acknowledged that on 22-23 September 2003 the

flight plan for N313P, initially indicating Constanţa as its destination, had

been changed to Bucharest Băneasa Airport when the plane had been en

route (see paragraph 439 above). However, they did not see how the change

of flight plans executed by the flight operator – a change on which the

Romanian authorities had no influence – could be indicative of their

complicity in the CIA rendition operations or, still less, of the existence of a

CIA “black site” in Romania (see paragraphs 436-440 above).

521. Addressing the Government’s arguments, the Court finds it

appropriate to reiterate certain findings concerning the operation of the CIA-

associated flights in Romania emerging from the material in the case file.

(a) As already noted above (see paragraph 512 above), the Fava Report

referred to twenty-one stopovers made by the CIA-operated aircraft at

Romanian airports during the relevant period. Significantly, most stopovers

(thirteen) and take-offs (five) found suspicious took place at Bucharest

airports. Several of those flights are included in the Government’s list of

twenty-one “suspicious flights” (see paragraphs 273 and 327 above). The

Fava Inquiry also identified fourteen different CIA aircraft that landed in

Romania at the material time and referred to at least five inconsistent flight

plans, concerning, among others, the N1HC flight on 5 November 2005. All

these plans indicated destinations filed for Constanţa or Timisoara;

however, the aircraft real destination was Bucharest Băneasa Airport, at

which those flights in fact landed and from which they took off

subsequently (see paragraphs 271-274 and 276 above).

(b) Mr Hammarberg’s dossier for the Romanian Prosecutor General

contained a – non-exhaustive – list of the most significant eight flights into

Bucharest, starting from N313P on 22 September 2003. Destinations for all

of them were disguised by the “dummy” flight planning. All bore the

characteristics of “detainee drop-offs”, i.e. transportation of CIA prisoners

into the country. All those planes are on the list of twenty-one “suspicious

flights” furnished by the Government (see paragraphs 327 and 337 above).

(c) The 2015 LIBE Briefing identified fifteen rendition missions linking

Romania to other CIA prison host countries or to known or suspected

prisoner transfers. According to that report, the first such mission was



executed by N313P on 22 September 2003, the last by N1HC on

5 November 2005 (see paragraphs 357-358 and 514 above).

The list of fifteen rendition missions in the 2015 LIBE Briefing overlaps

with the Government’s list of twenty-one “suspicious flights” (see

paragraphs 327 and 357-358 above).

(d) In all the inquiries conducted by the international governmental and

non-governmental organisations, which were extensively referred to above,

most planes included in the Government’s list have been conclusively and

definitely identified as carrying out the CIA rendition missions (see

paragraphs 250-264; 268-290; 296; 327-330; 334-336; and 355-358 above).

(e) It emerges from the comparison of the list of twenty-one “suspicious

flights” with the above reports identifying the aircraft associated with the

CIA’s transportation of prisoners that between 23 September 2003 and

5 November 2005 there was a continued, steady and concentrated flow of

those planes through Bucharest Băneasa Airport. According to the material

produced by the Government themselves, during that period fifteen CIA

flights arrived at Bucharest Băneasa Airport and only two were recorded by

the Romanian authorities as landing at Constanţa Mihail Kogălniceanu

Airport. The CIA flights into Bucharest arrived at fairly regular intervals of

between one and some three months (see paragraphs 327 and 357-358


522. Considering the material referred to above as a whole, the Court is

satisfied that there is prima facie evidence in favour of the applicant’s

allegation that the CIA secret detention site operated in Romania between

22 September 2003 and the beginning of November 2005. Accordingly, the

burden of proof should shift to the respondent Government (see El-Masri,

cited above, §§ 154-165, and paragraphs 492-493 above).

523. However, the Government have failed to demonstrate why the

evidence referred to above cannot serve to corroborate the applicant’s

allegations. Apart from their firm, albeit general, denial that the facts as

presented by the applicant and disclosed in the international inquiries – to

begin with the Marty Inquiry and Mr Hammarberg’s investigative work –

never took place or were grossly distorted to Romania’s disadvantage, they

have not offered any cogent reasons for the series of landings of CIA-

associated aircraft at Bucharest between 22 September 2003 and

5 November 2005 (see also Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 414; and

Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 414).

Likewise, the Government have not produced any evidence capable of

contradicting the findings of the international inquiries and the experts heard

by the Court, categorically stating that the aircraft in question were used by

the CIA for transportation of prisoners into Romania. Nor have they refuted

expert evidence to the effect that the CIA prison referred to in the 2014 US

Senate Report as “Detention Site Black” was located in Romania (see also



and compare with Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 414-415; and

Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, §§ 414-415).

524. In that context, the Court cannot but note that all the international

inquiries and other reports challenged by the Government were based on

extensive, meticulous work which was done by the experts and politicians

of the highest integrity and competence and whose only aim and mission

was to reveal the facts and establish the truth about what had occurred in

Europe during the CIA rendition operations. Their work was often impeded

by the extreme secrecy surrounding the CIA operations, the uncooperative

attitude of the national authorities and the lack of access to the necessary

information – information which was revealed only gradually, over many

years and which still remains incomplete due to the classification of

essential documents, in particular the full version of the 2014 US Senate

Committee Report. It is worth noting that the inquiries conducted in

2006-2007 did not have the benefit of access to the CIA declassified

documents, which were released in 2009-2010 (see paragraphs 36-58 above)

and which provided an important insight into the fate of specific HVDs,

including Mr Al Nashiri, with such details as dates of detainees’ transfers

between the CIA “black sites” and interrogation schedules.

As regards the Government’s challenge to the impartiality and credibility

of Reprieve, based on its involvement in ongoing investigations into CIA

rendition and secret detention and case work regarding Guantánamo

prisoners (see paragraph 434 above), the Court finds no ground whatsoever

to consider that Reprieve and its experts, who have – as for instance

Mr Black – also been involved in the European Parliament’s inquiry, lack

objectivity in representing the facts concerning the operation of the HVD

Programme in Europe and the plight of detainees, including the applicant.

In so far as the Government can be seen as impliedly contesting the

credibility of evidence from other experts heard at the fact-finding hearing

(see paragraphs 399 and 430-435 above), the Court would wish to underline

that Mr Fava, Senator Marty and Mr J.G.S. already gave evidence in

Al Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland. The Court, in

its examination of those cases, relied heavily on their testimonies

considering them to be one of the most important parts of the evidence and

finding them fully reliable and credible (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited

above, §§ 404, 415, 434-436 and 441; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah)

v Poland, cited above, §§ 404, 415-416, 426-427, 434- 436, 439-440).

Furthermore, in El-Masri the Court considered the expert report from

Mr J.G.S. to be “compelling evidence” which was duly taken into account

in its establishment of the facts in the case (see El-Masri, cited above,

§§ 159 and 166).

Consequently, in the Court’s eyes, there is nothing in the Government’s

submission that would be capable of shedding the doubt on the integrity and

dependability of the experts whose testimony was taken in the present case.



525. The Government also argued that the fact that the sources relied on

by the applicant, including the 2007 Marty Report and Mr Hammarberg’s

dossier, had given different indications as to the exact location of the

alleged “black site” in Romania deprived his allegations of credibility.

Referring in particular to the ORNISS building, they relied on witness R’s

statements obtained in the investigation denying that this location had, or

could ever have been, used for the CIA prison (see paragraphs 325

and 422-425 above).

The Court does not find these arguments convincing.

It is true that the applicant, relying on the press disclosures, indicated the

ORNISS building as a probable CIA prison. However, considering the

secrecy of the CIA operations it cannot be realistically expected that this

kind of indication will be absolutely certain, unless the governments

concerned decide to disclose such locations and formally “officialise” the

information circulating in the public domain. In that regard, the Court would

note in passing that the likelihood of the ORNISS building having hosted

the CIA facility has also been considered in the inquiry conducted by the

European Parliament; however, the Romanian authorities did not enable the

LIBE delegation to visit the site during their fact-finding mission in

September 2015 (see paragraphs 288-290 above).

The Court will not speculate on that likelihood. Nor is it necessary for

the purposes of its ruling to establish where the CIA facility was exactly

located. Given the coherent and unrefuted evidence corroborating the

applicant’s allegations as to the existence of the CIA “black site” in

Romania, the fact that he did not state its precise location does not

undermine the credibility of his allegations.

526. In view of the foregoing, the Government’s objection to the

credibility of the evidence and sources relied on by the applicant (see

paragraphs 430-435 above) cannot be upheld.

527. Consequently, the Court considers the applicant’s allegations

sufficiently convincing and, having regard to the above evidence from

numerous sources corroborating his version, finds it established beyond

reasonable doubt that:

(a) a CIA detention facility, codenamed Detention Site Black in the 2014

US Senate Committee Report, was located in Romania;

(b) the facility operated from 22 September 2003 and its opening was

marked by flight N313P which took off from Szymany, Poland on

22 September 2003 and, having disguised its destination by indicating

Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport in Constanţa, landed at

Bucharest Băneasa Airport on the same day; and

(c) the facility was closed on the Romanian authorities’ demand and its

closure was marked by flight N1HC which took off from Porto, Portugal on

5 November 2005 and, having disguised its destination by indicating Mihail



Kogălniceanu International Airport in Constanţa, landed at Bucharest

Băneasa Airport and on the same day took off for Amman, Jordan.

(b) Whether the applicant

secret detention at the CIA Detention Site Black in Romania and transfer

from Romania to another CIA secret detention facility elsewhere (from

12 April 2004 to 6 October 2005 or 5 November 2005) were proved before

the Court

528. It is alleged that the applicant was transferred to Romania from

Guantánamo on board N85VM on 12 April 2004 and that he was detained at

Detention Site Black in Romania, also codenamed “Bright Light” or

“Britelite” until at least 6 October 2005 or, at the latest, until 5 November

2005 (see paragraphs 115-116 and 445-451 above). The Government firmly

contested this (see paragraphs 426-429 and 436-437 above).

(i) Preliminary considerations

529. The Court is mindful that, as regards the applicant’s actual presence

in Romania, there is no direct evidence that it was the applicant who was

transported on board the N85VM flight from Guantánamo to Bucharest or

that he was subsequently transferred from Bucharest to another CIA secret

detention facility on 6 October or 5 November 2006, the two possible dates

indicated by the experts (see paragraphs 129-135 above).

The applicant, who for years on end was held in detention conditions

specifically designed to isolate and disorientate a person by transfers to

unknown locations, even if he had been allowed to testify before the Court,

would not be able to say where he was detained. Nor can it be reasonably

expected that he will ever, on his own, be able to identify the places in

which he was held.

No trace of the applicant can, or will, be found in any official flight or

border police records in Romania or in other countries because his presence

on the planes and on their territories was, by the very nature of the rendition

operations, purposefully not to be recorded. As confirmed by expert J.G.S.

in Al Nashiri v. Poland, in the countries concerned the official records

showing numbers of passengers and crew arriving and departing on the

rendition planes neither included, nor purported to include detainees who

were brought into or out of the territory involuntarily, by means of

clandestine HVD renditions. Those detainees were never appeared in a

record of persons on board filed with any official institution (see Al Nashiri

v. Poland, cited above, §§ 410-411).

530. In view of the foregoing, in order to ascertain whether or not it can

be concluded that the applicant was detained at Detention Site Black in

Romania at the relevant time, the Court will take into account all the facts

that have already been found established beyond reasonable doubt (see

paragraphs 499, 507 and 527 above) and analyse all other material in its



possession, including, in particular, the 2014 US Senate Committee Report

and expert evidence reconstructing the chronology of the applicant’s

rendition and detention in 2003-2005 (see paragraphs 102-140, 159-164,

167-190 and 251-393 above).

(ii) Transfers and secret detention

531. The Court observes that the following facts either are not disputed

or have also been confirmed by flight data from numerous sources,

including the documents produced by the respondent Government:

(a) On 12 April 2004 plane N85VM, having indicated in its flight plans

Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport in Constanţa as its destination, in

fact landed in Băneasa Airport in Bucharest and took off from there on the

same day (see paragraph 118 above);

(b) that on 5 October 2005 plane N308AB, having indicated in its flight

plans Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport in Constanţa as its

destination, in fact landed at Băneasa Airport in Bucharest and took off

from Bucharest for Tirana on the same day;

(c) that on 5 October 2005 plane N787WH landed in Tirana at 05:52 and

stayed there until 23:44, at which time it departed for Shannon;

(d) that on 5 October 2005 both N308AB and N787WH were in the

same airport in Tirana between 22:38 (N308AB’s landing) and 23:44

(N787WH’s departure);

(e) that on 6 October 2005 N787WH, having indicated in its flight plans

Tallinn, Estonia as its destination, in fact landed at Vilnius International

Airport in Lithuania (see paragraphs 135 and 331 above).

532. As regards the rendition circuit of 5-6 November 2005, the Court

would reiterate that it has already been established that:

- on 5 November 2005 N1HC, having disguised its destination as

Constanţa, in fact landed at Bucharest Băneasa Airport and took off from

there for Amman, arriving there in the night on 5 November 2005;

- N248AB arrived in Amman 6 November 2005, and on the same night,

left for Kabul; and

- on the same night of 5/6 November 2005 both N1HC and N248AB

were in the same airport in Amman between 00:21 and 00:55 (see

paragraphs 509 and 527 above).

533. The Court has also established that after his transfers from Poland

to Morocco and from Morocco to Guantánamo the applicant was detained in

Guantánamo until an unspecified two-digit date in April 2004 (see

paragraph 507 above). As noted above, the 2014 US Senate Committee

Report states that by that date, “all five CIA detainees were transferred from

Guantánamo to other CIA detention facilities” (see paragraphs 114 and 505

above, with further references).

534. Mr J.G.S., in his testimony, explained that the use of the word

“facilities” in the plural in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report was



significant in the context of the applicant’s detention given that, as the very

same report established, following his transfer from Poland, he had been

held at five different CIA “black sites” (see also paragraphs 102

and 104-108 above). Mr Al Nashiri could not, therefore, have been

transferred from Guantánamo back to Morocco. Mr J.G.S. further explained

that at the relevant time there had been two distinct detainee transfers from

Guantánamo; the first which had taken some detainees to Rabat on

27 March 2004 and the second which had taken the remaining ones on plane

N85VM to Romania, via a stopover in Tenerife, on 12 April 2004. This, he

said, was the sole outward flight linking Guantánamo with Romania. Also,

it emerged from the 2014 US Senate Committee Report and cables

regarding the applicant’s treatment that he found himself at Detention Site

Black in the third and fourth quarter of 2004 and in July 2005. Mr J.G.S

concluded that, in order for the applicant to be at Detention Site Black or

“Britelite” by that time, he had to have been brought to Romania on flight

N85VM on 12 April 2004 (see paragraphs 119-120 above).

Moreover, in respect of that flight the CIA had recourse to its systematic

practice of disguised flight planning which, as the expert stated, “in fact

became a tell-tale sign of rendition or detainee transfer activity on such

flights” (see paragraph 119 above).

535. Mr Black stated that he was aware of two possible flights that could

have taken the applicant into Romania and N85VM was one of them. He

indicated that there had been a potential other flight that had occurred in

February 2005. While it was known for a fact that the applicant had been in

Romania after February 2005 and in June 2005, there were also indications

that he had been held in Romania before, in late 2004. That led Mr Black to

prefer, of these two possibilities, the 12 April 2004 flight as being the more

likely of the two (see paragraph 121 above).

536. The Government acknowledged that the flight plan for N85VM,

initially indicating Constanţa as its destination, had been changed to

Bucharest, Băneasa Airport when the plane had been en route but did not

consider that this element could confirm the applicant’s secret detention in

Romania (see paragraph 437 above). They produced documents issued by

the RAS at Băneasa Airport in connection with the N85VM landing on

12 April 2004 (see paragraph 118 above).

As in respect of other allegedly “suspicious” flights, the Government

asserted that the flight had been of a “private and non-commercial nature”

and had not been executed in connection with the HVD Programme (see

paragraph 436 above).

537. However, this assertion does not seem to be supported by the

materials gathered in the present case. To the contrary, the Court finds that

in addition to the expert evidence referred to above, there is other abundant

evidence to the effect that on 12 April 2004 plane N85VM executed a



rendition mission to Romania with the purpose of “dropping off” detainees

from Guantánamo.

In that regard, the Court observes that since at least 2007 the findings of

the international inquiries have clearly associated N85VM with the CIA

rendition operations (see paragraphs 271- 273, 337, 342 and 358 above). As

already noted above, N85VM was conclusively identified as the plane used

earlier for the rendition of Osama Mustafa Nasr otherwise known as Abu

Omar (see paragraph 512 above). The former Council of Europe’s

Commissioner for Human Rights dossier for the Romanian Prosecutor

General included that flight among disguised rendition flights into

Bucharest, bearing the character of detainee “drop-off” (see paragraph 337

above). The same dossier listed the applicant among HVDs who had been

brought to a CIA “black site” in Romania and indicated 12 April 2004 as

the date of his transfer to Romania (see paragraph 342 above).

The 2015 LIBE Briefing indicated flight N85VM on 12 April 2004

among the missions carried out under rendition contracts (see paragraph 358


That flight is also listed among twenty-one “suspicious flights” in the

document produced by the Government (see paragraph 327 above).

538. As to the applicant’s rendition by the CIA from Romania, the

experts gave 6 October 2005 and 5 November 2005 as two possible dates of

the applicant’s transfer (see paragraphs 129-132 above).

Mr J.G.S described in detail the CIA “plane-switch” operation that,

according to him, had taken place in the course of the flight circuit on

5-6 October 2005 and involved two aircraft: N308AB and N787WH. On

this premise, on 5 October 2005 the applicant was taken on board N308AB

from Băneasa Bucharest City Airport to Tirana and, subsequently, on board

N787WH to Vilnius to a CIA ”black site” in Lithuania, referred to as

“Detention Site Violet” in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report (see

paragraphs 130-131 above).

Mr Black considered both dates as probable, with the 6 October 2005

transfer of the applicant being more likely (see paragraph 132 above).

539. Having regard to all the various documentary and oral evidence

referred to above, the Court is satisfied that there is prima facie evidence in

favour of the applicant’s version of the events and that the burden of proof

should shift to the Government.

540. Yet again in the Court’s view the Government have failed to give

any convincing grounds to explain why the evidence considered above

cannot support the applicant’s allegations. They asserted that the applicant’s

version of events should be rejected as it was incoherent and that in his

account of the facts there had been inconsistencies regarding the dates,

circumstances and the exact period of his alleged detention in Romania (see

paragraphs 426-429 above).

The Court does not share the Government’s assessment.



While it is true that, with the passage of time, the applicant adduced

newly disclosed facts relevant for his complaints or corrected the dates

initially given for his detention (see paragraphs 115-116 above), this does

not by itself render his version of events inconsistent or incredible. In that

context the Court would again refer to the fact that since his capture in

mid-October 2002 the applicant has been continually prevented from giving

any direct account of his fate even to the counsel representing him before

the Court (see paragraphs 494-497 above).

541. Furthermore, having regard to the above evidence demonstrating

clearly, consistently and conclusively the chronology of the events

preceding the applicant’s transfer to Romania, his transfer to Romania on

12 April 2004 and his presence at Detention Site Black located in Romania

in 2004 and 2005 (see paragraphs 126-127, 158 and 162-163 above and 545

below), as well as expert evidence confirming that there were two – and

only two – possible dates on which he could be taken by the CIA out of

Romania, the Court does not find it indispensable to determine on which

specific date the transfer occurred. It is certain and beyond any reasonable

doubt that the applicant, once detained at Detention Site Black and, as

confirmed by the 2014 US Senate Committee Report and the experts, still

present there at least until July 2005, must have been transferred out of it at

some later point before or when the site was definitely closed on

5 November 2005 (see paragraph 527 above). The experts’ conclusions are

founded on in-depth analysis of extensive international aviation data,

contractual documents pertaining to rendition missions executed by the air

companies used by the CIA and large amount of data released by the US

authorities, including the CIA. On this basis, they gave a time-frame which

is sufficiently accurate for the Court to conclude that the applicant must

have been taken out of Romania either on 6 October 2005 or on

5 November 2005 to one of the – at the time two – remaining CIA detention

facilities, referred to in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report as Detention

Site Violet and Detention Site Brown.

542. Accordingly, the Court finds it established beyond reasonable

doubt that:

(a) On 12 April 2004 the applicant was transferred by the CIA from

Guantánamo to Romania on board N85VM.

(b) From 12 April 2004 to 6 October 2005 or, at the latest, 5 November

2005, the applicant was detained in the CIA detention facility in Romania

code-named “Detention Site Black” according to the 2014 US Senate

Committee Report.

(c) On 6 October 2005 on board N308AB or, at the latest, on 5

November 2005, on board N1HC via a double-plane switch the applicant

was transferred by the CIA out of Romania to one of the two remaining CIA

detention facilities, code-named Detention Site Violet and Detention Site

Brown according to the 2014 US Senate Committee Report.



(iii) The applicant’s treatment in CIA custody in Romania

543. It is alleged that during his secret detention in Romania the

applicant was subjected to torture and other forms of treatment prohibited

by Article 3 of the Convention. The Government have not addressed this


544. The Court observes that, in contrast to Al Nashiri v. Poland where

the treatment to which the applicant was subjected by the CIA during his

detention in Poland could be established with certainty owing to the CIA’s

declassified materials depicting in graphic detail the torture inflicted on him

in the course of the interrogations (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above,

§§ 416 and 514-516), in the present case there is no evidence demonstrating

that at Detention Site Black in Romania he was subjected to EITs in

connection with interrogations (see paragraphs 48-55 above).

545. As regards recourse to harsh interrogation techniques at the

relevant time, the 2014 US Senate Committee Report mentions in general

terms that in mid-2004 the CIA temporarily suspended the use of the EITs.

While their use was at some point resumed and they were apparently

applied throughout the most part of 2005, such techniques were again

temporarily suspended in late 2005 and in 2006 (see paragraph 94 above).

In respect of the applicant, the report states that in the “final years” of his

detention “most of the intelligence requirements for Al Nashiri involved

showing [him] photographs”. Those “debriefings” were suspended in June

2005 apparently because of the low value of intelligence obtained from him

and “because debriefings often were the ‘catalyst’ for his outbursts” (see

paragraphs 126-127 above). Other heavily redacted passages in the report

speak of “feeding him rectally”, which resulted from his “short-lived hunger

strike” at some unspecified time in 2004. It is also mentioned that in

October 2004 he underwent a psychological assessment in the context of

“management challenges” posed to the CIA by psychological problems

experienced by the detainees “who had been held in austere conditions and

in solitary confinement”. The applicant’s assessment was used by the CIA

in discussions on “establishing an endgame” for the HVD Programme (see

paragraphs 126, 158 and 162-163 above). In July 2005 the CIA expressed

concern regarding the applicant’s “continued state of depression and

uncooperative attitude”. Days later a psychologist established that the

applicant was “on the verge of a breakdown” (see paragraph 158 above).

546. According to the experts, even though the applicant was in all

likelihood no longer interrogated with the use of the EITs, he did, as

Mr J.G.S. stated “purely by virtue of the conditions in which he [had been]

held” suffer ill-treatment (see paragraph 124 above). Mr Black added that it

was clear that the applicant, in particular when he had been in Romania, was

experiencing serious psychological problems as a result of the treatment he

had received (see paragraph 125 above).



547. As regards the Court’s establishment of the facts of the case, the

detailed rules governing the conditions in which the CIA kept its prisoners

leave no room for speculation as to the basic aspects of the situation in

which the applicant found himself from 12 April 2004 to 6 October 2005 or

5 November 2005. The Court therefore finds it established beyond any

reasonable doubt that the applicant was kept – as any other high-value

detainee – in conditions described in the DCI Confinement Guidelines,

which applied from the end of January 2003 to September 2006 to all CIA

detainees (see paragraphs 56-58 above; see also Husayn (Abu Zubaydah)

v. Poland, cited above, §§ 418-419 and 510).

While at this stage it is premature to characterise the treatment to which

the applicant was subjected during his detention at Detention Site Black for

the purposes of his complaint under the substantive limb of Article 3 of the


Conventionthe Court observes that the regime included at least

“six standard conditions of confinement”. That meant blindfolding or

hooding the detainees, designed to disorient them and keep from learning

their location or the layout of the detention facility; removal of hair upon

arrival at the site; incommunicado, solitary confinement; continuous noise

of high and varying intensity played at all times; continuous light such that

each cell was illuminated to about the same brightness as an office; and use

of leg shackles in all aspects of detainee management and movement (see

paragraph 56-58 above).

5. As regards the establishment of the facts and assessment of evidence

relevant to the applicant’s allegations concerning Romania’s

knowledge of and complicity in the CIA HVD Programme

(a) Relations of cooperation between the Romanian authorities and the CIA,

including an agreement to host a detention facility, request for and

acceptance of a

and acquaintance with some elements of the HVD Programme

(i) Agreement to host a CIA detention facility, request for and acceptance of a

“subsidy” from the CIA and provision of premises for the CIA

548. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report, in the chapter giving

details as to the establishment of Detention Site Black, states that in an

unspecified month (redacted the text) in 2002 the CIA “entered into an

agreement” with the country concerned “to host a CIA detention facility”.

While the terms of that agreement have not been disclosed, it appears

from subsequent passages that, in order to demonstrate to the country’s

authority (or person) whose name was redacted and to “the highest levels of

the Country ... government” that the US authorities “deeply appreciate[d]

their cooperation and support for the detention program”, the CIA station in

the country was invited by their Headquarters “to identify ways to support



the” – again redacted – country’s bodies (presumably, or activities) by

financial means, defined as a “subsidy” (see paragraph 161 above).

549. The requested subsidy which was received in appreciation of

“cooperation and support” amounted to a sum (redacted in the text) that was

a multiple of USD million; in fact, the amount which was initially put on –

in the report’s words – “wish list” presented on behalf of the country by the

CIA station was later increased by a further (redacted) multiple of USD

million (see paragraph 161 above).

The fact that such financial rewards were, as a matter of the general

policy and practice, offered to the authorities of countries hosting CIA

“black sites” is also confirmed in Conclusion 20 of the 2014 US Senate

Committee Report. The conclusion states that “to encourage governments to

clandestinely host CIA detention sites, or to increase support for existing

sites, the CIA provided millions of dollars in cash payments to foreign

government officials” and that “the CIA Headquarters encouraged CIA

Stations to construct “wish lists” of proposed financial assistance” and “to

‘think big’ in terms of that assistance” (see paragraph 97 above).

550. In that context, the Court would also wish to refer to its findings

regarding the national authorities’ knowledge of the CIA HVD Programme

in Al Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland and the issue

of the alleged existence of a bilateral agreement between Poland and the

USA on the setting up and running of a secret CIA prison. In that case, the

Court did not find it necessary for its examination of the case to establish

whether such agreement or agreements existed and if so, in what format or

what was specifically provided therein. It did, however, consider it

inconceivable that the rendition aircraft could have crossed Polish airspace,

landed at and departed from a Polish airport and that the CIA could have

occupied the premises in Poland without some kind of pre-existing

arrangement enabling the CIA operation in Poland to be first prepared and

then executed (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 423-428; and

Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, §§ 425-430).

The same conclusion is valid in respect of Romania; moreover, in the

present case it has been reinforced by evidence from the 2014 US Senate

Committee Report, unambiguously demonstrating the existence of a

bilateral agreement between Romania and the USA on hosting Detention

Site Black on Romanian territory.

551. The Court would also add that the above-cited sections of the 2014

US Senate Committee Report further support the conclusions of the 2007

Marty Report, stating that “the key arrangements for CIA clandestine

operations in Europe were secured on a bilateral level”, that “the CIA

brokered ‘operating agreements’ with the Governments of Poland and

Romania to hold its high-value detainees ... in secret detention facilities on

their respective territories” and that “Poland and Romania agreed to provide

the premises in which these facilities were established, the highest degrees



of physical security and secrecy, and steadfast guarantees of non-

interference” (see paragraph 260 above; see also Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited

above, §§ 423-428; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above,

§§ 425-430).

In his affidavit made several years later, on 24 April 2013, Senator Marty

stated that his “convictions regarding Romania’s participation in the CIA’s

HVD Programme were unambiguous and unwavering”, adding that “up to

the present day, I stand by every one of the factual findings I delivered in

my 2006 and 2007 PACE Reports” and that his “certitude that a CIA ‘black

site’ existed in Romania [had] only increased since that time” (see

paragraph 354 above).

At the fact-finding hearing he added that, based on “extremely precise

testimony” obtained in the course of his inquiry, the Romanian officials

“must have known that the CIA used their territory for transfers of prisoners

in the context of the war on terror” (see paragraph 380 above)

552. In that regard, the Court notes that the 2007 Marty Report listed by

name several individual high-office holders who “knew about, authorised

and stand accountable for Romania’s role in the CIA’s operation of

‘out-of-theatre’ secret detention facilities on Romanian territory, from 2003

to 2005” (see paragraph 262 above).

Two of those identified in the report, namely former President of

Romania, Ion Iliescu and his former Advisor on National Security,

Ioan Talpeş several years later made public statements relating to the CIA

rendition operation in their interviews given to Spiegel Online in 2014 and

2015 (see paragraphs 244 and 245 above).

553. In December 2014, in the first Spiegel Online publication,

Mr Talpeş was reported as saying that “there were one or two locations in

Romania at which the CIA probably held persons who were subjected to

inhuman treatment”. It was further reported that “had, from 2003 onwards,

continued discussions with officials of the CIA and the US military about a

more intense cooperation” and that in that context “it was agreed that the

CIA could carry out its own activities in certain locations”. He did not know

where they were and “Romania was, expressly, not interested in what the

CIA was doing there”. Mr Talpeş also told Spiegel Online that in 2003 and

2004 he had informed President Iliescu that the CIA had carried out “certain

activities” on Romanian territory; at that time “he did not think that the CIA

could possibly torture captives” (see paragraph 244 above).

554. In April 2015, in the second Spiegel Online publication, Mr Iliescu

was reported as stating that “around the turn of the year 2002-2003, our

allies asked us for a site” and that he, as Head of State, had in principle

granted that request but the details had been taken care of by Mr Talpeş. He

added that “we [had not interfered] with the activities of the USA on this




Spiegel Online further reported that Mr Talpeş had confirmed

Mr Iliescu’s statements, adding that at the turn of 2002-2003 he had

received a request from a representative of the CIA in Romania for

premises, which the CIA needed for its own activities. He had arranged for

a building in Bucharest to be given to the CIA. The building was used by

the CIA from 2003 to 2006 and no longer existed; Mr Talpeş would not

reveal its location (see paragraph 245 above).

555. In that context, it is also to be noted that the 2016 EP Resolution

states that Mr Talpeş “admitted on record to the European Parliament

delegation that he had been fully aware of the CIA’s presence on Romanian

territory, acknowledging that he had given permission to ‘lease’ a

government building to the CIA” (see paragraph 290 above).

556. Referring to Mr Iliescu’s and Mr Talpeş’ interviews in Spiegel

Online, the Government argued that subsequently their initially ambiguous

statements had been clarified to the effect that there had been no

cooperation and no complicity in the CIA rendition and secret detention

operations on the part of Romania. In that regard, the Government also

relied on evidence from witnesses obtained in the criminal investigation

conducted in Romania (see paragraphs 441-442 above).

557. The Court does not share this assessment.

It is true that certain Romanian officials, for instance Y and Z, who

testified in the investigation in May and June 2015, denied receiving any

such request or having any knowledge of the existence of the CIA prisons in

the country (see paragraphs 300-302 above).

Yet in that regard the Court cannot but note that witness Z in his

testimony given on 18 June 2015 nevertheless confirmed that “USA

Government officials [had] asked the Romanian authorities to offer some

locations on Romanian territory to be used for actions of combating the

international terrorist threats by the representatives of the CIA, on the same

pattern as that used in the other NATO Member States” and that “finally

one single location [had been] offered”. It was understood “at that stage, in

2003, that it should be an office building in Bucharest” (see paragraph 302


558. The accounts given by Mr Talpeş and Mr Iliescu to Spiegel Online

in their interviews and Mr Talpeş’ admission to the European Parliament’s

delegation match the disclosures in the 2014 US Senate Committee Report,

in particular regarding the date of the agreement to host a CIA secret

detention site (2002), the fact that the Romanian authorities were asked for

premises for the CIA, the time at which the premises were provided (2003)

and the fact that they were informed of the purpose for which the premises

that Romania offered were to be used (see paragraphs 161 and 548 above).

They also correspond to the Court’s above findings as to the dates marking

the opening of Detention Site Black in Romania (see paragraph 527 above).



559. The statements obtained in the investigation relied on by the

Government are in a marked contrast to the disclosures made by the US

authorities, Romania’s partner under the agreement. The Court does not see

how the findings of the US Senate Intelligence Committee, based on a

several-year-long investigation and in-depth analysis of first-hand evidence,

which in most part came from classified “top secret” sources, including

more than six million pages of CIA documents (see paragraphs 78-80

above) could be undermined by the material referred to by the Government.

(ii) Acquiescence with some elements of the HVD Programme

560. The 2014 US Senate Committee Report, in the chapter concerning

the establishment of the CIA Detention Site Black (see paragraphs 161

and 548 above) also refers to several interventions vis-à-vis the CIA made

by the US ambassador in the country in the context of the operation of the

CIA HVD Programme in that country and public disclosures of ill-treatment

of detainees in US custody. First, in August 2003, he expressed concern as

to whether the State Department was aware of the CIA detention facility in

the country and its “potential impact” on US policy in respect of the State

concerned. The second and third interventions, prompted by “revelations

about US detainee abuses” were made in May 2004 and in the “fall of


The report further states that “while it is unclear how the ambassador’s

concerns were resolved, he later joined the chief of Station in making a

presentation” to the country’s authorities (or representatives) whose names

were redacted in the text. The presentation did not describe the EITs but

“represented that without the full range of these interrogation measures” the

US “would not have succeeded in overcoming [the] resistance “of Khalid

Sheikh Mohammed” and “other equally resistant HVDs”. The presentation

also included representations “attributing to CIA detainees critical

information” on several terror plots, including the “Karachi Plot”, the

“Heathrow Plot” and the “Second Wave Plot”. Also, in the context of

intelligence obtained, several well-known HVDs in US custody were

mentioned by name (see paragraph 161 above).

561. The above information originated in an evidential source to which

the Court attributes utmost credibility (see also paragraph 559 above). It

gives a description of a concrete event – an oral presentation – that occurred

at some time following “the fall of 2004” and during which, in the context

of the operation of Detention Site Black in the country, the Romanian

authorities were presented with an outline of the CIA HVD Programme by

the US officials. Even though the format of the meeting and names or

functions of participants representing the host country have not been

revealed, the disclosure clearly shows that the presentation included a fairly

extensive account of the HVD Programme. To begin with, the US officials

clearly spoke of intelligence that had been obtained from high-value



detainees through “overcoming resistance” by means of a “full range of

interrogation measures”. They also suggested that specific terrorist suspects

in CIA custody had provided “critical intelligence” on prominent terror

plots. CIA prisoners whose resistance was “overcome” as a result of

interrogations were spoken of, to mention only Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,

the top HVD in CIA custody, suspected of masterminding the 11 September

2001 terrorist attacks in the USA.

(b) Assistance in disguising the CIA rendition aircraft

Romania by means of the so-called

562. In Al Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland the

fact that the national authorities cooperated with the CIA in disguising the

rendition aircraft’s actual routes and validated incomplete or false flight

plans in order to cover up the CIA activities in the country was considered

relevant for the Court’s assessment of the State authorities’ knowledge of,

and complicity in, the HVD Programme (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited

above, §§ 419-422; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above,

§§ 421-424). The Court will follow that approach in analysing the facts of

the present case.

563. It is to be reiterated that the Government acknowledged that in

respect of two flights, namely N313P on 22 September 2003 and NVM85

on 12 April 2004 the flight plans had been changed when the planes had

been in the air. They denied that any role in the process had been played by

the Romanian authorities, except for a passive, “automatic” acceptance of

the change for which the plane operator had been solely responsible and

assistance in transmitting the flight plans to the entity managing the

integrated initial flight plan processing system (see paragraph 439 above).

564. However, as already noted above, the clear inconsistencies in the

flight data pertaining to destinations where the CIA-associated aircraft were

supposed to arrive and from where they actually took off presented by the

Romanian authorities were already identified in the 2007 Marty Report and

the Fava Report (see paragraphs 264 and 512 above). Also,

Mr Hammarberg’s dossier addressed to the Romanian Prosecutor General

listed eight rendition flight circuits occurring between 22 September 2003

and 21 August 2005 in respect of which false flight plans had been filed (see

paragraph 337 above).

565. The practice of so-called “dummy” flight planning, i.e. a process of

intentional disguise of flight plans for rendition aircraft used by the air

companies contracted by the CIA, for instance Jeppesen Dataplan Inc. or

Richmor Aviation (see paragraphs 63-70 above), was explained by Senator

Marty and Mr J.G.S. in their testimony during the PowerPoint presentation

on the basis of two examples of the CIA rendition circuits through Romania

executed by plane N313P on 20-24 September 2003 and 16-28 January

2004 (see paragraphs 328 and 371 above). The experts described the



“dummy” flight planning as “a systematic practice deployed by the CIA and

its aviation services providers to disguise CIA flights into and out of its

most sensitive operational locations”. They added that the CIA could not

execute this tactic alone since it “depended upon, however discrete, a role

played by the national counterpart authority”. The Romanian documentary

records demonstrated the landing of N313P on 25 January 2004 at

Bucharest Băneasa Airport despite the absence of a valid flight plan.

According to the experts, “this was part of a systematic practice and through

our investigations we [had] generated numerous, up to twelve instances on

which CIA rendition aircraft [had] transferred detainees into, and out of,

Bucharest, Romania” (see paragraph 373 above).

In this connection, the Court would also reiterate its above findings that

the flights N313P and N1HC marking the opening and the closure of the

CIA detention facility in Romania, flight N85VM, identified as the one that

brought the applicant into Romania and flight N308AB, identified as one of

the two possible flights on which the applicant was taken out of Romania

were concealed by the “dummy” flight planning (see paragraphs 519, 527,

531, 534-537 and 542 above)

566. As the Court found in Al Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, the “dummy” flight planning, a deliberate effort to

cover up the CIA flights, required active cooperation on the part of the host

countries through which the planes travelled. In addition to granting the

CIA rendition aircraft overflight permissions, the national authorities

navigated the planes through the country’s airspace to undeclared

destinations in contravention of international aviation regulations and issued

false landing permits (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 419-422;

and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, §§ 421-424).

567. Consequently, the fact that the Romanian aviation authorities

navigated the CIA flights into Bucharest, despite the fact that the relevant

flight plans named Constanţa or Timișoara as the airports of destination and

accepted flight plans naming those destinations but navigated the planes to

Bucharest demonstrated that they knowingly assisted in the process of

disguise of the CIA planes (ibid.).

(c) Special procedure for CIA flights

568. The Government asserted that, in contrast to the circumstances in

Al Nashiri v. Poland, in Romania there had been no special procedure for

receiving the impugned flights (see paragraphs 436-440 above).

In that regard they relied on evidence from witnesses heard in the

investigation, who had not related any special treatment of the US flights

that would deviate from routine procedures for any ordinary flight (see

paragraphs 437-438 above).

569. The Court notes that, indeed, several witnesses said that they had

not heard about or seen any “clandestine passengers”, “detainees” or “any



passenger especially of Arab origin” (see paragraphs 306-309 and 317-319

above) or that they had not noted “anything out of the ordinary when the

‘private planes’ [had] landed” or that there had been “no special services

provided” (see paragraphs 320 and 323 above).

570. However, the statements of several other witnesses who referred to

the “special” or “N” status flights with the US registrations contradict the

Government’s assertion.

Witness E knew about three or four such flights that landed at night time

and parked on the airport platform for about 10-15 minutes. He said that that

the only person approaching them had been witness X.

Witness G knew of the “N” flights having been announced as special

flights for which the staff had not been requested. Witness O spoke of one

plane that had been treated differently and the staff had been asked to stay in

the office and not go to the plane. Witness P knew that special flights had

been “carried out at night”; also, on one night he had seen a plane without a

call sign and a man in dark overalls and military boots walking a dog near

the plane (see paragraphs 310, 314 and 322-323 above).

Witness X, apparently the only person who had been seen approaching

the “special planes” did not explain in concrete terms what had in reality

been going on but said that his presence in the airport had been connected

with “bilateral relations” with the US” equivalent structures” and “aimed at

ensuring protocol relations during processing as well as bilateral courtesy-

setting according to diplomatic norms and international rules” (see

paragraph 299 above).

571. Witness Z, in his statement of 17 September 2013 given to the

prosecutor was more explicit. He confirmed that in the context of

Romania’s forthcoming accession to NATO “some developments or

agreements [had taken] place in relation to the American flights to be

operated by the CIA” and that, “from about 2003 onwards several contacts

had taken place in that direction and they resulted in concrete agreements

that made possible the operation of the special American flights on

Romanian territory, in different conditions than those provided for by

international customs”. He added that “those flights [had] had a special

character and they [had] not [been] under an obligation to obey usual rules

imposed on civil flights” (see paragraph 301 above).

572. Lastly, in the Court’s view, the way in which the Romanian

authorities dealt with the accident on the landing of the aircraft N478GS that

occurred on 6 December 2004 is one more element that contradicts the

Government’s above assertion as to the lack of any special treatment of the

CIA-associated flights. The incident was described in the Fava Report and

the 2007 EP Resolution, and was also related by Mr Fava at the fact-finding

hearing (see paragraphs 275, 280 and 362 above). The presence in Romania

of seven passengers on the plane which came from Bagram, Afghanistan,

was apparently concealed. Only on the TDIP’s considerable insistence did



the Romanian authorities give them a list of passengers, all of them US

citizens with service passports. One of them was armed with a Beretta gun

and had ammunition on him. No questions were asked about the purpose of

their trip from Bagram, a place reported as hosting a CIA detention site for

the purposes of interrogations of captured terrorist-suspects (see

paragraph 362 above).

(d) Informal transatlantic meeting

573. As in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above § 434) and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland (cited above § 436) the Court considers the informal

transatlantic meeting of the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty

Organisation foreign ministers with the then US Secretary of State,

Ms Condoleezza Rice, held on 7 December 2005, to be one of the elements

relevant for its assessment of the respondent State’s knowledge of the CIA

rendition and secret detention operations in 2003-2005.

574. In his testimony in Al Nashiri v. Poland, Mr Fava stated that the

meeting had been convened in connection with recent international media

reports, including The Washington Post and ABC News disclosures of,

respectively, 2 November 2005 and 5 December 2005, naming European

countries that had allegedly hosted CIA “black sites” on their territories (see

Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 306 and 434). He also described the

content of the “debriefing” of that meeting, a document that the TDIP

obtained from a credible confidential source in the offices of the European

Union. He stated that it had appeared from Ms Rice’s statement “we all

know about these techniques” made in the context of the CIA operations

and interrogations of terrorist suspects which had been recorded in the

debriefing that there had been an attempt on the USA’s part to share the

“weight of accusations” (ibid.).

575. In the present case Mr Fava testified that it had emerged from the

debriefing that, at that stage, all the governments had known that this

“operational means” had been chosen by the CIA and that the extraordinary

renditions were a tool in the war against terrorism.

Mr Fava further stated that the TDIP had “never had doubts” given the

precision of the debriefing notes and the fact that in the course of their

further work they had received confirmation from Mr Bellinger, legal

advisor to Ms Rice, that the US had “never violated the sovereignty of any

EU Member States or indeed any States in in the process of accession to the

EU” and that everything what they had done “[had been] done by always

informing and asking for cooperation and never trying to prevail over the

will of the governments of the Member States” (see paragraph 361 above).

576. In the context of Romania’s knowledge of the CIA HVD

Programme, Mr Fava moreover referred to a statement of Mr Pascu, listed

in the 2007 Marty Report among the Romanian high-office holders “who

knew about, authorised and [stood] accountable” for Romania’s role in the



CIA HVD Programme (see paragraph 262 above). According to Mr Fava,

Mr Pascu, as Minister of Defence, had been aware that the Romanian

authorities had not had access to certain sites which had been under the

control of the US army or intelligence services. In Mr Fava’s opinion, this

statement, although later rectified by Mr Pascu, was truthful (see

paragraph 363 above).

(e) Circumstances routinely surrounding HVDs transfers and reception at the


577. The Court considers, as it did in Al Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn

(Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland (both cited above), that the circumstances and

conditions in which HVDs were routinely transferred by the CIA from

rendition planes to the CIA “black sites” in the host countries should be

taken into account in the context of the State authorities’ alleged knowledge

and complicity in the HVD Programme (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited

above, § 437; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 439).

It follows from the Court’s findings in the above cases and the CIA

materials describing the routine procedure for transfers of detainees between

the “black sites” (see paragraphs 48-51 above) that for the duration of his

transfer a HVD was “securely shackled” by his hands and feet, deprived of

sight and sound by the use of blindfolds, earmuffs and hood and that upon

arrival at his destination was moved to the “black site” under the same


578. The Court finds it implausible that the transportation of prisoners

on land from the planes to the CIA detention site could, for all practical

purposes, have been effected without at least the minimum assistance of the

host country’s authorities, if only to secure the area near and around the

landed planes and provide the conditions for the secret and safe transfer of

passengers. Inevitably, the Romanian personnel responsible for security

arrangements, in particular the reception of the flights and overland transit,

must have witnessed at least some elements of the detainees’ transfer to

Detention Site Black, for instance the unloading of blindfolded and shackled

passengers from the planes (see also Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above,

§§ 330 and 437).

Consequently, the Court concludes that the Romanian authorities who

received the CIA personnel in the airport could not have been unaware that

the persons brought by them to Romania were the CIA prisoners.

(f) Public knowledge of treatment to which captured terrorist suspects were

subjected in US custody in 2002-2005

579. The Court also attaches importance to various material referring to

ill-treatment and abuse of terrorist suspects captured and detained by US

authorities in the “war on terror” which were available in the public domain

at the relevant time (see El Masri, cited above, § 160; Al Nashiri v. Poland,



cited above, § 439; Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 441;

and Nasr and Ghali, cited above, § 234).

580. Before analysing that material, the Court wishes to refer to

President’s Bush memorandum of 7 February 2002, stating that neither

al-Qaeda nor Taliban detainees qualified as prisoners of war under the

Geneva Conventions and that Common Article 3 of the Geneva

Conventions (see paragraph 204-209 above), did not apply to them. The

White House Press Secretary announced that decision at the press

conference on the same day. It was widely commented in the US and

international media. That decision, although including a disclaimer that

even detainees “not legally entitled” to be treated humanely would be so

treated, also spoke of respecting the principles of the Geneva Conventions

“to the extent appropriate and consistent with military necessity” (see

paragraphs 31-32 above). Consequently, already at this very early stage of

the “war on terror” it was well known that “military necessity” was a

parameter for determining the treatment to be received by the captured


581. The Court would further note that from at least January 2002, when

the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a statement relating to

the detention of Taliban and al-Qaeda prisoners in Guantánamo, strong

concerns were expressed publicly as to the treatment of detainees, in

particular the use of “stress and duress” methods of interrogation and

arbitrary and incommunicado detention. From January 2002 to the

publication of the Washington Post report on 2 November 2005 the

international governmental and non-governmental organisations regularly

published reports and statements disclosing ill-treatment and abuse to which

captured terrorist suspects were subjected in US custody in various places,

for instance in Guantánamo and the US Bagram military base in

Afghanistan. The material summarised above and cited in the AI/ICJ’s

amicus curiae brief include only some sources selected from a large amount

of documents available in the public domain throughout the above period

(see paragraphs 212-225 and 470-477 above).

Also, in the 2003 PACE Resolution of 26 June 2003 – of which

Romania, one of the Council of Europe’s member States must have been

aware – the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe was “deeply

concerned at the conditions of detention” of captured “unlawful

combatants” held in the custody of the US authorities (see paragraph 216


582. At the material time the ill-treatment, use of harsh interrogation

measures, and arbitrary detention of al-Qaeda and Taliban prisoners in US

custody, as well as the existence of “US overseas centres” for interrogations

was also often reported in the international and Romanian media (see

paragraphs 230-243 above). In particular, between January 2002 and May

2003 the Romanian press published a number of articles concerning



ill-treatment of prisoners and the use of “violent interrogation techniques”

against captured terrorists by the CIA (see paragraphs 239-243 above).

6. The Court’s conclusions as to Romania’s alleged knowledge of and

complicity in the CIA HVD Programme

583. The Court is mindful of the fact that knowledge of the CIA

rendition and secret detention operations and the scale of abuse to which

high-value detainees were subjected in CIA custody have evolved over

time, from 2002 to the present day. A considerable part of evidence before

the Court emerged several years after the events complained of (see

paragraphs 36-59, 78-97, 251-297, 333-342 and 355-358 above; see also

Al Nashiri, cited above, § 440; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah), cited above,

§ 442).

Romania’s alleged knowledge and complicity in the HVD Programme

must be assessed with reference to the elements that it knew or ought to

have known at or closely around the relevant time, that is to say between

22 September 2003 and 5 November 2005. However, the Court, as it has

done in respect of the establishment of the facts relating to the applicant’s

secret detention in Romania, will also rely on recent evidence which, as for

instance the 2014 US Senate Committee Report and expert evidence

obtained by the Court, relate, explain or disclose the facts occurring in the

past (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 440 ; and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 442).

584. In its assessment, the Court has considered all the evidence in its

possession and the various related circumstances referred to above (see

paragraphs 548-582 above). Having regard to all these elements taken as a

whole, the Court finds that it has been adequately demonstrated to the

required standard of proof that the Romanian authorities knew that the CIA

operated on Romanian territory a detention facility for the purposes of

secretly detaining and interrogating terrorist suspects captured within the

“war on terror” operation by the US authorities.

This finding is primarily based on compelling and crucial evidence

deriving from the 2014 US Senate Committee Report and, to a considerable

extent, evidence from experts.

The passages of the report about the agreement brokered between the

USA and the country hosting Detention Site Black leave no doubt as to the

fact as to the Romanian high-office holders’ prior acceptance of a CIA

detention facility on their territory. Nor can there be any doubt that they

provided “cooperation and support” for the “detention programme” and that,

in appreciation, were offered and accepted a financial reward, referred to as

a “subsidy” amounting to a redacted multiple of USD million (see

paragraph 548-549 above). The experts, with reference to the reward

received by the Romanian authorities, spoke of a “substantial sum, in the

region of ten million United States dollars” (see paragraph 384 above) or



“more than eight million dollars” (see paragraph 391 above). However, for

the purposes of its ruling, the Court does not need, nor does it intend, to

determine the sum that was at stake.

585. The Court further attaches importance to the fact that the former

Head of State Mr Iliescu and his national-security advisor Mr Talpeş,

admitted publicly in the press interviews that the authorities had made

available to the CIA premises which, as Mr Talpeş later explained, were

located in Bucharest (see paragraphs 553-554 above). While it is true that

Witness Y and Witness Z in their testimonies before the prosecutor

contradicted the statements of Mr Iliescu and Mr Talpeş reported in Spiegel

Online, in the Court’s view their denial cannot be considered credible as

being in conflict with all other relevant materials cited above (see

paragraphs 548-559 above). In any event, as noted above, Witness Z

confirmed that a location “for actions of combating international terrorist

threats” was offered to the CIA (see paragraphs 302 and-557 above).

586. Furthermore, the disclosure in the 2014 US Senate Committee

Report demonstrates conclusively that in the autumn of 2004, when

Detention Site Black had already been operating in Romania for around one

year, the national authorities were given a presentation outlining the HVD

Programme by the chief of the CIA station and the US ambassador. The

content of that presentation as related in the report leaves no doubt as to the

fact that at the very least the Romanian authorities had learnt from the CIA

of a “full range of interrogation measures” being used against their

detainees in order to “overcome resistance” in the context of obtaining

intelligence (see paragraphs 560-561 above).

587. Furthermore, the experts, who in the course of their inquiries also

had the benefit of contact with various, including confidential, sources

unanimously and categorically stated that Romania not only ought to have

known but actually did know of the nature and purposes of the CIA

activities in the country.

Senator Marty said that the authorities “must have known that the CIA

had used their territory for transfers of prisoners in the context of the war on

terror”. Mr J.G.S. stated that “quite clearly, categorically the Romanian

authorities, at the highest level, did know of the existence of secret detention

on their territory” and that “they were aware of the precise purpose of the

rendition flights entering and exiting the country, and the conditions, or

roughly the conditions, under which the detainees were held in between

their arrivals and their departures”. Mr Hammarberg stated that “though the

operations were conducted under extreme secrecy, it is obvious that the CIA

plane could not land with its cargo and depart without agreement from high-

level Romanian decision makers”. Mr Black said that it was “clear that the

authorities were aware of [the purposes of the CIA aircraft landings in

Romania] because, among other things, they received money for it” and

that, based on the 2014 US Senate Committee Report, it was “normally



common practice ... that the host country’s officials were in the know about

these facilities and the purposes of them” (see paragraphs 344, 380, 384

and 391 above).

This did not mean, the experts added, that the Romanian authorities had

known the details of what exactly went on inside Detention Site Black or

witnessed treatment to which the CIA prisoners had been subjected in

Romania. As in other countries hosting clandestine prisons, the operation of

the site was entirely in the hands of the CIA and the interrogations had been

exclusively the CIA’s responsibility (see paragraphs 344, 380 and 384

above; see also Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 441; and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 443).

588. However, in the Court’s view, even if the Romanian authorities did

not, or could not, have complete knowledge of the HVD Programme, the

facts available to them, in particular those presented to them directly by

their US partners, taken together with extensive and widely available

information about torture, ill-treatment, abuse and harsh interrogation

measures inflicted on terrorist suspects in US custody which in 2002-2005

circulated in the public domain, including the Romanian press (see

paragraphs 579-582 above), enabled them to conjure up a reasonably

accurate image of the CIA’s activities and, more particularly, the treatment

to which the CIA were likely to have subjected their prisoners in Romania.

In that regard the Court would reiterate that in Al Nashiri v. Poland and

Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland it has found that already in 2002-2003

the public sources reported practices resorted to, or tolerated by, the US

authorities that were manifestly contrary to the principles of the Convention.

Consequently, the Romanian authorities had good reason to believe that a

person detained under the CIA rendition and secret detention programme

could be exposed to a serious risk of treatment contrary to those principles

on Romanian territory.

It further observes that it is – as previously found in respect of Poland –

inconceivable that the rendition aircraft could have crossed the country’s

airspace, landing at and departing from its airports, that the CIA occupied

the premises offered by the national authorities and transported detainees

there, without the State authorities being informed of or involved in the

preparation and execution of the HVD Programme on its territory. Nor can

it stand to reason that activities of such a character and scale, possibly vital

for the country’s military and political interests, could have been undertaken

on Romanian territory without Romania’s knowledge and without the

necessary authorisation and assistance being given at the appropriate level

of the State authorities (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 441-442;

and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, §§ 443-444).



589. The Court accordingly finds it established beyond reasonable doubt


(a) Romania knew of the nature and purposes of the CIA’s activities on

its territory at the material time.

(b) Romania, by entering into an agreement with the CIA on hosting

Detention Site Black, enabling the CIA to use its airspace and airports and

to disguise the movements of rendition aircraft, providing logistics and

services, securing the premises for the CIA and transportation of the CIA

teams with detainees on land, cooperated in the preparation and execution of

the CIA rendition, secret detention and interrogation operations on its


(c) Given its knowledge of the nature and purposes of the CIA’s

activities on its territory and its involvement in the execution of that

programme, Romania knew that, by enabling the CIA to detain terrorist

suspects on its territory, it was exposing them to a serious risk of treatment

contrary to the Convention.



A. The parties

590. The parties’ submissions regarding the Government’s objection that

Romania lacked jurisdiction within the meaning of Article 1 of the

Convention and, consequently, could not be responsible under the

Convention are set out above (see paragraphs 395-409 above).

B. The Court

591. The Court notes that the applicant’s complaints relate both to the

events that occurred on Romania’s territory and to the consequences of his

transfer from Romania to other places where he was secretly detained (see

paragraphs 115-190 above).

In that regard, the Court would wish to reiterate the relevant applicable


1. As regards jurisdiction

592. It follows from Article 1 that States parties must answer for any

infringement of the rights and freedoms protected by the Convention

committed against individuals placed under their “jurisdiction”.

The exercise of jurisdiction is a necessary condition for a Contracting

State to be able to be held responsible for acts or omissions attributable to it



which give rise to an allegation of the infringement of rights and freedoms

set forth in the Convention.

In that regard, the Court would refer to its case-law to the effect that the

concept of “jurisdiction” for the purposes of Article 1 of the Convention

must be considered to reflect the term’s meaning in public international law

(see Gentilhomme and Others v. France, nos. 48205/99, 48207/99

and 48209/99, § 20, judgment of 14 May 2002; Banković and Others

v. Belgium









ECHR 2001-XII; Assanidze v. Georgia [GC], no. 71503/01, § 137,

ECHR 2004-II; and Ilaşcu and Others, cited above, §§ 311-312).

From the standpoint of public international law, the words “within their

jurisdiction” in Article 1 of the Convention must be understood to mean that

a State’s jurisdictional competence is primarily territorial, but also that

jurisdiction is presumed to be exercised normally throughout the State’s

territory (see Ilaşcu and Others, cited above, § 312 with further references

to the Court’s case-law; and Sargsyan v. Azerbaijan [GC], no. 40167/06,

§§ 149-150, ECHR 2015).

593. It must also be reiterated that, for the purposes of the Convention,

the sole issue of relevance is the State’s international responsibility,

irrespective of the national authority to which the breach of the Convention

in the domestic system is attributable (see Assanidze, cited above, § 146,

with further references to the Court’s case-law).

2. As regards the State’s responsibility for an applicant’s treatment

and detention by foreign officials on its territory

594. In accordance with the Court’s settled case-law, the respondent

State must be regarded as responsible under the Convention for

internationally wrongful acts performed by foreign officials on its territory

with the acquiescence or connivance of its authorities (see Ilaşcu

and Others, cited above, § 318; El-Masri, cited above, § 206; Al Nashiri

v. Poland, cited above, § 452; Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited

above, § 449; and Nasr and Ghali, cited above, § 241).

3. As regards the State’s responsibility for an applicant’s removal from

its territory

595. The Court has repeatedly held that the decision of a Contracting

State to remove a person – and, a fortiori, the actual removal itself – may

give rise to an issue under Article 3 where substantial grounds have been

shown for believing that the person in question would, if removed, face a

real risk of being subjected to treatment contrary to that provision in the

destination country (see Soering v. the United Kingdom, 7 July 1989,

§§ 90-91 and 113; Series A no. 161, § 91; Saadi v. Italy [GC], no. 37201/06,

§ 125, ECHR 2008; Babar Ahmad and Others v. the United Kingdom,



nos. 24027/07, 11949/08, 36742/08, 66911/09 and 67354/09, § 168,

10 April 2012; El-Masri, cited above, §§ 212-214, with further references;

Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 454; Husayn (Abu Zubaydah)

v. Poland, cited above, § 450; and Nasr and Ghali, cited above, § 242).

Where it has been established that the sending State knew, or ought to

have known at the relevant time, that a person removed from its territory

was being subjected to “extraordinary rendition”, that is, “an extra-judicial

transfer of persons from one jurisdiction or State to another, for the

purposes of detention and interrogation outside the normal legal system,

where there was a real risk of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading

treatment”, the possibility of a breach of Article 3 is particularly strong and

must be considered intrinsic in the transfer (see El-Masri, cited above,

§§ 218- 221; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 454 and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 450; and Nasr and Ghali, cited above,

§ 243).

596. Furthermore, a Contracting State would be in violation of Article 5

of the Convention if it removed, or enabled the removal, of an applicant to a

State where he or she was at real risk of a flagrant breach of that Article (see

Othman (Abu Qatada) v. the United Kingdom, no. 8139/09, §§ 233 and 285,

ECHR 2012 (extracts); and El-Masri, cited above, § 239).

Again, that risk is inherent where an applicant has been subjected to

“extraordinary rendition”, which entails detention “outside the normal legal

system” and which, “by its deliberate circumvention of due process, is

anathema to the rule of law and the values protected by the Convention”

(see El-Masri, ibid.; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 455; Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 451; and Nasr and Ghali, cited above,

§ 244).

597. Similar principles apply to cases where there are substantial

grounds for believing that, if removed from a Contracting State, an

applicant would be exposed to a real risk of being subjected to a flagrant

denial of justice (see Othman (Abu Qatada), cited above, §§ 261 and 285)

or sentenced to the death penalty (see Al-Saadoon and Mufdhi v. the United

Kingdom, no. 61498/08, § 123, ECHR 2010; Kaboulov v. Ukraine,

no. 41015/04, § 99, 19 November 2009; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above,

§ 456; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 453).

598. While the establishment of the host State’s responsibility inevitably

involves an assessment of conditions in the destination country against the

standards set out in the Convention, there is no question of adjudicating on

or establishing the responsibility of the destination country, whether under

general international law, under the Convention or otherwise.

In so far as any responsibility under the Convention is or may be

incurred, it is responsibility incurred by the host Contracting State by reason

of its having taken action which has as a direct consequence the exposure of

an individual to proscribed ill-treatment or other alleged violations of the



Convention (see Soering, cited above, §§ 91 and 113; Mamatkulov

and Askarov v. Turkey [GC], nos. 46827/99 and 46951/99, §§ 67 and 90,

ECHR 2005-I, with further references; Othman (Abu Qatada), cited above,

§ 258; and El-Masri, cited above, §§ 212 and 239).

599. In determining whether substantial grounds have been shown for

believing that a real risk of the Convention violations exists, the Court will

assess the issue in the light of all the material placed before it or, if

necessary, material it has obtained proprio motu. It must examine the

foreseeable consequences of sending the applicant to the destination

country, bearing in mind the general situation there and his personal


The existence of the alleged risk must be assessed primarily with

reference to those facts which were known or ought to have been known to

the Contracting State at the time of the removal. However, where the

transfer has already taken place at the date of the Court’s examination, the

Court is not precluded from having regard to information which comes to

light subsequently (see Al-Saadoon and Mufdhi (cited above), § 125;

El-Masri, cited above, §§ 213-214, with further references; Al Nashiri

v. Poland, cited above, § 458; Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited

above, § 455; and Nasr and Ghali, cited above, § 246).

4. Conclusion as to the Romanian Government’s preliminary objection

that Romania lacks jurisdiction and responsibility under the


600. The Court has duly noted that the Government, while denying that

the facts as alleged by the applicant occurred in Romania, accepted that

Romania could be responsible under the Convention if it had knowingly

permitted its territory to be used by another State for activities involving

human rights violations and if, given the public awareness of the CIA HVD

Programme, the authorities had become aware that the flights operating on

Romanian’s territory had been used for the CIA rendition operations and

that the CIA had run a secret detention facility in the country (see

paragraph 396 above).

601. Following an extensive and detailed analysis of the evidence in the

present case, the Court has established conclusively and beyond reasonable

doubt that Romania hosted CIA Detention Site Black from 22 September

2003 to 5 November 2005; that the applicant was secretly detained there

from 12 April 2004 to 6 October 2005, or, at the latest, to 5 November

2005; that Romania knew of the nature and purposes of the CIA’s activities

in its country and cooperated in the execution of the HVD Programme; and

that Romania knew that, by enabling the CIA to detain terrorist suspects on

its territory, it was exposing them to a serious risk of treatment contrary to

the Convention (see paragraphs 508-589 above).



The above findings suffice for the Court to conclude that the matters

complained of in the present case fall within the “jurisdiction” of Romania

within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention and are capable of

engaging the respondent State’s responsibility under the Convention.

Accordingly, the Government’s preliminary objection on these grounds

must be dismissed.

602. The Court will accordingly examine the applicant’s complaints and

the extent to which the events complained of are attributable to the

Romanian State in the light of the above principles of State responsibility

under the Convention, as deriving from its case-law (see also Al Nashiri

v. Poland, cited above, § 459; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited

above, § 456).


603. The applicant’s complaints under Article 3 of the Convention

concerned both substantive and procedural aspects of this provision.

(1) As regards his alleged ill-treatment and detention in Romania, he

maintained that the respondent State had violated Article 3 in enabling his

ill-treatment on its territory. Romania knew or must have known about the

CIA extraordinary rendition programme, the existence of the “black site” in

Romania and the torture and inhuman and degrading treatment to which the

CIA had subjected “high-value detainees” as part of this programme.

(2) As regards his transfer from Romania, the applicant submitted that

Romania had knowingly and intentionally enabled his transfer from its

territory in spite of there being substantial grounds for believing that there

had been a real risk of his being subjected to further treatment contrary to

Article 3 in CIA custody.

(3) The applicant also complained under Article 3 read alone and in

conjunction with Article 13 of the Convention that the Romanian authorities

had failed to conduct an effective investigation into his allegations of ill-

treatment during his detention in a CIA-run detention facility in Romania.

He also alleged that by its refusal to acknowledge, promptly and effectively

investigate and disclose details of his ill-treatment, detention, enforced

disappearance and rendition, Romania had violated his and the public’s

right to the truth under Article 3.

604. Article 3 of the Convention states:

“No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or


605. The Court will first examine the applicant’s complaint under the

procedural aspect of Article 3 about the lack of an effective and thorough

investigation into his allegations of ill-treatment when in CIA custody on

Romania’s territory (see El-Masri, cited above, § 181; Al Nashiri v. Poland,



cited above, § 462; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above,

§ 459).

A. Procedural aspect of Article 3

1. The parties’ submissions

(a) The Government

606. In their written pleadings, the Government underlined that the

Court had consistently held that the obligation to investigate allegations of

ill-treatment was not one of result, but one of means: not every investigation

should necessarily be successful or come to a conclusion which coincided

with the claimant’s account of events. However, it should in principle be

capable of leading to the establishment of the facts of the case and, if the

allegations proved to be true, to the identification and punishment of those

responsible. The Court had also acknowledged that the scope of the State’s

procedural obligation under Article 3, as well as the particular form of

investigation, might vary depending on the situation that had triggered that


In their view, both the parliamentary inquiry conducted by the Romanian

Senate and the criminal investigation initiated by the applicant’s criminal

complaint of 29 May 2012 had been prompt, thorough and independent, as

required by Article 3 of the Convention. They added that in the criminal

investigation the applicant’s rights as victim had been duly recognised and


607. Referring to concerns and criticism regarding the allegedly

superficial nature of the parliamentary inquiry and the alleged abuse of State

secrecy and national security expressed in, among others, the Fava Report

and the 2011 Marty Report, the Government maintained that the authorities

had thoroughly investigated the issues of the suspicious flights and alleged

secret detention facility. In contrast to what had been claimed in the above

reports, the 2007 Romanian Senate Report had not been confined to the

defence of Romania’s official position but constituted a comprehensive

analysis of the vast material collected by the Romanian Senate Inquiry

Committee during an extensive investigation.

In particular, between January 2006 and January 2007, the committee’s

activity had consisted of twenty-one meetings for documentation review and

analysis with the leaders of the institutions and of the specialised structures;

over forty meetings with official delegations and members of the European

Council and Commission, other politicians, and journalists; six trips of the

committee’s delegations to the airports and military airbases alleged to have

been used for secret detentions and illegal prisoner transfers; hearings

involving over 200 persons, with attributions regarding flights records,

verification, coordination, and on-ground security and services; study of



over 4,200 pages, containing relevant information for the terms of reference

of the committee.

608. As regards the submissions of the applicant and APADOR-CH

regarding the alleged secrecy of annexes to the 2008 Romanian Senate

Report (see paragraph 631 below), the Government maintained that,

notwithstanding the classification of eleven annexes to the Report, most of

the annexes had not been secret. Moreover, the information related to the

alleged suspicious flights, included in the classified annexes, had been

available to the official investigators of the PACE and the European

Parliament. As could be seen from the 2007 Romanian Senate Report, the

committee had investigated all the airports and airfields mentioned in

Eurocontrol’s documents and examined the Marty Reports and flight plans

of all the aircraft regarded as suspicious. The Romanian Senate Inquiry

Committee had also had access to the classified documents on which the

report’s conclusions relied.

In view of the foregoing, the Government asserted that the parliamentary

inquiry had been thorough and expeditious.

609. Given that the 2007 Romanian Senate Report had conclusively

established that there had been no CIA secret detention sites in Romania,

that the allegedly suspicious flights had had nothing to do with the illegal

transportation of prisoners and that there had been no evidence that

Romanian institutions or persons had knowingly or by negligence

participated in the rendition operations, there had been no legal or factual

grounds on which to conduct a criminal investigation into those matters.

However, following the applicant’s criminal complaint, the prosecution

had promptly opened an investigation. The proceedings had progressed

without delay. The investigative authorities had taken several steps in order

to clarify the facts related to the applicant’s complaint. In order to verify the

matters complained of by the applicant, internal verifications had been

performed, consisting in, among other things, sending letters to RCAA

asking it to make available flight data relating to suspicious flights and to

the relevant airports. Various ministries, for instance the Ministry of

Defence, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had

been asked to provide information regarding the alleged existence of a CIA

secret prison and any material that could be relevant. Many witnesses,

including some high-ranking officials and the airport security and civil

personnel, had been heard by the prosecutor. Furthermore, a number of

requests for legal assistance had been addressed to the US authorities,

asking for specific information about the applicant, namely, whether he had

ever been brought to Romania under the US extraordinary rendition

programme and whether Romania had been involved in that programme.

Those requests had so far been unsuccessful.

610. In the Government’s submission, the material collected in the

investigation had not revealed the existence of a CIA secret detention



facility. Nevertheless, the Romanian investigative authorities were

committed to taking into account the 2014 US Senate Committee Report

published in December 2014 and the subsequent speculations concerning

the so-called “black sites” on Romanian territory. The proceedings were

ongoing and their outcome could not be anticipated by the Government.

611. As regards the length of the investigation, the Government

submitted that it was true that the proceedings had been lengthy, but not

unduly so, especially considering their exceptional complexity and the

factors which had had an impact on their progress and which were beyond

the Romanian prosecution authority’s control, such as a lack of response to

requests for legal assistance on the part of the US authorities.

612. At the public hearing, the Government underlined that the

conclusions of the 2007 Romanian Senate Report had not amounted to mere

statements, but had been the result of real work done in the investigation

extending from January 2006 to January 2007, and whose value should not

be underestimated. They also underlined that the previously classified

annexes to that report had been made publicly available, in particular in the

proceedings before the Court. The annexes helped to shed some light on the

work of the Romanian Senate Inquiry Committee and demonstrated the

thorough nature of the parliamentary inquiry. The committee had requested,

and received, information concerning the purpose of the allegedly

suspicious flights, the service rendered by the civil handling agents, as well

as the diplomatic overflight requests received by the Ministry of Defence

from the United States Embassy from 2001 to 2005.

Even though the annexes had been classified up to a recent date, at no

point had the Romanian authorities tried to hide behind a wall of “State

secrecy” and national security. The relevant, albeit summarised, information

contained in the classified annexes had been disclosed together with the

report, being made available to all the interested parties.

613. The Government reiterated that the criminal investigation had been

thorough and supervised by an independent body, and that it had offered the

victim’s representatives the possibility of participating effectively in its

conduct. In that regard, they stressed that, according to the Romanian Code

of Criminal Procedure, the applicant’s representatives could have asked the

prosecutor if they could be informed about any action taken in the criminal

investigation and attend any examination of witnesses. However, no such

request had so far been received.

614. From the beginning of the investigation, the Public Prosecutor’s

Office had established an investigation plan, based on the content of the

criminal complaint and on information available in the public domain. Most

of the actions stated in this plan had already been carried out; only the

requests for legal assistance to the US authorities had remained unanswered.

All the institutions that could hold information about the flights that were



considered suspicious in various reports had been contacted by the Public

Prosecutor’s Office and requested to submit all the relevant data.

The Prosecutor’s Office had taken a particular interest in the

identification of personnel working at Băneasa Airport on the dates of the

flights allegedly used in rendition circuits; twenty-three witnesses working

for the Border Police, for the private handling agent Romanian airport

services and for the Airport Security Department, had been heard in relation

to working procedures, rules of access and, in particular, about the “N”

flights. On the basis of the witness statements, the Public Prosecutor’s

Office had been able to determine the procedures for the landing of private

non-commercial flights and the normal processing of passengers at the time,

and whether there had been blatant breaches of these procedures in the case

of the US-registered flights.

615. The Government were convinced that the investigation had been

effective, that each and every possible lead had been considered and that

evidence had been gathered in order to establish the facts.

They accordingly invited the Court to find that the criminal investigation

in the present case had been effective and aimed at disclosing the truth in

respect of the so-called rendition programme, the alleged involvement of the

Romanian authorities in that programme and the applicant’s alleged secret

detention in Romania.

(b) The applicant

616. The applicant maintained that Romania had failed to carry out an

investigation that satisfied its obligations under Article 3 of the Convention.

In spite of their duty to investigate of their own accord any arguable claims

of Article 3 violations, and despite being on notice since November 2005 of

possible torture, ill-treatment, and incommunicado detention in a prison on

Romanian territory, the authorities had not commenced a criminal

investigation into the prison until almost seven years later, i.e., until July

2012, when they issued a preliminary response stating that they would

review the criminal complaint filed on behalf of the applicant with the

Prosecutor General in May 2012. Several years later, the criminal

investigation was still ongoing.

In that regard, the applicant emphasised that the Government had a

continuing obligation to investigate allegations of the national authorities’

involvement in serious human rights violations and to uncover the truth

behind such involvement.

617. In the applicant’s view, the Government had offered no cogent

explanation as to why the authorities had not initiated a criminal

investigation into secret CIA prisons on Romanian territory shortly after

public reports of such a prison had first surfaced and irrespective of the

growing information on the existence of the HVD Programme and

Romania’s involvement in that programme. The prosecution had shown a



complete lack of interest in the topic. In addition, as set out in

Mr Hammarberg’s affidavit, the Romanian authorities had ignored his

repeated requests for an investigation and had not responded to his dossier

of evidence relating to the secret CIA prison that he had submitted to the

Prosecutor General.

618. Indeed, for several years following the applicant’s criminal

complaint no serious efforts had been made to interview witnesses with

likely knowledge of the secret CIA prison or of the suspicious rendition

flights, to investigate the Government building where the “Bright Light”

CIA detention site had been located, to speak to intelligence officials who

might have had knowledge of any agreement with the USA, to investigate

the building work that must have been done in order to convert it into a

prison, to seek to speak to the multiple sources referenced in the Council of

Europe’s and other official and unofficial investigations, or to look any

further than the previously conducted Romanian Senate’s inquiry, which

had been fundamentally flawed. To date the prosecution had made no

attempt to communicate with the Office of the Human Rights

Commissioner for the Council of Europe regarding the dossier of

information relating to the CIA prison that former Commissioner

Thomas Hammarberg had shared with the Prosecutor General in March

2012. Nor had the authorities spoken with Senator Marty about the findings

in his two reports confirming that Romania had hosted a secret CIA prison

or asked him whether he could supply relevant documents or witnesses’


619. The applicant further argued that, despite the fact that the

Government had placed great weight on the Romanian Senate’s inquiry into

secret prisons, this inquiry had by its very nature been ineffective because it

had not been a criminal inquiry, and therefore had been incapable of

“leading to the identification and punishment of those responsible”. As

found in the Marty and Fava Reports, the inquiry had been superficial and

not sufficiently independent or impartial. It did not constitute a genuine

attempt to hold officials responsible; rather, it had been aimed at issuing

categorical denials of allegations relating to the CIA prison on Romanian

territory. It had overlooked extensive evidence to the contrary from valuable

and credible sources.

620. The applicant asserted that the authorities had made no attempt to

inform him of the conduct of the investigation or to involve him in the

proceedings through his counsel. It was true that, given the applicant’s

circumstances, contacting him directly would have been impossible. But

there had been no attempt whatsoever even to contact the applicant’s

representatives, let alone involve them in any way in the investigation or

inform them on the progress in the proceedings.

Furthermore, the investigation lacked transparency and there had been no

public scrutiny of the investigation. The investigative authorities in



Romania had disclosed no information to the public about the terms of

reference of the investigation, what stage it was at, which crimes were at

issue, or when it was likely to conclude. As such, they had failed to fulfil

the public scrutiny requirement of an effective investigation. In particular, in

a case such as this, the public element of the investigation was essential to

encourage other witnesses to come forward, such as those who might have

been involved in the preparation and conversion of the ORNISS building

into a secret prison.

621. At the public hearing, the applicant reiterated once again that since

6 November 2005, when the allegations regarding Romania’s involvement

in the CIA rendition programme had been made public in the 2006 HRW

Statement, Romania had been under an obligation, promptly and of its own

motion, to initiate an investigation capable of determining all the

circumstances and possible victims.

It would have been of utmost importance for the effectiveness of the

criminal investigation to be initiated as early as possible, as the events had

been recent and important evidence, such as fresh witness testimony, could

have been gathered. If such investigations had been opened, it would have

been possible for the domestic authorities to identify the applicant as one of

the victims and to establish when he had been transferred out of Romania

and to what treatment he had been subjected. Indeed, if independent

investigators had been able to establish these facts during subsequent

research into the materials available in the public domain, it would have

been possible for official investigators as well, as long as there had been a

will and effort to follow the matter.

622. Instead, the authorities had remained passive despite the fact that

further information on the existence of the HVD Programme and the

involvement of Romania had been disclosed to the public in the following

years and that inquiries had been instituted by the Council of Europe and by

the European Parliament, resulting in detailed reports. For example, Senator

Marty’s reports had been quite specific in describing Romania’s

involvement in the programme and in calling for an investigation. The only

response had been a superficial parliamentary inquiry, falling short of all

standards under Article 3 of the Convention. No criminal investigation had

been initiated even though, under the Code of Criminal Procedure in force

at the material time, the prosecutor could open such an investigation of his

own motion and had not been bound by the findings of the parliamentary

inquiry. Nor had the mounting evidence made public since then, including

the US authorities’ official acknowledgements of the CIA secret detention

programme made as early as 2006, changed the Romanian authorities’

attitude. It had only been after the applicant had lodged a formal criminal

complaint in May 2012 that such an investigation had been opened. A closer

scrutiny of the documents produced by the Government showed that some,

although not significant, procedural steps had been taken only after notice of



the application had been given to the Government. Even so, although

several years had passed since, little progress had been achieved. In fact, the

entry into force of a new Code of Criminal Procedure on 1 February 2014

had forced the prosecution to open the criminal investigation in rem;

otherwise the case would have most probably remained at a preparatory

phase. At present, the investigation was still pending against persons

unknown, after more than ten years since the first reports of Romania’s

involvement in the CIA programme had been made public.

623. The








ineffectiveness of the investigation was the fact that there was no indication

in the investigation file that the 2014 US Senate Committee Report – which

had been widely publicised and must have been known to any diligent

investigator – had been taken into account in any way in the proceedings or

that there had been any effort to corroborate the information in the report by

gathering any additional evidence.

In fact, it appeared that the investigation had been completely stalled for

over two years. Except for obtaining two witness statements, nothing at all

had happened since 2013-2014.

624. In view of the foregoing, the applicant asked the Court to find that

the respondent State was in breach of Article 3 of the Convention since,

despite his credible claim that he had been subjected to torture, ill-treatment

and secret detention in Romania, the investigation conducted by the

Romanian authorities was not prompt, thorough, effective and sufficiently

transparent, as required by that provision.

2. The third-party interveners

(a) The UN Special Rapporteur

625. The UN Special Rapporteur on promotion and protection of human

rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, stressing that

the victim’s right to truth had been expressly recognised in a number of

international instruments negotiated under the auspices of the United

Nations, maintained that international law nowadays protected the legal

right of the victim, his or her relatives, and the public at large to seek and

obtain all relevant information concerning the commission of the alleged

violation, including the fate and whereabouts of the victim and, where

appropriate, the process by which the alleged violation had officially been

authorised. It also included the right of the victim to adequate reparation (of

which the establishment of the truth is an indispensable part). The payment

of monetary compensation without full public exposure of the truth was not

sufficient to discharge this obligation.

626. On the other side of the equation, international law imposed

corresponding obligations on States which could conveniently be gathered

under the rubric of the international law principle of accountability. This



imposed specific duties on all three branches of government. The executive,

the judiciary and parliamentary oversight bodies, as well as independent

bodies entrusted with official responsibility for review of intelligence

matters and/or the conduct of intelligence and law-enforcement agencies,

each bore a share of the State’s responsibility to secure the realisation of the

right to truth and the principle of accountability.

627. Where a plausible allegation was made that public officials had

committed (or been complicit in the commission of) gross or systemic

human rights violations, the executive authorities of the State(s) concerned

were obliged under international law to carry out an official investigation

which had to begin promptly, secure all relevant evidence, and be capable of

leading to the identification and, where appropriate, the punishment of the

perpetrator(s) and those on whose authority the violations had been

committed. Any deficiency in the investigation which undermined its ability

to establish the identity of the persons responsible would risk falling foul of

the requisite legal standard.

628. The investigating authorities were obliged to allow the victims or

(if deceased) their relatives, effective access to the investigative process,

respecting their right to be informed and to participate, to disclose all

relevant evidence and findings to the victims (subject only to legitimate

national security limitations that were adjudged to be strictly necessary by

an independent and impartial judicial or quasi-judicial tribunal); and to

protect the physical and moral integrity of victims and witnesses against

reprisals and threats.

To meet the requirements of international law, such an investigative body

must be genuinely independent of the officials implicated in the violations.

This implied not only a lack of hierarchical or institutional connection but

also a practical independence.

629. In El-Masri the Court had acknowledged the existence of right to

truth (as such) for the first time in its jurisprudence, treating it as an aspect

of the State’s adjectival obligation under Article 3 of the Convention to

conduct an official investigation into allegations of torture.

The experience of the past decade, however, showed that there were

various means by which the right to truth and the principle of accountability

could be (and had been) frustrated, thereby perpetuating impunity for the

public officials implicated in such crimes. These included the grant of

de facto or de jure immunities; the official destruction of relevant evidence;

executive obstruction of (or interference in) independent investigations into

past practices; the assertion by the executive of unjustified claims of secrecy

on grounds of national security or the maintenance of good foreign

relations; the suppression or delayed publication of reports of independent

investigations whose findings might expose past official wrongdoing to

public scrutiny; executive inertia motivated by a desire to “draw a line”

under the past; the more or less oblique invocation of the “superior orders”



defence, despite its prohibition under customary law and relevant

international treaties; and excessive judicial deference to the executive on

matters related to national security or the maintenance of good foreign

relations, with the effect of excluding the right of access to court, or

unjustifiably restricting the exposure of the facts, often on the basis of

highly dubious legal reasoning.


630. APADOR-CH submitted that both the parliamentary inquiry and

criminal investigation in Romania had been inadequate for the purposes of

Article 3 of the Convention.

631. As regards the parliamentary inquiry, they stressed that it had failed

to demonstrate that it had been aimed at discovering the truth in relation to

the allegations of rendition flight landings and the existence of the CIA

secret detention facility in Romania. First of all, the Senate had clearly

stated that it had not been part of its mandate to look into the reason why

flights later proved to be used by the CIA had landed in Romania, although

its mandate had been to investigate such flights. Second, the procedure

adopted by the Romanian Senate Inquiry Committee had lacked

transparency. In particular, the annexes to the 2007 Romanian Senate

Report had never been declassified, nor had they been intended to be made


632. As regards the criminal investigation, APADOR-CH maintained

that it should have been instituted promptly after the allegations of a secret

CIA prison in Romania had emerged rather than being conditional on a

criminal complaint filed by a victim.

(c) Joint submissions by Amnesty International (AI) and the International

Commission of Jurists (ICJ)

633. AI/ICJ stressed that the Convention case-law had long established

that Contracting Parties had an obligation to investigate any credible

information disclosing evidence of violations of Convention rights. Any

such investigation must be prompt, thorough, independent in law and in

practice, allowing for the participation of the victim and “capable of leading

to the identification and punishment of those responsible”.

In this context, the interveners also stressed the importance that such

investigations be initiated ex officio, rather than relying on a criminal

complaint lodged by the victims or their relatives.

634. In AC/ICJ’s submission, the above investigative obligations on

Contracting States were of particular importance in cases of renditions or

enforced disappearances in which the State authorities might be implicated

in the human rights violations.

In cases involving rendition an individual typically experienced

continuing violations of his rights outside the jurisdiction of the State where



he had initially been apprehended. However, this did not divest Contracting

Parties of their duty to investigate credible information disclosing evidence

of involvement in renditions.

Therefore, in cases of such illegal transfers, as well as torture and

enforced disappearance, where the act or omission of a Contracting Party

had a direct causal connection with or was part of the operation of a

rendition involving a continuing violation of Convention rights, taking place

partly on its territory and partly elsewhere, the State had an obligation not

only to prevent, but also to take such investigative and remedial measures as

were available to it to investigate and remedy the continuing violation of

Convention rights.

635. The right to an effective investigation and to an effective remedy

under, inter alia, Articles 3 and 5, read together with Article 13, required

disclosure of the truth concerning the violations of Convention rights

perpetrated in the context of the secret detention and rendition programmes

This was so, not only because of the scale and severity of the human rights

violations concerned, but also and in particular because of the widespread

impunity for these practices, and the suppression of information about them,

which had persisted in multiple national jurisdictions.

Where renditions or secret detentions had taken place with the co-

operation of Contracting Parties, or in violation of those States’ positive

obligations of prevention, the Convention obligations of those States to

investigate and provide remedies required that they take all reasonable

measures open to them to disclose to victims, their families and society as a

whole, information about the human rights violations those victims had

suffered within the context of these counter-terrorism operations.

(d) Media Groups

636. The Media Groups’ submission focused on open justice and the

accessibility to the public of documents adduced in the Court procedure.

They also referred to the freedom of expression in the context of grave

violations of human rights, in particular in relation to media reporting. In so

far as the applicant’s allegations of a breach of procedural obligations under

Article 3 were concerned, the third party criticised the lack of transparency

of the parliamentary inquiry in Romania.

3. The Court’s assessment

(a) Admissibility

637. The Court takes the view that the applicant’s complaint under the

procedural aspect of Article 3 raises serious issues of fact and law under the

Convention, the determination of which requires an examination of the

merits. Furthermore, the Court has already found that the Government’s

objection based on non-compliance with the rule of exhaustion of domestic



remedies and with the six-month rule should be joined to the merits of this

complaint (see paragraph 418 above). Consequently, it cannot be considered

that the complaint is manifestly ill-founded within the meaning of Article 35

§ 3 (a) of the Convention. No other ground for declaring it inadmissible

having been established, the complaint must therefore be declared


(b) Merits

(i) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court’s case-law

638. Where an individual raises an arguable claim that he has suffered

treatment infringing Article 3 at the hands of agents of the respondent State

or, likewise, as a result of acts performed by foreign officials with that

State’s acquiescence or connivance, that provision, read in conjunction with

the Contracting States’ general duty under Article 1 of the Convention to

“secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined

in ... [the] Convention”, requires by implication that there should be an

effective official investigation. Such investigation should be capable of

leading to the identification and – where appropriate – punishment of those

responsible. Otherwise, the general legal prohibition of torture and inhuman

and degrading treatment and punishment would, despite its fundamental

importance, be ineffective in practice and it would be possible in some cases

for agents of the State to abuse the rights of those within their control with

virtual impunity (see, among other examples, Assenov and Others

v. Bulgaria, 28 October 1998, § 102, Reports of Judgments and Decisions

1998-VIII; Ilaşcu and Others, cited above, §§ 318, 442, 449 and 454;

El-Masri, cited above, § 182; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 485;

Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 479; Mocanu and Others

v. Romania [GC], nos. 10865/09 and 2 others, § 317, ECHR 2014 (extracts),

Cestaro v. Italy, no. 6884/11, §§ 205-208, 7 April 2015; Nasr and Ghali,

cited above, § 262; see also Armani Da Silva v. the United Kingdom [GC],

no. 5878/08, § 233, ECHR 2016).

639. The investigation into serious allegations of ill-treatment must be

both prompt and thorough. That means that the authorities must act of their

own motion once the matter has come to their attention and must always

make a serious attempt to find out what happened and should not rely on

hasty or ill-founded conclusions to close their investigation or to use as the

basis of their decisions. They must take all reasonable steps available to

them to secure the evidence concerning the incident, including, inter alia,

eyewitness testimony and forensic evidence. Any deficiency in the

investigation which undermines its ability to establish the cause of injuries

or the identity of the persons responsible will risk falling foul of this




The investigation should be independent of the executive. Independence

of the investigation implies not only the absence of a hierarchical or

institutional connection, but also independence in practical terms.

Furthermore, the victim should be able to participate effectively in the

investigation in one form or another (see, El-Masri, cited above,


§§ 183-185Al-Skeini and Others v. the United Kingdom [GC],

no. 55721/07, § 167, ECHR 2011; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 486;

Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 480; and Mocanu

and Others, cited above, §§ 321-323).

640. Even if there is a strong public interest in maintaining the secrecy

of sources of information or material, in particular in cases involving the

fight against terrorism, it is essential that as much information as possible

about allegations and evidence should be disclosed to the parties in the

proceedings without compromising national security. Where full disclosure

is not possible, the difficulties that this causes should be counterbalanced in

such a way that a party can effectively defend its interests (see Al Nashiri

v. Poland, cited above, §§ 494-495; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland,

cited above, §§ 488-489, both judgments with further references to the

Court’s case-law).

641. Furthermore, where allegations of serious human rights violations

are involved in the investigation, the right to the truth regarding the relevant

circumstances of the case does not belong solely to the victim of the crime

and his or her family but also to other victims of similar violations and the

general public, who have the right to know what has happened.

An adequate response by the authorities in investigating allegations of

serious human rights violations may generally be regarded as essential in

maintaining public confidence in their adherence to the rule of law and in

preventing any appearance of impunity, collusion in or tolerance of

unlawful acts. For the same reasons, there must be a sufficient element of

public scrutiny of the investigation or its results to secure accountability in

practice as well as in theory (see El-Masri, cited above, §§ 191-192;

Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 495; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah)

v. Poland, cited above, § 489, with further references to the Court’s


(ii) Application of the above principles to the present case

642. The Court notes that the respondent Government argued that both

the parliamentary inquiry conducted by the Romanian Senate and the

criminal investigation instituted by the prosecution had been prompt,

thorough, independent and effective, as required by Article 3 of the

Convention (see paragraphs 606-615 above).

It further notes that these two investigations were separated by several

years. The Romanian Senate’s inquiry was initiated in late December 2005,

following the PACE President’s appeal of 24 November 2005, asking the



Romanian Parliament to investigate the allegations concerning the CIA

extraordinary rendition operations in Europe and the disclosures in The

Washington Post of 2 November 2005 and the 2005 HRW Statement of

6 November 2005, the latter naming Romania as one of the European

countries allegedly hosting CIA secret prisons (see paragraphs 165-166, 226

and 236 above). The criminal investigation, initiated by the applicant’s

criminal complaint, began over some six years and eight months later, in

late July 2012 (see paragraphs 171-172 above).

643. Given that the parliamentary inquiry commenced within a mere

three weeks after the disclosures suggesting that the CIA had run a secret

detention site in Romania, it cannot be said that the respondent State failed

to give a prompt response to the public allegations of Romania’s possible

complicity in the CIA HVD Programme. The Court therefore accepts the

Government’s argument that the reaction of the political bodies was swift

and that the Romanian Senate Inquiry Committee’s work progressed

reasonably quickly, in particular considering the voluminous materials

gathered and examined, as well as a number of fact-finding missions carried

out (see paragraphs 167 and 607 above). The work was accomplished within

a year, from January 2006 to January 2007, and the deadline for the final

report was set for the beginning of March 2007 (see paragraphs 165-167

above). The 2007 Romanian Senate Report was published at the beginning

of May 2008, although its annexes remained classified which, in the view of

the applicant and APADOR-CH, demonstrated a lack of transparency of the

parliamentary procedure (see paragraphs 165 and 631 above).

644. The Court does not find it necessary to establish whether, and if so

to what extent, restrictions on public access to the annexes impacted on the

adequacy of the Romanian Senate’s inquiry. For the Court’s assessment the

central question is whether that inquiry was capable of “leading to the

identification and punishment of those responsible”, which is an

indispensable element of an “effective investigation” for the purposes of

Article 3 (see paragraph 638 above).

The Court has taken into account the applicant’s arguments regarding

that issue (see paragraph 619 above). It has also had regard to the terms of

reference of the Romanian Senate’s inquiry, which were defined as

“investigating statements regarding the existence of the CIA detention

facilities or of some planes leased by the CIA on the territory of Romania”

(see paragraph 166 above). These terms of reference were further extended

to include certain particular incidents, for instance the accident suffered by

plane N478GS on landing in Bucharest on 6 December 2004 (see

paragraphs 168, 275 and 362 above). The inquiry focused on eight principal

questions regarding the existence of a CIA secret prison in Romania, illegal

transfer of detainees, suspicious aircraft and possible participation of the

Romanian authorities in the CIA scheme. They were answered in the

negative in the 2007 Romanian Senate Report’s conclusions, except for the



question relating to the need for a parliamentary inquiry (see paragraph 169

above). None of those questions concerned the establishment of possible

responsibility of State officials in the event of their complicity in the CIA

scheme, nor was the inquiry aimed at ensuring, even in general terms, the

accountability of those who could have been involved in the execution of

the alleged CIA operations in the country. Moreover, as can be seen from

the letter of the President of the Romanian Senate to APADOR-CH of

13 October 2008, the inquiry was strictly limited to the issues set out in its

terms of reference and did not collect information regarding the purpose of

the flights in question (see paragraph 170 above).

645. In that connection, the Court would also observe that the

investigative work of the Romanian Senate Inquiry Committee overlapped

with international inquiries conducted in 2006-2007 by the PACE and the

European Parliament (see paragraphs 165-169, 246-265 and 268-280

above). It can therefore be reasonably assumed that all the simultaneously

working bodies of inquiry had similar material at their disposal. For

instance, as noted above, the list of twenty-one suspicious flights in the

declassified annex to the 2007 Romanian Senate Report included the aircraft

identified as carrying out rendition missions in the Fava Report (see

paragraphs 272-273, 276 and 327 above). Yet in contrast to the Romanian

Senate’s categorical conclusions rejecting any possibility of a CIA detention

facility having operated in Romania or the flights in question being used for

extraordinary rendition, the findings in the 2006 Marty Report and the Fava

Report pointed to a number of elements justifying at least a strong suspicion

that such a facility had existed in Romania in 2003-2005 and conclusively

identified some aircraft that stopped over in Romania as rendition planes

(see paragraphs 251-256 and 268-276 above). The 2007 EP Resolution

expressly, although with regret, called the 2007 Romanian Senate Report’s

conclusions “premature and superficial” (see paragraph 280 above).

Mr Fava, at the fact-finding hearing pointed out in respect of the Romanian

Senate’s work that “it was chosen not to check all the facts and hear all the

people who could have provided further elements”, for instance








paragraph 364 above).

646. Having regard to the foregoing and, in particular, to the limited

scope of the inquiry, the Court finds that the measures taken by the

Romanian Parliament cannot be regarded as an adequate and sufficient

response to serious allegations of Romania’s implication in the CIA HVD

Programme – a scheme which in the light of the widespread public

knowledge involved undisclosed detention, torture and ill-treatment of


647. It remains for the Court to determine whether the subsequent

criminal investigation met the requirements of Article 3.



As noted above, the proceedings began in late July 2012, which was

some six years and eight months after the public disclosures indicating

Romania’s possible complicity in the CIA extraordinary rendition and secret

detention operations and over five years after the closure of the

parliamentary inquiry. The Government explained that in the light of the

2007 Romanian Senate Report’s conclusions, the authorities had had no

legal or factual grounds on which to conduct of their own motion a criminal

investigation into the same matters. However, following the applicant’s

criminal complaint, the prosecution had promptly opened an investigation

(see paragraph 609 above).

648. The Court does not share the Government’s point of view. On the

contrary, it considers that the extremely grave nature of the allegations of

human rights abuses committed during the operation of the HVD

Programme and indications of Romania’s complicity in the CIA’s activities

that emerged at the beginning of November 2005 taken together with the

subsequent findings as to Romania’s possible role in that programme in the

Fava Report and the 2006 Marty Report, required of the authorities to act of

their initiative instantly, without waiting for a victim to bring the matter to

their attention (see paragraph 639 above).

649. Pursuant to Article 221 of the old CCP, as applicable at the material

time, a criminal investigation authority had a duty to take action of its own

motion if it had discovered that an offence had been committed (see

paragraph 196 above). The 2005 HRW Statement explicitly referred to

“extremely serious activities”, “incommunicado detention”, “torture”

(describing the waterboarding interrogation technique) and “mistreatment of

detainees” (see paragraph 226 above). In the face of public allegations of

such serious criminal activity having been perpetrated on Romania’s

territory, allegations which on account of the world-wide publicity could not

have gone unperceived, the Romanian prosecution authorities had a duty to

initiate promptly a criminal investigation into the matter, notwithstanding

the conclusions of the parliamentary inquiry (see El-Masri, cited above,

§ 192; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 491; and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 485).

650. In spite of that duty and despite further disclosures and growing

public knowledge of the CIA extraordinary rendition operations – to

mention only the publication of the vast CIA declassified materials in 2009-

2010 – the authorities remained passive from the finalisation of the 2007

Romanian Senate Report in March 2007 to 20 July 2012, when the

applicant’s criminal complaint was registered (see paragraph 172 above).

Having regard to the exceptional gravity and plausibility of the allegations,

such delay must be considered inordinate (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited

above, § 492; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 486).

The fact that the applicant’s criminal complaint was lodged over six years

after the closure of Detention Site Black in Romania is not decisive and



does not change the Court’s conclusion that the authorities bear full

responsibility for the significant delay in investigating the matter. As stated

above, the information about serious violations of Article 3 possibly

occurring in Romania in 2003-2005 which was brought to their knowledge

already in November 2005 gave rise ipso facto to an obligation to carry out

an effective investigation (see also El-Masri, cited above, § 186).

651. Furthermore, as rightly pointed out by the applicant (see paragraphs

621-622 above), the long delay in opening the criminal investigation most

likely diminished the prospects of its effectiveness. For instance, owing to

the passage of time, retention periods for storing certain data had already

expired between 2008 and 2010. As a result, important aeronautical data

was already erased from the records kept by the Romanian authorities (see

paragraphs 180-181 above).

While it is not possible to say with certainty what might have happened

had it not been for the culpable delay on the part of the authorities, the

authorities’ inaction can be seen as a factor capable of affecting adversely

the process of gathering evidence. It is entirely conceivable that more

evidence could have been secured and obtained shortly after the closure of

Detention Site Black in Romania if the prosecution authorities, with their

full range of powers available under the criminal law – powers which are by

definition stronger and more effective than those enjoyed by parliamentary

investigative bodies – had decided to act promptly.

652. As regards the procedural activity displayed by the prosecution

since May-July 2012, the Government maintained that there had been no

undue procrastination and that the investigation had progressed swiftly,

account being taken of the exceptional complexity of the case and the US

authorities’ unresponsive attitude to the requests for legal assistance. They

added that a number of important procedural steps had been taken, such as

taking evidence from a considerable number of witnesses and obtaining

information as to the alleged existence of a CIA secret prison and suspicious

flights from various Government ministries, State authorities, private

companies and airports (see paragraphs 609-610 and 614-615 above). The

applicant argued that the case had lain dormant for the last two years and

that since 2013-2014 no meaningful progress had been achieved, save for

taking statements from two witnesses. He also maintained that the

authorities had not informed his counsel of the actions taken and that, by

their failure to disclose to the public at least some elements, such as the

terms of reference of the investigation, had not ensured public scrutiny of

the proceedings (see paragraphs 620 and 622-623 above).

653. The Court does not underestimate the difficulties faced by the

Romanian prosecutors in their investigation, involving as it did a complex,

secret scheme of rendition and detention with international ramifications,

voluminous material from various sources, including classified documents,

and last, but not least, issues of national security and cooperation between



the Romanian and the US intelligence services. However, as noted above,

the passage of time between the events and institution of the proceedings

must have inevitably affected the authorities’ ability to establish all the

relevant circumstances and compounded the problems with collecting

evidence. The proceedings, which have been pending for over six years, are

apparently still directed against persons unknown and no individuals

bearing responsibility for Romania’s role in the HVD Programme have so

far been identified. Neither does it seem – and nor was it pleaded by the

Government – that any information from the investigation or about its

conduct has been disclosed to the public (see paragraphs 171-190 above).

654. In that regard, the Court would emphasise that the securing of

proper accountability of those responsible for enabling the CIA to run

Detention Site Black on Romanian territory is conducive to maintaining

confidence in the adherence by the Romanian State’s institutions to the rule

of law. The applicant and the public have a right to know the truth regarding

the circumstances surrounding the extraordinary rendition and secret

detention operations in Romania and to find out what happened at the

material time. A victim, such as the applicant in the present case, who had

made a credible allegation of being subjected to ill-treatment in breach of

Article 3 of the Convention, has the right to obtain an accurate account of

the suffering endured and the role of those responsible for his ordeal (see

paragraph 641 above; see also Association “21 December 1989”

and Others v. Romania, nos. 33810/07 and 18817/08, § 144, 24 May 2011;

Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 495; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah)

v. Poland, cited above, § 487). That right has to date been denied to the


655. Moreover, the importance and gravity of the issues involved require

particularly intense public scrutiny of the investigation. The Romanian

public has a legitimate interest in being informed of the criminal

proceedings and their results. It therefore falls to the national authorities to

ensure that, without compromising national security, a sufficient degree of

public scrutiny is maintained in respect to the investigation (see Al Nashiri

v. Poland, cited above, § 497; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited

above, § 489).

656. Having regard to its above findings as to the inadequacy of the

parliamentary inquiry and deficiencies in the criminal investigation, the

Court considers that Romania has failed to comply with the requirements of

a “prompt”, “thorough” and “effective” investigation for the purposes of

Article 3 of the Convention.

Consequently, the Court dismisses the Government’s preliminary

objections of non-exhaustion of domestic remedies and non-compliance

with the six-month rule (see paragraphs 412-418 above) and finds that there

has been a violation of Article 3 of the Convention, in its procedural aspect.



B. Substantive aspect of Article 3

1. The parties’ submissions

(a) The Government

657. The Government contended that, having regard to Romania’s lack

of jurisdiction and responsibility under the Convention as invoked above, it

was impossible for them to make any observations on the merits of the

applicant’s complaint under the substantive limb of Article 3 of the


(b) The applicant

658. The applicant submitted that Romania had known or must have

known about the CIA’s secret detention and extraordinary rendition

programme, the secret CIA prison in Romania, and the torture and cruel,

inhuman and degrading treatment to which the CIA had subjected high-

value detainees as part of this programme. Yet Romania had knowingly and

intentionally assisted the CIA in detaining the applicant in Detention Site

Black, thereby allowing the CIA to subject him on Romanian territory to

treatment in violation of Article 3 of the Convention.

659. In respect of the nature of the ill-treatment inflicted on him in

various CIA prisons, the applicant referred to the transcript of the hearing

held by the Combatant Status Review Tribunal in Guantánamo on 14 March

2007, as released on 15 June 2016 (see paragraph 123 above). At that

hearing he had stated that he had continually endured torture in the CIA’s

hands from the time he had been arrested in mid-October 2002 until his

transfer to military custody on 5 September 2006. During that time he had,

among other things, been hung upside down for almost a month, subjected

to waterboarding on numerous occasions, put inside a box for a week, hit

against the wall, kept in stressful positions, subjected to nudity, held in

stressful and painful positions, beaten, abused and ill-treated in many other


660. As regards the ill-treatment inflicted on him in Romania, the

applicant underlined that because of the unprecedented secrecy associated

with CIA detention and rendition operations, the publicly available

information was scarce and incomplete. Moreover, as he had already

submitted, he had been deprived of any possibility of giving a direct account

of his ordeal to the Court. However, it had transpired from the CIA

declassified documents and the 2014 US Senate Committee Report that it

was in Bucharest, in May 2004, where he was subjected to rectal feeding

after he had tried to go on hunger strike. The 2014 US Senate Committee

Report described rectal feeding as a practice applied by the CIA on

detainees “without evidence of medical necessity” and as a means of

“behaviour control”.



It had been in Bucharest where the applicant had been subjected to all of

the standard abusive conditions of CIA detention: incommunicado solitary

confinement, blindfolds and hooding, forced shaving, continuous noise,

continuous light and leg shackling. It had been at Detention Site Black

where during the first months of their detention CIA prisoners had been

subjected to sleep deprivation, doused with water and slapped or forced to

stand in painful positions. Moreover, he had inevitably faced the constant

fear that the torture inflicted on him in Poland and other previous places of

secret detention would be inflicted on him again, leaving him in a state of

permanent anxiety caused by complete uncertainty about his fate at the

hands of the CIA.

661. The applicant submitted that the Court had expressly recognised

this form of ill-treatment in Abu Zubaydah v. Poland as being in breach of

Article 3. Indeed, torture and prisoner abuse had been the hallmark, the

standard operating procedure of the CIA secret detention programme. The

predictability of the fate of the detainees under the programme gave

sufficient grounds to believe that the applicant had been abused and

ill-treated in Romania, as well as after his transfer from the country.

662. Torture and ill-treatment endured by the applicant had caused him

significant damage, as confirmed by his above statement given before the

Combatant Stratus Review Tribunal and the fact that, as a result of his

experiences during his secret detention, he had suffered from Post-

Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

663. Lastly, the applicant contended that in the light of the Court’s

case-law, Romania had a positive obligation under Article 3 to protect him

from treatment in violation of that provision on its territory and to prevent

his transfer from Romania to other CIA secret detention facilities, thus

exposing him to further, continuing violations of Article 3. Romania’s

failure to stop or prevent the violations of his rights had amounted to a

breach of that provision.

2. The Court’s assessment

(a) Admissibility

664. The Court notes that this complaint is not manifestly ill-founded

within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 (a) of the Convention. It further notes

that it is not inadmissible on any other grounds. It must therefore be

declared admissible.

(b) Merits

(i) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court’s case-law

665. Article 3 of the Convention enshrines one of the most fundamental

values of democratic societies. Unlike most of the substantive clauses of the



Convention, Article 3 makes no provision for exceptions and no derogation

from it is permissible under Article 15 § 2 even in time of war or other

public emergency threatening the life of the nation (see, among many other

examples, Soering, cited above, § 88; Selmouni v. France, cited above, § 95;

Labita v. Italy [GC], no. 26772/95, § 119, ECHR 2000-IV; Ilaşcu

and Others, cited above, § 424; Shamayev and Others v. Georgia and

Russia, no. 36378/02, § 375, ECHR 2005-III; El-Masri, cited above, § 195;

see also Al-Adsani v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 35763/97, §§ 26-31,

ECHR 2001-XI).

Even in the most difficult circumstances, such as the fight against

terrorism and organised crime, the Convention prohibits in absolute terms

torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, irrespective of

the conduct of the person concerned (see Chahal v. the United Kingdom,

15 November 1996, § 79, Reports 1996-V; see Labita v. Italy [GC],

no. 26772/95, § 119, ECHR 2000-IV; Öcalan v. Turkey [GC], no. 46221/99,

§ 179 ECHR 2005-IV; El-Masri, cited above, § 195; Al Nashiri v. Poland,

cited above, § 507; Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 499;

and Nasr and Ghali, cited above, § 280).

666. In order for ill-treatment to fall within the scope of Article 3 it must

attain a minimum level of severity. The assessment of this minimum

depends on all the circumstances of the case, such as the duration of the

treatment, its physical or mental effects and, in some cases, the sex, age and

state of health of the victim (see Ireland v. the United Kingdom, cited above,

§ 162; Kudła v. Poland [GC], no. 30210/96, § 92, ECHR 2000-XI; and

Jalloh v. Germany, cited above, § 67). Further factors include the purpose

for which the treatment was inflicted together with the intention or

motivation behind it (compare, inter alia, Aksoy v. Turkey, 18 December

1996, § 64, Reports 1996-VI; Egmez v. Cyprus, no. 30873/96, § 78,

ECHR 2000-XII; Krastanov v. Bulgaria, no. 50222/99, § 53, 30 September

2004; and El-Masri, cited above, § 196).

Treatment has been held by the Court to be “inhuman” because, inter

alia, it was premeditated, was applied for hours at a stretch and caused

either actual bodily injury or intense physical and mental suffering, and also

“degrading” because it was such as to arouse in its victims feelings of fear,

anguish and inferiority capable of humiliating and debasing them (see

Labita, cited above, § 120).

In order to determine whether any particular form of ill-treatment should

be classified as torture, the Court must have regard to the distinction drawn

in Article 3 between this notion and that of inhuman or degrading treatment.

This distinction would appear to have been embodied in the Convention to

allow the special stigma of “torture” to attach only to deliberate inhuman

treatment causing very serious and cruel suffering (see Aksoy, cited above,

§ 62). In addition to the severity of the treatment, there is a purposive

element, as recognised in the United Nations Convention against Torture



and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which

came into force on 26 June 1987, which defines torture in terms of the

intentional infliction of severe pain or suffering with the aim, inter alia, of

obtaining information, inflicting punishment or intimidating (Article 1 of

the United Nations Convention) (see İlhan v. Turkey [GC], no. 22277/93,

§ 85, ECHR 2000-VII; El-Masri, cited above, § 197; Al Nashiri v. Poland,

cited above, § 508; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above,

§ 500).

667. Furthermore, a threat of conduct prohibited by Article 3, provided it

is sufficiently real and immediate, may fall foul of that provision. Thus, to

threaten an individual with torture may constitute at least inhuman treatment

(see Gäfgen v. Germany [GC], no. 22978/05, § 91, ECHR 2010; and

Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 501).

668. The obligation on the High Contracting Parties under Article 1 of

the Convention to secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and

freedoms defined in the Convention, taken together with Article 3, requires

States to take measures designed to ensure that individuals within their

jurisdiction are not subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment

or punishment, including such ill-treatment administered by private

individuals (see A. v. the United Kingdom, 23 September 1998, § 22,

Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1998-VI and Z. and Others

v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 29392/95, § 73, ECHR 2001-V). The

State’s responsibility may therefore be engaged where the authorities fail to

take reasonable steps to avoid a risk of ill-treatment about which they knew

or ought to have known (see Mahmut Kaya v. Turkey, no. 22535/93, § 115,

ECHR 2000-III; El-Masri, cited above, § 198; Al Nashiri v. Poland, § 509;

and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 502; and Nasr

and Ghali, cited above, § 283).

(ii) Application of the above principles to the present case

669. The Court has already found that the applicant’s allegations

concerning his secret detention in Romania from 12 April 2004 to 6 October

2005 or, at the latest, 5 November 2005 and his transfer from Romania to

another CIA black site on one of those latter dates have been proved before

the Court and that those facts are established beyond reasonable doubt (see

paragraphs 531-542 above).

It remains to be determined whether the treatment to which he was

subjected during his detention falls within the ambit of Article 3 of the

Convention and, if so, whether and to what extent it can be attributed to the

respondent State (see paragraphs 591-602 above).

(α) Treatment to which the applicant was subjected at the relevant time

670. In the light of the material in its possession the Court has already

found that it does not appear that at Detention Site Black the applicant was



subjected to EITs in connection with interrogations (see paragraphs 545-546

above). However, it has established beyond reasonable doubt that during his

detention in Romania the applicant was kept – as any other CIA detainee –

under the regime of “standard conditions of confinement” laid down in the

DCI Confinement Guidelines. That regime included, as a matter of fixed,

predictable routine, the blindfolding or hooding of detainees, which was

designed to disorient them and keep them from learning of their location or

the layout of the detention facility; removal of hair upon arrival at the site;

incommunicado, solitary confinement; continuous noise of high and varying

intensity played at all times; continuous light such that each cell was

illuminated to about the same brightness as an office; and use of leg

shackles in all aspects of detainee management and movement (see

paragraphs 56-58 and 547 above). The conditions of confinement were an

integral part of the CIA interrogation scheme and served the same purposes

as interrogation measures, namely to “dislocate psychologically” the

detainee, to “maximise his feeling of vulnerability and helplessness” and

“reduce or eliminate his will to resist ... efforts to obtain critical

intelligence” (see paragraphs 42, 53 and 56-58 above).

671. A complementary description of the applicant’s conditions of

detention throughout the entire period that he spent in CIA custody can also

be found in the 2007 ICRC Report. According to that description, based on

the applicant’s own account and on that of thirteen other high-value

detainees, they “had no knowledge of where they were being held, no

contact with persons other than their interrogators or guards”; and “even the

guards were usually masked and, other than the absolute minimum, did not

communicate in any way with detainees”. None of the detainees “had any

real – let alone regular – contact with other persons detained, other than

occasionally for the purposes of inquiry when they were confronted with

another detainee”. They had “no access to news from the outside world,

apart from the later stages of their detention when some of them

occasionally received printouts of sports news from the Internet and one

reported receiving newspapers”. The situation was further exacerbated by

other aspects of the detention regime, such as deprivation of access to open

air and exercise, lack of appropriate hygiene facilities and deprivation of

basic items in pursuance of interrogations (see paragraph 293 above).

672. Referring to the general situation in the CIA secret prisons, the

2014 US Senate Committee Report states that “the conditions of

confinement for CIA detainees were harsher that the CIA represented to the

policymakers and others” and describes them as being “poor” and

“especially bleak early in the programme” (see paragraph 85 above). It

further states that in respect of the conditions of detention the DCI

Confinement Guidelines of 28 January set forth minimal standards and

required only that the facility be sufficient to meet “basic health needs”.

That, according to the report meant in practice that a facility in which



detainees were kept shackled in complete darkness and isolation, with a

bucket for human waste and without heat during the winter months, met that

standard (see paragraph 56 above).

673. As regards the impact of the regime on the CIA detainees, the 2014

US Senate Committee Report states that “multiple CIA detainees who were

subjected to the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques and extended

isolation exhibited psychological and behavioral issues, including

hallucinations, paranoia insomnia and attempts at self-harm and

self-mutilation” and that “multiple psychologists identified the lack of

human contact experienced by detainees as a cause of psychiatric problems”

(see paragraph 85 above). In the CIA’s declassified documents, adverse

effects of extreme isolation to which HVDs were subjected have been

recognised as imposing a “psychological toll” and capable of altering “the

detainee’s ability to interact with others” (see paragraph 58 above).

674. As regards the applicant’s situation during his detention at

Detention Site Black, the 2014 US Senate Committee Report confirms that

in May 2004, following his hunger strike, the CIA “responded by force

feeding him rectally” (see paragraphs 126 and 158 above). Also, according

to the report, he clearly suffered serious psychological problems resulting

from treatment inflicted on him during his detention, such as “outbursts”

during debriefings” and a “continued state of depression”. He displayed

behaviour described as “unpredictable”, “disruptive” and “repeated

belligerent acts”. In July 2005 he was assessed as being “on the verge of a

breakdown” (see paragraphs 127 and 158 above).

675. For the purposes of its ruling the Court does not find it necessary to

analyse each and every aspect of the applicant’s treatment in detention, the

physical conditions in which he was detained in Romania, or the conditions

in which he was transferred to and out of Romania. The predictability of the

CIA’s regime of confinement and treatment routinely applied to the

high-value detainees give sufficient grounds for the Court to conclude that

the above-described standard measures were used in respect of the applicant

in Romania and likewise elsewhere, following his transfer from Romania,

as an integral part of the HVD Programme (see also Al Nashiri v. Poland,

cited above, §§ 514-515).

Considering all the elements, the Court finds that during his detention in

Romania the applicant was subjected to an extremely harsh detention

regime, including a virtually complete sensory isolation from the outside

world, and suffered from permanent emotional and psychological distress

and anxiety caused by the past experience of torture and cruel treatment in

the CIA’s hands and fear of his future fate. Even though during that period

he had not been subjected to interrogations with the use of the harshest

methods but “debriefings”, the applicant – having beforehand experienced

the most brutal torture, for instance waterboarding, mock executions,

hanging upside down and prolonged confinement in a box (see Al Nashiri



v. Poland, cited above, §§ 86-89, 99-102, 401 and 416-417) – inevitably

faced the constant fear that, if he failed to “comply”, the previous cruel

treatment would at any given time be inflicted on him again. Thus, Article 3

of the Convention does not refer exclusively to the infliction of physical

pain but also to that of mental suffering, which is caused by creating a state

of anguish and stress by means other than bodily assault (see El-Masri, cited

above, § 202; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above,

§§ 509-510).

Consequently, having regard to the treatment to which the applicant must

have been subjected and its cumulative effects on him, the Court finds that it

is to be characterised as intense physical and mental suffering falling within

the notion of “inhuman treatment” under Article 3 of the Convention (see

paragraph 665 above).

(β) Court’s conclusion as to Romania’s responsibility

676. The Court has already found that Romania knew of the nature and

purposes of the CIA’s activities on its territory at the material time and

cooperated in the preparation and execution of the CIA extraordinary

rendition, secret detention and interrogation operations on Romanian

territory. It has also found that, given its knowledge and its involvement in

the execution of the HVD Programme Romania knew that, by enabling the

CIA to detain terrorist-suspects on its territory, it was exposing them to a

serious risk of treatment contrary to the Convention (see paragraph 589


677. It is true that in the assessment of the experts – which the Court

accepts – the Romanian authorities did not know the details of what exactly

happened inside Detention Site Black or witnessed treatment to which the

CIA’s detainees were subjected. The running of the detention facility was

entirely in the hands of and controlled by the CIA. It was the CIA personnel

who were responsible for the physical conditions of confinement,

interrogations, debriefings, ill-treatment and inflicting torture on detainees

(see paragraphs 344, 380, 384 and 587 above).

However, under Article 1 of the Convention, taken together with

Article 3, Romania was required to take measures designed to ensure that

individuals within its jurisdiction were not subjected to torture or inhuman

or degrading treatment or punishment, including ill-treatment administered

by private individuals (see paragraph 668 above)

Notwithstanding the above Convention obligation, Romania, for all

practical purposes, facilitated the whole process of the operation of the

HVD Programme on its territory, created the conditions for it to happen and


made no attempt to prevent it from occurring. As found aboveon the basis

of their own knowledge of the CIA activities deriving from Romanian’s

complicity in the HVD Programme and from publicly accessible

information on treatment applied in the context of the “war on terror” to



terrorist suspects in US custody the authorities – even if they did not see or

participate in the specific acts of ill-treatment and abuse endured by the

applicant and other HVDs – must have been aware of the serious risk of

treatment contrary to Article 3 occurring in the CIA detention facility on

Romanian territory.

Accordingly, Romania, on account of its “acquiescence and connivance”

in the HVD Programme must be regarded as responsible for the violation of

the applicant’s rights under Article 3 of the Convention committed on its

territory (see paragraph 594 above; see also El-Masri, cited above, §§ 206

and 211; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 517; and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 512).

678. Furthermore, Romania was aware that the transfer of the applicant

to and from its territory was effected by means of “extraordinary rendition”,

that is, “an extrajudicial transfer of persons from one jurisdiction or State to

another, for the purposes of detention and interrogation outside the normal

legal system, where there was a real risk of torture or cruel, inhuman or

degrading treatment” (see El-Masri, cited above, § 221; Al Nashiri

v Poland, cited above, § 518; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited

above, § 513).

In these circumstances, the possibility of a breach of Article 3 was

particularly strong and should have been considered intrinsic in the transfer

(see paragraph 595 above). Consequently, by enabling the CIA to transfer

the applicant out of Romania to another detention facility, the authorities

exposed him to a foreseeable serious risk of further ill-treatment and

conditions of detention in breach of Article 3 of the Convention.

679. There has accordingly been a violation of Article 3 of the

Convention, in its substantive aspect.


680. The applicant complained that Romania had enabled the CIA to

hold him on its territory in secret, unacknowledged detention, which had

been imposed and implemented outside any legal procedures. Moreover, by

enabling the CIA to transfer him from Romanian territory to other secret

CIA detention facilities elsewhere, it had exposed him to a real and serious

of risk of further undisclosed detention.

He alleged a breach of Article 5 of the Convention, which reads as


“1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be

deprived of his liberty save in the following cases and in accordance with a procedure

prescribed by law:

(a) the lawful detention of a person after conviction by a competent court;



(b) the lawful arrest or detention of a person for non- compliance with the lawful

order of a court or in order to secure the fulfilment of any obligation prescribed by


(c) the lawful arrest or detention of a person effected for the purpose of bringing

him before the competent legal authority on reasonable suspicion of having

committed an offence or when it is reasonably considered necessary to prevent his

committing an offence or fleeing after having done so;

(d) the detention of a minor by lawful order for the purpose of educational

supervision or his lawful detention for the purpose of bringing him before the

competent legal authority;

(e) the lawful detention of persons for the prevention of the spreading of infectious

diseases, of persons of unsound mind, alcoholics or drug addicts or vagrants;

(f) the lawful arrest or detention of a person to prevent his effecting an unauthorised

entry into the country or of a person against whom action is being taken with a view

to deportation or extradition.

2. Everyone who is arrested shall be informed promptly, in a language which he

understands, of the reasons for his arrest and of any charge against him.

3. Everyone

arrested or detained in accordance with the provisions of

paragraph 1 (c) of this Article shall be brought promptly before a judge or other

officer authorised by law to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within

a reasonable time or to release pending trial. Release may be conditioned by

guarantees to appear for trial.

4. Everyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention shall be entitled to

take proceedings by which the lawfulness of his detention shall be decided speedily

by a court and his release ordered if the detention is not lawful.

5. Everyone who has been the victim of arrest or detention in contravention of the

provisions of this Article shall have an enforceable right to compensation.”

A. The parties

1. The Government

681. The Government reiterated their position that Romania lacked

jurisdiction and refrained from making any observations on the

admissibility and merits of the complaint.

2. The applicant

682. The applicant submitted that his secret detention in Romania had

violated Article 5 § 1 because it had not been “in accordance with a

procedure prescribed by law”. Romania had entered into an agreement with

the CIA to permit it to fly in and secretly detain detainees, including the

applicant on Romanian territory. It had also provided extraordinary security

cover for these secret detention operations.

He underlined that the Court had repeatedly held, including in El-Masri

(cited above), that unacknowledged detention was a “complete negation” of



Article 5 guarantees and “a most grave violation of article 5”. The Grand

Chamber had further reiterated in El-Masri that “Article 5 of the

Convention laid down an obligation on the State not only to refrain from

active infringements of the rights in question, but also to take appropriate

steps to provide protection against an unlawful interference with those rights

to everyone in its jurisdiction”.

683. The respondent State had known and should have known that the

applicant had not received any legal process for his detention in the light of

the extraordinary secrecy associated with the CIA’s rendition and detention

operations. It had been on notice of the secret detention of prisoners from its

own negotiations concerning the hosting of a detention facility with the US

authorities, as well as from public sources and its diplomatic missions. Yet

Romania had assisted the CIA secret detention operations, including by

providing a detention site and extraordinary security cover for the CIA and

maintaining the secrecy associated with these operations. It had also failed

to take measures to protect the applicant from incommunicado detention

while he had been on Romanian territory. Accordingly, Romania had

violated his rights under Article 5 of the Convention.

684. Moreover, Romania’s participation in the applicant’s transfer from

the country had exposed him to the further continuing risk of

incommunicado detention in violation of Article 5 § 1. Romania had known

and should have known that the CIA had been likely to continue to subject

its prisoners – including the applicant – to incommunicado detention after

their transfer from Romanian territory. By failing to meet its positive

obligation to protect him from detention in violation of Article 5 and

knowingly and intentionally participating in his transfer despite the above

risk Romania was responsible for the length of arbitrary detention he had

endured after being transferred from its territory.

B. The Court

1. Admissibility

685. The Court notes that this complaint is not manifestly ill-founded

within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 (a) of the Convention. It further notes

that it is not inadmissible on any other grounds. It must therefore be

declared admissible.

2. Merits

(a) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court

686. The guarantees contained in Article 5 are of fundamental

importance for securing the right of individuals in a democracy to be free

from arbitrary detention at the hands of the authorities. It is for that reason



that the Court has repeatedly stressed in its case-law that any deprivation of

liberty must not only have been effected in conformity with the substantive

and procedural rules of national law but must equally be in keeping with the

very purpose of Article 5, namely to protect the individual from

arbitrariness (see Chahal, cited above, § 118; and El-Masri, cited above,

§ 230). This insistence on the protection of the individual against any abuse

of power is illustrated by the fact that Article 5 § 1 circumscribes the

circumstances in which individuals may be lawfully deprived of their

liberty, it being stressed that these circumstances must be given a narrow

interpretation having regard to the fact that they constitute exceptions to a

most basic guarantee of individual freedom (see Quinn v. France, 22 March

1995, § 42, Series A no. 311; and El-Masri, cited above, § 230).

687. It must also be stressed that the authors of the Convention

reinforced the individual’s protection against arbitrary deprivation of his or

her liberty by guaranteeing a corpus of substantive rights which are intended

to minimise the risks of arbitrariness, by allowing the act of deprivation of

liberty to be amenable to independent judicial scrutiny and by securing the

accountability of the authorities for that act. The requirements of Article 5

§§ 3 and 4 with their emphasis on promptness and judicial supervision

assume particular importance in this context. Prompt judicial intervention

may lead to the detection and prevention of life-threatening measures or

serious ill-treatment which violate the fundamental guarantees contained in

Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention (see Aksoy, cited above, § 76). What is at

stake is both the protection of the physical liberty of individuals and their

personal security in a context which, in the absence of safeguards, could

result in a subversion of the rule of law and place detainees beyond the

reach of the most rudimentary forms of legal protection (see El-Masri, cited

above, § 231; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 528; Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 522; and Nasr and Ghali, cited above,

§ 297).

688. Although the investigation of terrorist offences undoubtedly

presents the authorities with special problems, that does not mean that they

have carte blanche under Article 5 to arrest suspects and detain them in

police custody, free from effective control by the domestic courts and, in the

final instance, by the Convention’s supervisory institutions, whenever they

consider that there has been a terrorist offence (see Aksoy, cited above, § 78;

and El-Masri, cited above, § 232).

The Court emphasises in this connection that the unacknowledged

detention of an individual is a complete negation of these guarantees and a

most grave violation of Article 5. Having assumed control over an

individual, the authorities have a duty to account for his or her whereabouts.

For this reason, Article 5 must be seen as requiring the authorities to take

effective measures to safeguard against the risk of disappearance and to

conduct a prompt effective investigation into an arguable claim that a



person has been taken into custody and has not been seen since (see Kurt

v Turkey, 25 May 1998, §§ 123-124, Reports of Judgments and Decisions

1998-III; and El-Masri, cited above, § 233; see also Al Nashiri v. Poland,

cited above, § 529; Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 523;

and Nasr and Ghali, cited above, § 298).

(b) Application of the above principles to the present case

689. In the previous cases concerning similar allegations of a breach of

Article 5 arising from secret detention under the CIA HVD Programme in

other European countries the Court found that the respondent States’

responsibility was engaged and that they were in violation of that provision

on account of their complicity in that programme and cooperation with the

CIA (see El-Masri, cited above, § 241; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above,

§§ 531-532; Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, §§ 525-526;

and Nasr and Ghali, cited above, §§ 302-303). The Court does not see any

reason to hold otherwise in the present case.

690. As the Court has held in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above, § 530)

and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland (cited above, § 524), secret detention

of terrorist suspects was a fundamental feature of the CIA rendition

programme. The rationale behind the programme was specifically to remove

those persons from any legal protection against torture and enforced

disappearance and to strip them of any safeguards afforded by both the US

Constitution and international law against arbitrary detention, to mention

only the right to be brought before a judge and be tried within a reasonable

time or the habeas corpus guarantees. To this end, the whole scheme had to

operate outside the jurisdiction of the US courts and in conditions securing

its absolute secrecy, which required setting up, in cooperation with the host

countries, overseas detention facilities (see also paragraphs 22-23, 28-59, 62

and 78-97 above).

The rendition operations had largely depended on the cooperation,

assistance and active involvement of the countries which put at the USA’s

disposal their airspace, airports for the landing of aircraft transporting CIA

prisoners, and facilities in which the prisoners could be securely detained

and interrogated and ensured the secrecy and smooth operation of the HVD

Programme. While, as noted above, the interrogations of captured terrorist

suspects was the CIA’s exclusive responsibility and the local authorities

were not to be involved, the cooperation and various forms of assistance

provided by those authorities, such as customising the premises for the

CIA’s needs, ensuring security and providing the logistics were the

necessary condition for the effective operation of the CIA secret detention

facilities (see Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 530; and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 524).

691. In respect of the applicant’s complaint under the substantive aspect

of Article 3 the Court has already found that Romania was aware that he had



been transferred from its territory by means of “extraordinary rendition” and

that the Romanian authorities, by enabling the CIA to transfer the applicant

to its other secret detention facilities, exposed him to a foreseeable serious

risk of further ill-treatment and conditions of detention in breach of

Article 3 of the Convention (see paragraph 678 above).These conclusions

are likewise valid in the context of the applicant’s complaint under

Article 5. In consequence, Romania’s responsibility under the Convention is

engaged in respect of both the applicant’s secret detention on its territory

and his transfer from Romania to CIA detention elsewhere.

692. There has accordingly been a violation of Article 5 of the



693. The applicant further complained that Romania had violated his

rights under Article 8 by enabling the CIA to ill-treat and detain him

incommunicado on its territory and to deprive him of any contact with his


Article 8 of the Convention reads as follows:

“1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and

his correspondence.

2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right

except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society

in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the

country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals,

or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.”

A. The parties

1. The Government

694. The Government restated their position that Romania lacked

jurisdiction and responsibility under the Convention. They refrained from

making any observations on the admissibility and merits of the complaint.

2. The applicant

695. The applicant contended that his incommunicado secret detention

in Romania with no access to or contact with his family had violated

Article 8 of the Convention.

Romania had known or must have known from public sources and its

diplomatic missions of the possible torture, abuse and secret detention of the

US terrorist suspects. Nonetheless, it had agreed to host a secret CIA prison

and provide security for the CIA’s secret detention and rendition operations.

Romania had known or must have known that detainees like the applicant



had been deprived of access to their family as it had helped maintain

secrecy regarding these operations. Clearly, a secret prison outside the law

did not allow for family visits. By participating in the CIA’s secret detention

of prisoners and failing to take measures to protect the applicant from such

detention without access to his family while he had been on Romanian

territory, Romania had violated his rights under Article 8.

B. The Court

1. Admissibility

696. The Court notes that this complaint is not manifestly ill-founded

within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 (a) of the Convention. It further notes

that it is not inadmissible on any other grounds. It must therefore be

declared admissible.

2. Merits

697. The notion of “private life” is a broad one and is not susceptible to

exhaustive definition; it may, depending on the circumstances, cover the

moral and physical integrity of the person. These aspects of the concept

extend to situations of deprivation of liberty (see El-Masri, cited above,

§ 248, with further references to the Court’s case-law; Al Nashiri v. Poland,

cited above, § 538; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above,

§ 532).

Article 8 also protects a right to personal development, the right to

establish and develop relationships with other human beings and the outside

world. A person should not be treated in a way that causes a loss of dignity,

as “the very essence of the Convention is respect for human dignity and

human freedom” (see Pretty v. the United Kingdom, no. 2346/02, §§ 61

and 65, ECHR 2002-III). Furthermore, the mutual enjoyment by members

of a family of each other’s company constitutes a fundamental element of

family. In that context, the Court would also reiterate that an essential object

of Article 8 is to protect the individual against arbitrary interference by the

public authorities (see El-Masri, cited above, § 248; Al Nashiri v. Poland,

ibid.; and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, ibid.).

698. Having regard to its conclusions concerning the respondent State’s

responsibility under Articles 3 and 5 of the Convention (see

paragraphs 676-679 and 691 above), the Court is of the view that Romania’s

actions and omissions in respect of the applicant’s detention and transfer

likewise engaged its responsibility under Article 8 of the Convention.

Considering that the interference with the applicant’s right to respect for his

private and family life occurred in the context of the imposition of

fundamentally unlawful, undisclosed detention, it must be regarded as not

“in accordance with the law” and as inherently lacking any conceivable



justification under paragraph 2 of that Article (see El-Masri, cited above,

§ 249; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 539, and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 533).

699. There has accordingly been a violation of Article 8 of the




700. The applicant complained that Romania had been in breach of

Article 13 of the Convention, taken separately and in conjunction with

Articles 3, 5 and 8 on account of having failed to carry out an effective,

prompt and thorough investigation into his allegations of serious violations

of Articles 3, 5 and 8 of the Convention.

Article 13 of the Convention reads as follows:

“Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in [the] Convention are violated

shall have an effective remedy before a national authority notwithstanding that the

violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity.”

A. The parties

701. The parties essentially reiterated their observations concerning the

procedural aspect of Article 3 of the Convention.

702. The Government maintained that that the parliamentary inquiry and

criminal investigation had been thorough and effective and had, therefore,

met the requirements of an “effective remedy” for the purposes of Article 13

of the Convention.

703. The applicant disagreed and said that the investigation had been

initiated after a considerable delay and with marked reluctance on the part

of the Romanian authorities Despite the fact that the investigation had been

pending for over five years, no meaningful progress had been achieved.

B. The Court

1. Admissibility

704. The Court notes that this complaint is linked to the complaint under

the procedural aspect of Article 3, which has been found admissible (see

paragraph 637 above). It must likewise be declared admissible.



2. Merits

(a) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court

705. Article 13 guarantees the availability at national level of a remedy

to enforce the substance of the Convention rights and freedoms in whatever

form they might happen to be secured in the domestic legal order. The effect

of this Article is thus to require the provision of a domestic remedy allowing

the competent national authority both to deal with the substance of the

relevant Convention complaint and to grant appropriate relief, although

Contracting States are afforded some discretion as to the manner in which

they conform to their obligations under this provision. The scope of the

obligation under Article 13 varies depending on the nature of the applicant’s

complaint under the Convention. Nevertheless, the remedy required by

Article 13 must be “effective” in practice as well as in law, in particular in

the sense that its exercise must not be unjustifiably hindered by the acts or

omissions of the authorities of the respondent State (see, among other

authorities, Kaya v. Turkey, 19 February 1998, § 106, Reports of Judgments

and Decisions 1998-I; and Mahmut Kaya, cited above, § 124).

706. Where an individual has an arguable claim that he has been

ill-treated by agents of the State, the notion of an “effective remedy” entails,

in addition to the payment of compensation where appropriate, a procedure

enabling a thorough and effective investigation capable of leading to the

identification and punishment of those responsible and including effective

access for the complainant to the investigatory procedure (see Anguelova

v. Bulgaria, no. 38361/97, §§ 161-162, ECHR 2002; Assenov and Others,

cited above, §§ 114 et seq.; Aksoy, cited above, §§ 95 and 98; and El-Masri,

cited above, § 255).

707. The requirements of Article 13 are broader than a Contracting

State’s obligation under Articles 3 and 5 to conduct an effective

investigation into the disappearance of a person who has been shown to be

under their control and for whose welfare they are accordingly responsible

(see El-Masri, cited above, § 255, with further references to the Court’s


708. Given the irreversible nature of the harm that might occur if the risk

of ill-treatment materialised and the importance the Court attaches to

Article 3, the notion of an effective remedy under Article 13 requires

independent and rigorous scrutiny of the claim of, or on behalf of, the

individual concerned that there exist substantial grounds for fearing a real

risk of treatment contrary to Article 3. This scrutiny must be carried out

without regard to what the person may have done to warrant his expulsion

or to any perceived threat to the national security of the State from which

the person is to be removed (see Chahal, cited above, § 151; and El-Masri,

cited above, § 257; see also Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 546-548;

and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, §§ 540-543).



(b) Application of the above principles to the present case

709. The Court has already concluded that the respondent State is

responsible for violations of the applicant’s rights under Articles 3, 5 and 8

of the Convention (see paragraphs 676-679, 691 and 698 above). The

complaints under these Articles are therefore “arguable” for the purposes of

Article 13 and that he should accordingly have been able to avail himself of

effective practical remedies capable of leading to the identification and

punishment of those responsible and to an award of compensation, as

required by that provision (see paragraph 705 above; see also El-Masri,

cited above, § 259; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 550; and Husayn

(Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 544).

For the reasons set out in detail above, the Court has found that the

criminal investigation in Romania fell short of the standards of the

“effective investigation” that should have been carried out in accordance

with Article 3 (see paragraph 656 above). In these circumstances, the

remedy relied on by the Government (see paragraphs 412-413 above)

cannot be regarded as “effective” in practice. For the reasons that prompted

the Court to dismiss the Government’s preliminary objection of non-

exhaustion of domestic remedies (see paragraphs 642-656 above), the Court

must also find that the requirements of Article 13 of the Convention were

not satisfied in the present case and that the applicant did not have available

to him in Romania an “effective remedy” to ventilate his claims of a

violation of Articles 3, 5 and 8 of the Convention.

710. Consequently, there has been a violation of Article 13, taken in

conjunction with Articles 3, 5 and 8 of the Convention.



711. The applicant complained that Romania, by enabling the CIA to

transfer him from its territory, had exposed to him to a real and serious risk

of being transferred to a jurisdiction where he would be subjected to a

flagrantly unfair trial, in breach of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. That

provision, in so far as relevant, reads as follows:

“In the determination of ... any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a

fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial by

an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.”



A. The parties

1. The Government

712. The Government reiterated their position that Romania lacked

jurisdiction and refrained from making observations on the admissibility

and merits of the complaint.

2. The applicant

713. The applicant maintained that by the time of his transfer from

Romania, the Romanian authorities had known or must have known that

there were substantial grounds for believing that he had faced a real risk of

being subjected to a flagrant denial of justice. The deficiencies of the

military commission rules applicable to terrorist-suspects in US custody at

that time had been publicly criticised by the Council of Europe, the Human

Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina, various non-governmental

organisations and also in news reports. The US Government had also

published documents detailing the rules for military commissions under

which the applicant was likely to be tried.

The military commissions had been flagrantly unfair because they had

not been sufficiently independent and impartial, had been contrary to US

law and discriminatory, had admitted evidence obtained from torture and

inhuman and degrading treatment, had not respected the principle of

equality of arms, had not been public and had admitted hearsay evidence.

Despite knowing the flagrant unfairness of the US military commissions

which would be likely to try the applicant, Romania had assisted in his

transfer out of its territory.

714. Although military commission rules applicable to the applicant had

changed since the time he had been transferred from Romania, they retained

a number of deficiencies which, especially when considered in the context

of a death penalty case, cumulatively amounted to a flagrant denial of

justice under Article 6 of the Convention.

B. The Court

1. Admissibility

715. The Court notes that this complaint is not manifestly ill-founded

within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 (a) of the Convention. It further notes

that it is not inadmissible on any other grounds. It must therefore be

declared admissible.



2. Merits

(a) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court

716. In the Court’s case-law, the term “flagrant denial of justice” is

synonymous with a trial which is manifestly contrary to the provisions of

Article 6 or the principles embodied therein (see, among other examples,

Sejdovic v. Italy [GC], no. 56581/00, § 84, ECHR 2006-II, and Othman

(Abu Qatada), cited above, § 258).

In Othman (Abu Qatada), citing many examples from its case-law, the

Court referred to certain forms of unfairness that could amount to a flagrant

denial of justice. These include conviction in absentia with no subsequent

possibility to obtain a fresh determination of the merits of the charge; a trial

which is summary in nature and conducted with a total disregard for the

rights of the defence; detention without any access to an independent and

impartial tribunal to have the legality of the detention reviewed, and

deliberate and systematic denial of access to a lawyer, especially for an

individual detained in a foreign country (ibid. § 259).

In other cases, the Court has also attached importance to the fact that if a

civilian has to appear before a court composed, even only in part, of

members of the armed forces taking orders from the executive, the

guarantees of impartiality and independence are open to serious doubt (see

Incal v. Turkey, 9 June 1998, §§ 68 et seq. Reports of Judgments and

Decisions 1998-IV, and Öcalan, cited above, § 112).

717. However, “flagrant denial of justice” is a stringent test of

unfairness. A flagrant denial of justice goes beyond mere irregularities or

lack of safeguards in the trial procedures such as might result in a breach of

Article 6 if occurring within the Contracting State itself. What is required is

a breach of the principles of fair trial guaranteed by Article 6 which is so

fundamental as to amount to a nullification, or destruction of the very

essence, of the right guaranteed by that Article (see Othman (Abu Qatada),

cited above, § 260)

718. The Court has taken a clear, constant and unequivocal position on

the admission of torture evidence. No legal system based upon the rule of

law can countenance the admission of evidence – however reliable – which

has been obtained by such a barbaric practice as torture. The trial process is

a cornerstone of the rule of law. Torture evidence irreparably damages that

process; it substitutes force for the rule of law and taints the reputation of

any court that admits it. Torture evidence is excluded in order to protect the

integrity of the trial process and, ultimately, the rule of law itself. The

prohibition of the use of torture is fundamental (see Othman (Abu Qatada,

cited above, §§ 264-265).

Statements obtained in violation of Article 3 are intrinsically unreliable.

Indeed, experience has all too often shown that the victim of torture will say

anything – true or not – as the shortest method of freeing himself from the



torment of torture (see Söylemez v. Turkey, no. 46661/99, § 122,

21 September 2006; and Othman (Abu Qatada), cited above, § 264).

The admission of torture evidence is manifestly contrary, not just to the

provisions of Article 6, but to the most basic international standards of a fair

trial. It would make the whole trial not only immoral and illegal, but also

entirely unreliable in its outcome.

It would, therefore, be a flagrant denial of justice if such evidence were

admitted in a criminal trial (see Othman (Abu Qatada), cited above, § 267;

see also Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 564; and Husayn (Abu

Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 554).

(b) Application of the above principles to the present case

719. In Al Nashiri v. Poland the Court examined a similar complaint and

found a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention on the following


At the time of the applicant’s transfer from Poland, the procedure before

military commissions was governed by the Military Order of 13 November

2001 and the Military Commission Order no. 1 of 21 March 2002 (see also

paragraphs 71-72 above).

The commissions were set up specifically to try “certain non-citizens in

the war against terrorism”, outside the US federal judicial system. They

were composed exclusively of commissioned officers of the United States

armed forces. The appeal procedure was conducted by a review panel

likewise composed of military officers. The commission rules did not

exclude any evidence, including that obtained under torture, if it “would

have probative value to a reasonable person”.

On 29 June 2006 the US Supreme Court ruled in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld

that the military commission “lacked power to proceed” and that the scheme

had violated both the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the four Geneva

Conventions signed in 1949 (see also paragraph 73 above).

The Court considered that at the time of the applicant’s transfer from

Poland there was a real risk that his trial before the military commission

would amount to a flagrant denial of justice having regard to the following


(i) the military commission did not offer guarantees of impartiality of

independence of the executive as required of a “tribunal” under the Court’s

case-law (see also paragraph 716 above, with references to the Court’s


(ii) it did not have legitimacy under US and international law resulting

in, as the Supreme Court found, its lacking the “power to proceed” and,

consequently, it was not “established by law” for the purposes of Article 6

§ 1; and



(ii) there was a sufficiently high probability of admission of evidence

obtained under torture in trials against terrorist suspects (see Al Nashiri

v. Poland, cited above, §§ 566- 567).

720. The Court has also attached importance to the fact that at the

material time, in the light of publicly available information, it was evident

that any terrorist suspect would be tried before a military commission.

Furthermore, the procedure before the commission raised serious worldwide

concerns among human rights organisations and the media (ibid. § 568; see

also paragraphs 75-77 above).

721. Having regard to the fact that the applicant was transferred out of

Romania on 6 October 2005 or, at the latest, on 5 November 2005 when the

same rules governing the procedure before the military commission applied

(see paragraphs 71-74 and 542 above), the same considerations are valid in

the present case.

As in Al Nashiri v. Poland, the Court would also refer to the 2003 PACE

Resolution of 26 June 2003, expressing “disapproval that those held in

detention may be subject to trial by a military commission, thus receiving a

different standard of justice than United States nationals, which amount[ed]

to a serious violation of the right to receive a fair trial” (see paragraph 216

above). Romania, as any other member State of the Council of Europe, must

have necessarily been aware of the underlying circumstances that gave rise

to the grave concerns stated in the resolution.

Also, given the strong, publicly expressed concerns regarding the









paragraphs 75-76 above), it must have been a matter of common knowledge

that trials before the commissions did not offer the most basic guarantees

required by Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.

In view of the foregoing, the Court finds that Romania’s cooperation and

assistance in the applicant’s transfer from its territory, despite a real and

foreseeable risk that he could face a flagrant denial of justice engaged its

responsibility under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention (see also

paragraphs 597-598 above, with references to the Court’s case-law).

722. There has accordingly been a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the







A. The parties

1. The Government

723. The Government reiterated their position that Romania lacked

jurisdiction and made no observations on the admissibility and merits of the


2. The applicant

724. The applicant submitted that Romania’s participation in his transfer

out of its territory despite substantial grounds for believing that there had

been a real risk that he would be subjected to the death penalty had violated

his right to life under Article. In previous cases, the Court had found that

Article 2 prohibited the transfer of an individual to another State in such

circumstances. It had also previously found that the implementation of the

death penalty in respect of a person who had not had a fair trial would

violate Article 2.

Furthermore, in other cases the Court had found a violation of Article 3

on account of the psychological suffering associated with a post-transfer

risk of being subjected to the death penalty. It had also held that the

imposition of the death penalty following an unfair trial violated Article 3

and that there was a further violation of Article 3 where the transferred

individual was at risk of being subjected to the “death row phenomenon”.

Romania had assisted the CIA in transporting the applicant out of

Romania despite being on notice that terrorist suspects in US custody had

been likely to be subjected to the death penalty as well as an unfair trial by

the military commission. Romania’s participation in the applicant’s transfer

out of its territory also violated Article 1 of Protocol No. 6.

Lastly, the applicant emphasised that since his trial was still pending he

continued to be at risk of having the death penalty imposed on him.

Romania was therefore under a post-transfer duty to use all available means

to ensure that he would not be subjected to that penalty.

B. The Court

1. Admissibility

725. The Court notes that this complaint is not manifestly ill-founded

within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 (a) of the Convention. It further notes

that it is not inadmissible on any other grounds. It must therefore be

declared admissible.



2. Merits

(a) Applicable general principles deriving from the Court

726. Article 2 of the Convention prohibits any transfer of an individual

to another State where substantial grounds have been shown for believing

that he or she would face a real risk of being subjected to the death penalty

there (see, mutatis mutandis, Soering, cited above, § 111; Kaboulov

v. Ukraine, cited above, § 99; Al Saadoon and Mufdhi, cited above, § 123;

Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 576; see also paragraph 597 above).

727. Judicial execution involves the deliberate and premeditated

destruction of a human being by the State authorities. Whatever the method

of execution, the extinction of life involves some physical pain. In addition,

the foreknowledge of death at the hands of the State must inevitably give

rise to intense psychological suffering. The fact that the imposition and use

of the death penalty negates fundamental human rights has been recognised

by the member States of the Council of Europe. In the Preamble to

Protocol No. 13 the Contracting States describe themselves as “convinced

that everyone’s right to life is a basic value in a democratic society and that

the abolition of the death penalty is essential for the protection of this right

and for the full recognition of the inherent dignity of all human beings” (see

Al-Saadoon and Mufdhi, cited above, § 115; and Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited

above, § 577).

(b) Application of the above principles to the present case

728. As in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above, § 578), the Court finds that

at the time of the applicant’s transfer from Romania there was a substantial

and foreseeable risk that he could be subjected to the death penalty










paragraphs 71-72 above). Considering the fact that the applicant was

indicted on capital charges on 20 April 2011, that those charges were

approved on 28 September 2011 and that since then he has been on trial

facing the prospect of the death penalty being imposed on him (see

paragraphs 152-156 above), that risk has not diminished.

Having regard to its conclusions concerning the respondent State’s

responsibility for exposing the applicant to the risk of a flagrant denial of

justice in breach of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention on account of his

transfer to the military commission’s jurisdiction, the Court considers that

Romania’s actions and omissions likewise engaged its responsibility under

Article 2 taken together with Article 1 of Protocol No. 6 and under Article 3

of the Convention (see paragraph 721 above)..

729. There has accordingly been a violation of Articles 2 and 3 of the

Convention taken together with Article 1 of Protocol No. 6 to the





730. Lastly, the applicant complained under Article 10 of the

Convention that Poland, by its refusal to acknowledge, disclose and

promptly and effectively investigate details of his secret detention,

ill-treatment and rendition, had violated his and the public’s right to the

truth under Articles 2, 3, 5 and 10 of the Convention.

Article 10 of the Convention provides:

“1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include

freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without

interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not

prevent states from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema


2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities,

may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are

prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of

national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or

crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or

rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence,

or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”

731. The Court observes that similar complaints were raised in El-Masri

and Al Nashiri v. Poland and were declared inadmissible as being

manifestly ill-founded (see El-Masri, cited above, § 264-265; and

Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, §§ 581-582 ).

732. It finds no reason to hold otherwise in the present case and

concludes that this complaint must be rejected in accordance with Article 35

§§ 3 (a) and 4 of the Convention.


733. Article 46 of the Convention reads, in so far as relevant, as follows:

“1. The High Contracting Parties undertake to abide by the final judgment of the

Court in any case to which they are parties.

2. The final judgment of the Court shall be transmitted to the Committee of

Ministers, which shall supervise its execution. ..”

A. The parties

734. The applicant submitted that the Romanian Government was under

an obligation to use all available means at its disposal to ensure that the

USA would not subject him to the death penalty. He relied, among other

things, on the Court’s judgment in Al-Saadoon and Mufdhi (cited above). In

his submission, those means should include but not be limited to:



(i) making written submissions against the death penalty to the

US Secretary of Defense, copied to the applicant’s military defence counsel;

(ii) obtaining diplomatic assurances from the US Government that they

would not subject him to the death penalty;

(iii) taking all possible steps to establish contact with the applicant in

Guantánamo Bay, including by sending delegates to meet him and monitor

his treatment in custody; and

(iv) retaining – and bearing the costs of – lawyers authorised and

admitted to practice in the relevant jurisdictions in order to take all

necessary action to protect the applicant’s rights while in US custody,

including in military, criminal or other proceedings involving his case.

735. In the applicant’s view, the nature and severity of the violations

sustained by him were comparable to the Convention violations established

the Court’s judgment in Association “21 December 1989” and Others

v. Romania (cited above). He was the victim of a large, multi-State

programme of secret transfers and detention that raised fundamental

questions under the Convention system. This was a situation that, as in

Kelly and Others v. the United Kingdom (no. 30054/96, § 118, 4 May 2001)

... “cried out for an explanation” and Romania had an ongoing duty to

conduct an effective investigation into this case. He thus argued that,

accordingly, Romania must put an end to the continuing violation of his

rights through an effective investigation, also taking into account the

importance for society in Romania and beyond to know the truth about his

ill-treatment and secret detention in Romania.

736. The Government first emphasised that the requested measures were

entirely related to the enforcement of a judgment of the Court. As the Court

had held on many occasions, this issue fell under the competence of the

States, which retained the choice of the means by which they would

discharge their legal obligation, subject to monitoring by the Committee of


Secondly, as opposed to Al-Saadoon and Mufdhi, in the instant case there

was no compelling evidence that the applicant had been transferred to the

USA from Romania. There was therefore no obligation on the part of the

Romanian Government to obtain binding assurances that the death penalty

would not be imposed on the applicant.

Thirdly, some of the measures suggested by the applicant would be

nonsense or would even go against international law. As the Court had

already held in Iskandarov v. Russia (no. 17185/05, judgment of

23 September 2010, § 161) “the individual measure sought by the applicant

would require the respondent Government to interfere with the internal

affairs of a sovereign State”. There was no reason to depart from these

findings in the present, similar case.



737. In sum, the Government invited the Court to find that the

applicant’s request for individual measures had no merit and to reject it as


B. The Court

738. The present case concerns the removal of an applicant from the

territory of the respondent State by means of extraordinary rendition. The

general principles deriving from the Court’s case-law under Article 46 as to

when, in such a situation, the Court may be led to indicate to the State

concerned the adoption of individual measures, including the taking of “all

possible steps” to obtain the appropriate diplomatic assurances from the

destination State have been summarised in Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited

above, §§ 586-588, with further references to the Court’s case-law, in

particular Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy [GC], no. 27765/09, § 209,

ECHR 2012; Assanidze v. Georgia [GC], no. 71503/01, §§ 198 and 202,

ECHR 2004-II; see Savriddin Dzhurayev v. Russia, no. 71386/10, §§ 138,

252-254 and 256, ECHR 2013 (extracts); and Al-Saadoon and Mufdhi, cited

above, § 170).

739. The Court has already found that, through the actions and inaction

of the Romanian authorities in the context of their complicity in the

operation of the CIA HVD Programme on Romania’s territory, the applicant

has been exposed to the risk of the death penalty being imposed on him (see

paragraph 728 above). Even though the proceedings against him before the

military commissions are still pending and the outcome of the trial remains

uncertain, that risk still continues. For the Court, compliance with their

obligations under Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention taken together with

Article 1 of Protocol No. 6 to the Convention requires the Romanian

Government to endeavour to remove that risk as soon as possible, by

seeking assurances from the US authorities that he will not be subjected to

the death penalty (see also Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 589).

740. The applicant also contended that the Romanian authorities were

obliged under Article 46 of the Convention to put an end to the continuing

violation of his rights by carrying out an effective investigation (see

paragraph 735 above). In this connection, it can be inferred from the Court’s

case-law that the obligation of a Contracting State to conduct an effective

investigation under Article 3, as under Article 2, of the Convention persists

as long as such an investigation remains feasible but has not been carried

out or has not met the Convention standards (see, for instance, Association

“21 December 1989” and Others v. Romania, nos. 33810/07 and 18817/08,

§ 202, 24 May 2011; Benzer and Others v. Turkey, no. 23502/06,

§§ 218-219, 12 November 2013; Mocanu and Others, cited above,

§§ 314-326; see also, mutatis mutandis, Jeronovičs v. Latvia [GC],

no. 44898/10, §§ 107 and 118, 5 July 2016). An ongoing failure to provide



the requisite investigation will be regarded as a continuing violation of that

provision (see, mutatis mutandis, Cyprus v. Turkey, cited above, § 136; and

Aslakhanova and Others v. Russia, cited above, §§ 214 and 230).

741. In the present case, given the deficiencies of the investigative

procedures carried out in the applicant’s case, the Court has concluded that

to date Romania has failed to comply with the requirements of a “prompt”,

“thorough” and “effective” investigation for the purposes of Article 3 of the

Convention. In particular, it has found that, in the light of the material

before it, no individuals bearing responsibility for Romanian’s role in the

HVD Programme have so far been identified (see paragraphs 647-656

above). On the basis of the elements in the case-file, there appear to be no

insurmountable practical obstacles to the hitherto lacking effective

investigation being carried out (see Abuyeva and Others v. Russia,

no. 27065/05, §§ 240-241, 2 December 2010).

742. Referring to its case-law cited above (see paragraph 740 above)

regarding the kind of exceptional circumstances capable of justifying the

indication to the respondent State of individual measures under Article 46 of

the Convention, the Court considers it appropriate to give the following


First of all, having regard in particular to the nature of the procedural

violation of Article 3 found in the present case, the obligation incumbent on

Romania under Article 46 inevitably requires that all necessary steps to

reactivate the still pending criminal investigation be taken without delay.

Thereafter, in accordance with the applicable Convention principles (see

paragraphs 638-641 above, with references to the Court’s case-law), the

criminal investigation should be brought to a close as soon as possible,

once, in so far as this proves feasible, the circumstances and conditions

under which the applicant was brought into Romania, treated in Romania

and thereafter removed from Romania have been elucidated further, so as to

enable the identification and, where appropriate, punishment of those


743. It is not, however, for the Court to give any detailed, prescriptive

injunctions in that regard. It falls to the Committee of Ministers, acting

under Article 46 of the Convention, to address the issue of what – in

practical terms – may be required of the respondent Government by way of

compliance (see, mutatis mutandis, Abuyeva and Others v. Russia, cited

above, § 243); and Al Nashiri v. Poland (cited above), § 586, with further

references to the Court’s case-law).


744. Article 41 of the Convention provides:



“If the Court finds that there has been a violation of the Convention or the Protocols

thereto, and if the internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only

partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to

the injured party.”

A. Damage

745. The applicant made no claim for pecuniary damage.

746. As regards non-pecuniary damage, he submitted that Romania’s

acts and omissions had resulted in his suffering very substantial pain and

had caused significant harm to his mental health and overall well-being.

747. Emphasising the severity of the ill-treatment to which he had been

subjected in Romania and the fact that he had endured incommunicado

detention and the violation of his right to respect for his private and family

life during his detention in Romania for a period of one year and some six

months, he asked the Court to make an award of 300,000 euros (EUR) in

that respect. In support of his claim, he cited a number of the Court’s

judgments, including Assanidze, Selmouni (both cited above), Mikheyev

v. Russia (no. 77617/01, judgment of 26 January 2006) and El-Masri (cited

above). As regards the latter, the applicant maintained that Mr El-Masri, a

victim of extremely serious violations of the Convention committed in the

framework of the extraordinary rendition operations, had endured his ordeal

for a period of four months, whereas the applicant had been secretly

detained in Romania for a much longer period. In addition, he was subject

to a criminal process, which entailed a violation of Article 6 § 1 and faced

the death penalty if convicted. Consequently, the non-pecuniary damage

that he had sustained was more severe.

748. The Government asked the Court to find that the claim was

unsubstantiated since there had been no violation of the applicant’s rights

under the Convention. Should the Court consider that the application was

admissible and that the interference with his rights called for an award of

just satisfaction, they maintained that the sum asked for was excessive in

comparison, for instance, to the award made in El-Masri.

749. Article 41 empowers the Court to afford the injured party such

satisfaction as appears to it to be appropriate.

In the present case the Court has found serious violations of several

Convention provisions by the respondent State. It has held that the

responsibility of the respondent State is engaged in respect of the

applicant’s treatment contrary to Article 3 and his secret detention in breach

of Article 5. The respondent State has also failed to carry out an effective

investigation as required under Articles 3 and 13 of the Convention. In

addition, the Court has found a violation of the applicant’s rights under

Article 8. Furthermore, the respondent State has been found responsible for

enabling the CIA to transfer him from its territory, despite the serious risk

that he could have a flagrantly unfair trial in breach of Article 6 § 1 and that



the death penalty could be imposed on him, in violation of Articles 2 and 3

of the Convention taken together with Article 1 of Protocol No. 6 to the

Convention (see paragraphs 656, 678-679, 691-692, 698-699, 710, 722

and 729 above).

In view of the foregoing, the Court considers that the applicant has

undeniably sustained non-pecuniary damage which cannot be made good by

the mere finding of a violation.

750. Consequently, regard being had to the extreme seriousness of the

violations of the Convention of which the applicant has been a victim and

ruling on an equitable basis, as required by Article 41 of the Convention

(see El-Masri, cited above, § 270; Al Nashiri v. Poland, cited above, § 595;

Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, cited above, § 567; and Nasr and Ghali,

cited above, § 348), the Court awards him EUR 100,000, plus any tax that

may be chargeable on that amount.

B. Costs and expenses

751. The applicant made no claim for the costs and expenses incurred in

the proceedings.

752. Accordingly, there is no call to award him any sum on that account.

C. Default interest

753. The Court considers it appropriate that the default interest rate

should be based on the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank,

to which should be added three percentage points.


1. Holds that the matters complained of are within the “jurisdiction” of

Romania within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention and that the

responsibility of Romania is engaged under the Convention, and

dismisses the Government’s preliminary objection concerning a lack of

jurisdiction and responsibility;

2. Decides to join to the merits the Government’s preliminary objections of

non-exhaustion of domestic remedies and non-compliance with the six-

month rule and dismisses them;

3. Declares the complaints under Articles 2, 3, 5, 6 § 1, 8 and 13 of the

Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 6 to the Convention

admissible and the remainder of the application inadmissible;



4. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 3 of the Convention in its

procedural aspect on account of the respondent State’s failure to carry

out an effective investigation into the applicant’s allegations of serious

violations of the Convention, including inhuman treatment and

undisclosed detention;

5. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 3 of the Convention in its

substantive aspect, on account of the respondent State’s complicity in

the CIA High-Value Detainee Programme in that it enabled the US

authorities to subject the applicant to inhuman treatment on its territory

and to transfer him from its territory in spite of a real risk that he would

be subjected to treatment contrary to Article 3;

6. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 5 of the Convention on

account of the applicant’s undisclosed detention on the respondent

State’s territory and the fact that the respondent State enabled the US

authorities to transfer him from its territory, in spite of a real risk that he

would be subjected to further undisclosed detention;

7. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention;

8. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 13 of the Convention on

account of the lack of effective remedies in respect of the applicant’s

grievances under Articles 3, 5 and 8 of the Convention;

9. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention

on account of the transfer of the applicant from the respondent State’s

territory in spite of a real risk that he could face a flagrant denial of


10. Holds that there has been a violation of Articles 2 and 3 of the

Convention taken together with Article 1 of Protocol No. 6 to the

Convention on account of the transfer of the applicant from the

respondent State’s territory in spite of a real risk that he could be

subjected to the death penalty;



11. Holds

(a) that the respondent State is to pay the applicant, within three months

from the date on which the judgment becomes final in accordance with

Article 44 § 2 of the Convention, EUR 100,000 (one hundred thousand

euros), plus any tax that may be chargeable in respect of non-pecuniary


(b) that from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until

settlement simple interest shall be payable on the above amount at a rate

equal to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during

the default period plus three percentage points;

12. Dismisses the remainder of the applicant’s claim for just satisfaction.

Done in English, and delivered at a public hearing in the Human Rights

Building, Strasbourg, on 31 May 2018.

Abel Campos


Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos





List of abbreviations used in the Court

2001 Military Commission Order

– Military Order of 13 November 2001

on Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War

Against Terrorism issued by President George W. Bush

2002 Military Commission Order

– US Department of Defence Military

Commission Order No. 1 on Procedures for Trials by Military Commission

of Certain Non-United States Citizens in the War Against Terrorism of

21 March 2002, issued by D. Rumsfeld, the US Secretary of Defense

2003 PACE Resolution

- Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of

Europe’s Resolution no. 1340 (2003) on rights of persons held in the

custody of the United States in Afghanistan or Guantánamo Bay of 26 June


2004 CIA Background Paper

– background paper on the CIA’s combined

interrogation techniques of 30 December 2004

2004 CIA Report

– CIA Inspector General’s report of 7 May 2004 “Special

Review Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Activities September

2001-October 2003”

2005 HRW List

– Human Rights Watch’s “List of ‘Ghost Prisoners’

Possibly in CIA Custody” of 30 November 2005

2005 HRW Statement

– Human Rights Watch’s Statement on US Secret

Detention Facilities of 6 November 2005

2006 Marty Report

– Report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council

of Europe, Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Rapporteur

Mr Dick Marty, of 12 June 2006, “Alleged secret detentions and unlawful

inter-state transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member

states” (Doc. 10957)

2006 MCA

- US Congress Military Commissions Act of 2006 signed by

President George W. Bush on 17 October 2006

2007 EP Resolution

– European Parliament resolution of 14 February 2007

on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transportation

and illegal detention of prisoners (2006/22009INI)



2007 Marty Report

– Report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council

of Europe, Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Rapporteur

Mr Dick Marty, of 11 June 2007 “Secret detentions and illegal transfers of

detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report” -

(Doc. 11302.rev)

2007 Romanian Senate Report

– Report of the Romanian Senate Inquiry

Committee for investigating statements regarding the existence of the CIA

detention facilities or of some flights of planes leased by the CIA on the

territory of Romania, published in the Official Monitor on 7 May 2008

2009 DOJ Report

– Report of the US Department of Justice, Office of

Professional Responsibility of 29 July 2009 -“Investigation into the Office

of Legal Counsel’s Memoranda Concerning Issues Relating to the Central

Agency’s Use of ‘Enhanced Interrogation Techniques’ on Suspected


2009 MCA

– US Congress Military Commissions Act enacted on

28 October 2009

2010 UN Joint Study

– UN Human Rights Council “Joint Study on Global

Practices in Relation to Secret Detention in the Context of Countering

Terrorism of the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and protection of

Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism”,

released on 19 February 2010

2011 Marty Report

– Report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council

of Europe, Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Rapporteur

Mr Dick Marty, of 16 September 2011, “Abuse of state secrecy and national

security: obstacles to parliamentary and judicial scrutiny of human rights

violations” (Doc. 12714)

2012 EP Resolution

– European Parliament resolution of 11 September

2012 on alleged transportation and illegal detention of prisoners in

European countries by the CIA: follow-up of the European Parliament TDIP

Committee report (2012/2033(INI))

2013 EP Resolution

– European Parliament resolution of 10 October 2013

on alleged transportation and illegal detention of prisoners in European

countries by the CIA (2013/2702(RSP)

2014 US Senate Committee Report

– US Senate Select Committee on

Intelligence’s Executive Summary of the “Study of the Central Intelligence

Agency’s Detention and Interrogation Program”, released on 9 December




2015 EP Resolution

– European Parliament resolution of 11 February 2015

on the US Senate Report on the use of torture by the CIA (2014/2997(RSP))

2015 LIBE Briefing

– Briefing for the European Parliament’s LIBE

Committee Delegation to Romania: CIA Detention in Romania and the

Senate Intelligence Committee Report, dated 15 September 2015

2016 EP Resolution

– European Parliament resolution of 8 June 2016 on

follow-up to the European Parliament resolution of 11 February 2015 on the

US Senate report on the use of torture by the CIA (2016/2573(RSP))


- American Civil Liberties Union


- Amnesty International,


- Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania

– the Helsinki Committee


– Air Traffic Service


– UN Committee against Torture


– Central Intelligence Agency of the United States


– Lithuanian Seimas Committee on National Security and Defence

CNSD Findings

– the Annex to the Seimas’ Resolution No. XI-659 of 19

January 2010 – “Findings of the parliamentary investigation by the Seimas

Committee on National Security and Defence concerning the alleged

transportation and confinement of persons detained by the Central

Intelligence Agency of the United States of America on the territory of the

Republic of Lithuania”


– Computer Sciences Corporation


– Chief of the Counterterrorism Center








Conditions for CIA Detainees signed on 28 January 2003

DCI Interrogation Guidelines

– CIA Guidelines on Interrogations

Conducted Pursuant to the Presidential Memorandum of Notification of

17 September 2001 signed on 28 January 2003


– CIA Deputy Director for Operations


– Enhanced Interrogation Techniques


– European Parliament


– European Union



Fava Inquiry

– inquiry following the European Parliament’s decision

setting up a Temporary Committee on the alleged use of European countries

by the CIA for the transportation and illegal detention of prisoners of

18 January 2006, Rapporteur Giovanni Claudio Fava


- Federal Bureau of Investigation

Flautre Report

– Report of the European Parliament Committee on Civil

Liberties Justice and Home Affairs on alleged transportation and illegal

detention of prisoners in European countries by the CIA: follow-up of the

European Parliament TDIP Committee (2012/2033(INI)), Rapporteur

Hélène Flautre, adopted by the European Parliament on 11 September 2012


- high-value detainee

HVD Programme

- High-Value Detainees Program


- high-value targets


- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights


- International Commission of Jurists


- International Committee of the Red Cross

III Geneva Convention

- Geneva (III) Convention relative to the

Treatment of Prisoners of War of 12 August 1949

IV Geneva Convention

- Geneva (IV) Convention relative to the

Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949

ILC Articles

– International Law Commission 2001 Articles on

Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts


Convention International Rehabilitation Council for Torture


Convention Jeppesen International Trip Planning Service


– European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and

Home Affairs

Marty Inquiry

- inquiry into the allegations of CIA secret detention

facilities in the Council of Europe’s member States launched by the

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 1 November 2005 and

conducted by Senator Dick Marty

Media Groups

- twelve media organisations represented by Howard

Kennedy Fsi LLP


- covert action Memorandum of Notification signed by President

George W. Bush on 17 September 2001


– North Atlantic Treaty Organisation



new CCP

- Romanian Code of Criminal Procedure of 1 July 2010 in force

as from 1 February 2014


- Office of the Director of National Intelligence


- CIA Office of General Counsel


– Office of Inspector General


– Office of Legal Counsel

old CCP

– Romanian Code of Criminal Procedure in force until 31 January



– the National Registry Office for Classified Information (Oficiul

Registrului Naţional al Informaţiilor Secrete de Stat)


– Open Society Justice Initiative


– Office of Technical Service


– Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


– Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Cassation –

(Parchetul de pe lângă Ȋnalta Curte de Casație şi Justiție)


– Romanian Airport Services


– Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority (Autoritatea Aeronautică

Civilă Română)

RDI Programme

- Rendition Detention Interrogation Program

Romanian Senate Inquiry Committee

- Inquiry Committee for

investigating statements regarding the existence of the CIA detention

facilities or of some flights of planes leased by the CIA on the territory of

Romania (Comisia de anchetă pentru investigarea afirmaţiilor cu privire la

existenţa unor centre de detenţie ale CIA sau a unor zboruri ale avioanelor

închiriate de CIA pe teritoriul României) set up by the Romanian

Parliament on 21 December 2005


– Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration


– Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the Rendition Project


– European Parliament’s Temporary Committee on the alleged use of

European countries by the CIA for the transportation and illegal detention of



– United Nations

UN Special Rapporteur

– UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and

protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering





– UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or

Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 10 December 1984

Venice Commission

- European Commission for Democracy through Law




List of references to the Court

A. v. the United Kingdom, 23 September 1998, Reports of Judgments and

Decisions 1998-VI

Abuyeva and Others v. Russia, no. 27065/05, 2 December 2010

Aksoy v. Turkey, 18 December 1996, Reports of Judgments and Decisions


Al Nashiri v. Poland, no. 28761/11, 24 July 2014

Al-Adsani v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 35763/97, ECHR 2001-XI

Al-Saadoon and Mufdhi v. the United Kingdom, no. 61498/08, ECHR 2010

Al-Skeini and Others v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 55721/07,

ECHR 2011

Anguelova v. Bulgaria, no. 38361/97, ECHR 2002 IV

Armani Da Silva v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 5878/08, ECHR 2016

Aslakhanova and Others v. Russia, nos. 2944/06 and 4 others, 18 December


Assanidze v. Georgia [GC], no. 71503/01, ECHR 2004-II

Assenov and Others v. Bulgaria, 28 October 1998, Reports of Judgments

and Decisions 1998-VIII

Association “21 December 1989” and Others v. Romania, nos. 33810/07

and 18817/08, 24 May 2011

Babar Ahmad and Others v. the United Kingdom, nos. 24027/07 and

4 others, 10 April 2012

Banković and Others v. Belgium and Others (dec.) [GC], no. 52207/99,


Benzer and Others v. Turkey, no. 23502/06, 12 November 2013

Çakıcı v. Turkey [GC], no. 23657/94, ECHR 1999-IV



Cestaro v. Italy, no. 6884/11, 7 April 2015

Chahal v. the United Kingdom, 15 November 1996, Reports of Judgments

and Decisions 1996-V

Creangă v. Romania [GC], no. 29226/03, 23 February 2012

Cyprus v. Turkey [GC], no. 25781/94, ECHR 2001-IV

Egmez v. Cyprus, no. 30873/96, ECHR 2000-XII

El-Masri v. the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia [GC],

no. 39630/09, ECHR 2012

Gäfgen v. Germany [GC], no. 22978/05, § 91, ECHR 2010

Gentilhomme, Schaff-Benhadji and Zerouki v. France, nos. 48205/99 and

2 others, 14 May 2002

Georgia v. Russia (I) [GC], no. 13255/07, ECHR 2014 (extracts)

Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy [GC], no. 27765/09, ECHR 2012

Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, no. 7511/13, 24 July 2014

Ilaşcu and Others v. Moldova and Russia [GC], no. 48787/99,


İlhan v. Turkey [GC], no. 22277/93, ECHR 2000-VII

Imakayeva v. Russia, no. 7615/02, ECHR 2006-XIII (extracts)

Ireland v. the United Kingdom, 18 January 1978, Series A no. 25

Jalloh v. Germany [GC], no. 54810/00, ECHR 2006-IX

Jeronovičs v. Latvia [GC], no. 44898/10, 5 July 2016

Kadirova and Others v. Russia, no. 5432/07, 27 March 2012

Kaya v. Turkey, 19 February 1998, Reports of Judgments and Decisions


Krastanov v. Bulgaria, no. 50222/99, 30 September 2004

Kudła v. Poland [GC], no. 30210/96, ECHR 2000-XI



Kurt v. Turkey, 25 May 1998, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1998-III

Labita v. Italy [GC], no. 26772/95, ECHR 2000-IV

Loizidou v. Turkey (preliminary objections), 23 March 1995, Series A

no. 310

Mahmut Kaya v. Turkey, no. 22535/93, ECHR 2000-III

Mamatkulov and Askarov v. Turkey [GC], nos. 46827/99 and 46951/99,

ECHR 2005-I

Mocanu and Others v. Romania [GC], nos. 10865/09 and 2 others, ECHR

2014 (extracts)

Nachova and Others v. Bulgaria [GC], nos. 43577/98 and 43579/98, ECHR


Nasr and Ghali v. Italy, no. 44883/09, 23 February 2016

Öcalan v. Turkey [GC], no. 46221/99, ECHR 2005-IV

Othman (Abu Qatada) v. the United Kingdom, no. 8139/09, ECHR 2012


Pretty v. the United Kingdom, no. 2346/02, ECHR 2002-III

Quinn v. France, 22 March 1995, Series A no. 311

Saadi v. Italy [GC], no. 37201/06, ECHR 2008

Salman v. Turkey [GC], no. 21986/93, ECHR 2000-VII

Sargsyan v. Azerbaijan [GC], no. 40167/06, ECHR 2015

Savriddin Dzhurayev v. Russia, no. 71386/10, ECHR 2013 (extracts)

Selmouni v. France [GC], no. 25803/94, ECHR 1999-V

Shamayev and Others v. Georgia and Russia, no. 36378/02, ECHR 2005-III

Soering v. the United Kingdom, 7 July 1989, Series A no. 161

Varnava and Others v. Turkey [GC], nos. 16064/90 and 8 others,

ECHR 2009

Z. and Others v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 29392/95, ECHR 2001-V



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